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SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...

n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi This document shows how to create custom 1...n entities in sap crm via bol browser, which can be linked to any other crm objects by keeping the guid of that object in our simple object...There are multiple simple object genil classes provided by sap which provided the basic CRUD operations by default, we don't have to modify these genil classes for create/read/update/delete (CRUD) operations. In this e.g we had a requirement to create ZFORECAST as a table view which will be embebded in Sales opportunity page as a new assignment block.This table will store multiple Forecast data aginast opportunity header guid.

To start with...

Created new table :

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Create a lock object " EZFORECAST" for our table ZFOREACT. (Lock mode E)


Define the customizing entry for simple objects in : "spro->crm->cross appl. comp-> genil->comp. spe. Setting->define SO"

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Create a SO entry in the object definition. Object Name - 'ZFORECAST' Implementation Class - 'CL_CRM_GENIL_GEN_TABLE_OBJ' Att. str -- ' ZFORECAST' "Define attribute structure of your SO, usually it would be similar to the DB table which will store data" Structure of mand. Field at create: ' ZFORECAST' Key Struc. - GUID (key structure would be "GUID" only as the genil class CL_CRM_GENIL_GEN_TABLE_OBJ

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi Create entry in the search object definition under simple object... Search Object name -- 'ZFORECAST_SRC' Structure name - ' ZFORECAST'


Add the SO2 object to our ONEORDER Component

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi


Create a mapping entry for our "Simple object - ' ZFORECAST', table name 'ZFORECAST' and lock object - ' EZFORECAST " in the table "CRMC_TBLOBJ_MAP"


Execute Genil_bol_browser

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Create new root object... select 'ZFORECAST_SRC'--> 'ZFORECAST'

Check the new entries in Table 'ZFORECAST':

So up till now we created the SO object for ZFORECAST table which is now part of BOL in SO2 component and in the below steps now in below steps we will create Table View In Web UI

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi


Let's start with creating new view "ZFOREC" under "BT111H_OPPT" bsp component in BSP Workbench.

Specify Context node name "ZFOREC" and Bol entity as the simple object created from the previous "ZFORECAST". Click next till last step, in the last screen select view type as "Table view", tick the Configurable and Change/Display check boxes.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

After adding ZFOREC node also add BTADMINH which will be needed further to read the opportunity header Guid

Declare these Button attributes in the attribute section of the ZFOREC view's implementation class.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Modify the code of " ZFOREC.htm" BSP page code with the below code.
<%@page language="abap" %> <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %> <%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %> <%@extension name="crm_bsp_ic" prefix="crmic" %> <%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %> <%@extension name="chtmlb" prefix="chtmlb" %> <%@extension name="thtmlb" prefix="thtmlb" %> <% data lv_xml type string. lv_xml = controller->configuration_descr->get_config_data( ). %> <thtmlb:areaFrameSetter toolbarButtons = "<%= controller->tb_button %>" maxButtonNumber = "2" displayMode = "<%= controller>view_group_context->is_view_in_display_mode( controller ) %>" /> <chtmlb:tableExtension tableId = "Table1" layout = "FIXED" > <chtmlb:configTable xml = "<%= lv_xml %>" id = "Table1" navigationMode = "BYPAGE" onRowSelection = "select" table = "//ZFOREC/Table" width = "100%" displayMode = "<%= controller>view_group_context->is_view_in_display_mode( controller ) %>" headerVisible = "FALSE" hasLeadSelection = "TRUE" usage = "ASSIGNMENTBLOCK" personalizable = "FALSE" actions = "<%= controller->gt_button %>" allRowsEditable = "TRUE" actionsMaxInRow = "3" downloadToExcel = "TRUE" selectedRowIndex = "<%= ZFOREC->SELECTED_INDEX %>" selectedRowIndexTable = "<%= ZFOREC->SELECTION_TAB %>" selectionMode = "<%= ZFOREC->SELECTION_MODE %>" visibleFirstRow = "<%= ZFOREC>VISIBLE_FIRST_ROW_INDEX %>" visibleRowCount = "6" /> </chtmlb:tableExtension>

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Click on Configuration tab of "ZFOREC" view move required field to be shown on the right side under displayed field.


