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422 January 10, 2002

Evaluating the Case for

Renewable Energy
Is Government Support Warranted?
by Jerry Taylor and Peter VanDoren

Executive Summary

Solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass energy lution costs. But a reasonable interpretation of the
are used in about 2 percent of total U.S. electric- evidence suggests that the additional cost of fur-
ity generation and are expected to produce only ther pollution reduction would exceed the addi-
2.8 percent by 2020. The use of renewable energy tional health benefits. Even if current regulatory
and forecasts of its growth are low because the costs are insufficiently reflective of true environ-
cost of renewable energy–fired electricity is mental costs, “getting prices right” will not signifi-
greater than that of its main competitor, com- cantly affect consumer choices of fuel. For example,
bined-cycle natural gas. Few analysts believe that reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur
this will change any time soon. dioxide by 75 percent below 1997 levels would
Renewable energy sources are also capital increase electricity prices by only about 1 percent,
intensive compared with combined-cycle natural too little to trigger a shift from coal or natural gas
gas. In deregulated electricity markets, investors to renewable energy.
lack any guarantee that capital costs will be recov- Cracking down on greenhouse gas emissions
ered from customers. Accordingly, investors favor to comply with the Kyoto Protocol would pro-
technologies that have higher marginal but lower vide economic help for renewable energy tech-
capital costs, such as combined-cycle natural gas. nologies, but such initiatives would result in
Advocates of renewable energy argue that the only a 7 percent market share for renewable ener-
demand for renewables would rise if conventional- gy and a 43 percent increase in electricity prices
ly generated electricity were priced to reflect its pol- in return for benefits that are still very uncertain.

Jerry Taylor is director of natural resource studies and Peter VanDoren is editor of Regulation magazine at the
Cato Institute.
Although renew- • Rationales for subsidies for renewable
able energy is Introduction energy and other preferences are with-
out sound economic foundation.
often thought of Ever since the energy crises of the 1970s, • The threat of global warming is specu-
as an “infant the U.S. government has promoted the use of lative, and such warming is not neces-
“renewable energies”—primarily wind, solar, sarily deleterious from an economic
industry,” the biomass (burning wood and plant material for perspective. Even if restrictions on
truth is that the power), and geothermal (tapping the hot greenhouse gas emissions were neces-
largest corporate steam or rock beneath the earth)—as desirable sary, replacing conventional energy
substitutes for conventional fossil fuels. sources with renewable energy would
conglomerates in Renewable energy (which, for the purposes of be more costly and less efficient than
America have this paper, does not include nuclear power or other emission abatement strategies.
long devoted hydropower)1 is widely thought to be not only
more environmentally benign than coal or oil
themselves to but also nearly as attractive economically. The Economics of
making renew- The state and federal campaign to promote
Renewable Energy
the use of renewable energy, however, has not
able energy mar- yet significantly affected electricity generation Although renewable energy is often
kets a reality. patterns. Since the establishment of the U.S. thought of as an “infant industry” facing an
Department of Energy in 1978, the federal uphill and unfair struggle against “Big Oil”
government has spent more than $11 billion and the coal industry, the truth is that the
to subsidize—via investment tax credits, pro- largest corporate conglomerates in America
duction credits, accelerated depreciation of have long devoted themselves to making
capital costs, publicly funded research and renewable energy markets a reality. Starting in
development (R&D), and mandatory purchas- the mid-1970s, Exxon, Shell, Mobil, ARCO,
es at avoided cost—wind, solar, biomass, and Amoco, General Electric, General Motors,
geothermal power.2 Yet those fuels account for Texas Instruments, and Grumman all initiat-
only a tiny share of the electricity produced. ed aggressive renewable energy R&D projects. 4
Advocates of renewable energy continue to The widespread belief that oil companies
insist that it is poised to gain significant mar- have incentives to stymie advances in renewable
ket share over the next several years. Although energy is belied not only by such facts; it’s also
renewable energy is still more expensive than belied by the economics of the electricity indus-
conventional energy, production costs have try. According to the Energy Information
come down significantly over the past 22 Administration, a semi-independent agency of
years, and the gap between the cost of conven- the U.S. Department of Energy, oil, which is pri-
tional and renewable energy has narrowed marily a transportation fuel, does not compete
substantially.3 And if nations reduce green- with renewable energy, which is primarily an
house gas emissions, environmentalists argue, electricity fuel.5
renewables will become the lowest-cost The most aggressive renewable energy devel-
sources of electricity fuel on the market. opment initiatives today continue to be under-
This study examines the economics of taken by large multinational corporations. In
renewable energy in the electricity market the United States, Zond Energy Systems,
and the case for government intervention to owned by Enron Corporation (once the world’s
promote its use. We reach three conclusions: largest integrated national gas company with
1997 revenues of $20 billion), is the largest
• Renewable energy is not likely to gain sig- domestic wind turbine manufacturer and the
nificant market share in the foreseeable only manufacturer of large-capacity turbines
future without a significant increase in (those typically installed by electric generating
government subsidies or mandates. companies).6 Likewise, 65 percent of the global

market for photovoltaic cells (the key compo- study undertaken jointly by the U.S. Department
nent of most solar power facilities) in 1999 was of Energy and the Electric Power Research
dominated by five large multinational corpora- Institute10 argued that no renewable energy
tions: British Petroleum, Kyocera, Sharp, source was competitive with combined-cycle nat-
Siemens, and Sanyo (in descending order of ural gas turbine technology, the primary source of
market share).7 new electric power capacity, which produces elec-
To advocates of renewable energy, heavy cor- tricity at about 3 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh).11
porate investment in renewable energy technolo- Renewable energy costs, however, include
gies is evidence of the potential competitiveness numerous government subsidies and prefer-
of alternative fuels in the near future. But some ences that mask the true cost of generating elec-
perspective is necessary. Total private-sector tricity from those sources. The impact of pref-
investment in solar, wind, and biomass energy in erences varies by fuel source and facility, but
1995 was less than 1 percent of total world ener- they reduce the true cost of renewable energy
gy investments.8 Royal Dutch Shell’s highly pub- production by at least 2 cents per kWh.12 The
licized planned expenditure of from $500 million most important of those subsidies include
to $1 billion on renewable energy development,
for instance, is at most 10 percent of the corpora- • a 1.7 cent per kWh federal tax credit for
tion’s $10 billion capital spending budget.9 output produced during the first 10 Solar, wind, geo-
As Table 1 indicates, solar, wind, geother- years of operation for new wind power thermal, and bio-
mal, and biomass energy account for only plants built before 2001;13 mass energy
about 2 percent of total U.S. electricity genera- • a 10 percent investment federal tax
tion, according to the most recent data. credit for solar and geothermal tech- account for only
nologies that generate electricity;14 about 2 percent
Cost Data • five-year accelerated depreciation for
Accurate estimates of the cost of renewable some renewable energies; 15 of total U.S. elec-
energies are surprisingly hard to obtain. A 1997 • state-imposed “public benefit charges,” tricity generation.

