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ERM 447 Design Project

12/12/12 Joseph Smith Group 3

The design reach of Poplar Run is incised and confined. It is an unstable F stream with eroding banks and aggradation near its confluence with the Frankstown Branch. The stream has been straightened for years and livestock trample banks. There is little to no riparian vegetation to protect banks from erosion. Considering all the aforementioned issues, it is not surprising that a BEHI analysis done on the reach produced a very high overall erosion hazard. Additionally, an SVAP assessment was conducted that produced a score of 5.55, which is classified at Poor. As this is the worst category, the stream certainly merits restoration. The bank stability is rated 1/10 and is rated lowest of any category. To improve the bank stability, the bank slopes must be tapered and the riparian zone must be built up. The SVAP rating for riparian zone is rated 3/10 for the reach. Increasing the riparian buffer will increase the bank stability and improve two of the three lowest rated categories. The restoration project objectives are to improve bank stability so erosion is reduced, improve access to the floodplain, create a stable stream that does not incise or aggrade, improve the riparian buffer, and improve habitat. We want to create a C stream with long term stability. An upstream reference reach has been chosen to base the design of the new stable stream. There is a historic barn and a home that we are limited by at the beginning of the design reach. We chose to conduct a Priority 2 restoration on the confluence reach of Poplar Run. For a Priority 2 restoration, a new stream channel is constructed in the current stream bed. There is connection to a floodplain at bankfull height. The new channel will have natural meanders and the stream belt width will span almost the entire excavated channel. The existing channel is incised and confined with steep slopes. The banks will be excavated and sloped. The excavated material will be used to fill the old channel. After the historic barn, we have enough lateral space available on both sides of the stream to open the floodplain and increase the sinuosity. The excavation required for a Priority 2 restoration will destroy the existing vegetation. Since the current stream has very little riparian vegetation, the damage will not be significant. A priority 2 restoration will reduce the bank angle and allow for riparian vegetation in the floodplain, therefore improving the SVAP assessment. The Table II summary of characterization data was completed for the confluence (design) reach and the reference reach. Table II shows that the sinuosity of the confluence reach is less than the sinuosity of the reference reach. It is interesting to note that the slope of the reference reach is higher than the confluence reach. The valley slope of the reference reach is higher, making the stream slope higher although the sinuosity is higher. We can see from Table II that the reference reach has larger particles than the confluence reach. This is important to note because the reference reach will be able to handle a higher shear. The regional curve values are average values, so the accuracy is not exact. There are many outlying streams that were averaged to find the equation for regional curves. Since Poplar Run has been straightened over the years, we wanted to ensure that we had proper sinuosity in the stream. The aerial photograph reveals the streams historic meandering bed, so we attempted to give the stream a natural meander. To give the stream proper sinuosity, we were careful to design the correct stream length.

Wyatt Stoup designed the aerial photograph sketch using ArcMap 10.1. Using the most recent photo from the reach, taken from the Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA), he was able to draw the new meandering stream. This is where slope and sinuosity were important. Wyatt had to continuously measure and adjust the stream to create the proper length of stream so the parameters were true. The aerial photograph also includes the in-stream structures. To stabilize banks, we added vanes at the newly established meanders. The vanes are designed to be one third of the bankfull width and constructed at a 20 degree departure angle. They will have a five percent slope from the stream bank to the stream bed. The first vane in each series of vanes will be a J-hook vane. J-hook vanes will slow the stream velocity at the point of curvature. The subsequent vanes on each bend will be straight because continuously lowering the velocity with J-hook vanes will lead to aggradation and instability. After the two downstream bends, mudsills will be inserted. They will be 40 feet long and will further protect the stream banks. Since mudsills have undercuts, trout habitat will be improved. As previously mentioned, livestock trample banks when they enter the stream. We have chosen to insert fencing to ensure that livestock have access to the stream in one location. At the funnel point,

we will line the banks and streambed with rip-rap so the cattle do not increase the sediment load as they use the stream. We are adding a riparian buffer that will measure 20 feet from the stream banks on both sides. This will stabilize the banks, reduce the sediment load, help funnel livestock to the crossing point, and provide trout habitat. We are introducing root wads and fish habitat structures to the stream to improve habitat. Habitat will be improved once the riparian vegetation has been given time to grow. The proposed cross sections show the new bed with access to the floodplain in the old stream channel. The banks are sloped to reduce erosion and the stream is no longer confined and incised. The bankfull depth and width were based on the reference reach data in Table II. The new hydraulic radius is 1.93 compared to the old confluence reach hydraulic radius of 0.95. The reference reach hydraulic radius is 1.90. The longitudinal profile has been created to provide a stable stream. The slope has been modified to resemble the slope of the reference reach and the design slope that allows for sediment transport.