Define three buttons Create, Delete, Edit List in do_prepare_output method of the implementation class.

DATA: ls_button DATA : lr_entity lv_locked lv_enabled lr_coll lv_coll_size lv_display


crmt_thtmlb_button. REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, char1, crmt_boolean VALUE abap_true, REF TO if_bol_bo_col, sytabix, boolean.

*me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ). lv_display = me->view_group_context->is_view_in_display_mode( me ). *lv_display = me->view_group_context->set_view_editable. IF lv_display EQ abap_true. typed_context->zforec->set_selection_mode( iv_selection_mode = cl_b sp_wd_context_node_tv=>selmode_none ). ELSE. typed_context->zforec->set_selection_mode( iv_selection_mode = cl_b sp_wd_context_node_tv=>selmode_lineedit ).

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi
ENDIF. CALL METHOD super->do_prepare_output. ). lr_coll = me->typed_context->zforec->collection_wrapper->get_marked(

IF lr_coll IS BOUND. lv_coll_size = lr_coll->size( ). IF lv_coll_size = 0. lv_enabled = abap_false. ELSE. lv_enabled = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDIF. ************************ CLEAR : tb_button, ls_button. ls_button-text = 'Edit List'. ls_button-on_click = 'EDIT'. "#EC NOTEXT ls_button-enabled = me->view_group_context->is_view_in_display_mode( me ). APPEND ls_button TO tb_button. CLEAR gt_button. ls_button-text = 'Insert'. ls_button-on_click = 'CREATE'. ls_button-enabled = abap_true. APPEND ls_button TO gt_button. CLEAR ls_button. ls_button-type = cl_thtmlb_util=>gc_icon_delete. ls_button-on_click = 'DELETE'. ls_button-enabled = abap_true. "lv_enabled. APPEND ls_button TO gt_button. CLEAR ls_button.




Create three event's "CREATE","DELETE","EDIT" in "ZFOREC" view via wizard & add the required logic in each event method as per below.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

method EH_ONCREATE. DATA : lr_entity TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, lv_collection TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col, lr_comp TYPE REF TO cl_bt111h_o_bspwdcomponen_impl. * cl_bt111h_o_bspwdcompone0_impl. DATA : lr_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core, lr_fac TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity_factory, lt_params TYPE crmt_name_value_pair_tab, ls_params TYPE crmt_name_value_pair, lr_ent TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, lv_objid TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-object_id, lv_quot_id TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-object_id, lv_pred_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid, lv_cmp_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid, ls_borident TYPE borident, it_neighbor_objects TYPE TABLE OF relroles, is_neighbor_objects TYPE relroles, lt_zforecast TYPE TABLE OF zforecast, lv_new_month TYPE zforecast-z_month, lv_cur_zvalue TYPE zforecast-z_value, lv_new_zvalue TYPE zforecast-z_value, lr_coco TYPE REF TO zl_bt111h_o_bspwdcomponen_impl, lr_entity_so TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, lr_entity_cur TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, ls_zforecast TYPE zforecast. lr_comp ?= me->comp_controller. CHECK lr_comp IS BOUND. lr_entity ?= lr_comp->typed_context->btadminh->collection_wrapper>get_current( ). *"Reading the btadminh entity, which is bound to component controller's * btadminh context node. me->typed_context->zforec->deselect_all( ). * me->typed_context->ZFOREC->select_all( ).