Table 1
Net Generation of Electricity from Various Fuels, 2000

Kilowatt-hours Percentage of Total

Fuel (millions) Electricity Generation

Nonrenewables and
hydro 3,799,944 97.79
Biomass 39,498 1.04
Waste combustion 24,590 0.65
Geothermal 14,197 0.37
Wind 4,953 0.13
Solar 844 0.02
Total renewables 84,082 2.21

Source: Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review Interactive Data Query System,

Without policy which impose taxes on nonrenewable The cost estimates shown in Table 2 are too
privileges, the energy sources to subsidize renewable low for several reasons. First, they do not
energy projects; 16 and include the costs of transmission because those
renewable energy • state sales tax credits, investment tax costs are site specific and hard to estimate.20
industry (at least credits, and subsidized low-interest The cost of transmitting electricity produced by
loans to investors. 17 renewable energy, however, is often higher than
the portion that that of transmitting electricity generated from
generates electric- Without policy privileges, the renewable ener- fossil fuel because the best renewable energy
ity for the power gy industry (at least the portion that generates sites are far from urban areas. Transmission
electricity for the power grid) would cease to costs will thus increase the figures in Table 2.
grid) would cease exist. For instance, Christine Real de Azua, an Second, production costs of renewable
to exist. analyst at the Wind Energy Association, con- energy vary tremendously by location. Ideal
cedes that “the fact remains that wind energy, sites will produce lower-cost power, but the
while close to being competitive with conven- number of ideal sites in the United States
tional generating technologies . . . was still not (and, indeed, in the world) is limited,21 a con-
competitive enough [as of 1998] to win all-source sideration so fundamental to the economics
bids from utilities in the absence of policies that of wind power, for example, that the EIA states
either created a steady assured market for renew- bluntly that “because of limits to windy land
able energy, or ensured that its environmental area, wind is considered a finite resource.”22
attributes were adequately captured and valued Moreover, ideal sites will be developed before
in the marketplace.”18 Stanford University engi- higher-cost sites, so the expected trajectory
neers Mark Jacobson and Gilbert Masters con- should be rising, not decreasing, costs, all
cede that wind is competitive only if government other things being equal.23
intervenes to internalize environmental external- Finally, production costs and generation
ities of conventional electricity production (an capacity of wind and solar power facilities are
issue addressed later in this paper).19 heavily dependent on weather conditions,

Table 2
Levelized Cost of Renewable Energy

Fuel Cents per kWh

Geothermal/hydrothermal 3.3–3.9
Wind/advanced horizontal axis turbines 5.0–6.4
Biomass 7.3–8.7
Geothermal/hot dry rock 10.9
Solar thermal/parabolic trough 17.3
Photovoltaic/residential 37.0
Photovoltaic/concentrators 49.1
Phtovoltaic/utility scale 51.7
Solar thermal/dish engine 134.3

Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Utility Technologies, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
and the Electric Power Research Institute, “Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations,” TR-109496,
December 1997, p. 7-3.

which makes those energy sources unsuitable rate of nearly 70 percent from 1997 through
for continuous, or baseload, generation. For 2000, for example—as the basis for predic-
example, Traverse City Light & Power installed tions about future growth potential. 31 But
one of the largest wind generators in the coun- such arguments can be charitably described
try in 1996. But wind speeds have been 15–20 as boosterism.32
percent below projected averages, and the The EIA generates predictions using the
plant has produced only 67 percent of the elec- National Energy Modeling Systems, a sophis-
tricity anticipated. The turbine was particular- ticated computer model of the industry that
ly unproductive during the summer months is used to forecast changes in energy mar-
when peak demand was highest.24 kets.33 NEMS forecasts are far less optimistic
about the near or midterm prospects for
“Green Power” Offerings in a Deregulated renewable energy than are the forecasts of
Market advocates of renewable energy.34
While renewable energy is more expensive Absent significant changes in federal poli-
than conventionally generated energy, public cy, the EIA projects that installed renewable
opinion polls continue to suggest that con- energy capacity (including both direct gener-
sumers are willing to pay higher energy costs ation and industrial cogeneration) will
if doing so will improve environmental qual- increase by 7.5 gigawatts by 2020, giving Of the 5,356
ity.25 Accordingly, a number of independent renewable energy 2.8 percent of net genera- megawatts (MW)
power marketers in seven states have pack- tion in the electricity marketplace and 3.1 of renewable
aged “green power” electricity plans (made percent of retail electricity sales.35 Combined-
up almost entirely of wind-fired electricity) cycle turbine plants, fired primarily by natur- energy generating
and marketed those plans to ratepayers in al gas, are expected to account for 92 percent capacity currently
states that give consumers the right to of new capacity over that same period36
choose their power suppliers.26 because their costs are expected to be lower
planned through
Eighty utilities in 28 states also offer special than those of other sources of electricity.37 2020, only 291
packages of renewable energy to ratepayers at a Even coal-fired electricity is expected to add MW are being
premium.27 “Green power” costs from 0.4 cents three times more capacity to the system than
to 20 cents per kWh more than conventional renewable-fired electricity generation.38 To built voluntarily;
power in these plans, with a median premium of put the projected expansion of renewable the rest of the
2.5 cents per kWh.28 Because of higher costs, no energy into perspective, the additional
investment is a
more than 1.5 percent of the retail customers in expected power equals the electricity output
any state have signed up for such independently from 3–4 moderately sized coal or nuclear consequence of
marketed programs, and participation in utility- power plants over the next 20 years.39 state mandates
sponsored programs is generally around 1 per- Of the 5,356 megawatts (MW) of renew-
cent or less.29 Clearly, there is a difference between able energy generating capacity currently and orders.
what people tell pollsters about their “willingness planned through 2020, only 291 MW are
to pay” for environmental quality and their actu- being built voluntarily; the rest of the invest-
al willingness to pay in the marketplace. ment is a consequence of state mandates and
While consumer preferences may change, orders.40 Thus, government orders, not eco-
even advocates of renewable energy concede nomic competitiveness, account for even the
that, until renewable-fired electricity costs modest amount of new renewable generating
become comparable to those of conventional capacity expected over the next two decades.
energy, green marketing programs are Projections of future global market share
unlikely to attract many customers.30 for renewable energy alternatives under a
“business as usual” scenario are no more opti-
Forecasts for Growth mistic. The World Bank reports that only 1,000
Advocates of renewable energy often use MW of new renewable-fired electricity are
recent trends in the wind industry—a growth being added annually around the world (out-

