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http://vet.sagepub.com/ Nature and Cause of Bilateral Ocular Dermoids in Hereford Cattle

S. D. Barkyoumb and H. W. Leipold Vet Pathol 1984 21: 316 DOI: 10.1177/030098588402100309 The online version of this article can be found at: http://vet.sagepub.com/content/21/3/316

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>> Version of Record - May 1, 1984 What is This?

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Vet. Pathol. 21: 316-324 (1984)

Nature and Cause of Bilateral Ocular Dermoids in Hereford Cattle

S. D. BARKYOUMB and H. W. LEIPOLD Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Abstract. Nature and cause of bilateral ocular dermoids were investigated by field studies, pedigree analysis, clinical examination, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. It was determined that ocular dermoids in Hereford cattle are a genetically transmitted defect; characteristics of autosomal recessive and polygenic inheritance were observed. Calves typically were affected bilaterally with multiple, connected ocular growths that clinically, histologically, and ultrastructurally mimicked normal haired skin. Sites most commonly involved included ventro-lateral limbus, third eyelid, medial canthus, eyelid and conjunctiva. Centro-corneal and anterior segmental dermoids also were observed. Ocular dermoids, as reported, are peculiar defects recognized in animals and man characterized by solid, skin-like masses of tissue on or in various ocular structures. Their cause is controversial?-6. Is. 20. 23. 25. 43*51. 52 They occur sporadically in numerous cattle breeds,3. 10. 16-18.25.32. 33. 35. 36. 40-42.47. 49. 53. 54 h ave no clear-cut sex incidence,'. 35 and occur unilaterally and bilaterally.6.9. 10. Ocular dermoids may be nothing more than a cosmetic blemish and a source of irritation which is removed easily by superficial lamellar ocukeratectomy with little resultant scamng.". II . 15.29 lar dermoids usually appear clinically as a singular mass adhered to the anterior surface of the globe astride the ventro-lateral limbus.'. 4. 12.41. 52 They may cause visual impairment if large areas of the cornea are involved. Dermoids involving central cornea, third eyelid, canthus or eyelid occasionally occur in cattle and are corrected easily by surgery. l o Total corneal replacement and anomalies of internal ocular structures have not been reported in association with ocular dermoids in cattle. Recent reports to us from veterinarians from southcentral Iowa indicated a high incidence of ocular dermoids within individual Hereford herds. These cases were unique because calves were affected bilaterally with multiple dermoid growths per eye causing moderate to marked disfigurement of external ocular structures. In addition, small tissue masses protruding into the external nares and heart murmurs were reported in several calves. The overall objective of this study was to investigate the nature and cause of bilateral ocular dermoids in Hereford cattle.

Materials and Methods

Initial reports of ocular dermoids received from local veterinarians, breed associations, extension personnel, and herd owners were recorded. Herds with ocular dermoids were visited or the owners contacted by telephone to determine if any adverse environmentalfactorswere associated with ocular dermoids. The following factors were investigated breed, sex, degree of ocular involvement, age of parents, geographic region, season, type of pasture, soil type, exposure to or suspected exposure to teratogenic plants, feeding and management practices, breeding records, maternal medical and vaccination records, disease status of the herd, periods of stress, drugs administered, congenital defects observed previously, and history of similar congenital defects in neighboring herds. Breeding records of defective calves were collected and complete pedigrees of at least five generations were constructed for 23 purebred Polled Hereford calves affected with ocular dermoids. Pedigrees were compared with five generation pedigreesof 100 normal Polled Hereford calves of similar age and randomly selected from the computer records of the breed association to investigate the degree of similarity in ancestral background between abnormal and normal calves. Sixteen calves with various grades of ocular dermoids were purchased and transported to Kansas State University for thorough examination. Upon amval the calves were examined clinically and photographed; unclotted blood samples for differential blood cell counts, clotted blood for blood chemistry profile (creatinine, glucose, inorganic phosphorus, calcium, albumin, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, blood urea nitrogen, carbon dioxide, potassium, sodium and chloride), serum for detection of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine virus diarrhea and blue tongue viral antibodies, and heparinized whole blood for bluetongue virus isolation were collected. Calves to be necropsied were anesthetized by intravenous sodium pentobarbital. Nasal and ocular swabs, samples of
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Ocular Demoids in Herefords

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Table I. Location, year of occurrence, breed, sex, and involvement of 74 calves with ocular dermoids Breed Sex Involvement Farm Location Number Year ofcalves Polled Here- Homed Grade Hereford Male crosses


Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Michigan Kansas Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Kansas Total