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi
IF lr_entity->is_changeable( ) = abap_true. lr_core = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ). lr_fac = lr_core->get_entity_factory( 'ZFORECAST' ). lt_params = lr_fac->get_parameter_table( ). TRY. lr_ent = lr_fac->create( lt_params ). IF lr_ent IS BOUND. CHECK lr_ent->lock( ) = abap_true. ***************** CLEAR:lv_cmp_guid,lv_objid, lv_pred_guid,lv_quot_id. * Read the parent entity BTADMINH guid * " Copy BtAdminh Guid to Forecast table Opportunity Guid lr_entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'GUID' IMPORTING ev_result = lv_cmp_guid ). lr_ent->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_HD_OPPT_GUID' iv_value = lv_cmp_guid ). ** Objectid/ Doc no is genearted only after save , so may be blank while in c reate mode. lr_entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'OBJECT_ ID' IMPORTING ev_result = lv_objid ). lr_ent->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_HDR_OPPT_NO' iv_value = lv_objid ). ****************** Default the values for quot no ************************ ******* *PREDECESSOR_GUID Quot Guid when create follow up doc is selected lr_entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'PREDECE SSOR_GUID' IMPORTING ev_result = lv_pred_guid ). lr_ent->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_HDR_QUOT_GUID' iv_value = lv_pred_guid ). ** SOMETIMES PREDECESSOR_GUID is empty then get it from transaction history IF lv_pred_guid IS INITIAL. ls_borident-objkey = lv_cmp_guid. ls_borident-objtype = 'BUS2000111'. ls_borident-logsys = ''. CALL FUNCTION 'Z_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_RELATIONS' EXPORTING object = ls_borident max_hops = '99' TABLES it_neighbor_objects = it_neighbor_objects EXCEPTIONS no_logsys = 1 internal_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc = 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi
LOOP AT it_neighbor_objects INTO is_neighbor_objects WHERE roletype = 'VORGAENGER' "Preceding doc AND objtype = 'BUS2000115'. "quotes lv_pred_guid = is_neighbor_objects-objkey. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. *Get PREDECESSOR Quot no when create follow up doc is selected IF lv_pred_guid IS NOT INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE object_id INTO lv_quot_id FROM crmd_orderadm_h WHERE guid = lv_pred_guid. * lr_entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'PREDEC ESSOR_GUID' * IMPORTING ev_result = lv_pred_gu id ). lr_ent->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_HDR_QUOT_NO' iv_value = lv_quot_id ). ENDIF. ***************************************************************************** *Read the last record from collection wrapper lr_coco ?= me->comp_controller. IF lr_coco IS BOUND. CLEAR: lv_new_month,lv_new_zvalue. * Get the Last entity lr_entity_so ?= lr_coco->ztyped_context->zforecast>collection_wrapper->get_last( ). IF lr_entity_so IS BOUND. **Get prev month lr_entity_so->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = ' Z_MONTH' IMPORTING ev_result = lv_new_ month ). *** Add 1 month for new entry IF lv_new_month+4(2) = '12'. "if december that add new yr lv_new_month+0(4) = lv_new_month+0(4) + 1 . lv_new_month+4(2) = '1'. lv_new_month = lv_new_month. ELSE. lv_new_month = lv_new_month + 1. " add 1 month ENDIF. lr_ent->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_MONTH' iv_value = lv_new_month ).

********** **** Get the current zvalue * lr_entity_cur ?= lr_coco->ztyped_context->zforecast>collection_wrapper->get_current( ). * IF lr_entity_cur IS BOUND. * lr_entity_cur->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'Z_VALUE' * IMPORTING ev_result = lv_cur _zvalue ). * ENDIF. *** lr_entity_so->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = '

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi
Z_VALUE' zvalue ). **new value = * * Z_CUR_QTY' IMPORTING ev_result = lv_new_ curr qty * ???? lr_ent->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_VALUE' iv_value = lv_new_zvalue ). lr_entity_so->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = ' IMPORTING ev_result = ls_zfor ecast-z_cur_qty ). lr_ent->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_PREV_QTY' iv_value = ls_zforecast-z_cur_qty ). lr_entity_so ?= lr_coco->ztyped_context->zforecast>collection_wrapper->get_next( ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ***************************** me->typed_context->zforec->collection_wrapper->add( iv_entity = lr_ ent ). me->typed_context->zforec->visible_first_row_index = me>typed_context->zforec->collection_wrapper->size( ). ENDIF. CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error. EXIT. CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial. ENDTRY. ENDIF. endmethod.

