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"MEISTER ECKHART," who has been called the "Father of German tho !ht," was a "om#n#can mon$, and one of the most %rofo nd th#n$ers of the M#ddle A!es& He was born abo t '()* A&"& #n Th r#n!#a, and d#ed at Colo!ne '+(, A&"& In '(-. he was Pr#or of the "om#n#cans at Erf rt and /#car0General of Th r#n!#a& In '+** he was sent to the 1n#2ers#t3 of Par#s, where he st d#ed Ar#stotle and the Platon#sts, and too$ the de!ree of Master of Arts& It #s %oss#ble also that he ta !ht at Par#s& He alread3 had a w#de re% tat#on as a %h#loso%her, and was s mmoned to Rome #n '+*( to ass#st Po%e 4on#face /III& #n h#s str !!le a!a#nst Ph#l#% the Fa#r& In '+*5 he became Pro2#nc#al of h#s order for Sa6on3, and #n '+*, /#car0General of 4ohem#a& In '+'' he was sent a!a#n to act as %rofessor of theolo!3 #n the school of "om#n#cans #n Par#s, and afterwards #n Strasb r!& E2er3where h#s teach#n! and %reach#n! left a dee% mar$& At Strasb r! he aro sed s s%#c#ons and created enem#es7 h#s doctr#ne was acc sed of resembl#n! that of the heret#cal sects of the "4e!hards" and "4rothers of the Hol3 S%#r#t&" The S %er#or0General of the 8rder had h#s wr#t#n!s s bm#tted to a close e6am#nat#on b3 the Pr#ors of 9orms and Ma3ence& The h#stor3 of th#s e%#sode #s 2er3 obsc re& It a%%ears that Ec$hart was c#ted before the tr#b nal of the In: #s#t#on at Colo!ne, and that he %rofessed h#mself w#ll#n! to w#thdraw an3th#n! that h#s wr#t#n!s m#!ht conta#n contrar3 to the teach#n! of the Ch rch& The matter was referred to the Po%e, who, #n '+(-, condemned certa#n %ro%os#t#ons e6tracted from the wr#t#n!s of Ec$hart two 3ears after the death of the latter& The #m%ortance of Ec$hart #n the h#stor3 of scholast#c %h#loso%h3 #s cons#derable& At that %er#od all the efforts of rel#!#o s %h#loso%h3 were d#rected to w#den theolo!3, and to effect a reconc#l#at#on between reason and fa#th& The f ndamental #dea of Ec$hart;s %h#loso%h3 #s that of the Absol te or Abstract 1n#t3 conce#2ed as the sole real e6#stence& H#s God #s the of the neo%laton#sts< He #s absol tel3 de2o#d of attr#b tes wh#ch wo ld be a l#m#tat#on of H#s Inf#n#t3& God #s #ncom%rehens#ble7 #n fact, w#th re!ard to o r l#m#ted #ntell#!ence, God #s the or#!#n and f#nal end of e2er3 be#n!& How then, #t ma3 be as$ed, can God be a Person= The answer #s, that b3 the eternal !enerat#on of the Son the Father becomes consc#o s of H#mself, and the >o2e reflected bac$ to the Father b3 the Son #s the Hol3 S%#r#t& To!ether w#th the Son, God also be!ets the #deal forms of created th#n!s& The Absol te #s th s the common bac$!ro nd of God and the 1n#2erse& >#$e as the Son does, so e2er3th#n! born of God tends to ret rn to H#m, and to lose #tself #n the n#t3 of H#s 4e#n!& Th#s theolo!3 #s reall3 Panthe#sm& 8f the Absol te we ha2e no co!n#?ance b t onl3 of %henomena, b t b3 the resol te endea2o r to abstract o rsel2es from t#me and s%ace, we can, accord#n! to Ec$hart, at rare moments, atta#n to the Absol te b3 2#rt e of what he calls "the s%ar$" @F n$ele#nA of the so l, wh#ch comes d#rect from God& Th#s #s reall3 God act#n! #n man7 to $now God #s to be one w#th God& Th#s #s the f#nal end of all o r act#2#t3, and the means of atta#n#n! thereto #s com%lete : #et#sm& 4 t Ec$hart shran$ from carr3#n! h#s doctr#nes o t to the#r e6treme lo!#cal concl s#on, tho !h some of the

more fanat#cal amon! h#s followers d#d so& 8n acco nt of h#s #ns#stence on the #mmed#ac3 of man;s a%%roach to God, a%art from Ch rch #nst#t t#ons, he ma3 be B stl3 re!arded as a fore0r nner of the Reformat#on& Cote&00The best acco nt of Ec$hart #n En!l#sh #s %robabl3 to be fo nd #n /a !han;s "Ho rs w#th the M3st#cs," 2ol& #&


ST D8HC 2#& 55&00"Co one can come nto Me, e6ce%t the Father wh#ch hath sent Me draw h#m&" 81R >ord Des s Chr#st hath #n the Gos%el s%o$en w#th H#s own blessed l#%s these words, wh#ch s#!n#f3, "Co man can come to Me nless M3 Father draw h#m&" In another %lace He sa3s, "I am #n the Father and the Father #n Me&" Therefore whoe2er cometh to the Son cometh to the Father& F rther, He sa#th, "I and the Father are 8ne& Therefore whomsoe2er the Father draweth, the Son draweth l#$ew#se&" St A ! st#ne also sa#th, "The wor$s of the Hol3 Tr#n#t3 are #nse%arable from each other&" Therefore the Father draweth to the Son, and the Son draweth to the Hol3 Ghost, and the Hol3 Ghost draweth to the Father and the Son7 and each Person of the Tr#n#t3, when He draweth to the Two 8thers, draweth to H#mself, beca se the Three are 8ne& The Father draweth w#th the m#!ht of H#s %ower, the Son draweth w#th H#s nfathomable w#sdom, the Hol3 Ghost draweth w#th H#s lo2e& Th s we are drawn b3 the Sacred Tr#n#t3 w#th the cords of Power, 9#sdom and >o2e, when we are drawn from an e2#l th#n! to a !ood th#n!, and from a !ood th#n! to a better, and from a better th#n! to the best of all& Cow the Father draws s from the e2#l of s#n to the !oodness of H#s !race w#th the m#!ht of H#s meas reless %ower, and He needs all the reso rces of H#s stren!th #n order to con2ert s#nners, more than when He was abo t to ma$e hea2en and earth, wh#ch He made w#th H#s own %ower w#tho t hel% from an3 creat re& 4 t when He #s abo t to con2ert a s#nner, He alwa3s needs the s#nner;s hel%& "He con2erts thee not w#tho t th3 hel%," as St A ! st#ne sa3s& Therefore deadl3 s#n #s a breach of nat re, a death of the so l, a d#s: #et of the heart, a wea$en#n! of %ower, a bl#ndness of the sense, a sorrow of the s%#r#t, a death of !race, a death of 2#rt e, a death of !ood wor$s, an aberrat#on of the s%#r#t, a fellowsh#% w#th the de2#l, an e6% ls#on of Chr#st#an#t3, a d n!eon of hell, a ban: et of hell, an etern#t3 of hell& Therefore, #f tho comm#ttest a deadl3 s#n tho art ! #lt3 of all these and #nc rrest the#r conse: ences& Re!ard#n! the f#rst %o#nt< "eadl3 s#n #s a breach of nat re, for e2er3 man;s nat re #s an #ma!e and l#$eness and m#rror of the Tr#n#t3, of Godhead and of etern#t3& All these to!ether are marred b3 a deadl3 s#n7 therefore, #t #s a breach of nat re& S ch s#n #s also the death of the so l, for death #s to lose l#fe& Cow God #s the l#fe of the so l, and deadl3 s#n se%arates from God7 therefore #t #s a death of the so l& "eadl3 s#n #s also a d#s: #et of the heart, for e2er3th#n! rests nowhere e6ce%t #n #ts own %ro%er %lace7 and the %ro%er rest#n!0%lace of the so l #s nowhere e6ce%t #n God as St A ! st#ne sa#th, ">ordE Tho hast made s for Th3self, therefore we ma3 not rest an3where sa2e #n Thee&" "eadl3 s#n #s also a wea$en#n! of the %owers, for b3 h#s own %ower no one can throw off the load of s#n nor restra#n h#mself from comm#tt#n! s#n& It #s also a bl#ndness of the