The main disad- put equivalent to that of one moderately sized cost for advanced combined-cycle natural gas
vantage of renew- coal or nuclear power plant a year),41 compared power plants or advanced coal plants and only
to the annual global addition of 75,000 MW of slightly less than that of nuclear power.45
able energy is its fossil-fired generation.42 Even the optimistic The main disadvantage of renewable ener-
capital costs. As corporate renewable energy analysts, such as gy is its capital costs. As states deregulate their
those at Royal Dutch Shell, concede that by electricity markets, investors lose the guaran-
states deregulate 2010 renewable energy will probably increase tee that the capital costs of generators will be
their electricity its global energy market share to only 2 percent recovered from customers. Thus, investors
markets, investors from its current 1 percent.43 find it riskier to invest in capital-intensive
technologies than in technologies that have
lose the guarantee The Capital Costs of Renewables higher marginal but lower capital costs.
that the The forecasts for growth in the use of Table 3 illustrates the capital costs (incor-
renewables are low because the costs of renew- porating the 10 percent federal investment
capital costs of able energy are high. The levelized cost of tax credit for geothermal and solar) for vari-
generators will be renewable energy–fired electricity is greater ous fuels using state-of-the-art technology.46
recovered from today than that of its main competitor, com- Renewable technologies not only have
bined-cycle natural gas. Few analysts believe high capital costs per kW of capacity but
customers. that this will change soon44 (we’ll discuss also require costly upgrades of the existing
trends in fossil fuel prices more extensively transmission network because attractive sites
below). For example, the most competitive are distant from most consumers.47 In addi-
renewable energy resource, wind, is projected tion, given the amount of land necessary to
to have a levelized cost of 6 cents per kWh in collect wind and solar power in an economi-
2005, 50 percent above the projected levelized cally viable manner, renewable energy would

Table 3
Capital Costs forVarious Electricity-Generating Technologies

Technology Capital Costs per Installed kW

Gas/oil combined cycle $445

Advanced gas/oil combined cycle $576
Wind $983
Coal $1,092
Coal gasification cycle $1,306
Waste and landfill gas combustion $1,395
Geothermal $1,708
Biomass $1,732
Fuel cells $2,041
Advanced nuclear $2,188
Solar thermal $2,946
Solar photovoltaic $4,252

Source: Energy Information Administration, “Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2001” DOE/EIA0554
(2001), December 2000, Table 43, p. 69.

have to increasingly compete with other land able sources, would probably gain the most
uses—such as agriculture and recreation— market share.55 If temporary, then renewable
resulting in increased fixed costs for land.48 energy’s future is no brighter today than it
According to EIA, capital costs for renew- was yesterday.
able sources increase linearly—and some- The evidence suggests that the natural gas
times more than linearly—with increased price increase of 2000 was temporary. Natural
capacity. Geothermal drilling costs increase gas prices in late September 2001 were $2 per
33 percent for each successive 20 percent pro- million Btu and inventories were 9 percent
duction increase, and exploration costs above the six-year moving average for the
increase 100 percent for each successive quin- date.56 Futures contracts for natural gas on the
tile of production increase.49 For biomass, New York Mercantile Exchange suggest mod-
capital costs increase by 15, 50, 75, and 100 erate increases in price through 2004.57
percent for successive 20 percent increments Industry forecasters are also optimistic.
of supply. For wind power, capital costs The Department of Energy believes that nat-
increase 20, 50, 100, and 200 percent. ural gas prices will continue to fall at least
The forecasts for growth in the use of renew- through 2004.58 The National Petroleum
ables are also low because renewable sources have Council concurs, forecasting that the average
a cost structure (high capital and low marginal wellhead price through 2010 will be approxi- According to EIA,
costs) that is suited to baseload production but a mately $2.74 per million Btu.59 As a result, capital costs for
generation pattern that is intermittent. Wind EIA expects that electricity prices will decline renewable sources
and solar power generate electricity only when from 6.7 cents per kWh in 1999 to 6 cents per
the wind is blowing or the sun is out.50 To cir- kWh in 2020.60 increase linearly
cumvent the intermittent nature of wind and with increased
solar power, natural gas–fired generators provide
backup capacity, but this adds cost and links Fossil Fuel Electricity capacity.
renewable energy production to natural gas mar- Costs with Proper
kets. How “renewable” is renewable energy that
relies on natural gas?
Pollution Accounting
Generation of electricity from renewables
Natural Gas Prices and Renewables is limited by costs. Advocates of renewable
The trouble for renewable energy is com- energy know this so they argue that the
petition from combined-cycle natural gas demand for renewables would rise if conven-
turbines that have low capital costs (Table 3) tionally generated electricity were priced to
and declining marginal costs. From 1985 reflect its pollution costs.
through 1999, natural gas prices declined 25 The argument that fossil fuel extraction
percent after adjusting for inflation.51 and combustion foul the environment in ways
In November–December 2000 average nat- that are incompatible with property rights
ural gas prices increased dramatically from $2 and markets has some merit.61 Air and water
to $10 per million British thermal units. In resources have been treated as a public com-
California they averaged $25 per million Btu52 mons rather than as private property.
(and reached $60 per million Btu on December Advocates of renewable energy argue that con-
9).53 Mark Mazur, acting administrator of the sumers of fossil fuels have not had to indem-
EIA, testified to the Senate Energy and Natural nify anyone for the environmental conse-
Resources Committee that “gas prices previ- quences of their consumption and thus prices
ously had not remained this high for a sus- for fossil fuels are too low. Consequently, soci-
tained period of time.”54 ety consumes “too much” fossil fuel.
Is the natural gas price spike of 2000 tem- Although a world of relatively “unpriced”
porary or long-term? If long-term, then mar- pollution existed prior to 1970 and the enact-
ket substitutes are viable, but coal, not renew- ment of the Clean Air Act amendments, 62

