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2012 International Symposium on radiation Physics - ISRP 2012 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, October 07-12, 2012 INTERNATIONAL


THE TITLE GOES HERE IN ALL CAPITALS, TIM141847700.docES NEW ROMAN 12-PT BOLD, 1.5-LINE SPACING, CENTRED, WITHOUT ACRONYMS OR ABBREVIATIONS Authors names go here separated by commas (no and), initials and last names only; Times New Roman 12-pt regular, single-line spacing, centred; presenter underlined, correspondent asterisked, all identified with superscripts, e.g. A.B. Individual1*, C. Person2, D.E. Other3

Full institutional affiliation; Complete postal address; E-mail for corresponding author only 2 Full institutional affiliation; Complete postal address 3 Full institutional affiliation; Complete postal address

The abstract goes here as a sole paragraph, without indentation or line breaks, in Times New Roman 12-pt regular, single-line spacing, fully justified. The text must not exceed 300 words, a limit that will be strictly enforced, and the whole document should fit into one A4 page with margins just like this model (top: 4.5 cm; bottom: 3.0 cm; left: 2.5 cm; right: 2.5 cm). Abstracts should be written in good, concise English British or American spellings, but not a mixture of both clearly stating the scientific scope, technical implications, experimental overview, major findings, and relevant conclusions of the work. Acronyms and abbreviations must be spelled out in full at the point of first use, even if their meaning is apparent. Do not use footnotes or references, and do not italicise common Latin words or phrases, such as i.e., e.g. or a priori. The style conventions of SI units are to be applied throughout. Authors should make every effort to prepare self-contained, truly informative abstracts, able to provide the reader with an insight of the purposes and contents of the forthcoming papers. Authors are strongly discouraged from reporting studies still under way or somehow incomplete at the time of abstract submission, since this may constitute cause for rejection. Please double-check layout, spelling and syntax before submission, and send every abstract in RTF format as an e-mail attachment to the IRPS12 Secretariat ( isrp12.abstract@if.ufrj.br ). RTF files should be named presenting Authors surname, e.g. Individual.rtf. This model document has been prepared for your convenience, so please help us put together a swift reviewing process by thoroughly adhering to the present guidelines. For handiness, you may want to replace the models parts with your specific items, rather than creating your own document from scratch. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. __________________________________________________________________________ Please, provide the following informations 1- The paper would be presented in Section 2- 2- If recommended by the referees, would you accept to present your paper orally? ( ) yes ( ) no

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