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EDU 5170 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY I Lesson Plan Integrating Technology & Pedagogy Directions and Outline Name Sean

Mastrocovi Date 4/23/13 Standards: Include content area and ISTE NETS for Students standards. TEACHING, LEARNING, AND THE CURRICULUM Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Teachers: A. facilitates technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. B. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students. C. applies technology to develop students higher order skills and creativity. D. manages student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. Lesson Objective(s): Students will understand the basic differences between the major political parties of the United States; the democrats and the republicans. Students will be able to identify major figures in government and identify their party they are affiliated with. Students will be able to look at the issues the parties stand for and they will discuss what they think is good or bad within the party platform. Introduce the Learning Activity: 1. Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective to the students. How will you tell them what they will learn in this lesson? I will tell them before hand what I will be explaining to them, right after the video plays. When I get up to the history of the two major parties they will be steered into what they parties are representing today. 2. Describe how you will provide a motivator. How will you get students interested in this lesson? I will be showing a video that shows the parties through a rap song to get the students attention. This will allow them to be engaged by a visual and audio source. This will get students minds stimulated. Provide Information: 1. Describe how you will provide any definitions, explanations, descriptions, procedures, examples, and/or samples needed for this lesson.

Definitions will provided form myself, my presentations and actually through a few video clips that I have provided. Towards the end of the lesson, students will discuss what they have a learned and have a political conversation with their classmates. This will spark more information to be thrown around due to the fact some students may learn different things compared to other students. I will be starting with a video, moving onto history using information on slides, as well as my own personal information to support students. This will be the route I will take to show students the differences of the parties. I will keep going back and forth between some video clips and presentation slides until the end of the lecture which will be discussion based to see what students have learned. Provide Practice: 1. Describe how you will give students an opportunity to practice the exact task stated in the objective. Students will practice the tasks by after my lecture they will break off to their respected computers. They will head to my website and go to a parties page and look up an issue that I did not talk about. They will have about 3 to 5 minutes to quickly get and understanding of what the party stands for on the particular issue. This will be towards the tail end of the lesson but students are allowed to ask questions and input their ideas during the lecture, I will encourage this after every slide and video. 2. Describe how you will give students an opportunity to practice the exact task stated in the objective individually, as well as in groups. (You may have only individual practice, but not solely group practice.) As stated above, the individual practice will be during the lecture and when researching their issue on the computer. At the very end they will get into one large group at the table and quickly discuss what they found interesting and what the party stands for on their particular issue. This will allow for students to swap information and ideas what is right or wrong on the particulate issue. Provide Knowledge of Results: 1. Describe how you will provide verbal feedback to the students on their practice efforts. I will critique students on their inputs during the lecture, and their questions. This will also apply to the discussion to ensure that they are completely sure of what the parties stand for and how it affects them as future voters. My lesson is mainly oral, this is no writing since I want to hear what the students learn and what they pulled from their quick research. This will allow students to speak directly what is on their mind.

2. Describe how you will provide written feedback to the students on their practice efforts. There is not written activity is this lesson. This lesson will revolve around discussion and research. Students simply have to listen and provide feedback on what they know and what they are understanding. Review the Activity: 1. Describe how you will, or how you will have students, summarize the important points in this lesson. Students at the end of the lesson will discuss what they have found, and I will ask what they have learned. This will allow me to go over once again how the parties are different and how it affects the students. This will be a very quick wrap up since I will ask students questions after a few of my slides to ensure they grab the main points of the lecture. Method of Assessment: 1. Describe how you will assess whether or not the students have learned the skills outlined in the learning objective. Provide a sample test, rubric, scoring guide, etc. My method of assessment is simple, it will rely on a qualitative set of data. I will see if student actually take part in the research and grade them on their responses, and what questions they ask to see if they are truly following my lesson. Students will basically have to participate if they want to get a good grade, and by participate I mean come up with meaningful questions and thoughts. I will make check marks on students names and students need at least 2 check marks to get at least a B for the day. The more a student participates, the higher the grade will be. It will count for participation and as a quiz grade. Every time a student says something interesting they will get a check mark with help me organize the grading.

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