0 P

1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1981 1976 1981 1976 1971 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1980 1981 1981 1981 1980

with fords dermoids 2 0 0 6 0 3 7 0 0 6 4 4 12 15 4 0 2 0 2 0 I 0 4 3 I 0 1 1 1 0 3 1

1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3

0 6 3 7 6 0 3 4 2 2 0 1

UnBiUniUnknown lateral lateral known



6 2 2

0 0

0 0 0 2
1 1


0 23


2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 8

0 0 3 1 1 3 7 0 2 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 2

0 0 0 0

0 6 0 7 5 0

7 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 16



4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 27

2 6 3 6 6 3 14 0 2 0 0 4 1 0

0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 I 0 0

3 1 6

0 0 0 0



0 0 6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

aqueous humor and portions of dermoid and four nasal masses were taken for virus isolation. The jugular yeins were severed, the vascular system of the head was flushed with heparinized saline via the carotid arteries, and the head was fixed by intracarotid perfusion of Trumps solution containing 4% phosphate buffered formaldehyde and 1% glutaraldehyde. Enucleated eyeballs, eyelids, intraorbital tissues, lacrimal glands, nasal masses and somatic tissues were placed in Trumps solution for at least 72 hours. Samples for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis(trachea, lung, kidney) and bovine virus diarrhea (spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes, intestine and feces) virus isolation were collected. Ocular tissues were embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 8 pm by a sliding microtome, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Nonocular tissues were cut at 6 pm on a rotary microtome and stained with HE. Selected sections of dermoids were processed for scanning electron microscopy. A modified osmium thiocarbohydrazide procedure was used crosslinking layers of osmium to the tissue to render them conductive and prepare them for scanning electron micro~copy.~~ Following application of this technique, tissues were dehydrated in increasing grades of ethanol, critical point dried with liquid COz, mounted on aluminum studs with colloidal silver paste, and examined by scanning electron microscopy. Following scanning electron microscopic examination, selected samples of dermoid tissue were removed from the prepared blocks as described above and prepared for trans-

mission electron microscopy. Small minced fragments of tissue were infiltrated with and embedded in LX-112 resin (Ladd LX-112 Resin, Ladd Research Industries Inc, Burlington, VT) polymerized at 60C for 12 hours. Thick sections (0.5 to 1 pm) were cut from each block, stained with toluidine blue, and examined by light microscope to confirm orientation. Ultrathin sections (80 to 100 nm) were placed on a copper grid, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and examined by transmission electron microscope. Results Complete blood counts revealed various degrees of neutrophilia. Serum chemical constituents were normal. Serum viral antibody titers for .infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine virus diarrhea and bluetongue and virus isolation studies conducted on blood, intraocular fluid, dermoid tissue, somatic tissue and nasal masses were negative. Seventy-four calves with congenital ocular dermoids were reported in 16 different herds located in three states-7 1 from southcentral Iowa, two from northcentral Kansas, and one from Michigan (table I). Four calves were born in 1982, 61 in 1981, two in 1980, six in 1976, and one in 197 1. Breeding histories revealed 40 calves were grade Herefords, 23 were purebred Polled Herefords, three had purebred Horned Hereford

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Barkyoumb and Leipold

parents, and eight were Hereford crossbreds. No other cattle breeds located in southcentral Iowa were affected. Thirty-one calves were male, 16 female, and the sex of 27 was not reported. Parents were phenotypically normal except one bull and one cow. The bull had a thickened nodular third eyelid and the cow had a small speck involving the cornea of one eye. Sixty-two calves had dermoid growths affecting both eyes, six were unilateral, and involvement of six was not reported. There was marked variation in extent of dermoids which ranged from a small growth to marked ocular malformation with blindness. No environmental factor could be associated with the ocular dermoids. One rancher indicated vitamin A deficiency ten years earlier and except for infectious keratoconjunctivitis in one herd, no significant viral or bacterial diseases were reported. The use of drugs or other medications in cows having calves with dermoids was not reported and vaccination schedules were routine. Solanum spp (Nightshade) was found to be a problem in one herd; a survey of the grazing areas of other herds, however, did not reveal any poisonous plants. The 23 purebred Polled Hereford calves with ocular dermoids (1 5 male, seven female, and one unknown sex) had separate dams and were sired by seven different bulls; 15 calves were sired by one bull. The sire of this bull also sired a calf with a dermoid and a paternal grandsire of a bull reported to have sired a calf with a dermoid. Three defective calves were sired by a common bull, and the remaining three bulls sired one defective calf each. Examination of five- to eight-generation pedigrees of affected calves revealed three common ancestors: bulls 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3. Twenty-two calves (96%) were related to bull I- 1; 18 calves were related through both sides of their pedigree (dam and sire), and four via their sire. His presence was established in only 16 (16%) of the 100 randomly selected five-generation pedigrees of normal calves of similar age. Bull 1-2 was present in 22 of the 23 pedigrees (96%); 15 through both parents, six through the sire only, and one through the dam. He occurred in 31 (31%) of the 100 randomly selected pedigrees. Bull 1-3 was in 22 of the affected (96%) and 42 (42%) of the randomly selected pedigrees. He occurred in the ancestors of both the dam and sire in 13 of the calves with dermoids, the sire of eight calves and the dam of one calf. It was noted that common ancestry of these bulls to randomly selected normal calves was usually through one parent only, not both.