sense, for #t %re2ents a man reco!n#?#n! how br#ef #s the s%ace of t#me that can be s%ent #n the %leas re of 2ol %t o sness, and how lon! are the %a#ns of hell and the Bo3s of hea2en& "eadl3 s#n #s also a death of all !race, for whene2er s ch a s#n #s comm#tted, the so l #s bereft of all !race& S#m#larl3, #t #s the death of all 2#rt e and !ood wor$s, and an aberrat#on of the s%#r#t& It #s also a fellowsh#% w#th the "e2#l, for e2er3th#n! hath fellowsh#% w#th #ts l#$e7 and s#n ma$eth the so l and Satan resemble each other& It #s also an e6% ls#on of Chr#st#an#t3, for #t de%r#2eth the s#nner of all the %rof#t that comes from Chr#st#an#t3& It #s also a d n!eon of hell, for #f the so l rema#n #n the % r#t3 #n wh#ch God created her, ne#ther an!el nor de2#l ma3 rob her of her freedom& 4 t s#n conf#nes #t #n hell& S#n #s also an etern#t3 of hell, for etern#t3 #s #n the w#ll, and were #t not #n the w#ll, #t wo ld not be #n the consc#o sness& Cow, %eo%le sa3 when the3 comm#t s#n, that the3 do not #ntend to do so alwa3s7 the3 #ntend to t rn awa3 from s#n& That #s B st as tho !h a man were to $#ll h#mself and s %%ose that he co ld ma$e h#mself al#2e a!a#n b3 h#s own stren!th& That #s, howe2er, #m%oss#ble7 b t to t rn from s#n b3 one;s own %ower and come to God #s st#ll m ch more #m%oss#ble& Therefore, whosoe2er #s to t rn from s#n and come to God #n H#s hea2enl3 $#n!dom, m st be drawn b3 the hea2enl3 Father w#th the m#!ht of H#s d#2#ne %ower& The Father also draws the Son who comes to hel% s w#th H#s !race, b3 st#m lat#n! o r free w#ll to t rn awa3 from, and hate s#n, wh#ch has drawn s as#de from God, and from the #mm table !oodness of the Godhead& Then, #f she #s w#ll#n!, He %o rs the !#ft of H#s !race #nto the so l, wh#ch reno nces all her m#ser3 and s#n, and all her wor$s become l#2#n!& Cow, th#s !race s%r#n!s from the centre of Godhead and the Father;s heart, and flows %er%et all3, nor e2er ceases, #f the so l obe3s H#s e2erlast#n! lo2e& Therefore He sa#th #n the %ro%hets< "I ha2e lo2ed thee w#th an e2erlast#n! lo2e, therefore w#th lo2#n! $#ndness ha2e I drawn thee&" 8 t of the o2erflow of H#s n#2ersal lo2e He des#res to draw all to H#mself, and to H#s 8nl30be!otten Son, and to the Hol3 Ghost #n the Bo3 of the hea2enl3 $#n!dom& Cow, we sho ld $now that before o r >ord Des s Chr#st was born, the Hea2enl3 Father drew men w#th all H#s m#!ht for f#2e tho sand, two h ndred 3ears7 and 3et, as far as we $now, bro !ht not one #nto the hea2enl3 $#n!dom& So, when the Son saw that the Father had th s stron!l3 drawn men and e2en wear#ed H#mself, and 3et not s cceeded, He sa#d to the Father< "I w#ll draw them w#th the cords of a man&" It was as tho !h He sa#d, "I see well, Father, that Tho w#th all Th3 m#!ht, canst not s cceed, therefore w#ll I m3self draw them w#th the cords of a man&" Therefore the Son came down from hea2en, and was #ncarnate of a /#r!#n, and too$ %on H#m all o r bod#l3 wea$nesses, e6ce%t s#n and foll3, #nto wh#ch Adam had cast s7 and o t of all H#s words and wor$s and l#mbs and ner2es, He made a cord, and drew s so s$#llf ll3, and so heart#l3, that the blood3 sweat %o red from H#s sacred 4od3& And when He had drawn men w#tho t ceas#n! for three and th#rt3 3ears, He saw the be!#nn#n!s of a mo2ement and the redem%t#on of all th#n!s that wo ld follow& Therefore He sa#d, "And I, #f I be l#fted % on the Cross, w#ll draw all men nto Me&" Therefore He was stretched %on the Cross, and la#d as#de all H#s !lor3, and whate2er m#!ht h#nder H#s draw#n! men&

Cow, there are three nat ral means of attract#on w#th wh#ch Chr#st on the Cross drew to H#mself between the th#rd and the n#nth ho r, more %eo%le than He had drawn before d r#n! the three and th#rt3 3ears of H#s l#fe& The f#rst means b3 wh#ch He draws #s aff#n#t3, that aff#n#t3 wh#ch br#n!s creat res of the same s%ec#es to!ether, and l#$e to #ts l#$e& 9#th th#s cord of aff#n#t3 he drew men to the Godhead, 9hom He alwa3s resembles& In order that God ma3 draw more to H#mself, and for!et H#s wrath, the Son sa#th, "4elo2ed Father, see#n! that Tho wo ldest not for!#2e s#ns beca se of all the former sacr#f#ces offered, lo I, Th#ne 8nl3 be!otten Son, 9ho resemble Th3 Godhead #n all th#n!s, #n 9hom Tho hast h#dden all the r#ches of d#2#ne lo2e, I come to the Cross, that I ma3 be a l#2#n! sacr#f#ce before Th#ne e3es7 that o t of Th3 fatherl3 com%ass#on Tho ma3est bend and loo$ on Me, Th#ne onl3 Son, and on M3 4lood flow#n! from M3 wo nds, and sla$e the f#er3 sword w#th wh#ch #n the an!el;s hands Tho hast barred the wa3 to Parad#se, that all who ha2e re%ented and bewa#led the#r s#ns thro !h Me, ma3 enter there#n&" The second means of attract#on wh#ch He sed #s Em%t#ness, as we see when we %lace one end of a hollow %#%e #n water, and draw % #t b3 s ct#on7 the water r ns % the stem to the mo th, beca se the em%t#ness of the %#%e, from wh#ch the a#r has been drawn, draws the water to #tself& So 8 r >ord Des s Chr#st made H#mself em%t3 that He m#!ht w#sel3 draw all th#n!s to H#mself& Therefore He let all the blood that was #n H#s 4od3 flow o t, and so attracted to H#mself all the com%ass#on and !race that was #n H#s Father;s heart, so com%letel3 and %rof#tabl3 as to s ff#ce for the whole world& Accord#n!l3, the Father sa#d, "M3 com%ass#on w#ll I ne2er for!et," and f rther, "Cow, M3 Son, be bold and stron! that Tho ma3est lead the %eo%le alto!ether #nto the land wh#ch I ha2e %rom#sed, the land of hea2enl3 Bo3s, the land wh#ch floweth w#th the hone3 of M3 Godhead, and w#th the m#l$ of Th3 manhood&" The th#rd means of attract#on #s th#s00that as we see the s n draw % the m#sts from the earth to hea2en, so the heart of o r >ord Des s Chr#st wa6ed hot as a f#er3 f rnace %on the Cross, so f#ercel3 b rned the flame of lo2e wh#ch He felt towards the whole world& Th s, w#th the heat of H#s lo2e, from wh#ch noth#n! co ld be h#dden, so #ntense was #t00 He drew the whole world to H#mself& Ce2er d#d o r >ord Des s Chr#st d#s%la3 s ch !reat lo2e as when He s ffered the tort re of the Cross when He !a2e H#s l#fe for s, and washed o r s#ns w#th H#s %rec#o s 4lood& Therefore w#th the cords of >o2e, He drew s all to H#mself %on the Cross that those who feel the draw#n! of H#s death and mart3rdom m#!ht l#2e w#th H#m #n e2erlast#n! fel#c#t3& Cow when the Hol3 S%#r#t saw that the 8nl3 4e!otten Son of the Father had drawn so w#sel3 that He had won to H#mself all th#n!s #n hea2en and earth, He also felt #m%elled b3 H#s own lo2e and $#ndness to draw& Therefore He sa#d, "I w#ll also draw w#th M3 cords and M3 net&" So He made a net of the se2en h#!h attr#b tes of the Father, of the se2en !races of the Son, of H#s own se2en !#fts, and of the se2en Chr#st#an 2#rt es& Th s He ass res s that we shall ne2er %er#sh, for we are so ca !ht b3 H#s !oodness that He e6%els from s all the e2#l wor$s of the flesh, and %rod ces #n s H#s fr #ts, so that we !a#n the reward of e2erlast#n! l#fe&

Ma3 the Father of H#s lo2e, and the Son of H#s !race, and the Hol3 S%#r#t w#th H#s fellowsh#%, !rant s to be worth3 of the same& Amen&


ST > $e 66#, +'&00" Know that the K#n!dom of God #s near&" 81R >ord sa#th that the K#n!dom of God #s near s& Fea, the K#n!dom of God #s w#th#n s as St Pa l sa#th "o r sal2at#on #s nearer than when we bel#e2ed&" Cow we sho ld $now #n what manner the K#n!dom of God #s near s& Therefore let s %a3 d#l#!ent attent#on to the mean#n! of the words& If I were a $#n!, and d#d not $now #t, I sho ld not reall3 be a $#n!& 4 t, #f I were f ll3 con2#nced that I was a $#n!, and all man$#nd co#nc#ded #n m3 bel#ef, and I $new that the3 shared m3 con2#ct#on, I sho ld #ndeed be a $#n!, and all the wealth of the $#n! wo ld be m#ne& 4 t, #f one of these three cond#t#ons were lac$#n!, I sho ld not reall3 be a $#n!& In s#m#lar fash#on o r sal2at#on de%ends %on o r $now#n! and reco!n#?#n! the Ch#ef Good wh#ch #s God H#mself& I ha2e a ca%ac#t3 #n m3 so l for ta$#n! #n God ent#rel3& I am as s re as I l#2e that noth#n! #s so near to me as God& God #s nearer to me than I am to m3self7 m3 e6#stence de%ends on the nearness and %resence of God& He #s also near th#n!s of wood and stone, b t the3 $now #t not& If a %#ece of wood became as aware of the nearness of God as an archan!el #s, the %#ece of wood wo ld be as ha%%3 as an archan!el& For th#s reason man #s ha%%#er than the #nan#mate wood, beca se he $nows and nderstands how God #s near h#m& H#s ha%%#ness #ncreases and d#m#n#shes #n %ro%ort#on to the #ncrease and d#m#n t#on #n h#s $nowled!e of th#s& H#s ha%%#ness does not ar#se from th#s that God #s near h#m, and #n h#m, and that He %ossesses God7 b t from th#s, that he knows the nearness of God, and lo2es H#m, and #s aware that "the K#n!dom of God #s near&" So, when I th#n$ on God;s K#n!dom, I am com%elled to be s#lent beca se of #ts #mmens#t3, beca se God;s K#n!dom #s none other than God H#mself w#th all H#s r#ches& God;s K#n!dom #s no small th#n!< we ma3 s r2e3 #n #ma!#nat#on all the worlds of God;s creat#on, b t the3 are not God;s K#n!dom& In wh#che2er so l God;s K#n!dom a%%eareth, and wh#ch $noweth God;s K#n!dom, that so l needeth no h man %reach#n! or #nstr ct#on7 #t #s ta !ht from w#th#n and ass red of eternal l#fe& 9hoe2er $nows and reco!n#?es how near God;s K#n!dom #s to h#m ma3 sa3 w#th Dacob, "God #s #n th#s %lace, and I $new #t not&" God #s e: all3 near #n all creat res& The w#se man sa#th, "God hath s%read o t H#s net o2er all creat res, so that whosoe2er w#shes to d#sco2er H#m ma3 f#nd and reco!n#?e H#m #n each one&" Another sa#th, "He $nows God r#!htl3 who reco!n#?es H#m al#$e #n all th#n!s&" To ser2e God w#th fear #s !ood7 to ser2e H#m o t of lo2e #s better7 b t to fear and lo2e H#m to!ether #s best of all& To ha2e a restf l or %eacef l l#fe #n God #s !ood7 to bear a l#fe of %a#n #n %at#ence #s better7 b t to ha2e %eace #n the m#dst of %a#n #s the best of all& A man ma3 !o #nto the f#eld and sa3 h#s %ra3er and be aware of God, or, he ma3 be #n Ch rch and be aware of God7 b t, #f he #s more aware of H#m beca se he #s #n a : #et %lace, that #s h#s own def#c#enc3 and not d e to God, 9ho #s al#$e %resent #n all th#n!s

