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Sarah Jacobs ELD 307 Professor Rich Writing Analysis Within a classroom there are many diverse assessments

and analysiss a teacher can conduct. An assessment is conducted to understand the students ability to retain the specific information presented in class. An analysis on the other hand is conducted to examine something in great detail. Each analysis varies in topic, approach, and results. With each analysis revealing specific detailed information regarding a particular student, each is to be looked at with equal importance. Recently conducted with a student in my third grade classroom was a writing analysis. The writing analysis serves multiple purposes such as allowing the teacher to reflect on the students interest and ability to write along with their writing background. The purpose of the writing analysis is to gather specific information, which is used to understand how the student sees themselves as a writer along with their progress throughout the year. The writing analysis also allows the teacher to gain a better understanding of the students strengths and needs. During the writing analysis the teacher will review previous work to determine the progression the student has made and interview the student to see how they view themselves as a writer. I decided to work with a student named Joseph. I have previously worked with Joseph during other assessments, which I conducted. Joseph is very interested in being in school and learning. He is always volunteering to participate within the classroom. He is in third grade and is eight years old. Each class Joseph will ask me if I have anything he can help me with. He is very excited when I ask him to work with me on

becoming a better teacher. He takes each assessment very seriously and is extremely happy to participate and help. Before working with Joseph, I asked my cooperating teacher, Miss Belmonte, for a copy of Josephs current and previous writing samples. Once I received his stories I analyzed each of them using the checklist from the Kidwatching book. I then went out into the hall and asked Joseph specific interview questions relating to his interests and feelings towards writing. He answered each question diligently and elaborated on each of them. Once the interview was completed, Joseph asked if there were any more questions left. When I replied saying we were finished, he seemed upset and asked if he could help me next class if I have anything else. While analyzing Josephs writing samples I was able to see a huge progression from the September to now. His first writing in September was about a page and a half. He used correct capitalization, simple and complex punctuation, and was able to write a detailed story. When looking at his more current writing samples he displayed much progress. Joseph is now able to write a well-developed story using much more detail. He always includes who, what, when, where, why, and how when forming his writing pieces. His current writings include significant meaning, appropriate capitalization for names and places, use of simple and complex punctuation, writing with sensitivity, and explore varying tones when writing. For example, Joseph will use exclamation marks to express excitement in his stories. When interviewing Joseph about how he sees himself as a writer, I learned a lot about his views towards writing. Joseph stated that he learned to write in school.

In kindergarten I learned my ABCs, in first grade I was taught big words and started to write some sentences. When I was in second grade I worked on writing more sentences and stories. Now in third grade, I learned how to write small moment stories, realistic fiction, and persuasive essays. He learned to write by the help of all of his teachers and his mother. Joseph enjoys writing detailed stories and then reading these stories to his friends and family, who give him suggestions on how to make his story even better. When I asked Joseph if it is possible to learn to write by yourself, he replied stating, It can be or cant be. It depends on the person. Everyone is different. Joseph feels that writing can be hard at times and can be easy he overall views it as medium. When asking him why he felt learning can be hard or easy he related his response to autism, which was the topic of previous lesson taught in class. He feels that it depends on the person. He personally thinks that it is easy but it does not look as easy as it seems. Joseph is surrounded by some examples of writing at home. Both his mother and father write letters and e-mails. His parents write in both English and Malayalam depending on whom they are writing too. Overall, Joseph writes to communicate with his friends and family who are far away by sending an email. He writes stories to impress his parents and to share his ideas. His favorite subjects are Math, Writing, and Reading in that specific order. Lastly, Joseph feels that other people write to communicate; he gave an example of one of his classmates who is an English language learner. He also feels that people write for other people to read and enjoy. Joseph shows many areas of strengths as a writer. He gives a lot of thought into his stories, and enjoys sharing and improving on them. I would have Joseph

think of more creative writing ideas. Most of his writings are relating to an experience he had which is great but I would have him use his imagination to create new stories. I feel that by having Joseph think creatively, he will enjoy writing a bit more and hopefully will change his favorite subject to writing. I would also teach Joseph how to pre-write. I feel that pre-writing may help him form his story with a detailed beginning middle and end. Sometimes students write as they think. I find it beneficial for students to map out their ideas and then form their story or writing sample. Lastly, I would encourage Joseph to collaborate with his classmates about their stories to help him form new creative ideas. Overall, I was impressed with Josephs writing and his interest for writing.

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