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Personality Traits for the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac

1. Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19) is symbolized by the ram. Your ruling planet is Mars and your element is fire. You have enthusiasm and passion for life. You have a lot of energy, but you need to learn how to make constructive use of it. People are attracted to your animation and spirited personality. Your best matches are Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Scorpio.

2. Taurus (Apr 20- May 20) is symbolized by the bull. Your ruling planet is Venus and your element is earth. If you are a Taurus, you have a great deal of passion and loyalty. You are direct and have no trouble remaining grounded. You are stubborn and determined, its hard for you to understand viewpoints that differ from your own. Your best romantic matches are Libra, Scropio, and Capricorn. 3. Gemini (May 21- Jun 20) is symbolized by the twins. Your ruling planet is Mercury and your element is air. Gemini personalites often have two sides. You enjoy a quick pace, but also like a peaceful rhythm. You have a lot of creativity. You are a great communicator and are very open to new ideas. You also have a strong desire to learn. Your best mates are Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius.

4. Cancer (Jun 21- July 22) is symbolized by the crab. Your ruling planet is the Moon and your element is wter. Cncer is the peacemaker of the zodiac. You have a lot of patience and understanding of others. You hate to see pain and suffering in others. You love to nurture and help others, but you hide your own feelings in an effort to avoid conflict. Your best love matches are Pisces, Scorpio, and Auarius.

5. Leo (Jul 23- Aug 22) is symbolized by the lion. Your ruling planet is the Sun and your element is fire. Leo is the leader of the zodiac. You are generous, but dont like it when people ask for things. You like material goods. You can be impatient and a bit bossy. You are also very direct, sometimes to a fault. Your best chances for love lie with Scorpio. Capricorn, and othe Leo.

6. Virgo (Aug 23- Sep 22) is symbolized by the virgin. Your ruling planet is Mercury and your element is earth. If you are a Virgo, you may be a bit of a perfectionist. You love to organize and plan. You always need to have the last word and you can sometimes be oversensitive. You can also be a bit shy. Some compatible signs include Gemini, Pisces, and Taurus.

7. Libra (Sep 23- Oct 22) is symbolized by the scales. Your ruling planet is Venus and your element is air. You thrive on balance in all aspects of your life. You have a lot of passion and when it comes to love, and you like to play games. You are a perfectionist. You have difficulty finding satisfaction in life. You have a great ability to get along with almost anyone. Your best love matches are Aquarius, Aries, and Taurus.

8. Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21) is symbolized by the scorpion. Your ruling planet is Pluto and your element is water. You have magnetism. You are mysterious and you have trouble expressing your feelings. You are very loyal and possessive, and you become jealous very easily. You have a great deal of courage and are very clear on what you want and how to get it. You are also protective. Your best romantic matches are Capricorn, Pisces, and Leo.

9. Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21) is symbolized by the archer. Your ruling planet is Jupiter and your element is fire. Sagittarius has an aptitude for honesty. You like the simple things in life. You can be extremely stubborn and you have a tendency to say too much. You are demanding and can sometimes be unreasonable. You also can sometimes have trouble learning from your mistakes. Your best love matches are Gemini, Aries, Taurus, and Virgo.

10. Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19) is symbolized by the goat. Your ruling planet is Saturn and your element is earth. Capricorns are excellent in matters of business. You are extremely protective of your loved ones and belongings, but you have a tendency to overthink things and worry too much. You are very stubborn. Your best romantic matches are Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo.

11. Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18) is symbolized by the water bearer. Your ruling planet is Uranus and your element is air. You are dependable and honest. You are very considerate of others and their opinions. You are a definite individual, sometimes to the point that you have defficulty working wiht others. You are independent and have an active imagination. Auarians are most often attracted to Gemini, Libra, Pisces, and othe Aquarians.

12. Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) is symbolized by the fish. Your ruling planet is Neptune and your element is water. If you are a Pisces, you are a very passionate person, but you seldom show this passion. You have a great deal of compassion for others and are always willing to help those in need. You have a great generosity. You are also stubborn. The best love matches for Pisces are Aquarius, Cances, and Scorpio.

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