and %laces, and #s w#ll#n! to !#2e H#mself e2er3where so far as l#es #n H#m& He $nows God r#!htl3 who $nows H#m e2er3where& St 4ernard sa#th, "How #s #t that m#ne e3e and not m3 foot sees hea2en= 4eca se m#ne e3e #s more l#$e hea2en than m3 foot #s& So, #f m3 so l #s to $now God, #t m st be God0l#$e&" Cow, how #s the so l to arr#2e at th#s hea2enl3 state that #t reco!n#?es God #n #tself, and $nows that He #s near= 43 co%3#n! the hea2ens, wh#ch can rece#2e no #m% lse from w#tho t to mar the#r tran: #l#t3& Th s m st the so l, wh#ch wo ld $now God, be rooted and !ro nded #n H#m so steadfastl3, as to s ffer no %ert rbat#on of fear or ho%e, or Bo3 or sorrow, or lo2e or hate, or an3th#n! wh#ch ma3 d#st rb #ts %eace& The hea2ens are e2er3where al#$e remote from earth, so sho ld the so l be remote from all earthl3 th#n!s al#$e so as not to be nearer to one than another& It sho ld $ee% the same att#t de of aloofness #n lo2e and hate, #n %ossess#on and reno ncement, that #s, #t sho ld be s#m ltaneo sl3 dead, res#!ned and l#fted %& The hea2ens are % re and clear w#tho t shadow of sta#n, o t of s%ace and o t of t#me& Coth#n! cor%oreal #s fo nd there& The#r re2ol t#ons are #ncred#bl3 sw#ft and #nde%endent of t#me, tho !h t#me de%ends on them& Coth#n! h#nders the so l so m ch #n atta#n#n! to the $nowled!e of God as t#me and %lace& Therefore, #f the so l #s to $now God, #t m st $now H#m o ts#de t#me and %lace, s#nce God #s ne#ther #n th#s or that, b t 8ne and abo2e them& If the so l #s to see God, #t m st loo$ at noth#n! #n t#me7 for wh#le the so l #s occ %#ed w#th t#me or %lace or an3 #ma!e of the $#nd, #t cannot reco!n#?e God& If #t #s to $now H#m, #t m st ha2e no fellowsh#% w#th noth#n!ness& 8nl3 he $nows God who reco!n#?es that all creat res are noth#n!ness& For, #f one creat re be set o2er a!a#nst another, #t ma3 a%%ear to be bea t#f l and somewhat, b t #f #t be set o2er a!a#nst God, #t #s noth#n!& I sa3 moreo2er< If the so l #s to $now God #t m st for!et #tself and lose #tself, for as lon! as #t contem%lates self, #t cannot contem%late God& 9hen #t has lost #tself and e2er3th#n! #n God, #t f#nds #tself a!a#n #n God when #t atta#ns to the $nowled!e of H#m, and #t f#nds also e2er3th#n! wh#ch #t had abandoned com%lete #n God& If I am to $now the h#!hest !ood, and the e2erlast#n! Godhead, tr l3, I m st $now them as the3 are #n themsel2es a%art from creat#on& If I am to $now real e6#stence, I m st $now #t as #t #s #n #tself, not as #t #s %arceled o t #n creat res& The whole 4e#n! of God #s conta#ned #n God alone& The whole of h man#t3 #s not conta#ned #n one man, for one man #s not all men& 4 t #n God the so l $nows all h man#t3, and all th#n!s at the#r h#!hest le2el of e6#stence, s#nce #t $nows them #n the#r essence& S %%ose an3 one to be in a bea t#f ll3 adorned ho se< he wo ld $now m ch more abo t #t than one who had ne2er entered there#n, and 3et w#shed to s%ea$ m ch abo t #t& Th s, I am as s re, as I am of m3 own e6#stence and God;s, that, #f the so l #s to $now God, #t m st $now H#m o ts#de of t#me and %lace& S ch a so l w#ll $now clearl3 how near God;s $#n!dom #s& Schoolmen ha2e often as$ed how #t #s %oss#ble for the so l to $now God& It #s not from se2er#t3 that God demands m ch from men #n order to obta#n the $nowled!e of H#mself< #t #s of H#s $#ndness that He w#lls the so l b3 effort to !row ca%ac#o s of rece#2#n! m ch, and that He ma3 !#2e m ch& >et no man th#n$ that to atta#n th#s $nowled!e #s too

d#ff#c lt, altho !h #t ma3 so nd so, and #ndeed the commencement of #t, and the reno ncement of all th#n!s, is d#ff#c lt& 4 t when one atta#ns to #t, no l#fe #s eas#er nor more %leasant nor more lo2able, s#nce God #s alwa3s endea2o r#n! to dwell w#th man, and teach h#m #n order to br#n! h#m to H#mself& Co man des#res an3th#n! so ea!erl3 as God des#res to br#n! men to the $nowled!e of H#mself& God #s alwa3s read3, b t we are 2er3 nread3& God #s near s, b t we are far from H#m& God #s w#th#n, and we are w#tho t& God #s fr#endl37 we are estran!ed& The %ro%het sa#th, "God leadeth the r#!hteo s b3 a narrow %ath #nto a broad and w#de %lace, that #s #nto the tr e freedom of those who ha2e become one s%#r#t w#th God&" Ma3 God hel% s all to follow H#m that He ma3 br#n! s to H#mself& Amen&


ST& >1KE #& (G&00"Ha#l, tho that art h#!hl3 fa2o red amon! women, the >ord #s w#th thee&" HERE there are three th#n!s to nderstand< the f#rst, the modest3 of the an!el7 the second, that he tho !ht h#mself nworth3 to accost the Mother of God7 the th#rd, that he not onl3 addressed her, b t the !reat m lt#t de of so ls who lon! after God& I aff#rm that had the /#r!#n not f#rst borne God s%#r#t all3 He wo ld ne2er ha2e been born from her #n bod#l3 fash#on& A certa#n woman sa#d to Chr#st, "4lessed #s the womb that bear Thee&" To wh#ch Chr#st answered, "Ca3, rather blessed are the3 that hear the 9ord of God and $ee% #t&" It #s more worth3 of God that He be born s%#r#t all3 of e2er3 % re and 2#r!#n so l, than that He be born of Mar3& Hereb3 we sho ld nderstand that h man#t3 #s, so to s%ea$, the Son of God born from all etern#t3& The Father %rod ced all creat res, and me amon! them, and I #ss ed forth from H#m w#th all creat res, and 3et I ab#de #n the Father& D st as the word wh#ch I now s%ea$ #s conce#2ed and s%o$en forth b3 me, and 3o all rece#2e #t, 3et none the less #t ab#des #n me& Th s I and all creat res ab#de #n the Father& Hereto I adBo#n a %arable& There were a certa#n man and w#fe7 the woman b3 acc#dent lost an e3e, and was sorel3 tro bled thereat& Her h sband then sa#d to her, "9#fe, wh3 are 3o tro bled= "She answered, "It #s not the loss of m3 e3e that tro bles me, b t the tho !ht that 3o ma3 lo2e me less on acco nt of that loss&" He sa#d, "I lo2e 3o all the same&" Cot lon! after he % t one of h#s own e3es o t, and came to h#s w#fe and sa#d, "9#fe, that 3o ma3 bel#e2e I lo2e 3o , I ha2e made m3self l#$e 3o < I, too, now, ha2e onl3 one e3e&" So men co ld hardl3 bel#e2e that God lo2ed them t#ll God % t one of H#s e3es o t, that #s too$ %on H#mself h man nat re, and was made man& D st as f#re #nf ses #ts essence and clearness #nto the dr3 wood, so has God done w#th man& He has created the h man so l and #nf sed H#s !lor3 #nto #t, and 3et #n H#s own essence has rema#ned nchan!eable& If 3o as$ me whether, see#n! that m3 s%#r#t al b#rth #s o t of t#me, whether I am an eternal son, I answer "Fes," and "Co&" In the e2erlast#n! fore$nowled!e of God, I sl mbered l#$e a word ns%o$en& He hath bro !ht me forth H#s son #n the #ma!e of H#s eternal fatherhood, that I also sho ld be a father and br#n! forth H#m& It #s as #f one stood before

a h#!h mo nta#n, and cr#ed, "Art tho there=" The echo comes bac$, "Art tho there=" If one cr#es, "Come o t&" the echo answers, "Come o t&" A!a#n< If I am #n a h#!her %lace and sa3 to some one, "Come % h#ther," that m#!ht be d#ff#c lt for h#m& 4 t #f I sa3, "S#t down," that wo ld be eas3& Th s God dealeth w#th s& 9hen man h mbles h#mself, God cannot restra#n H#s merc37 He m st come down and %o r H#s !race #nto the h mble man, and He !#2es H#mself most of all, and all at once, to the least of all& It #s essent#al to God to !#2e, for H#s essence #s H#s !oodness and H#s !oodness #s H#s lo2e& >o2e #s the root of all Bo3 and sorrow& Sla2#sh fear of God #s to be % t awa3& The r#!ht fear #s the fear of los#n! God& If the earth flee downward from hea2en, #t f#nds hea2en beneath #t7 #f #t flee %ward, #t comes a!a#n to hea2en& The earth cannot flee from hea2en< whether #t flee % or down, the hea2en ra#ns #ts #nfl ence %on #t, and stam%s #ts #m%ress %on #t, and ma$es #t fr #tf l, whether #t be w#ll#n! or not& Th s doth God w#th men< whoe2er th#n$eth to esca%e H#m, fl#es #nto H#s bosom, for e2er3 corner #s o%en to H#m& God br#n!s forth H#s Son #n thee, whether tho l#$est #t or not, whether tho slee%est or wa$est7 God wor$eth H#s own w#ll& That man #s naware of #t, #s man;s fa lt, for h#s taste #s so s%o#lt b3 feed#n! on earthl3 th#n!s that he cannot rel#sh God;s lo2e& If we had lo2e to God, we sho ld rel#sh God, and all H#s wor$s7 we sho ld rece#2e all th#n!s from God, and wor$ the same wor$s as He wor$eth& God created the so l after the #ma!e of H#s h#!hest %erfect#on& He #ss ed forth from the treas re0ho se of the e2erlast#n! Fatherhood #n wh#ch He had rested from all etern#t3& Then the Son o%ened the tent of H#s e2erlast#n! !lor3 and came forth from H#s h#!h %lace to fetch H#s 4r#de, whom the Father had es%o sed to H#m from all Etern#t3, bac$ to that hea2en from wh#ch she came& Therefore He came forth reBo#c#n! as a br#de!room and s ffered the %an!s of lo2e& Then He ret rned to H#s secret chamber #n the s#lence and st#llness of the e2erlast#n! Fatherhood& As He came forth from the H#!hest, so He ret rned to the H#!hest w#th H#s 4r#de, and re2ealed to her the h#dden treas res of H#s Godhead& The f#rst be!#nn#n! #s for the sa$e of the last end& God H#mself doth not rest beca se He #s the be!#nn#n!, b t beca se He #s the end and !oal of all creat#on& Th#s end #s concealed #n the dar$ness of the e2erlast#n! Godhead, and #s n$nown, and ne2er was $nown, and ne2er w#ll be $nown& God H#mself rema#ns n$nown7 the l#!ht of the e2erlast#n! Father sh#neth #n dar$ness, and the dar$ness com%rehended #t not& Ma3 the tr th of wh#ch we ha2e s%o$en lead s to the tr th& Amen&