There was considerable variation among individual eyes and between calves in expression of the defect depending on location, size, amount and type of hair, and number of skin-like masses present. Most calves were affected bilaterally with multiple, connected ocular dermoids resulting in mild to marked disfigurement of cornea, canthi, and eyelids. There was encroachment on the visual axis with various degrees of visual impairment, and significant subacute keratoconjunctivitis with epiphora, blepharospasm, and corneal ulceration. Inflammation was related directly to imtation by the dermoid and to exposure keratitis secondary to eyelid dysfunction. Defects of the heart (tetralogy of Fallot, patent ductus arteriosus), kidney (polycystic) and nasal cavity (masses protruding into nares) were observed in some calves. Sites most commonly affected in decreasing order of incidence included limbus, third eyelid, canthus, eyelid, and conjunctiva (table 11). Dermoids strictly of lacrimal caruncle and dermolipomas of the conjunctiva were not observed. Limbal dermoids (figs. 1-3) occurred most frequently astride the ventro-lateral, corneoscleral junction and canthal dermoids involved primarily the medial canthus. Centro-corneal dermoids (figs. 4-6) and anterior segmental dermoids (figs. 7-9) with complete corneal replacement and marked dysplasia of internal ocular structures also were observed. Variation within and among the numerous dermoids observed histologically and ultrastructurally included epidermal thickness, degree of epidermal keratinization and pigmentation, prominence of rete pegs and dermal papillae, degree of subacute subepidermal inflammation, number of epidermal adnexa, dermal thickness, amount of adipose tissue in subcutis, tightness of dermoid-corneal/scleral junction, and depth of corneal replacement. Subacute subepidermal, conjunctival,and corneal inflammation were observed in all dermoids and adherent intradermal lacrimal tissue frequently was present in deeper dermoid layers. Anterior segmental dermoids contained fascicles of skeletal muscle and bands of hyaline cartilage. They were associated with sclero-cornea, aphakia, dysplasia of anterior uvea, scleral ectasia, retinal detachment and dysplasia, subretinal hemorrhage, persistent hyaloid artery, and coloboma of the optic disc.

Discussion Limbal, centro-corneal, anterior segmental, conjunctival and third eyelid dermoids were examples of choriostomatous growths because they clinically, histologically, and ultrastructurally resembled dystopic masses

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Ocular Dermoids in Herefords

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Table 11. Location of ocular dermoids in 16 Hereford cattle Left eye Right eye Calf