method EH_ONDELETE. DATA : lr_entity TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, lr_current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access, lr_col TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col, lr_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core, lv_size TYPE i. lr_col ?= typed_context->ZFOREC->collection_wrapper->get_marked( ). lv_size = lr_col->size( ). IF lv_size > 0. DO lv_size TIMES. IF sy-index = 1. lr_current = lr_col->get_first( ). ELSE. lr_current = lr_col->get_next( ). ENDIF. lr_entity ?= lr_current.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi
typed_context->ZFOREC->collection_wrapper->remove( lr_current ). lr_entity->delete( ). ENDDO. lr_core = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ). lr_core->modify( ). typed_context->ZFOREC->deselect_all( ). ENDIF. endmethod.

method EH_ONEDIT. DATA: lr_tx TYPE REF TO if_bol_transaction_context, lr_entity TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, lr_comp type REF TO CL_BT111H_O_BSPWDCOMPONEN_IMPL. * cl_bt111h_o_bspwdcompone0_impl. *lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->ZFOREC->collection_wrapper->get_first( ). *lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->ZFOREC->collection_wrapper->get_next( ). *me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ). lr_comp ?= me->comp_controller. Check lr_comp is BOUND. lr_entity ?= lr_comp->typed_context->btadminh->collection_wrapper>get_current( ). CHECK lr_entity IS BOUND. IF lr_entity->lock( ) = abap_true. me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ). ENDIF. lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->ZFOREC->collection_wrapper->get_first( ). WHILE lr_entity IS BOUND. lr_entity->lock( ). lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->ZFOREC->collection_wrapper->get_next( ). ENDWHILE. endmethod.

Create On_new_focus method in the "ZFOREC" context node, specify it as a event handler for collection wrapper new_focus event.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Create the event parameter

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Set handler in Connect nodes method of the CTXT class.

method CONNECT_NODES. DATA: coll_wrapper TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper, omp_controller TYPE REF TO ZL_BT111H_O_BSPWDCOMPONEN_IMPL. coll_wrapper = me->BTADMINH->get_collection_wrapper( ). set HANDLER me->ZFOREC->on_new_focus for coll_wrapper ACTIVATION iv_act ivate. endmethod. c


As Save event is handled in different view (BT111H_OPPT/OpportunityOVViewSet), ZFOREC data has to be bind to custom/component controller to access it in other views.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi


Now create new Custom controller "ZFORECAST" with ZFORECAST and BTADMINH node and perform the binding as shown below using the binding wizard.

So with this binding now ZFORECAST can be called in any page view in this component

Further now also add the ZFOREC node to BT111H_OPPT/OpptDetailsCuCo custom component as per below, so that ZFOREC can be now displayed in the opportunity details page.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi


Redefine eh_onsave event of the save method in "BT111H_OPPT/OpportunityOVViewSet" component/view.

method EH_ONSAVE. *CALL METHOD SUPER->EH_ONSAVE ** EXPORTING ** htmlb_event = ** htmlb_event_ex = * . DATA: lv_items TYPE REF TO cl_bt111h_o_itemslistov_impl. DATA: lv_success TYPE crmt_boolean. DATA: lv_success_save TYPE crmt_boolean. DATA:lr_ent TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, lr_tx TYPE REF TO if_bol_transaction_context.