ECC>ESIASTIC1S 66#2& +*&00"9hoso heareth Me shall not be confo nded&" THE e2erlast#n! and %aternal w#sdom sa#th, "9hoso heareth Me #s not ashamed&" If he #s ashamed of an3th#n! he #s ashamed of be#n! ashamed& 9hoso wor$eth #n Me s#neth not& 9hoso confesseth Me and feareth Me, shall ha2e eternal l#fe& 9hoso w#ll hear the w#sdom of the Father m st dwell dee%, and ab#de at home, and be at n#t3 w#th h#mself& Three th#n!s h#nder s from hear#n! the e2erlast#n! 9ord& The f#rst #s fleshl#ness, the

second #s d#stract#on, the th#rd #s the #ll s#on of t#me& If a man co ld !et free of these, he wo ld dwell #n etern#t3, and #n the s%#r#t, and #n sol#t de, and #n the desert, and there wo ld hear the e2erlast#n! 9ord& 8 r >ord sa#th, "Co man can hear M3 word nor m3 teach#n! w#tho t reno nc#n! h#mself&" All that the Eternal Father teaches and re2eals #s H#s be#n!, H#s nat re, and H#s Godhead, wh#ch He man#fests to s #n H#s Son, and teaches s that we are also H#s Son& All that God wor$eth and teacheth, He wor$eth #n H#s Son& All H#s wor$ #s d#rected to th#s end that we also ma3 be H#s Son& 9hen God sees that we are #ndeed H#s son, He 3earns after s, and #n the de%th of H#s "#2#ne 4e#n! wa2es of lon!#n! brea$ forth, to re2eal to s the ab3ss of H#s Godhead, and the f llness of H#s essence7 He hastens to #dent#f3 H#mself w#th s& Here#n He hath Bo3 and !ladness #n f ll meas re& God lo2eth men not less than He lo2eth H#mself& If tho reall3 lo2est th3self, tho lo2est all men as th3self7 as lon! as tho lo2est an3 one less than th3self, tho dost not reall3 lo2e th3self& That man #s r#!ht who lo2es all men as h#mself& Some fol$ sa3< "I lo2e m3 fr#ends, who do me $#ndness, more than other %eo%le&" S ch lo2e #s #m%erfect and #ncom%lete7 #t #s l#$e ha2#n! 3o r sa#ls onl3 half0t#lled w#th w#nd& 9hen I lo2e an3one as m ch as m3self, I wo ld B st as soon that Bo3 or sorrow, death or l#fe were m#ne, as well as h#s& That wo ld be the d#ctate of r#!ht reason& St Pa l felt s ch lo2e when he sa#d, "I wo ld that I were c t off from God for m3 fr#ends; sa$e&" Cow to be c t off from God #s e: #2alent to s ffer#n! the %a#ns of hell& Some as$ whether St Pa l was on the wa3 to %erfect#on or was %erfect& I answer, he was %erfect, or he wo ld ha2e s%o$en otherw#se& I w#sh f rther to el c#date th#s sa3#n! of St Pa l that he was w#ll#n! to be c t off from God& The h#!hest act of ren nc#at#on for man #s for God;s sa$e to !#2e % God, and that #s what St Pa l was w#ll#n! to do7 to !#2e % all the bless#n!s that he m#!ht rece#2e from God& 9hen for God;s sa$e he !a2e % God, God st#ll rema#ned w#th h#m, s#nce God;s essence #s H#mself, not an3 #m%ress#on or rece%t#on of H#mself& He who does so #s a tr e man to whom no !r#ef ma3 ha%%en, an3 more than #t ha%%ens to the "#2#ne 4e#n!& There #s a somewhat #n the so l that #s, as #t were, a blood0relat#2e of God& It #s one, #t has noth#n! #n common w#th noth#n!, nor #s #t l#$e noth#n!ness, noth#n!& All that #s created #s noth#n!, all far from and fore#!n to the so l& Co ld I b t f#nd m3self one #nstant #n that s%here of % re e6#stence, I sho ld re!ard m3self as l#ttle as a worm& A : est#on ar#ses re!ard#n! the an!els who dwell w#th s, ser2e s and %rotect s, whether the#r Bo3s are e: al to those of the an!els #n hea2en, or whether the3 are d#m#n#shed b3 the fact that the3 %rotect and ser2e s& Co, the3 are certa#nl3 not7 for the wor$ of the an!els #s the w#ll of God, and the w#ll of God #s the wor$ of the an!els7 the#r ser2#ce to s does not h#nder the#r Bo3 nor the#r wor$#n!& If God told an an!el to !o to a tree and %l c$ cater%#llars off #t, the an!el wo ld be : #te read3 to do so, and #t wo ld be h#s ha%%#ness, #f #t were the w#ll of God&

The man who ab#des #n the w#ll of God w#lls noth#n! else than what God #s, and what He w#lls& If he were #ll he wo ld not w#sh to be well& If he reall3 ab#des #n God;s w#ll, all %a#n #s to h#m a Bo3, all com%l#cat#on, s#m%le< 3ea, e2en the %a#ns of hell wo ld be a Bo3 to h#m& He #s free and !one o t from h#mself, and from all that he rece#2es, he m st be free& If m3 e3e #s to d#scern colo r, #t m st #tself be free from all colo r& The eye with which I see God is the same with which God sees me. M3 e3e and God;s e3e #s one e3e, and one s#!ht, and one $nowled!e, and one lo2e& The man who ab#des #n God;s lo2e m st be dead to h#mself and all created th#n!s, and re!ard h#mself as a mere n#t amon! a tho sand m#ll#on& S ch a man m st reno nce h#mself and all the world& S %%os#n! a man %ossessed all the world, and !a2e #t bac$ to God #ntact B st as he rece#2ed #t, God wo ld !#2e h#m bac$, all the world and e2erlast#n! l#fe to boot& And s %%os#n! there were another man who had noth#n! b t a !ood w#ll, and he tho !ht #n h#s heart, ">ord, were all th#s world m#ne, and two worlds more bes#de #t, I wo ld !#2e them and m3self also bac$ to Thee as I rece#2ed them from thee"7 to that man God wo ld !#2e bac$ as m ch as he had !#2en awa3& And s %%os#n! a man had reno nced h#mself for twent3 3ears, #f he too$ h#mself bac$ for a moment, that man;s ren nc#at#on wo ld be as noth#n!& The man who has tr l3 reno nced h#mself and does not once cast a !lance on what he has reno nced, and th s rema#ns #mmo2able and nalterable, that man alone has reall3 reno nced self& Ma3 God and the Eternal 9#sdom !rant s to rema#n e: all3 #mmo2able and nalterable w#th H#mself& Amen&


ST D8HC 6#2& (+&00"If a man lo2e me, he w#ll $ee% m3 words7 and m3 Father w#ll lo2e h#m, and we w#ll come nto h#m, and ma$e o r abode w#th h#m&" 9E read #n the Gos%els that 8 r >ord fed man3 %eo%le w#th f#2e loa2es and two f#shes& S%ea$#n! %arabol#call3, we ma3 sa3 that the f#rst loaf was00that we sho ld $now o rsel2es, what we ha2e been e2erlast#n!l3 to God, and what we now are to H#m& The second00that we sho ld %#t3 o r fellow Chr#st#an who #s bl#nded7 h#s loss sho ld !r#e2e s as m ch as o r own& The th#rd00that we sho ld $now o r >ord Des s Chr#st;s l#fe, and follow #t to the tmost of o r ca%ac#t3& The fo rth00that we sho ld $now the B d!ments of God& All that ma3 be sa#d of the %a#ns of hell #s tr e& St "#on3s# s sa#th, "To be se%arated from God #s hell, and the s#!ht of God;s co ntenance #s hea2en&" The f#fth #s00that we sho ld $now the Godhead wh#ch has flowed #nto the Father and f#lled H#m w#th Bo3, and wh#ch has flowed #nto the Son and f#lled H#m w#th w#sdom, and the Two are essent#all3 one& Therefore sa#d Chr#st, "9here I am, there #s M3 Father, and where M3 Father #s, there am I" And The3 ha2e flowed #nto the Hol3 Ghost and f#lled H#m w#th !ood w#ll& Therefore sa#d Chr#st, "I and M3 Father ha2e one S%#r#t," and the Hol3 Ghost has flowed #nto the so l& The so l has b3 nat re two ca%ac#t#es& The one #s #ntell#!ence, wh#ch ma3 com%rehend the Hol3 Tr#n#t3 w#th all #ts wor$s and be conta#ned b3 It as water #s b3 a 2essel& 9hen the 2essel #s f ll, #t has enclosed all that #s conta#ned #n #t, and #s n#ted w#th that wh#ch #t has enclosed, and of wh#ch #t #s f ll& Th s #ntell#!ence becomes one w#th that wh#ch #t has

