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Planning for your Student-led Conference

Remember these very important things:

1. Your Student-led Conference is all about you, not your parents or your teacher.
2. You decide what you will show during your Student-led Conference.
3. Show what you can do, not what you have done.
4. Include Specialist Subjects in your plan (Chinese, Art, PE, Music).
5. Make your Student-led Conference interesting by getting your parents to do things.
6. Include assessments in your plan, showing your parents how we know what we have

The procedure:

1. Look at your Transdisciplinary Skills Assessment Matrix. What are your real strengths?
How can you provide evidence of those strengths? How can you demonstrate those
strengths? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

2. Look through your portfolio. Is it complete? What is missing? Can you explain what is in
it to your parents? Which part(s) of your portfolio could you demonstrate to your parents?

3. Think about our current unit of inquiry (conflict). What have we been thinking and
talking about? What could you do with your parents to help your understanding in this unit
of inquiry? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

4. Think about what we have been doing in maths. What evidence have you gathered?
What strategies do you know? How will you present your information? How can you use
your parents to help you move forward with your maths? Do you have any ideas for your

5. Think about language arts. What have you learned to do this year? What are you better
at? What strategies and techniques can you use to help you write? What books have you
read? What targets have you been working towards? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

6. Think about the Six Thinking Hats. How have they helped you this year? How can you
demonstrate how useful they are? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

7. The Grade 4 Blog. We would like all parents to become authors on the Grade 4 Blog, so
they need an invitation. Before the SLCs, get their email addresses and give them to Mr.
Sherratt. Then, make a plan for how you will show your parents the Blog, read postings
that you have made, help them create their account and teach them how to create a
posting of their own. It could be abut anything they like… maybe even about how your
SLC is going so far. You could take a photo of them working on it and then upload it into
their posting! Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

8. Multiple Intelligences. Have your parents ever done the Multiple Intelligences test that
you did during “Who we are”? If not, why not do it with them and discus the results with
the. Find out what they are surprised about, or what they already knew about themselves.
Find out how they could use this new information about themselves in their job or in their
everyday lives. Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

9. Creativity. What does it mean to be creative? Are your parents creative? Is there any
way that you can teach them skills so that they can be more creative? Maybe you could do
an art lesson with them! Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

10. Research. Think back to our Where we are in place and time unit. What did you learn?
What process did you use to find your information? Could you guide your parents through
that process, showing how you start with a question and how you find answers to that
question… and how the answers often give you new questions! Do you have any ideas for
your SLC?

11. Learner profile and PYP Attitudes. What part of the Learner profile has influenced
you the most this year? Have you really improved in one part of the Learner Profile? Have
any of the PYP Attitudes really helped you with your learning? How could you share this
information with your parents? What could you do with your parents to help them learn
about the Learner Profile? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

12. Think about your use of computers and technology. Do you have a digital portfolio that
shows how you have used technology so far this year? Have you learned new skills? Have
you used new websites? Have you used new ways to present information? How could you
demonstrate these things? Could you teach someone how to do them? Could you show
how effective or useful they are? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

13. Think about who you are as a person. Are you a different person in school and a
different person at home? Do your parents know your school personality? Could you show
your school personality to your parents? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

14. How do we assess things in Grade 4? How do we use rubrics and continuums? Can you
use assessments in your SLC? Could you assess your parents at something? Could they
assess you? Do you have any ideas for your SLC?

15. After you have thought about all of these questions, do a brainstorm to collect your
ideas. Include as much detail as you can and spend lots of time really thinking about
My Student-led
Conference Ideas
16. Discuss your ideas with someone. What do they think of your ideas? Do they have any
other ideas to help you? Have you got any new ideas? Can you think of improvements to
your ideas? Add any new information to your brainstorm.

17. Select your best ideas, the ones you are most confident about, the ones that will show
your parents what you can do now or can do better now. Select 5 or 6 really strong
ideas. Have you included specialist subjects? List your ideas below:

• Idea One

• Idea Two

• Idea Three

• Idea Four

• Idea Five

• Idea Six

18. You will have about 45 minutes to do your SLC… but I don’t care if it goes on a bit longer
than that. You will need to think about your parents though – how long can they stay with
you at school? Do you have brothers or sisters who also have SLCs? Look at your list, how
long do you think each idea will take you to demonstrate on the day? Write an estimate, in
minutes, next to each idea. Add all the minutes up – how long will your SLC take?

19. Now it’s time to start getting your evidence ready, and gathering the resources and
equipment you will need for your SLC. Will you need to have some things photocopied?
Will you need to print things out? Will you need a teacher to video you? Will you need to
take photographs? Will you need to make something? Will you need to borrow something
from somebody? Do you need to finish things in your portfolio?

20. As you get your evidence ready, you might get new ideas. Use them. Change things. If
someone else is doing something really cool, ask if you can use their idea – they won’t

21. Now start to put together a plan. Remember to try and make your SLC varied and
interesting for your parents. Don’t make them sit down for 45 minutes. Get them moving
around the classroom and shared room, get them going to different parts of the school,
get them doing things.
My Student-led Conference Plan

1. First… welcome your parents to your SLC

2. Second…

3. Third…

4. Fourth…

5. Fifth…

6. Next…

7. Finally…

8. Ending… Thank your parents for coming to your SLC

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