environmental regulation since the 1970s has sources is probably zero.
imposed large costs on firms, particularly new Even if current regulatory costs are insuffi-
coal-burning utilities, and those costs have ciently reflective of true environmental costs,
been passed on to consumers. So, in a sense, they are not so far off the mark that “getting
consumers of electricity have had to pay a pre- prices right” would significantly affect con-
mium for the environmental consequences of sumer decisions about fuels. The U.S. General
the fossil fuels they consume. For example, the Accounting Office reported,
costs of compliance with the Clean Air Act
through the 1970s and 1980s (the “environ- The consideration of externalities in
mental tax” on fossil fuels) were about $25 bil- the planning process for electricity has
lion to $35 billion annually.63 The relevant generally had no effect on the selection
question, then, is whether the regulatory cost or acquisition of renewable energy
paid by consumers already covers the environ- sources [because] electricity from
mental “cost” of fossil fuel consumption. renewable energy usually costs so much
The answer, unfortunately, is not at all clear. more than electricity from fossil fuels
The estimates of the economic damage caused that externality considerations do not
by fossil fuel consumption are all over the map. If overcome the difference.67
we accept EPA’s estimates as a reasonable point
of analytic departure, however, we find that bio- Moreover, as we’ll see below, tightening
mass and coal are somewhat undertaxed relative environmental regulations on coal- and gas-
to their external costs, natural gas is substantial- fired power plants would have little effect on
ly overtaxed, and gasoline is taxed correctly.64 renewable energy’s ability to compete in the
But analysis cannot stop there. Economic electricity marketplace.
efficiency—the explicit goal of advocates of
renewable energy who cite market failure as a
rationale for government intervention— Does Global Warming Alter
requires that the additional benefits the Conclusion?
obtained from expenditures for pollution
abatement exceed the additional costs. Does the threat of global warming alter
Subsidies to renewable energy sources are the conclusion of the last section? This study
necessary to correct for the costs of air pollu- will not provide a thorough review of the sci-
tion if and only if incremental net benefits entific disputes surrounding global climate
would arise from reduced pollution relative change, 68 but scientists do not agree on
Current regulato- to the status quo. And even then an econom- whether anthropogenic greenhouse gases
ically justified subsidy would equal only the will have a significant deleterious effect on
ry costs are not so difference between the existing prices of fossil either the economy or the environment.69
far off the mark fuels (which include the cost of existing pol- Even if the scientific alarmists are correct
that “getting lution controls as well as some taxes) and a about the effects of anthropogenic green-
price that included all pollution damages.65 house gas emissions, it is not clear that the
prices right” Most analysts, however, conclude that the benefits of restricting fossil fuel consump-
would significant- incremental costs of air pollution controls tion outweigh the costs. 70 And unless the
established over the past decade have far benefits of “doing something” about global
ly affect con- exceeded the incremental benefits.66 warming outweigh the costs, the efficient
sumer decisions Because pollution policies already control greenhouse gas “tax” on coal- or gas-fired
about fuels. emissions and a reasonable interpretation of electricity is zero.
the evidence suggests that the additional cost Accordingly, the case for promoting renew-
of further exposure reduction exceeds the able energy to “do something” about global
additional health benefits, the economically warming is empirically weak. Moreover, as we
efficient subsidy for alternative electricity discussed earlier, embracing a policy of “doing

something” about global warming does not have responded by advancing proposals to Subsidies for fos-
necessarily translate into a policy of subsidiz- mandate the consumption of renewable sil fuels amount
ing renewable energy; there are far less costly energy. This section surveys the most com-
means of reaching that end. mon proposals advanced to promote addi- to only 1 percent
tional reliance on renewable energy.78 of total energy
Do Subsidies for Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards
purchases and are
Traditional Fuels Justify Ten states have adopted renewable energy “too small to
Subsidies for Renewables? portfolio standards (RPS), which require that have a significant
a certain percentage of the state’s electricity
The EIA reported that energy subsidies in supply be produced from eligible renewable effect on the over-
fiscal year 1999 totaled $4 billion.71 The oil energy sources.79 all level of energy
industry received $312 million,72 the coal The Clinton administration proposed a fed- prices and con-
industry received $489 million, and the natural eral RPS that would require all U.S. electricity
gas industry received $1.2 billion (almost all of suppliers to obtain renewable energy credits sumption in the
which was a tax credit for the production of equal to 7.5 percent of sales from 2010 through United States.”
alternative fuels, primarily gas from tight sands expiration in 2015. Under the administration’s
and coalbed methane).73 Renewable energy was plan, credits could be obtained by generating
the recipient of $1.1 billion in subsidies in electricity with specified renewables (one credit
1999.74 Subsidies for fossil fuels amount to only for every kilowatt-hour), purchasing credits
1 percent of total energy purchases75 and are, from others, or purchasing credits unsupport-
according to EIA, “too small to have a signifi- ed by generation from the Department of
cant effect on the overall level of energy prices Energy at 1.5 cents per credit, effectively setting
and consumption in the United States.”76 a cap on the price of renewable energy.
R&D dollars have not handicapped renew- Because actual renewable sources of elec-
able energy technologies. Over the past 20 tricity have costs that exceed 1.5 cents per
years, those technologies have received (in kWh, retail suppliers would for the most part
inflation-adjusted 1996 dollars) $24.2 billion buy credits from the Department of Energy
in federal R&D subsidies, while nuclear energy rather than actually purchase or produce
has received $20.1 billion and fossil fuels only renewable energy. The EIA estimated that the
$15.5 billion.77 To the extent that nuclear Clinton RPS would increase renewables’ mar-
power has received heavy favor from govern- ket share only to 3.4 percent in 2020.80
ment, the primary victims have been oil, gas, Approximately 82 percent of the 36 billion
and coal—not renewable energy. kWh increase in renewable energy would
The best way to “level the playing field” is to come from mixing biomass (essentially,
eliminate subsidies for traditional sources wood chips, paper, and various specialty
rather than enact new programs for renewables. plants) with coal in existing coal-fired power
plants. 81 Removing the 2015 sunset provi-
sion would increase the predicted market
If You Can’t Sell share for renewables to 4.2 percent.82
Renewables, Mandate Them The impact of the Clinton RPS on electrici-
ty prices would be small because the credit sys-
Renewable energy has made remarkably tem spreads the cost of the 1.5 cent tax across
little progress in the electricity marketplace all electricity sales. Costs would peak in 2010
because of its costs. And proper considera- under each of the various RPS plans (up to a
tion of the pollution externalities of, and 3.2 percent increase in price under a no cap, no
subsidies for, coal- and gas-fired electricity sunset RPS) but would fall by about half under
would not increase its price enough to close each RPS alternative by 2020.83
the gap. Proponents of renewable energy Since the unveiling of the Clinton proposal,