nderstood and com%rehended& It #s n#ted therew#th b3 !race, as the Son #s one w#th the Father& The second ca%ac#t3 #s 9#ll& That #s a nobler one, and #ts essent#al character#st#c #s to %l n!e #nto the 1n$nown wh#ch #s God& There the 9#ll la3s hold of God #n a m3ster#o s manner, and the 1n$nown God #m%arts H#s #m%ress to the 9#ll& The 9#ll draws tho !ht and all the %owers of the so l after #t #n #ts tra#n, so that the so l becomes one w#th God b3 !race, as the Hol3 Ghost #s one w#th the Father and w#th the Son b3 nat re& In God #t #s more worth3 to be lo2ed, than #t #s #n #tself& Therefore St A ! st#ne sa#th that the so l #s !reater b3 #ts lo2e0!#2#n! %ower than b3 #ts l#fe0!#2#n! %ower& If man m#!ht onl3 ab#de #n th#s n#on, and do all the wor$s wh#ch ha2e e2er been done b3 creat res, he wo ld be no other than God, #f h#s h#!her %owers so bro !ht h#s lower %owers nder control, that he co ld onl3 wor$ God0l#$e wor$s& That howe2er ma3 not be, and man;s h#!hest fac lt3 therefore contem%lates God as best #t can, and so #nfl ences h#s lower fac lt#es that the3 can d#scern between Good and E2#l& Adam %ossessed that n#on w#th God wh#ch we ha2e s%o$en of, and wh#le he had #t, h#s ca%ac#t3 conta#ned the ca%ac#t#es of all creat res& The load0stone attracts the needle, and the needle rece#2es the ma!net#c %ower, so that #t can also attract other needles and draw them to the load0stone& 4 t #f one draws the f#rst needle awa3, all the other needles come w#th #t& Th s was #t w#th Adam< when, #n h#s h#!hest ca%ac#t3, he was se%arated from God all h#s ca%ac#t#es deter#orated& Thence came also d#scord and the clash#n! of o%% !nant w#lls amon! the lower creat#on, and deter#orat#on of the#r %owers down to the lowest& It #s necessar3, therefore, for all the creat res wh#ch #ss ed forth from God to co0o%erate earnestl3 w#th all the#r %owers to form a Man who ma3 a!a#n atta#n that n#on w#th God wh#ch Adam enBo3ed before he fell, and who ma3 a!a#n restore to the creat res the#r forfe#ted %owers& Th#s #s f lf#lled #n Chr#st as He H#mself sa#d, "I, #f I be l#fted %, w#ll draw all men nto Me&" He means, #f He #s e6alted #n o r $nowled!e, He w#ll draw s nto H#mself& In H#m h man nat re !rew d#2#ne, and than$ed God and lo2ed H#m w#th #mmeas rable lo2e& Th#s also bef#ts God that he lo2es h man nat re w#th so !reat lo2e& I co nsel 3o , s#sters and brothers, that 3o !row #n $nowled!e, and than$ God, wh#le 3o are #n t#me, that He bro !ht 3o o t of non0e6#stence to e6#stence, and n#ted 3o w#th the "#2#ne Cat re& 4 t #f the "#2#ne Cat re be be3ond 3o r com%rehens#on, bel#e2e s#m%l3 on Chr#st7 follow H#s hol3 e6am%le and rema#n steadfast& Con2ert Dews, heathen, heret#cs, bad Chr#st#ans, and all who do not enBo3 3o r $nowled!e of God, and are st#ll astra3& Cow reBo#ce, all 3e %owers of m3 so l, that 3o are so n#ted w#th God that no one ma3 se%arate 3o from H#m& I cannot f ll3 %ra#se nor lo2e H#m therefore m st I d#e, and cast m3self #nto the d#2#ne 2o#d, t#ll I r#se from non0e6#stence to e6#stence& If I sho ld rema#n entombed #n flesh t#ll the B d!ment da3 and s ffer the %a#ns of hell, that wo ld be for me a small th#n! to bear for m3 belo2ed >ord Des s Chr#st, #f I had the certa#nt3 at last of not be#n! se%arated from H#m& 9h#le I am here, He #s #n me7 after th#s l#fe, I am #n H#m& All th#n!s are therefore %oss#ble to me, #f I am n#ted to H#m 9ho can do all th#n!s& Pre2#o sl3 I co ld not d#st#n! #sh whether we were d#2#ne b3 nat re or b3 !race& Then came Des s and enl#!htened me so that I reco!n#?ed #n the "#2#ne Cat re Three Persons,

and that the Father was the 4r#n!er0Forth of all th#n!s, as St Dames sa3s, "e2er3 %erfect !#ft cometh down from the Father of l#!hts&" The Father and the Son ha2e one 9#ll, and that 9#ll #s the Hol3 Ghost, 9ho !#2es H#mself to the so l so that the "#2#ne Cat re %ermeates the %owers of the so l so that #t can onl3 do God0l#$e wor$s& D st as a s%r#n!, wh#ch %er%et all3 flows and waters the roots of the flowers, so that the flowers bloom and rece#2e the#r colo rs from the water of the s%r#n!, so the Godhead #m%arts Itself to the ca%ac#t#es of the so l that #t ma3 !row #n the l#$eness of God& The more that the so l rece#2es of the "#2#ne Cat re, the more #t !rows l#$e It, and the closer becomes #ts n#on w#th God& It ma3 arr#2e at s ch an #nt#mate n#on that God at last draws #t to H#mself alto!ether, so that there #s no d#st#nct#on left, #n the so l;s consc#o sness, between #tself and God, tho !h God st#ll re!ards #t as a creat re& 9herefore let 3o rsel2es not be m#sled b3 the l#!ht of nat re& The h#!her the de!ree of $nowled!e wh#ch the so l atta#ns to #n the l#!ht of !race, the dar$er seems to #t the l#!ht of nat re& If the so l wo ld $now the real tr th #t m st e6am#ne #tself, whether #t has w#thdrawn from all th#n!s, whether #t has lost #tself, whether #t lo2es God % rel3 w#th H#s lo2e and noth#n! of #ts own at the same t#me, so that #t ma3 not be se%arated from H#m b3 an3th#n!, and whether God alone dwells #n #t& If #t has lost #tself, #t #s as when the /#r!#n Mar3 lost Chr#st& She so !ht H#m for three da3s, and 3et was s re that she wo ld f#nd H#m& All the wh#le Chr#st was #n the h#!hest class #n the school of H#s Father, nconsc#o s of H#s mother;s see$#n! H#m& Th s ha%%ens #t to the noble so l wh#ch !oes to God to school, and learns there what God #s #n H#s essence, and what He #s #n the Tr#n#t3, and what He #s #n man, and what #s most acce%table to H#m& St A ! st#ne sa#th that the r#!hteo sness of God #n the Godhead and #n the Tr#n#t3 and #n all creat res #s the so rce of the ch#ef Bo3 wh#ch #s #n hea2en& God #n h man nat re #s a lam% of l#2#n! l#!ht, and "the l#!ht sh#neth #n dar$ness and the dar$ness com%rehendeth #t not&" The dar$ness m st e2er more flee the l#!ht, as the n#!ht flees da3& Th s the so l learns to $now God;s w#ll& St Pa l sa#th, "Th#s #s God;s w#ll, o r sanct#f#cat#on&" And th#s #s o r sanct#f#cat#on, to $now what we were before t#me7 what we are #n t#me, and what we shall be after t#me& Th s the so l loses #tself #n these three, and rec$eth na !ht of the bod3, t#ll #t comes to #t #n the tem%le, and obe3s #t w#tho t m rm r#n!& The Father #s a re2elat#on of the Godhead, the Son #s an #ma!e and co ntenance of the Father, and the Hol3 Ghost #s an eff l!ence of that co ntenance, and a m t al lo2e between Them, and these %ro%ert#es The3 ha2e alwa3s %ossessed #n Themsel2es& The Three Persons ha2e stoo%ed o t of %#t3 down to h man nat re, and the Son became man, and was the most des%#sed man on the earth, and s ffered %a#n at the hands of the creat res whom He H#mself created w#th the Father, thro !h 9hose w#ll He became man& Th s was Chr#st t#ll H#s death, and when He rose from the dead then was seen the most des%#sed of all men n#ted w#th the Godhead #n the Person of Chr#st&

ST > $e 6& 5(&00"8ne th#n! #s needf l&" I HA/E read man3 wr#t#n!s both of heathen %h#loso%hers and #ns%#red %ro%hets, anc#ent and modern, and ha2e so !ht earnestl3 to d#sco2er what #s the best and h#!hest : al#t3

