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English Idiom of the Day To Get Caught Red-Handed

A person who is caught red-handed is discovered in the middle of committing a crime or doing something wrong. It is usually related to stealing but can also be used by a parent who finds their child eating their way through a box of chocolates. Example: He tried to steal from the shop but he was caught redhanded. Did you know? This idiom originated in the 14th century when the act of killing another mans animal and selling the meat was a common crime. If a person was caught with the blood of a freshly killed animal on their hands this was considered proof of their guilt.

English Idiom of the Day Money Doesnt Grow on Trees

The expression money doesnt grow on trees means that money does not come easily or without effort; you should be careful how much money you spend because there is only a limited amount. Example: Dad, can I have a new bike? We cant afford one. Money doesnt grow on trees you know. When Tony was younger, his father told him that money doesnt grow on trees, and that he would have to work hard if he wanted to be rich. Did you know? There is a Japanese proverb that states that, contrary to the above idiom, money can grow on trees. The proverb states: Money grows on the tree of persistence. In other words, if you keep trying and never give up, money will come to you.

English Idiom of the Day Lump Sum

A lump sum is a large amount of money you pay or receive all at once rather than in increments over a period of time. Examples: You will receive a tax-free lump sum of $50,000 at retirement age. Would you like to repay the amount in installments or as one lump sum? Did you know? The origin of the phrase lump sum comes from one of the meanings of the word lump, which is: not broken or divided into parts. If we lump people together, it means we put them together in a single group.

English Idiom of the Day Raining Cats and Dogs

Its raining cats and dogs means it is raining very heavily. Example: You should take an umbrella with you, it is raining cats and dogs out there! The weather was horrible yesterday. It was raining cats and dogs all day. Did you know? This phrase originated in 17th century England. Very heavy rain would occasionally wash dead animals through the street. The animals didnt fall from the sky of course, but the sight of dead cats and dogs being washed down the street with the rain caused people to joke that it must have been raining cats and dogs.

English Idiom of the Day Under the Weather

If you are under the weather it means you are sick or unwell. Example: I think I will stay home from work today, I am feeling a bit under the weather You should go to the Doctor, you look under the weather Did you know? This idiom originated in the British Navy. When a sailor became sick, he was kept under the deck or under the weather so he could get well.

English Idiom of the Day A Pain in the Neck

If someone is a pain in the neck it means they are very annoying and always disturbing you. Example: My little sister wont leave me alone. Shes a real pain in the neck. Less polite variations! Pain in the butt/ass (American), Pain in the Arse (British)

English Idiom of the Day Have your cake and eat it

If someone wants to have their cake and eat it too, they want everything their way. It sometimes suggests that someone is not willing to compromise even when conflicts exist. Examples: I worked at home so I could raise my family and still earn money. It let me have my cake and eat it too. This idiom is often used in the negative: you cant have your cake and eat it too Example: If you want a senior consultant to work here, you must pay the salary she demands. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Similar idiom: An idiom with a similar meaning is: You cant have it both ways.

English Idiom of the Day Think outside the box

To think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas. Example: You wont come up with good ideas until you think outside the box. Lets think outside the box for a minute and try to find a better solution. Did you know? This idiom comes from the fact that a box, with its rigidity and squareness, symbolises constrained and unimaginative thinking.

English Idiom of the Day Tip of the Iceberg

If something is said to be the tip of the iceberg it means that something is only a small part of a much bigger problem. The tip of the iceberg is the part of a problem that can be easily observed, but not the rest of it, which is hidden. Example: The problems that you see here now are just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous disasters waiting to happen. Origin: This idiom comes from the fact that only the tip of an iceberg can be seen and the rest of the iceberg, which is much larger, is underneath the water and cannot be seen.

English Idiom of the Day Cloud Nine

To be on cloud nine means you are extremely happy or blissful. Example: For a few days after I heard Id got the job, I was on cloud nine. Did you know? This idiom originates in the fact that weather experts classify cloud nine as a particular type of cloud that is white and fluffy and very high up in the sky. To be up high in the sky is likened to paradise or being happy. Idiom with similar meaning: To be over the moon

English Idiom of the Day A black sheep

Someone who is the black sheep doesnt fit into a group or family because their behaviour or character is bad, odd or disgraces the group. Example: My brother was the black sheep in the family - he ran away at 16 to become an actor. Did you know? The idiom originated from the occasional black sheep which is born into a herd of white sheep and the fact that black sheep are less desirable than white ones because it is more difficult to dye their wool different colours.

English Idiom of the Day Busy as a bee

If someone says you are as a busy as a bee it means you are very busy or very active. Example: Shes as busy as a bee, always going to meetings and organizing parties; The Teacher said: I want everyone to be as busy as bees. Did you know? The first recorded usage of this idiom is from well known Canterbury Tales written in the 14th Century.

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