proponents have introduced even more aggres- and carbon dioxide (one of the most impor-
sive RPS plans in Congress. Most of those leg- tant greenhouse gases) jointly in coordinated,
islative proposals require that between 10 and comprehensive fashion. Those proposals are
20 percent of retail electricity sales by 2020 commonly referred to as “multi-emission” or
come from specified nonhydro renewable “4-pollutant” bills. 88 President Bush, after ini-
energy sources without any sort of price cap on tially calling for adoption of just such a 4-pol-
the cost of tradable renewable energy permits lutant bill during his campaign for the White
and without any sunset provision. House, now supports instead a “3-pollutant”
A “hard” 20 percent RPS would provide the bill addressing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides,
equivalent of a 5 cent per kWh subsidy for and mercury but not carbon dioxide.
renewable-fired electricity,84 increasing the Reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides
amount of renewable energy sold on the market and sulfur dioxide by 75 percent below 1997
from the 135 billion kWh otherwise projected in levels (the most common proposal) would
2020 to 932 billion kWh, a 690 percent increase electricity prices by only about 1 per-
increase.85 Approximately 57 percent would cent, too little to trigger a shift from coal or
come from biomass cofired with coal, 30 per- natural gas to renewable energy.89 The EIA
cent from wind-powered turbines, 11 percent notes that, while “scrubbers, selective catalyt-
None of the leg- from geothermal facilities, and 2 percent from ic reduction, and selective noncatalytic
islative proposals landfill gas.86 According to EIA, electricity prices reduction (the most popular technologies for
on the table to would be 3 percent higher in 2010 and 4 percent controlling such emissions) can be expensive,
higher in 2020 under a hard 20 percent RPS.87 they generally are not costly enough to make
promote renew- In sum, moderate RPS programs accom- existing coal-fired plants uneconomical.”90
able energy would plish little and aggressive RPS programs would Reducing mercury emissions by 90 percent
prove quite expensive. Moreover, because the below 1997 levels (the most common proposal)
have much effect primary beneficiary of those programs would also would not increase renewable energy gen-
on greenhouse be biomass, which would be mixed with coal in eration because, according to the EIA, “the
gas emissions. existing coal-fired power plants, the environ- [mercury] cap can be met more cost-effectively
mental benefits would be far less than we might by retrofitting and switching from coal to nat-
expect. That even aggressive RPS programs are ural gas than by switching to more costly
insufficient to significantly expand the market renewable energy technologies.”91 In the mean-
share of wind- and solar-powered electricity time, combining the proposed mercury regula-
underscores just how uncompetitive those tions with the proposed reductions in emis-
technologies are today in the marketplace. sions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide (the
3-pollutant approach) would increase electrici-
Would Stricter Pollution Controls ty prices by 3–4 percent by 2020.92
Increase Renewable Energy Generation?
Regardless of the merits of the claim that con- Can Renewable Energy Contribute to a
ventional sources of electricity are underpriced Campaign against Global Warming?
because of inadequate regulation of pollution Perhaps the most common argument for
emissions, what would happen to the renewable government promotion of renewable energy is
energy industry if pollution rules were tightened that renewable energy can play a significant
on conventional electric power plants? role in achieving affordable greenhouse gas
The main legislative proposals to reduce emission reductions. But as Table 4 indicates,
pollution from power plants address sulfur none of the legislative proposals on the table
dioxide (a contributor to “acid rain” and to promote renewable energy would have
regional haze), nitrogen oxides (a contributor much effect on greenhouse gas emissions.
in some regions to summertime urban smog), Because the United States must reduce
mercury (a toxic constituent thought by some greenhouse gas emissions by 30–42 percent
to harm both human and ecological health), below projected levels to meet the require-

Table 4
Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions by 2020 under Alternative Scenarios

Emission Reduction Emission Reduction

Scenario (million metric tons) (percentage)

EIA “high renewables” scenario 12 1.6

Clinton RPS with 1.5 cent price cap
and 2015 sunset 1 0.002
Clinton RPS without price cap or sunset 32 4.2
Hard 10% RPS 56 7.3
Hard 20% RPS 137 17.7

Source: Energy Information Administration “Annual Energy Outlook 2000,” DOE/EIA-0383 (2000), December
1999, p. 72; and Energy Information Administration, “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions
from Electric Power Plants: Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Dioxide, and Mercury and a Renewable
Energy Portfolio Standard,” SR/OIAF/2001–03, July 2001, Table 10, p. 32.

ments of the Kyoto Protocol (much greater household in 2010 and $174 by 2020.99
than the 17.7 percent reduction created by Actually stabilizing greenhouse gas concen-
even the hard 20 percent RPS), it’s clear that trations at present levels would require a 60–80
renewable energy, no matter how optimistic percent cut in present greenhouse gas emis-
we might be about the technology, cannot sig- sions100 and, thus, the nearly complete elimina-
nificantly contribute to Kyoto compliance tion of fossil fuel consumption because fossil
without recourse to extreme mandates.93 Even fuel combustion creates about 80 percent of
if the government required large reductions in total greenhouse gas emissions.101 Such an
carbon dioxide emissions but left the compli- undertaking is simply not conceivable.
ance details to the market, firms would find it Reducing emissions of conventional pol-
cheaper to reduce emissions by replacing coal lutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur diox-
with natural gas than by replacing fossil fuels ide, and mercury would do little to advance
with renewable technologies.94 renewable energy technologies. Cracking
For example, if a 7 percent reduction of car- down on greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) Renewable
bon dioxide emissions below the 1990 baseline emissions would advance renewable energy
were mandated (a 30–42 percent reduction technologies, but such initiatives would still sources of elec-
from projected levels), the likely increase in the fail to give those technologies double-digit tricity are more
market share of renewable energy would be 27 market shares and would be expensive. expensive than
percent by 2010 and 32 percent by 2020,95 giv-
ing renewable energy technologies 7 percent of combined-cycle
the electricity market in 2020.96 Biomass (pri- Conclusion natural gas. This
marily cofired with coal) would achieve the
largest market gain, followed by geothermal Renewable sources of electricity are more
fundamental fact
and wind technologies, respectively.97 expensive than combined-cycle natural gas. inhibits their use
The costs of such a plan, however, would This fundamental fact inhibits their use now now and in the
be significant. Absent an international emis- and in the future. Advocates of renewable
sions trading regime, electricity prices would energy argue that the demand for renewables future.
increase by 43 percent in 201098—an average would rise if conventionally generated elec-
annual “tax” of approximately $218 per tricity were priced to reflect its pollution