whereb3 man ma3 a%%roach most nearl3 to n#on w#th God, and whereb3 he ma3 most resemble the #deal of h#mself wh#ch e6#sted #n God, before God created men& And after ha2#n! thoro !hl3 searched these wr#t#n!s as far as m3 reason ma3 %enetrate, I f#nd no h#!her : al#t3 than sanct#f#cat#on or se%arat#on from all creat res& Therefore sa#d o r >ord to Martha, "8ne th#n! #s necessar3," as #f to sa3, "whoso w#shes to be ntro bled and content, m st ha2e one th#n!, that #s sanct#f#cat#on&" /ar#o s teachers ha2e %ra#sed lo2e !reatl3, as St Pa l does, when he sa#th, "to whate2er he#!ht I ma3 atta#n, #f I ha2e not lo2e, I am noth#n!&" 4 t I set sanct#f#cat#on e2en abo2e lo2e7 #n the f#rst %lace beca se the best th#n! #n lo2e #s that #t com%els me to lo2e God& Cow #t #s a !reater th#n! that I com%el God to come to me, than that I com%el m3self to !o to God& Sanct#f#cat#on com%els God to come to me, and I %ro2e th#s as follows<00 E2er3th#n! settles #n #ts own a%%ro%r#ate %lace7 now God;s %ro%er %lace #s that of oneness and hol#ness7 these come from sanct#f#cat#on7 therefore God m st of necess#t3 !#2e H#mself to a sanct#f#ed heart& In the second %lace I set sanct#f#cat#on abo2e lo2e, beca se lo2e com%els me to s ffer all th#n!s for the sa$e of God7 sanct#f#cat#on com%els me to be the rec#%#ent of noth#n! b t God7 now, #t #s a h#!her state to be the rec#%#ent of noth#n! b t God than to s ffer all th#n!s for God, beca se #n s ffer#n! one m st ha2e some re!ard to the %erson who #nfl#cts the s ffer#n!, b t sanct#f#cat#on #s #nde%endent of all creat res& Man3 teachers also %ra#se h m#l#t3 as a 2#rt e& 4 t I set sanct#f#cat#on abo2e h m#l#t3 for the follow#n! reason& Altho !h h m#l#t3 ma3 e6#st w#tho t sanct#f#cat#on, %erfect sanct#f#cat#on cannot e6#st w#tho t %erfect h m#l#t3& Perfect h m#l#t3 tends to the ann#h#lat#on of self7 sanct#f#cat#on also #s so close to self0ann#h#lat#on that noth#n! can come between them& Therefore %erfect sanct#f#cat#on cannot e6#st w#tho t h m#l#t3, and to ha2e both of these 2#rt es #s better than to ha2e onl3 one of them& The second reason wh3 I set sanct#f#cat#on abo2e h m#l#t3 #s that h m#l#t3 stoo%s to be nder all creat res, and #n do#n! so !oes o t of #tself& 4 t sanct#f#cat#on rema#ns self0 conta#ned& 4 t to rema#n conta#ned w#th#n oneself #s nobler than to !o o t of oneself for an3 % r%ose whate2er7 therefore sa#th the Psalm#st, "The K#n!;s da !hter #s all !lor#o s within," that #s, all her !lor3 #s from her #nwardness& Perfect sanct#f#cat#on has no #ncl#nat#on nor !o#n!0o t towards an3 creat re7 #t w#shes ne#ther to be abo2e or below, ne#ther to be l#$e nor nl#$e an3 creat re, b t onl3 to be one& 9hosoe2er w#shes to be th#s or that w#shes to be somewhat7 b t sanct#f#cat#on w#shes to be noth#n!& 4 t some one ma3 sa3< "All 2#rt es m st ha2e e6#sted #n f llness #n 8 r >ad3, therefore %erfect sanct#f#cat#on m st ha2e been #n her& If sanct#f#cat#on #s h#!her than h m#l#t3, wh3 d#d 8 r >ad3 s%ea$ of her h m#l#t3, and not of her sanct#f#cat#on, when she sa#d, "For He hath re!arded the lowl#ness of H#s handma#den=" To th#s I answer that God %ossesses both sanct#f#cat#on and h m#l#t3, so far as we ma3 attr#b te 2#rt es to God& Cow tho sho ldest $now that H#s h m#l#t3 bro !ht God to stoo% down to h man nat re, and o r >ad3 $new that He w#shed for the same : al#t3 #n her, and #n that matter had re!ard to

her h m#l#t3 alone& Therefore she made ment#on of her h m#l#t3 and not of her sanct#f#cat#on, #n wh#ch she rema#ned nmo2ed and naffected& If she had sa#d, "He hath re!arded the sanct#f#cat#on of H#s handma#den," her sanct#f#cat#on wo ld ha2e been d#st rbed, for, so to s%ea$, wo ld ha2e been a !o#n! o t of herself& Therefore the Psalm#st sa#d, "I w#ll hear what the >ord God w#ll sa3 #n me," as #f to sa3, "If God w#ll S%ea$ to me, let H#m come #n, for I w#ll not come o t&" And 4oeth# s sa#th, "Men, wh3 see$ 3e o ts#de 3o what #s #ns#de 3o 00sal2at#on=" I set also sanct#f#cat#on abo2e %#t3, for %#t3 #s onl3 !o#n! o t of oneself to s3m%ath#?e w#th one;s fellow0creat re;s sorrows& From s ch an o t0!o#n! sanct#f#cat#on #s free and ab#des #n #tself, and does not let #tself be tro bled& To s%ea$ br#efl3< when I cons#der all the 2#rt es I f#nd none so ent#rel3 w#tho t flaw and so cond c#2e to n#on w#th God as sanct#f#cat#on& The %h#loso%her A2#cenna sa3s, "The s%#r#t wh#ch #s tr l3 sanct#f#ed atta#ns to so loft3 a de!ree that all wh#ch #t sees #s real, all wh#ch #t des#res #s !ranted, and #n all wh#ch #t commands, #t #s obe3ed&" 9hen the free s%#r#t #s stabl#shed #n tr e sanct#f#cat#on, #t draws God to #tself, and were #t %laced be3ond the reach of cont#n!enc#es, #t wo ld ass me the %ro%ert#es of God& 4 t God cannot %art w#th those to an3one7 all that He can do for the sanct#f#ed s%#r#t #s to #m%art H#mself to #t& The man who #s wholl3 sanct#f#ed #s so drawn towards the Eternal, that no trans#tor3 th#n! ma3 mo2e h#m, no cor%oreal th#n! affect h#m, no earthl3 th#n! attract h#m& Th#s was the mean#n! of St Pa l when he sa#d, "I l#2e7 3et not I7 Chr#st l#2eth #n me&" Cow the : est#on ar#ses what is sanct#f#cat#on, s#nce #t has so loft3 a ran$& Tho sho ldest $now that real sanct#f#cat#on cons#sts #n th#s that the s%#r#t rema#n as #mmo2able and naffected b3 all #m%act of lo2e or hate, Bo3 or sorrow, hono r or shame, as a h !e mo nta#n #s nst#rred b3 a !entle bree?e& Th#s #mmo2able sanct#f#cat#on ca ses man to atta#n the nearest l#$eness to God that he #s ca%able of& God;s 2er3 essence cons#sts of H#s #mmo2able sanct#t37 thence s%r#n!s H#s !lor3 and n#t3 and #m%ass#b#l#t3& If a man #s to become as l#$e God as a creat re ma3, that m st be b3 sanct#f#cat#on& It #s th#s wh#ch draws men %ward to !lor3, and from !lor3 to n#t3, and from n#t3 to #m%ass#b#l#t3, and effects a resemblance between God and men& The ch#ef a!ent #n th#s #s !race, beca se !race draws men from the trans#tor3 and % r#f#es them from the earthl3& And tho sho ldest $now that to be em%t3 of all creat re;s lo2e #s to be f ll of God, and to be f ll of creat re0lo2e #s to be em%t3 of God& God has rema#ned from e2erlast#n! #n #mmo2able sanct#t3, and st#ll rema#ns so& 9hen He created hea2en and earth and all creat res, H#s sanct#t3 was as l#ttle affected thereb3 as tho !h He had created noth#n!& I sa3 f rther< God;s sanct#t3 #s as l#ttle affected b3 men;s !ood wor$s and %ra3ers, as tho !h the3 had accom%l#shed none, and He #s b3 those means no more fa2o rabl3 #ncl#ned towards men than #f the3 ceased %ra3#n! and wor$#n!& I sa3 e2en more< when the "#2#ne Son became man and s ffered that affected the sanct#t3 of God as l#ttle as tho !h He had ne2er become man at all&

Here some one ma3 ma$e the obBect#on< "Are then all !ood wor$s and %ra3ers thrown awa3, s#nce God #s nmo2ed b3 them, and at the same t#me we are told to %ra3 to H#m for e2er3th#n!=" In answer to th#s I sa3 that God from all etern#t3 saw e2er3th#n! that wo ld ha%%en, and also when, and how He wo ld ma$e all creat res< He foresaw also all the %ra3ers wh#ch wo ld be offered, and wh#ch of them He wo ld hear< He saw the earnest %ra3ers wh#ch tho w#lt offer tomorrow, b t He w#ll not l#sten to them tomorrow, beca se He heard them #n etern#t3, before tho wast a man at all& If, howe2er, th3 %ra3er #s half0 hearted and not #n earnest, God w#ll not den3 #t now, see#n! that He has den#ed #t #n etern#t3& Th s God rema#ns alwa3s #n H#s #mmo2able sanct#t3, b t s#ncere %ra3er and !ood wor$s are not lost, for whoso doeth well, w#ll be well rewarded& 9hen God a%%ears to be an!r3 or to do s a $#ndness, #t #s we who are altered, wh#le He rema#ns nchan!eable, as the same s nsh#ne #s #nB r#o s to wea$ e3es and benef#c#al to stron! ones, rema#n#n! #n #tself the same& Re!ard#n! th#s Is#dor s #n h#s boo$ concern#n! the h#!hest !ood sa3s, "Peo%le as$ what was God do#n! before He created hea2en and earth, or whence came the new des#re #n God to create=" To th#s he answers, "Co new des#re arose #n God, see#n! that creat#on was e2erlast#n!l3 %resent #n H#m, and #n H#s #ntell#!ence&" Moses sa#d to God, "9hen Pharaoh as$s me who Tho art, what shall I answer=" God sa#d, "Sa3, I AM hath sent me nto 3o ," that #s to sa3, "He 9ho #s nchan!eable hath sent me&" Perha%s some one ma3 as$, "9as Chr#st then also nchan!eable, when He sa#d, ;M3 so l #s tro bled e2en nto death,; or Mar3 when she stood nder the Cross and lamented=" Here, tho sho ldest $now that #n e2er3 man are two $#nds of men, the o ter and the #nner man& E2er3 man, who lo2es God, onl3 ses h#s o ter senses so far as #s absol tel3 necessar37 he ta$es care that the3 do not dra! h#m down to the le2el of the beasts, as the3 do some who m#!ht rather he termed beasts than men& The so l of the s%#r#t al man whom God mo2es to lo2e H#m w#th all h#s %owers concentrates all #ts forces on the #nner man& Therefore He sa#th, "Tho shalt lo2e the >ord th3 God w#th all th3 heart&" Cow, there are some who waste the %owers of the so l for the se of the o ter man7 these are the3 who t rn all the#r tho !hts and des#res towards trans#tor3 th#n!s, and $now noth#n! of the #nner l#fe& 4 t a !ood man somet#mes de%r#2es h#s o ter man of all %ower that #t ma3 ha2e a h#!her obBect, wh#le sens al#sts de%r#2e the #nner man of all %ower to se #t for the o ter man& The o ter man ma3 !o thro !h 2ar#o s e6%er#ences, wh#le the #nner man #s : #te free and #mmo2able& Cow both #n Chr#st and #n 8 r >ad3 there was an #nner and an o ter man7 when the3 s%o$e of o tward th#n!s, the3 d#d so w#th the o tward man, wh#le the #nner man rema#ned #mmo2able& It ma3 be as$ed< "9hat #s the obBect of th#s #mmo2able sanct#t3=" I answer, "Coth#n!"< that #s, so far as God has H#s wa3 w#th a man, for He has not H#s wa3 w#th all men& Altho !h God #s Alm#!ht3, He can onl3 wor$ #n a heart when He f#nds read#ness or ma$es #t& He wor$s d#fferentl3 #n men than #n stones& For th#s we ma3 ta$e the follow#n! #ll strat#on< #f we ba$e #n one o2en three loa2es of barle30bread, of r3e0bread, and of