1 2

ior segment

tral cornea 0


Con- Third
junctiva 0
1 1



Anter- Cenior

1 0

2 2

1 0 1



Limb- juncus tiva

0 1 2 1 2
1 1

Con- Third eyelid

1 1 1 1


2 1


4 5

7 8

0 0 0 0 0 0


1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I 3 2 0
2 1 1

0 0
1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

1 1

0 2 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0
1 0

0 0 0

0 0
0 0 0

1 0

0 0 0 1 0 0

2 0

1 1 2

1 1 1

0 0

0 0



0 1


0 0 0 0 0

11 12

0 0
1 1

0 1
1 0

14 15

0 0

0 0
0 0 0

0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0

I 0
1 1 1

0 0 0
1 0 0

0 0

0 0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

1 1

0 0

0 0


0 0 0

of normal skin. Canthal and palpebral dermoids were eye, or if there is sequestration of dermal tissues desdue to benign orderly overgrowth of mature cells and tined to induce haired skin formation. Cornea forms from two germ layers, surface ectotissues present in the dermis of haired skin normally covering these ocular structures. Because these growths derm and mesoderm, under inductive influences of the represented more of the same, they were classified as developing optic cup and lens vesicle. Without these influences, surface ectoderm and invading corneogenic hamartomas. Developmental mechanisms involved in pathogene- mesoderm would develop into opaque vascular skin sis of ocular dermoids are not known. Dermoids have or opaque connective tissue indistinguishable from .~~ intraocular dysplasia, aphakia, and been attributed to metaplasia of corneal epithelium ~ c l e r a Marked secondary to excessive exposure of the cornea to the total replacement of cornea by scleral-like tissues and intrauterine environment caused by abnormal devel- skin were observed in a calf with extensive bilateral opment and closure of the Other causes anterior segmental dermoids. Therefore, abnormal inare adhesion and implantation of portions of am- ductive influences derived from dysplastic rudiments nion,22. 48.50 plica semilunaris,14 attachment of eyelids of the underlying embryonic eye may have contributed to the corneal ~urface,.~ invagination of isolated is- to ocular dermoid formation. lands of surface ectoderm capable of developing into Corneal formation begins when the lens vesicle closes skin and adnexaY3 and abnormal differentiation of with the remaining surface ectoderm overlying the mesoderm lying between the optic cup and surface mouth of the optic cup giving rise to anterior corneal ectoderm.. 31.43 Mesodermal metaplasia is the most epithelium and its basal lamina. It is at this time that plausible mechanism of development since surface ec- mesenchymal cells surrounding the optic cup migrate toderm depends on underlying mesodermal tissues for between the anterior surface of the lens vesicle and differentiati~n.~ Underlying mesoderm determines overlying anterior corneal epithelium. Infiltration of whether surface ectoderm forms nonkeratinized strati- corneogenic tissues occurs in waves with the first wave fied squamous epithelium and Bowmans membrane resulting in formation of posterior corneal endotheof the cornea or if it keratinizes and forms epidermal lium. Successive waves of invading mesenchyma form adnexa characteristic of haired skin. It is not known the substantia propria of the cornea-first posteriorly, whether dermoids result from a primary aberration of then anteriorly. If latter waves of invading meseninvading corneogenic mesoderm, abnormal inductive chyma contain sequestrations of cells destined to form influences from underlying vestiges of the embryonic the dermis of haired skin, it would be possible to have

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Barkyoumb and Leipold

Fig. 1: Ventro-lateral limbal(1) and palpebral (p) dermoids. Fig. 2: Eyeball of fig. 1. Ventro-lateral limbal dermoid (1) continuous ventrally with thickened nodular lower eyelid (p) and dorsally with sheet of conjunctival tissue (con) attached to bulbar conjunctiva of opposite limbus. Fig. 3 Whole eye section of eye shown in fig. 2. Thick limbal dermoid closely adhered to cornea and continuous with posterior aspect of lower eyelid (arrow). Band of conjunctival tissue connects dermoid with opposite limbus. HE. Bar = 1 cm. Fig. 4: Multiple dermoids involving medial canthus (mc), lower eyelid, and central cornea (cc). Fig. 5: Eyeball of dermoids shown in fig. 4. Large protruding centro-corneal mass of skin (cc) covered with dark hair. Fig. 6: Entire eye section of eyeball shown in fig. 5. Large protruding mass of skin adhered to anterior surface of cornea. Extension over limbus (arrow) is minimal. HE. Bar = 1 cm.

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Ocular Dermoids in Herefords

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Fig. 7: Large mass of haired skin (as) involving anterior segment of eyeball and surrounding palpebral and canthal structures (arrows). Fig. 8: Sagittal section of dermoid shown in fig. 7. Fig. 9: Entire eye section of affected eye shown in figs. 7 and 8. Thick mass of haired skin covers anterior surface of the globe. Globe affected with multiple developmental defects. Cartilage (crt), skeletal muscle (skm), replacement of cornea by sclero-cornea (scc), scleral ectasia (se), subretinal hemorrhage (sh), detachment of retina (ret), persistent hyaloid artery (pha), and infiltration of sclero-cornea by dysplastic uveal and retinal tissues (arrow). HE. Bar = I cm.

normal formation of posterior corneal endothelium and posterior aspects of the substantia propria with dermoids involving more superficial corneal layers. It is not known where adherent mesoderm might arise. It was noted that pigment distribution in dermoids and texture of hair covering them was similar to surrounding eyelids and facial skin. One might hypothesize that the origin of ocular dermoids and skin of surrounding eyelids may be related. Eyelids develop from a fold of mesoderm covered on both sides by surface ectoderm that encircles the gradually protruding

eye at about the same time as the corneal epithelium and stromal mesenchyma are forming. As growth continues, upper and lower portions of these folds extend toward each other, meet over the cornea in a horizontal plane and fuse by forming an epithelial seal. If islands of mesoderm destined to form palpebral skin become misdirected and invade beneath surface ectoderm in the process of differentiating into conjunctival or corneal epithelium, then dermoids would develop. Depending upon how far adherent mesoderm migrates, dermoids could involve conjunctiva, limbus or central