The main effect of costs. But the main effect of reducing nitro- 0383(2001), p. 74.

reducing nitro- gen, sulfur dioxide, and mercury emissions 6. U.S. General Accounting Office, “Renewable
would be to induce a shift from coal to nat- Energy: DOE’s Funding and Markets for Wind
gen, sulfur diox- ural gas rather than renewable energy. Only a Energy and Solar Cell Technologies,” GAO/RCED
99-130, May 1999, pp. 15–16, 23.
ide, and mercury severe reduction in carbon dioxide emissions
would advance renewable energy technolo-
emissions would gies, but such initiatives would still fail to
7. Peter Holihan, “Technology, Manufacturing, and
Market Trends in the U.S. and International
be to induce a give those technologies double-digit market Photovoltaics Industry,” in EIA, “Renewable Energy
Outlook 2001: Issues and Trends,” February 2001,
shift from coal to shares and would be expensive.
http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf /solar.renewables/rea
Without policy privileges, the renewable
natural gas rather energy industry (at least the portion that gen-
_issues/solar.html. Enron, interestingly enough,
sold its stake in Solarex (a joint project dedicated to
than renewable erates electricity for the power grid) would commercializing sales of solar power to utility grids)
cease to exist. Advocates of renewable energy to British Petroleum in 1999. According to business
energy. analyst Carl Kirst, Enron’s solar investments were
understand that and are now promoting “costing them money and not turning a profit in the
direct use of government authority to man- near-term. It didn’t make sense to spend money on
date the use of renewable sources. Such poli- this technology.” Quoted in Ann de Rouffignac,
cies use the power of government to impose “Enron Pulls the Plug on Solar Power Operation,”
Houston Business Journal, April 16–22, 1999.
the consumption preferences of advocates of
renewables on others without any legitimate 8. Martin Daniel, “Finance for Energy,” FT Energy
philosophical or economic basis. News, Summer 1997; and EIA, “Challenges of Electric
Power Industry Restructuring for Fuel Suppliers,”
DOE/EIA-0623, September 1998, p. 20.
Notes 9. “Shell Unveils Renewable Energy Plan As US, EU
1. This paper does not examine two fuels that some Disagree on Climate Change,” Oil Daily, June 15, 2001.
analysts consider renewable energies—nuclear power
and hydropower—because nongovernmental advo- 10. Still, Thomas Petersik, a senior renewable ener-
cates of renewable energy generally oppose those gy analyst at the EIA, believes that the EPRI/DOE
fuels. They oppose nuclear power because of concern figures reported in Table 2 are somewhat too opti-
over both radioactive waste and general safety. They mistic about the true levelized cost of renewable
oppose hydropower because of the damage that its energy and that the estimates should be adjusted
use does to riparian ecosystems. See Robert L. Bradley upward by about a penny or two. Personal conver-
Jr., “Renewable Energy: Not Cheap, Not ‘Green,’” Cato sation with Jerry Taylor, June 26, 2001.
Institute Policy Analysis no. 280, August 27, 1997, pp.
11. Levelized costs are the estimated capital and mar-
26–28. Accordingly, when we use the term “renewable
ginal costs of an energy facility discounted to net
energy,” we’re referring to wind power, solar power,
present value (NPV) divided by the project’s energy
biomass, waste combustion and landfill gas combus-
output to yield a value in cents per kWh. The calcu-
tion, fuel cells, and geothermal resources.
lations in Table 2 assume a market-based rate of
2. Ibid., p. 5. return approach to building, owning, and operating
a power plant and balance sheet finance. U.S.
3. James McVeigh et al., “Renewable Energy: Department of Energy, Office of Utility
Winner, Loser, or Innocent Victim? Has Renewable Technologies, Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy Performed as Expected?” Resources for the Energy, and the Electric Power Research Institute,
Future Discussion Paper 99–28, June 1999. “Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations,”
TR-109496, December 1997 pp. 7-1 through 7-3.
4. Robert L. Bradley Jr., “The Increasing
Sustainability of Conventional Energy,” Cato 12. Bradley, “Renewable Energy,” pp. 8–15, 28–36.
Institute Policy Analysis no. 341, April 22, 1999, p. 6.
13. EIA, “Assumptions of the Annual Energy Outlook
5. Only 3 percent of the electricity generated in this 2001,” DOE/EIA-0554(2001), December 2000, p. 123.
country is produced from oil, and that figure is
expected to decline somewhat through 2020 as oil- 14. Ibid.
fired steam generators are replaced with gas turbine
technologies. Energy Information Administration 15. Glenn Schleede, “The US Department of
(EIA), “Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” DOE/EIA- Energy’s ‘Wind Energy Initiative’: A Truly Unrealistic

Proposal,” Energy Market & Policy Analysis, January them if they agreed with the statement, “We must
7, 2000, pp. 13–15, empainc @aol.com. protect the environment, even if it means paying
higher prices for electricity and gasoline because of
16. California’s state program is the most aggres- it.” Fifty-five percent agreed, 38 percent disagreed,
sive in this regard. For details, see EIA, “Annual and 7 percent were unsure. “Save the Environment!
Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 12. (And Turn Up the Air Conditioner),” New York
Times, May 20, 2001, sec. 4, p. 5.
17. Christine Real de Azua, “The Future of Wind
Energy,” Tulane Environmental Law Journal 14, no. 26. The most successful programs are being mar-
2 (Summer 2001): 511. keted in California, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania,
although California suspended its retail consumer
18. Ibid., p. 501. choice program on September 20, 2001. Other
states where “green power” marketing is conducted
19. Mark Jacobson and Gilbert Masters, “Wind include Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and
versus Coal,” Science, August 24, 2001. For cri- New York. Blair Swezey and Lori Bird, “Green
tiques of the article beyond those generally found Power Marketing in the United States: A Status
in this study, see Glenn Schleede, “Science Article Report,” 5th ed., National Renewable Energy
Is Wrong in Claiming That Wind Energy Is Laboratory, NREL/TP-620-28738, August 2000,
Cheaper Than Coal,” Energy Market & Policy pp. 1–2. For a critique of those green pricing pro-
Analysis, August 26, 2001; and energy consultant grams, see Robert L. Bradley Jr., “Green Energy,” in
Catharine Lawton, “Conclusions in Science Policy Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy, ed. John
Forum Article on Wind Energy and Coal Are Zumerchik (New York: Macmillan, 2001), vol. 2.
Unsupported and Contradicted by Other
Evidence,” September 17, 2001 (both documents 27. Ibid., p. 1.
available from the authors).
28. Ibid., p. 6.
20. U.S. Department of Energy and the Electric
Power Research Institute, p. 6-4. 29. Ibid., pp. 1–2, 7.