wheat, we shall f#nd the same heat of the o2en affects them d#fferentl37 when one #s well0 ba$ed, another w#ll be st#ll raw, and another 3et more raw& That #s not d e to the heat, b t to the 2ar#et3 of the mater#als& S#m#larl3 God wor$s #n all hearts not al#$e b t #n %ro%ort#on as He f#nds them %re%ared and s sce%t#ble& If the heart #s to be read3 for the h#!hest, #t m st he 2acant of all other th#n!s& If I w#sh to wr#te on a wh#te tablet, whate2er else #s wr#tten on the tablet, howe2er noble #ts % r%ort, #s a h#ndrance to me& If I am to wr#te, I m st w#%e the tablet clean of e2er3th#n!, and the tablet #s most s #table for m3 % r%ose when #t #s blan$& S#m#larl3, #f God #s to wr#te on m3 heart, e2er3th#n! else m st come o t of #t t#ll #t #s reall3 sanct#f#ed& 8nl3 so can God wor$ H#s h#!hest w#ll, and so the sanct#f#ed heart has no o tward obBect at all& The : est#on ar#ses< 4 t what then does the sanct#f#ed heart %ra3 for= I answer that when tr l3 sanct#f#ed, #t %ra3s for noth#n!, for whosoe2er %ra3s as$s God to !#2e h#m some !ood, or to ta$e some e2#l from h#m& 4 t the sanct#f#ed heart des#res noth#n!, and conta#ns noth#n! that #t w#shes to be freed from& Therefore #t #s free of all want e6ce%t that #t wants to be l#$e God& St "#on3s# s comment#n! on the te6t, "Know 3e not that all r n, b t one rece#2eth the %r#?e=" sa3s "th#s r nn#n! #s noth#n! else than a t rn#n! awa3 from all creat res and be#n! n#ted to the 1ncreated&" 9hen the so l !ets to th#s %o#nt, #t loses #ts own d#st#nct#2eness, and 2an#shes #n God as the cr#mson of s nr#se d#sa%%ears #n the s n& To th#s !oal onl3 % re sanct#f#cat#on can arr#2e& St A ! st#ne sa3s& "the stron! attract#on of the so l to the "#2#ne red ces e2er3th#n! to noth#n!ness< on earth th#s attract#on #s man#fested as sanct#f#cat#on& 9hen th#s %rocess has reached #ts c lm#nat#n! %o#nt, $nowled!e becomes #!norance, des#re #nd#fference and l#!ht dar$ness& The reason wh3 God des#res a sanct#f#ed heart more than an3 other #s a%%arent when we as$ the : est#on, "9hat does God see$ #n all th#n!s=" The mo th of 9#sdom sa3s to s, "In all th#n!s I see$ rest," and rest #s to be fo nd onl3 #n the sanct#f#ed heart7 there#n therefore God #s more !lad to dwell than #n an3 other th#n!& Tho sho ldest also $now that the more a man sets h#mself to be rece%t#2e of d#2#ne #nfl ence, the ha%%#er he #s< who most sets h#mself so, #s the ha%%#est& Cow no man can reach th#s cond#t#on of rece%t#2#t3 e6ce%t b3 conform#t3 w#th God, wh#ch comes from s bm#ss#on to God& Th#s #s what Sa#nt Pa l means when he sa3s, "P t on the >ord Des s Chr#st," that #s "be conformed to Chr#st&" 9hosoe2er w#shes to com%rehend the loft3 ran$ and benef#t of sanct#f#cat#on m st mar$ Chr#st;s words to H#s d#sc#%les re!ard#n! H#s h man#t3, "It #s %rof#table for 3o , that I !o awa3, for, #f I !o not awa3, the Comforter w#ll not come to 3o &" As #f to sa3, "Fe ha2e so m ch des#re towards m3 nat ral o tward form, that 3e cannot f ll3 des#re the Hol3 S%#r#t&" Therefore % t awa3 forms and n#te 3o rsel2es w#th formless 4e#n!, for God;s s%#r#t al comfort #s onl3 offered to those who des%#se earthl3 comfort& Cow, all tho !htf l fol$, mar$ meE no one can be tr l3 ha%%3, e6ce%t he who ab#des #n the str#ctest sanct#f#cat#on& Co bod#l3 and fleshl3 del#!ht can e2er ta$e %lace w#th o t s%#r#t al loss, for the flesh l steth a!a#nst the s%#r#t, and the s%#r#t a!a#nst the flesh& Therefore, the more a man fleeth from the created, the more the Creator hastens to h#m& And cons#der th#s< #f the %leas re we ta$e #n the o tward #ma!e of o r >ord Des s Chr#st

d#m#n#shes o r ca%ac#t3 for rece#2#n! the Hol3 S%#r#t, how m ch more m st o r nbr#dled des#re for earthl3 comforts d#m#n#sh #tE Therefore sanct#f#cat#on #s the best of all th#n!s, for #t cleanses the so l, and #ll m#nates the consc#ence, and $#ndles the heart, and wa$ens the s%#r#t, and !#rds % the lo#ns, and !lor#f#es 2#rt e and se%arates s from creat res, and n#tes s w#th God& The : #c$est means to br#n! s to %erfect#on #s s ffer#n!7 none enBo3 e2erlast#n! blessedness more than those who share w#th Chr#st the b#tterest %an!s& Coth#n! #s shar%er than s ffer#n!, noth#n! #s sweeter than to ha2e s ffered& The s rest fo ndat#on #n wh#ch th#s %erfect#on ma3 rest #s h m#l#t37 whate2er here crawls #n the dee%est abBectness, that the S%#r#t l#fts to the 2er3 he#!hts of God, for lo2e br#n!s s ffer#n! and s ffer#n! br#n!s lo2e& 9a3s of l#2#n! are man37 one l#2es th s, and another th s7 b t whosoe2er w#ll reach the h#!hest l#fe, let h#m #n a few words hear the concl s#on of the whole matter< $ee% th3self clear of all men, $ee% th3self from all #ma!#nat#ons that crowd %on the m#nd, free th3self from all that #s cont#n!ent, entan!l#n!, and c mbersome and d#rect th3 m#nd alwa3s to !a?#n! %on God #n th3 heart w#th a steadfast loo$ that ne2er wa2ers< as for other s%#r#t al e6erc#ses00 fast#n!, watch#n! and %ra3er00d#rect them all to th#s one end, and %ract#ce them so far as the3 ma3 be hel%f l thereto, so w#lt tho w#n to %erfect#on& Here some one ma3 as$, "9ho can th s !a?e alwa3s w#tho t wa2er#n! at a d#2#ne obBect=" I answer< "Co one who now l#2es&" Th#s has onl3 been sa#d to thee that tho m#!htest $now what the h#!hest #s, and that tho m#!htest ha2e des#res after #t& 4 t when tho losest s#!ht of the "#2#ne, tho sho ldest feel as #f bereft of th#ne eternal sal2at#on, and sho ldest lon! to reco2er #t, and watch o2er th3self at all t#mes, and d#rect th3 a#ms and lon!#n! towards #t& Ma3 God be blessed for e2er& Amen&

That #s se%arat#on from all o tward th#n!s&


I Cor& 62& '*&00"The Grace of God&" GRACE #s from God, and wor$s #n the de%th of the so l whose %owers #t em%lo3s& It #s a l#!ht wh#ch #ss es forth to do ser2#ce nder the ! #dance of the S%#r#t& The "#2#ne >#!ht %ermeates the so l, and l#fts #t abo2e the t rmo#l of tem%oral th#n!s to rest #n God& The so l cannot %ro!ress e6ce%t w#th the l#!ht wh#ch God has !#2en #t as a n %t#al !#ft7 lo2e wor$s the l#$eness of God #nto the so l& The %eace, freedom and blessedness of all so ls cons#st #n the#r ab#d#n! #n God;s w#ll& Towards th#s n#on w#th God for wh#ch #t #s created the so l str#2es %er%et all3& F#re con2erts wood #nto #ts own l#$eness, and the stron!er the w#nd blows, the !reater !rows the f#re& Cow b3 the f#re nderstand lo2e, and b3 the w#nd the Hol3 S%#r#t& The stron!er the #nfl ence of the Hol3 S%#r#t, the br#!hter !rows the f#re of lo2e7 b t not all at once, rather !rad all3 as the so l !rows& >#!ht ca ses flowers and %lants to !row and bear fr #t7 #n an#mals #t %rod ces l#fe, b t #n men blessedness& Th#s comes from the !race of God, 9ho %l#fts the so l, for #f the so l #s to !row God0l#$e #t m st be l#fted abo2e #tself&