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Barkyoumband Leipold

cornea. Factors responsible for abnormal migration of herds indicated possible autosomal recessive inheritpalpebral mesoderm also may be responsible for for- ance for bovine ocular dermoids. Examination of 23 affected and 100 randomly semation of third eyelid, palpebral and canthal dermoids. lected normal purebred Polled Hereford calves of simAnterior segmental defects may result by combination of two processes: abnormal inductive influences ilar age revealed the occurrence of three bulls with derived from dysplastic rudiments of the embryonic regular frequency in the pedigrees of affected calves. eye, and abnormal sequestration of palpebral meso- Common ancestry of normal calves to the same three derm in the superficial layers of the sclero-cornea. bulls occurred less frequently and when present, it was Because of its role in epithelial metaplasia and ability usually through the dam or sire only, not both. Calves to produce microphthalmia and related ocular defects, with dermoids, however, usually had the suspect sires hypovitaminosis A in utero has been incriminated as a on both sides of the pedigree, suggesting ocular derpossible initiating factor in development of adherent moids may be the result of an autosomal recessive gene mesoderm between optic cup and surface e c t ~ d e r m . ~ .in ~~ the homozygous state, with one gene coming from Microphthalmia, dysplasia of internal ocular structures each parent. If present in these common bulls, the and hypoplasia of optic nerves were associated with defect could have been transmitted from generation to anterior segmental dermoids. Deformation of sphenoid generation by phenotypically normal cattle or those bones and stenosis of optic foramina, both characteris- corrected surgically, resulting in insidious spread of tics of hypovitaminosis A in utero,were not observed; dermoid genes in the cattle population localized geotherefore, ocular dermoids were not considered to be graphically in southcentral Iowa. secondary to a vitamin A deficiency in utero. Multifactorial polygenic inheritance involving addiLocalization of the defect primarily to southcentral tive effects of many minor genes and subtle environIowa could not be linked to any known teratogenic mental influences is the most common cause of heredenvironmental influence although undetected environ- itary defects of a localized nature in man. Simulation mental factors may have played a role in the sudden of autosomal recessive inheritance, variable expression high incidence in 1981 and in the variable phenotypic of the dermoid defect, tendency to occur more in males expression of ocular dermoids. It also is reasonable to than females, possible subtle environmental influences suggest that regionally high incidence of ocular der- endogenous to southcentral Iowa, low rate of recurrence moids was related to the use of common breeding cattle in affected herds, and common ancestry of affected between neighboring herds and surgical correction of cattle would be consistent with but not proof of polyminor dermoid growths in these cattle-which over a genic inheritance of bovine ocular dermoids. period of time resulted in an increasing pool of derIt is postulated from this study that bilateral ocular moid-producing genes. dermoids are genetically transmitted defects in HereIn man, most congenital defects of the anterior seg- ford cattle. Characteristics of both autosomal recessive26 ment of the eye are determined geneti~ally,~~ but the and polygenic inheritance were observed; however, role of inheritance in ocular dermoids has been debated mode of inheritance and role of environment in the in animals4-6. and man.0.43.52 High inci- pathogenesis of these peculiar and important developdence in Hereford cattle endogenous to southcentral mental defects remain undefined. Extensive breeding Iowa without a concurrent increase in other breeds, trials utilizing superovulation, embryo transfer, and bilateral expression of the defect, common ancestry preterminal caesarean section as well as further field suggesting familial tendencies, occurrence in males studies will be necessary to confirm sex incidence, more than females, independence from season and significance of associated somatic defects, role of enviinability to demonstrate any known teratogenic envi- ronment in phenotypic expression, and mode of transronmental influence suggested that ocular dermoids in mission of ocular dermoids in Hereford cattle. cattle observed in this study may be transmitted genetAck.nowledgement ically. The mode of genetic transmission of bilateral ocular dermoids in Hereford cattle was not established This research was part of the Regional Project NC-2. although characteristics of both autosomal recessive and polygenic inheritance were observed. 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Ocular Dermaids in Herefords


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Barkyoumband Leipold

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Request reprints from Dr. H. W. Leipold, Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 (USA).

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