21. The economics of wind power is heavily 30. Real de Azua, p. 519.
dependent on geographic wind characteristics.
See “Wind Energy Resource Atlas,” United States 31. EIA, “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, http:// Multiple Emissions from Power Plants: Sulfur
rredc.nrel.gov/wind/pubs/atlas/. Central station Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Dioxide,”
solar power is obviously more economically SR/OIAF/2000-05, December 2000, p. 47.
attractive in desert areas than elsewhere. See U.S.
Department of Energy and the Electric Power 32. For a good example of the typical arguments,
Research Institute, Figure 2, p. 4-3. Geothermal see Christopher Flavin and Seth Dunn, “A New
energy is profitable only where heat intersects Energy Paradigm for the 21st Century,” Journal of
with water below the earth, sites which are far International Affairs 53, no. 1 (Fall 1999): 167–90.
from ubiquitous. “Geothermal Energy Could
Provide 8% of World’s Electricity,” Energy Report, 33. For a discussion of the NEMS, see EIA,
April 12, 1999. See also, generally, EIA, “Annual “Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” Appendix G. For
Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 244, and EIA, a discussion of the major underlying assumptions
“Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook of the NEMS model, see EIA, “Assumptions of the
2001,” DOE/EIA-0554(2001), December 2000, Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” pp. 2–12.
pp. 118–23.
34. EIA’s forecasts for renewable energy, interestingly
22. Ibid., p. 119. enough, are a bit more optimistic than similar fore-
casts published by the U.S. Environmental Protection
23. All extractive industries are subject to the same Agency, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the
phenomenon. For a discussion of the economics of Environmental Law Institute, all agencies generally
site exploitation for natural resource industries, see M. considered to be more bullish about the prospects for
A. Adelman, The Economics of Petroleum Supply renewable energy. EIA, “Strategies for Reducing
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1993), pp. 1–302. Multiple Emissions from Power Plants,” 2000, Table
22, p. 70. For an overview of how the assumptions
24. “Wind Turbine Fails to Meet Expectations,” underlying the NEMS model and the forecasts differ
Detroit News, August 19, 1999. generally from those of other analyses, see EIA,
“Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” pp. 102–11.
25. The U.S. Department of Energy recently sur-
veyed a random sample of Americans and asked 35. EIA, “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing

Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: the Cause of California’s High Prices,” Public
Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Dioxide, Utilities Fortnightly, February 15, 2001, pp. 31–32.
and Mercury and a Renewable Energy Portfolio
Standard,” SR/OIAF/2001-03, July 2001, p. 58. 53. Bruce Radford, “Key to the Citygate,” Public
Utilities Fortnightly, January 1, 2001, p. 4.
36. EIA, “Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 73.
54. Mark Mazur, “Statement to Committee on
37. Ibid., p. 95. Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate,”
106th Cong., 1st sess., December 12, 2000, p. 1,
38. Ibid., p. 73. http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/natural_gas
39. U.S. General Accounting Office, “Renewable _demand/1211sen-test.pdf.
Energy,” p. 7 n. 9.
55. As noted earlier, the levelized cost of coal-fired
40. For a summary as well as a state-by-state, pro- electricity is quite a bit lower than that of renew-
ject-by-project breakdown, see EIA, “Assumptions able energy alternatives (the price differential is
of the Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” pp. 123–25. almost as large between renewables and coal as it
is between renewables and natural gas); the capi-
41. Ibid. tal costs of coal-fired electricity are virtually the
same as those of the most competitive renewable,
42. “World Bank Chief Says ‘Systemic’ Change wind. Moreover, the EIA expects coal prices to
Needed to Help Renewable Generation,” Energy drop dramatically over the next couple of decades,
Report 27, no. 11, March 13, 2000. from $16.98 a ton in 1999 to $12.70 a ton in 2020
(a 1.4 percent annual decline); the price of coal
43. “Shell Unveils Renewable Energy Plan As US, delivered to utilities is expected to decline at
EU Disagree on Climate Change.” almost the same rate (1.1 percent annually
through 2020). EIA, “Annual Energy Outlook
44. “The use of renewable energy technologies for 2001,” pp. 3, 92.
electricity generation is projected to grow slowly
because of the relatively low cost of fossil fuel gen- 56. EIA, Natural Gas Weekly Update October 1,
eration and because electricity construction 2001, http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/ngw/
favors less capital intensive natural gas technolo- ngupdate .asp.
gies over coal and baseload renewables.” EIA,
“Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 5. 57. For a review of the size of North American natural
gas reserves, see “Industry Confident U.S. Has
45. EIA, “Strategies for Reducing Multiple Enough Gas to Meet Demand,” Energy Report, March
Emissions from Power Plants,” 2000, p. 18. 5, 2001, p. 10; “Report Estimates U.S. Gas Supplies
Good for 60 Years,” Energy Report, April 9, 2001, p. 10;
46. Capital costs are referred to as “total overnight “Canadians Cheer White House Pro-Gas Remarks,”
cost including contingencies” in the electricity trade. Energy Report, April 9, 2001, p. 12; and Judith Gurney,
“U.S. Faces Natural Gas Price Shock,” Energy
47. EIA, “Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 244. Economist 229 (November 2000): 15–18. For a discus-
sion of technological advances on the near horizon
48. Ibid; and EIA, “Assumptions to the Annual that could dramatically expand natural gas supplies if
Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 118. prices stay high, see Jennifer Considine et al., “North
American Natural Gas Markets,” Oxford Energy
49. Ibid. Forum, February 2001, pp. 7–9.
50. Of course, low winds can generate power from 58. Mazur, p. 7.
wind turbines, but not economically. “Since the
energy that wind contains is a function of the 59. “Group Calls on FERC to Cap Wholesale
cube of its speed, small differences in average Prices,” Energy Report, February 12, 2001, p. 11.
winds from site to site mean large differences in
production and, therefore, in cost.” Real de Azua, 60. EIA, “Annual Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 3.
p. 492.
61. Murray Rothbard argues that air pollution
51. Alex Barrionuevo, John Fialka, and Rebecca should be governed by the common law strict lia-
Smith, “How Federal Policies, Industry Shifts bility rule. Murray Rothbard, “Law, Property
Created the Natural Gas Crunch,” Wall Street Rights, and Air Pollution,” Cato Journal 2 (Spring
Journal, January 3, 2001, p. A1. 1982): 55–99.
52. Edward Krapels, “Was Gas to Blame? Exploring

