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stress release

How Can I Get Some R.E.S.T.?

By Alma Sander-Landis, LMT
t seems these days that many people are suffering from a lack of rest. Jobs, families, work commutes, or financial worries plague more and more people. Some are so stressed on such a daily basis; they no longer even realize this stress. It is the new normal. It is affecting our health, our family life, and certainly the quality of our own well-being. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition and the day-in, day-out pounding of demands is a sure recipe for physical and/or mental breakdown. What can we do for this constant demand placed on us every day? How about a healthy dose of R.E.S.T.? Not rest, as in sleeping, even though we are having trouble even sleeping these days. But how about R.E.S.T. Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy. What is this? How can we take a timeout from environmental stimulus when we are bombarded by media, TV, computers, Facebook, Twitter, and on and on? The answer is to give ourselves a one-hour break in a flotation tank. A flotation tank is an enclosed pool, 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet high. This tank contains 10 inches of water, warmed to body temperature, and contains 800 lbs. of Epsom salt. The density of the water allows a body to float effortlessly, face out of

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the water, simulating a gravity-free environment. With the door closed, light and sound are restricted. With less sensory input, your brain is free to relax for a stimulus timeout. While we often think of a timeout as a punishment for naughty children, with R.E.S.T. we can think of timeout as a body, mind, and well-being reset button for the demands of life. Float time can be used to achieve many objectives. Many people use the float tank to work out problems. Sensory restriction frees your mind to work on the single problem or an answer you need instead of requiring processing space for temperature change, light input, or auditory input. The sensory inputs are diminished, freeing up space for problem-solving or creative endeavors. Joe Rogan (Fear Factor fame) is an avid fan of floating and uses his tanks to enhance the creative process. Float time can be used to restore muscular function. With the 800 lbs of Epsom Salt, floating is highly beneficial for overworked, overtired muscles. The deep rest that can be achieved in a float tank is beneficial in the muscles natural ability to shed metabolic debris and enhancing the reduction of lactic acid, decreasing pain. The near weightlessness of floating increases circulation to compromised joints. Others simply use their float time to turn it all off. They bask in the warmth of the water, float effortlessly in the dense salt, and allow thoughts to float away as they enjoy an earthly timeout. Floating can simulate a return to the womb. The only sounds you hear are your own bodys functions: breathing, heartbeat, digestion. Combining one hour of massage therapy with one hour of R.E.S.T. floatation, you can give yourself a well-needed timeout. Timeout that can help you live a less-stress life, and improve your quality of life. Couldnt you use some R.E.S.T.? For more information on float sessions or to make an appointment, contact Alma Sander-Landis, LMT: 309-645-1087, Metamorphosis Float Tank Location. For further information, visit my website at Almasanderlandis.massagetherapy.com.

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Page 46 Healthy Cells Magazine Peoria May 2013

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