Pool x 60 70 80 90 96

y 93.6 91.9 91 90.5 93.6 total area

Area 8.5 21.5 28.5 9.3 67.8

Riffle x 100 110 120 127 130

y 97.7 94.7 94.7 96.6 97.7 total area

Area 15 30 14.35 1.65 61

Perimeter Perimeter 10.14 3 10.04 27 10.01 6.75 total wp 36.9499 total wp


Hydraulic Radius Hydraulic radius = A/wp Average hydraulic radius =

1.835 Hydraulic radius = A/wp 1.934


A stable stream must not incise or aggrade. A competency analysis will tell if the stream is stable or unstable. To is the shear stress at the bottom of the stream. It is calculated by To=yRS=(62.4)*(.95)*(.0059) = .349 lbs/ft^2, where the stream slope equals 0.0059 and the hydraulic radius equals 0.95. We chose to use the Rosgen and Leopold, Wolman, and Miller methods to calculate Tc. Using a D84 value of 97.73 mm and a D50 value of 43.34 mm, the Rosgen method was calculated by c=0.00108Di1.36=(0.00108)*(97.73^1.36)=0.549 lbs/ft^2 . The LWM method was calculated by c=0.0152Di0.96=(0.0152)*(97.73^0.96)= 1.24 lbs/ft^2. Looking at the Table II shear stress value, we can see that the shear stress cannot move the D84 particles in the stream. These particles aggrade because they cannot be transported downstream. The LWM method gave a result of .567 for the Tc to move the D50 particles. Using this and the reference reach hydraulic radius, we calculated the a new stream slope of 0.00478. From here, we could calculate a sinuosity that would move the D50 particles and a new stream length to move the D50 particles. The results from the calculations were a 1.32 sinuosity and a length of 1747 feet. The stream

was designed to match these numbers. Our stream design will still aggrade D84 particles. To avoid this, the slope of the stream must be steepened. It is not possible to steepen the slope for the design reach so that it will move the D84 particles. The stream will transport D50 particles.


Table II Summary of Characterization Data Confluence Reach Reference Reach USGS F C 17.41 15 44.7 29.3 2 2.4 65.65 16.86 46 61.15 48.3 32.1 4.98 6.73 0.952 1.905 0.425 0.705 5.506 6.148 2.342 4.333 107.735 264.988 2.17 1.96 1.085 0.817 125 150 2.796 5.119 392.68 1377 8.785 46.997 85.9 918 1.92 31.33 100.6 540 1.28 16.82 1460 2575 1325 2200 1.1 1.17 0.0063 0.016 0.0059 0.0081 0.25 0.00632 0.625 0.732 3.25 6 1.86 1.71 16.3 18 0.38 0.514 297.5 205 7.028 5.857 Particle Size (mm) 5.15 15.94 26.54 49.93 43.34 97.25 97.73 150.57 120.6 167.37 131 175

Regional Curve Leopold Clapsaddle/Dill

Stream Type Drainage Area (mi^2) Bankfull Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft^2) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Bankfull Mean Velocity (ft/s) Hydraulic Radius u* u/u* u Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Bankfull Maximum Depth (ft) Ratio of Bkf Max Depth to Bkf Mean Depth Width of Flood Prone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Meander Length (ft) Ratio of Meander Length to Bankfull Width Radius of Curvature Ratio of Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Width Belt Width (ft) Meander Width Ratio Stream Length (ft) Valley Length (ft) Sinuosity Valley Slope (ft/ft) Average Slope (ft/ft) Pool Slope (ft/ft) Ratio of Pool Slope to Average Slope Maximum Pool Depth (ft) Ratio of Pool Depth to Average Bankfull Depth Pool Width (ft) Ratio of Pool Width to Bankfull Width Pool-to-pool Spacing (ft) Ratio of pool-to-pool spacing to Bkf Width D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 D100

49.4 2.14 104.2

44 3.2 140

46 2.4 110


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