62. For a review of air pollution trends and regu- Newmann (Cambridge: Cambridge University
latory policies before the Clean Air Act of 1970, Press, 1999); and Thomas Gale Moore, Climate of
see Indur Goklany, Clearing the Air: The Real Story of Fear: Why We Shouldn’t Worry about Global Warming
the War on Air Pollution (Washington: Cato (Washington: Cato Institute, 1998).
Institute, 1999). Goklany reports that there was
far more state and local regulatory activity before 71. The details about subsidies come from EIA,
1970 than most analysts realize and that air qual- “Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in
ity had been improving for decades prior to pas- Energy Markets 1999: Primary Energy,” SR/OIA/99-
sage of the Clean Air Act. The explanation of sub- 03, September 1999. Some analysts describe the
optimal emissions control policies prior to 1970, Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the
according to Goklany, is that scientists came foreign tax credit as subsidizing oil production; see
rather late to the conclusion that nitrogen oxides “Subsidizing Big Oil’s Foreign Investments:
and other substances were truly pollutants worth Importing Oil, Exporting Jobs, and Making War,”
worrying about. One can’t fault state and local Citizen Action, Washington, September 1996. We
governments for not regulating substances that will not discuss these policies because they are avail-
weren’t on the public health radar screen. able to all corporations. However, the government
provision of risk insurance for overseas investment
63. For the 1970–90 period, Clean Air Act direct does violate market principles.
compliance expenditures are estimated to have
been $500 billion. In 1978 Clean Air Act direct 72. For a more complete discussion of oil subsidies,
compliance expenditures were estimated to have see Ron Sutherland, “Big Oil at the Public Trough?
been $35 billion. See J. Clarence Davies and Jan An Examination of Petroleum Subsidies,” Cato
Mazurek, Pollution Control in the United States: Institute Policy Analysis no. 390, February 1, 2001.
Evaluating the System (Washington: Resources for
the Future, 1998), pp. 128–30. 73. EIA, “Federal Financial Interventions and
Subsidies in Energy Markets 1999: Primary Energy,”
64. W. Kip Viscusi et al., “Environmentally Table ES1, p. ix.
Responsible Energy Pricing,” Energy Journal 15, no.
2 (1994): 23–42. 74. Ibid.

65. Albert Nichols, “How Well Do Market Failures 75. Ibid., p. 5.

Support the Need for Demand Side Management?”
National Economic Research Associates, Cambridge, 76. Ibid., pp. ix–x.
Mass., August 12, 1992, p. 9.
77. Data from the Department of Energy report-
66. The 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, for exam- ed in Bradley, “Renewable Energy,” p. 63.
ple, will probably result in additional costs that are
double the additional benefits. See Paul R. Portney, 78. This section does not explore the employment
“Economics and the Clean Air Act,” Journal of or macroeconomic impacts of the various emis-
Economic Perspectives 4 (Fall 1990): 173–81. sions reduction or renewable energy portfolio pro-
grams discussed herein. For a review of such
67. U.S. General Accounting Office, “Electricity effects, see EIA, “Analysis of Strategies for
Supply: Consideration of Environmental Costs in Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power
Selecting Fuel Resources,” May 19, 1995, p. 2, quot- Plants,” 2001, pp. 63–69.
ed in Paul Ballonoff, Energy: Ending the Never-Ending
Crisis (Washington: Cato Institute, 1997), p. 55. 79. Texas and New Jersey have adopted the most
aggressive standards. Other states that have adopt-
68. For an overview of the scientific disputes, see ed RPS programs include Arizona, Connecticut,
Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling, The Satanic Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico,
Gases: Clearing the Air about Global Warming Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. For details about the
(Washington: Cato Institute, 2000). Texas and New Jersey programs, see EIA, “Annual
Energy Outlook 2001,” p. 12.
69. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
Climate Change 1995, Impacts, Adaptations, and 80. EIA, “Annual Energy Outlook 2000,” DOE/EIA-
Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical 0383, 1999, p. 19.
Analyses (New York: Cambridge University Press,
1996), pp. 411, 439. 81. Ibid.

70. For a review of the cost/benefit arguments, see 82. Ibid.

The Impact of Climate Change on the United States
Economy, ed. Robert Mendelsohn and James 83. Ibid.

84. EIA, “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing 94. Council of Economic Advisers, “The Kyoto
Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants,” Protocol and the President’s Policies to Address
2001, p. xviii. Climate Change,” http://www.whitehouse.gov /WH
/New/html/Kyoto.pdf. For a full discussion of that
85. Ibid., pp. xxiv–xxv. report, see Peter VanDoren, “The Cost of Reducing
Carbon Emissions: An Examination of
86. Ibid., p. 59. For an examination of the regional Administration Forecasts,” Cato Institute Briefing
impacts of a hard 20 percent RPS, see ibid., pp. 62–63. Paper no. 44, March 11, 1999.

87. Ibid., p. 32. 95. Ibid., p. 33.

88. For a review of the various proposals, see ibid., pp. 96. Ibid., p. 60.
1–2; and EIA, “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing
Multiple Emissions from Power Plants,” 2000, pp. 1–2. 97. Ibid.

89. EIA, “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple 98. Ibid., p. x. To review the various assumptions
Emissions from Electric Power Plants,” 2001, p. ix. that drive the cost estimates of carbon dioxide
emission reductions, see VanDoren.
90. Ibid., p. xv.
99. EIA, “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple
91. Ibid., p. 59. Emissions from Electric Power Plants,” 2001, p. xvii.

92. Ibid., p. ix. 100. Michaels and Balling, p. 199.

93. Michaels and Balling, p. 200. 101. EIA, “Annual Energy Outlook 2000,” p. 40.

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