To %rod ce real moral freedom, God;s !race and man;s w#ll m st co0o%erate& As God #s the Pr#me Mo2er of nat re, so also He creates free #m% lses towards H#mself and to all !ood th#n!s& Grace renders the w#ll free that #t ma3 do e2er3th#n! w#th God;s hel%, wor$#n! w#th !race as w#th an #nstr ment wh#ch belon!s to #t& So the w#ll arr#2es at freedom thro !h lo2e, na3, becomes #tself lo2e, for lo2e n#tes w#th God& All tr e moral#t3, #nward and o tward, #s com%rehended #n lo2e, for lo2e #s the fo ndat#on of all the commandments& All o tward moral#t3 m st be b #lt %on th#s bas#s, not on self0#nterest& As lon! as man lo2es someth#n! else than God, or o ts#de God, he #s not free, beca se he has not lo2e& Therefore there #s no #nner freedom wh#ch does not man#fest #tself #n wor$s of lo2e& Tr e freedom #s the !o2ernment of nat re #n and o ts#de man thro !h God7 freedom #s essent#al e6#stence naffected b3 creat res& 4 t lo2e often be!#ns w#th fear7 fear #s the a%%roach to lo2e< fear #s l#$e the awl wh#ch draws the shoema$er;s thread thro !h the leather& As for o tward wor$s the3 are orda#ned for th#s % r%ose that the o tward man ma3 be d#rected to God& 4 t the #nner wor$, the wor$ of God #n the so l #s the ch#ef matter7 when a man f#nds th#s w#th#n h#mself, he can let !o e6ternals& Co law #s !#2en to the r#!hteo s, beca se he f lf#ls the law #nwardl3, and bears #t #n h#mself, for the least th#n! done b3 God #s better than all the wor$ of creat res& 4 t th#s #s #ntended for those who are enl#!htened b3 God and the Hol3 Scr#%t res& 4 t here on earth man ne2er atta#ns to be#n! naffected b3 e6ternal th#n!s& There ne2er was a Sa#nt so !reat as to be #mmo2able& I can ne2er arr#2e at a state when d#scord shall be as %leas#n! to m3 ears as harmon3& Some %eo%le w#sh to do w#tho t !ood wor$s& I sa3, "Th#s cannot be&" As soon as the d#sc#%les rece#2ed the Hol3 Ghost, the3 be!an to wor$& 9hen Mar3 sat at the feet of o r >ord that was her school t#me& 4 t afterwards when Chr#st went to hea2en, and she rece#2ed the Hol3 S%#r#t, she be!an to ser2e and was a handma#d of the d#sc#%les& 9hen sa#nts become sa#nts, the3 be!#n to wor$, and so !ather to the ref !e of e2erlast#n! safet3& How can a man ab#de #n lo2e, when he does not $ee% God;s commands wh#ch #ss e forth from lo2e= How can the #nner man be born #n God, when the o ter man ab#des not #n the follow#n! of Chr#st, #n self0mort#f#cat#on and #n s ffer#n!, for there #s no be#n! born of God, e6ce%t thro !h Chr#st& >o2e #s the f lf#ll#n! of all commands7 therefore howe2er m ch man str#2es to reach th#s freedom, the bod3 can ne2er : #te atta#n thereto, and m st be e2er #n confl#ct& See#n! that !ood wor$s are the w#tness of the Hol3 Ghost, man can ne2er do w#tho t them& The a#m of man #s not o tward hol#ness b3 wor$s, b t l#fe #n God, 3et th#s last e6%resses #tself #n wor$s of lo2e& 8 tward as well as #nward moral#t3 hel%s to form the #dea of tr e Chr#st#an freedom& 9e are r#!ht to la3 stress on #nwardness, b t #n th#s world there #s no #nwardness w#tho t an o tward e6%ress#on& If we re!ard the so l as the format#2e %r#nc#%le of the bod3, and God as the format#2e %r#nc#%le of the so l, we ha2e a %rofo nder %r#nc#%le of eth#cs than #s fo nd #n Panthe#sm& The f ndamental tho !ht of th#s s3stem #s the real d#st#nct#on

between God and the world, to!ether w#th the#r real #nse%arab#l#t3, for onl3 reall3 d#st#nct elements can #nter%enetrate each other& The #nner wor$ #s f#rst of all the wor$ of God;s !race #n the de%th of the so l wh#ch s bse: entl3 d#str#b tes #tself amon! the fac lt#es of the so l, #n that of Reason a%%ear#n! as 4el#ef, #n that of 9#ll as >o2e, and #n that of "es#re as Ho%e& 9hen the "#2#ne >#!ht %enetrates the so l, #t #s n#ted w#th God as l#!ht w#th l#!ht& Th#s #s the l#!ht of fa#th& Fa#th bears the so l to he#!hts nreachable b3 her nat ral senses and fac lt#es& As the %ec l#ar fac lt3 of the e3e #s to see form and colo r, and of the ear to hear sweet tones and 2o#ces, so #s as%#rat#on %ec l#ar to the so l& To rela6 from ceaseless as%#rat#on #s s#n& Th#s ener!3 of as%#rat#on d#rected to and !ras%#n! God, as far as #s %oss#ble for the creat re, #s called Ho%e, wh#ch #s also a d#2#ne 2#rt e& Thro !h th#s fac lt3 the so l ac: #res s ch !reat conf#dence that she deems noth#n! #n the "#2#ne Cat re be3ond her reach& The th#rd fac lt3 #s the #nward 9#ll, wh#ch, alwa3s t rned to God l#$e a face, absorbs to #tself lo2e from God& Accord#n! to the d#2erse d#rect#ons #n wh#ch redem%t#2e Grace thro !h the Hol3 S%#r#t #s #m%arted to the d#fferent fac lt#es of men, #t f#nds corres%ond#n! e6%ress#on as one of the S%#r#t;s se2en !#fts& Th#s #m%artat#on const#t tes man;s s%#r#t al b#rth wh#ch br#n!s h#m o t of s#n #nto a state of !race wh#le nat ral b#rth ma$es h#m a s#nner& As God can onl3 be seen b3 H#s own l#!ht, so He can onl3 be lo2ed b3 H#s own lo2e& The merel3 nat ral man #s #nca%able of th#s, beca se nat re b3 #tself #s #nca%able of res%ond#n! to the "#2#ne >o2e and #s conf#ned w#th#n #ts own c#rcle& Therefore #t #s necessar3 for Grace, wh#ch #s a s#m%le s %ernat ral %ower, to ele2ate the nat ral fac lt#es to n#on #n God abo2e the merel3 tem%oral obBects of e6#stence& The %oss#b#l#t3 of lo2e to God #s !ro nded #n the relat#2e l#$eness between man and God& If the so l #s to reach #ts moral !oal, #&e& Godl#$eness, #t m st become #nwardl3 l#$e God thro !h !race, and a s%#r#t al b#rth wh#ch #s the s%r#n! of tr e moral#t3& The #nner wor$ that man has to do #s the %ract#cal real#?at#on of Grace< w#tho t th#s, all o tward wor$ #s #neffect al for sal2at#on& /#rt e #s ne2er mere 2#rt e, #t #s e#ther from God, or thro !h God, or #n God& All the so l;s wor$s wh#ch are to #nher#t an e2erlast#n! recom%ense m st be carr#ed on #n God& The3 are rewarded b3 H#m #n %ro%ort#on as the3 are carr#ed on #n H#m, for the so l #s an #nstr ment of God whereb3 He carr#es on H#s wor$& The essence of moral#t3 #s #nwardness, the #ntens#t3 of w#ll from wh#ch #t s%r#n!s, and the nobleness of the a#m for wh#ch #t #s %ract#ced& 9hen a !ood wor$ #s done b3 a man, he #s free of #t, and thro !h that freedom #s l#$er and nearer to h#s 8r#!#nal than he was before& The moral tas$ of man #s a %rocess of s%#r#t al#?at#on& All creat res are !o0betweens, and we are %laced #n t#me that b3 d#l#!ence #n s%#r#t al b s#ness we ma3 !row l#$er and nearer to God& The a#m of man #s be3ond the tem%oral00#n the serene re!#on of the e2erlast#n! Present&

In th#s sense the Cew 4#rth of man #s the foc s towards wh#ch all creat#on str#2es, beca se man #s the #ma!e of God after the l#$eness of wh#ch the world #s created& All t#me str#2es towards etern#t3 or the t#meless Cow, o t of wh#ch #t #ss ed at creat#on& The merel3 tem%oral l#fe #n #tself #s a ne!at#on of real be#n!, beca se #t de%ends on #tself and not on the dee%est fo ndat#on of l#fe7 therefore also nat ral lo2e #s cram%ed f#n#te and defect#2e& It m st thro !h !race be l#fted to the h#!hest s%here of e6#stence, and atta#n to freedom o ts#de the narrow conf#nes of the nat ral& Thereb3 lo2e becomes real lo2e, beca se onl3 that #s real wh#ch #s com%rehended and lo2ed #n #ts essence& 8nl3 b3 !race man comes from the tem%oral and trans#tor3 to be one w#th God& Th#s l#ft#n! of man#foldness to n#t3 #s the s %reme a#m of eth#cs7 b3 th s the d#2#ne b#rth #s com%leted on the s#de of man& Th#s %assa!e from noth#n!ness to real be#n!, th#s : #tt#n! of oneself #s a b#rth accom%an#ed b3 %a#n, for b3 #t nat ral lo2e #s e6cl ded& All !r#ef e6ce%t !r#ef for s#n comes from lo2e of the world& In God #s ne#ther sorrow, nor !r#ef, nor tro ble& 9o ldst tho be free from all !r#ef and tro ble, ab#de and wal$ #n God, and to God alone& As lon! as lo2e of the creat re #s #n s, %a#n cannot cease& Th#s #s the ch#ef s#!n#f#cance of the s ffer#n! of Chr#st for s, that we cast all o r !r#ef #nto the ocean of H#s s ffer#n!& If tho s fferest onl3 re!ard#n! th3self, from whate2er ca se #t ma3 be, that s ffer#n! ca ses !r#ef to thee, and #s hard to bear& 4 t #f tho s fferest re!ard#n! God and H#m alone, that s ffer#n! #s not !r#e2o s, nor hard to bear, beca se God bears the load& The lo2e of the Cross m st swallow % o r %ersonal !r#ef& 9hoso does not s ffer from lo2e, for h#m sorrow #s sorrow and !r#e2o s to bear7 b t whoso s ffers from lo2e he sorrows not, and h#s s ffer#n! #s fr #tf l #n God& Therefore #s sorrow so noble7 he who sorrows most #s the noblest& Cow no mortal;s sorrow was l#$e the sorrow wh#ch Chr#st bore7 therefore he #s far nobler than an3 man& Verily were there anything nobler than sorrow, God would have redeemed man thereby. Sorrow #s the root of all 2#rt e& Thro !h the h#!her lo2e the whole l#fe of man #s to be ele2ated from tem%oral self#shness to the s%r#n! of all lo2e, to God< man w#ll a!a#n be master o2er nat re b3 ab#d#n! #n God and l#ft#n! her % to God&

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