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“The FOOL has said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 14:1)

To say "there is no God," Perhaps the “atheist” has has seen every sin we have ever
and to be correct in the state- a question about faith. We have committed. We share our
ment, I must be a know it all. I faith in plenty of things we don't thought-life with Him. We are
must know how many hairs are understand. Did you under- guilty of violating His Law a
upon every head, every thought stand the mechanics of televi- multitude of times, yet if we re-
of every human heart, every de- sion before you turned it on? pent, God can forgive us because
tail of history, every atom Probably not. You took a step of Jesus stepped into the court-
within every rock…nothing is faith, turned it on, and after it room 2.000 years ago and paid
hidden from my eyes…I know worked, understanding how it the fine for us.
the intimate details of the secret worked wasn't that important. His death on the cross
love-life of the fleas on the back Or perhaps he has an ul- satisfied the Law we so bla-
of the black cat of Napoleon's terior motive? Could it be that tantly transgressed, and at the
great-grandmother. the "atheist" can't find God, for same time demonstrated how
To make the absolute the same reason a thief can't much God loves us.
statement "There is no God." I find a policeman? Could it be Please, forget your argu-
must have absolute knowledge that his love for sin is clouding ments, repent and put your
that there isn't one. If the athe- his good judgment? trust in Jesus and be saved from
ist is reasonable he will have to If you, like the atheist, God's wrath. Make Psalm 51
say, "Having the limited knowl- have broken even one law, then your prayer, then read your Bi-
edge that I have at present, I you have sinned against God ble daily and always obey what
believe that there is no God." and therefore will "surely die," you read; God will never let you
In other words, the athe- for the "wages of sin is death." down. Thank you for taking the
ist doesn't know if God exists, so We are all guilty of breaking time to read this. Don’t be an
he is not an "atheist," he is what God’s moral law, the Ten Com- April Fool!
is commonly known as an mandments.
"agnostic." The word “a” means Listen to the voice
without and “gnostic” means of your conscience, and
knowledge — agnostic means let it remind you of some
without knowledge. of the sins of the past.
The agnostic is like a man On Judgment Day
who looks at a building, and our transgressions will
doesn't know if there was a be evidence of our
builder. shame. Think of it: God www.NeedGod.com

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