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi
data: lr_controller TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_appl_controller, lr_msg_srv TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_message_service. data:lr_tx_ctxt TYPE REF TO if_bol_transaction_context, "lr_tx lr_coll_wr TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper, my_tx_context TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_custom_tx_ctxt, " Z cntx lr_entity_so TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity, rv_success TYPE abap_bool, lr_tx_manager TYPE REF TO if_crm_uiu_bt_channel_aspects,"cl_crm_ uiu_bt_channel_asp_fac, * lr_tx_manager TYPE REF TO cl_mktprj_transaction_mgr. lr_coco TYPE REF TO ZL_BT111H_O_BSPWDCOMPONEN_IMPL. * cancel save because of mandatory fiels lr_controller ?= comp_controller->m_parent. lr_msg_srv ?= me->view_manager->get_message_service( ). IF cl_crm_uiu_bt_tools=>mandatory_flds_no_save_allowed( ir_controller = lr_controller ir_msg_srv = lr_msg_srv ) = abap_true. EXIT. ENDIF. IF cl_crm_uiu_bt_partner_popup=>get_quick_create_status( ) = abap_true OR gc_abc EQ abap_true. *Save business partner-accounts and related objects (contacts, conditio ns,..) lv_success = cl_crm_uiu_bp_tools=>save( ). cl_crm_uiu_bt_partner_popup=>set_quick_create_status( EXPORTING iv_ quick_create = abap_false ). gc_abc = abap_false. ELSE. lv_success = abap_true. ENDIF. CALL METHOD cl_crm_uiu_bt_tools=>save( EXPORTING ir_node = me>typed_context->btorder ). ***************** CLEAR:lr_tx_ctxt,my_tx_context. CREATE OBJECT my_tx_context. ** lr_tx_manager = cl_mktprj_transaction_mgr=>get_instance( ). * lr_tx_manager = cl_crm_uiu_bt_channel_asp_fac=>get_instance( ). * my_tx_context->add_tx_context( lr_tx_manager ). lr_coco ?= me->comp_controller. IF lr_coco IS BOUND. * Get the First entity lr_entity_so ?= lr_coco->ztyped_context->ZFORECAST>collection_wrapper->get_first( ). * Loop on the collection WHILE lr_entity_so IS BOUND. lr_tx_ctxt = lr_entity_so->get_transaction( ). my_tx_context->add_tx_context( lr_tx_ctxt ). my_tx_context->if_bol_transaction_context~save( ). my_tx_context->if_bol_transaction_context~commit( ).

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi
* * Get the next entity lr_entity_so ?= lr_coco->ztyped_context->ZFORECAST>collection_wrapper->get_next( ). ENDWHILE. ENDIF. * * * * * rv_success = cl_crm_uiu_bp_tools=>save( ). IF lr_entity_so IS BOUND. my_tx_context->if_bol_transaction_context~save( ). my_tx_context->if_bol_transaction_context~commit( ). ENDIF.

IF rv_success = abap_true AND me->view_group_context IS NOT INITIAL. eh_oncancel( ). ENDIF. **************** * remove and add entity in order to refresh all context nodes (selectio ns, etc.) * and lock registration is done lr_ent ?= me->typed_context->btorder->collection_wrapper->get_current( ). me->typed_context->btorder->collection_wrapper->clear( ). IF lr_ent IS BOUND. me->typed_context->btorder->collection_wrapper->add( iv_entity = lr_ent iv_set_focus = abap_true ). ENDIF. * ** get current lr_entity_so ?= lr_coco->ztyped_context->ZFORECAST>collection_wrapper->get_current( ). me->ztyped_context->ZFOREC->collection_wrapper->clear( ). endmethod.

18. Add the following code in on_new_focus method, here logic is to retrieve the order entities collection related to campaign only if parent entity "campaign" changes..

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

method ON_NEW_FOCUS. DATA: entity lr_old query result lv_old_guid lv_guid TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE REF REF REF REF TO TO TO TO cl_crm_bol_entity, cl_crm_bol_entity, cl_crm_bol_query_service, if_bol_bo_col, crmt_object_guid, crmt_object_guid.

entity ?= focus_bo. " aDMINH entity CHECK entity is BOUND. entity->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'GUID' IMPORTING ev_result = lv_guid ). lr_old ?= me->collection_wrapper->get_current( ). if lr_old is BOUND. lr_old->get_property_as_value( EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'Z_HD_OPPT_GUID' IMPORTING ev_result = lv_old_guid ). ENDIF. * Fire Query only if adminh entity is changed "lv_old_guid - oppt guid Entity guid "lv_guid - adminh guid if lv_guid ne lv_old_guid. query = cl_crm_bol_query_service=>get_instance( 'ZFORECAST_SRC' ). query->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'Z_HD_OPPT_GUID' iv_value = lv_guid ). result ?= query->get_query_result( ). me->set_collection( result ). ENDIF. endmethod. 18.

Add the ZFOREC view to runtime repository..

SAP CRM Web UI Simple Objects - Creating custom 1...n Bol entities - ZFORECAST Author: Jignesh Trivedi

Expose "ZFOREC" view on BT111H_OPPT/OpportunityOVViewSet Configuration page, maintain view title and save...


That's it ...this is how it appears within WebUi page of opportunity with Create/Edit/Delete functionality.

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