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E-mail and Meeting Etiquette E-mail communication and meetings are pervasive in our daily business.

Yet, it is continually surprising how these mediums are often utilized inefficiently. Mentioned below is email and meeting etiquette that should be followed at CSSC: E-mail Etiquette DO! 1. Distinguish clearly between To and Cc field (To Should address people you expect to read and respond to the message; Cc Should be used sparingly) 2. Write concise and to the point messages, with important points first followed by relevant details 3. Put a clear subject to your e-mails, which is detailed enough to give the reader an idea about the content 4. Read received mails completely and respond in timely manner 5. Compose mails in a gender neutral language 6. Add a signature with your contact information. Use company guidelines to design your signature 7. Add disclaimers to your emails 8. Make use of templates for frequently used correspondence 9. Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation while drafting an e-mail. Read the mail carefully before sending it out DO NOT! 1. Dont overuse reply to all option; this should be avoided if not necessary 2. Dont use Bcc in mail as this is unethical. 3. Dont forward chain letters or virus hoaxes 4. Dont overuse the high priority flag, unless necessary 5. Dont write in CAPITALS 6. Dont send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks 7. Dont use emails to discuss personnel/confidential information 8. Dont attach unnecessary files. Large attachments choke the email system. IMS should be used for sharing heavy files 9. Avoid Thread less email as they do not provide enough information 10. Avoid using too many abbreviations; do not use any abbreviations which the reader wouldnt understand 11. Do not use emoticons 10. Avoid recalling messages 11. Do not write long sentences

Meeting Etiquette DO! 1. Start all meetings with an agenda (topic, time & speaker) 2. Keep your mobile phones on silent mode 3. Confirm your availability/unavailability to the meeting organizer in time 4. Be punctual for the meeting. Inform the meeting organizer well in advance if you will be late 5. For all meetings involving WebEx, host should provide WebEx link in the meeting invite 6. Participants should respect one another at all times and cooperate to achieve the meeting objective 7. Listen to the speaker carefully 8. Be brief when speaking and make sure what you say is relevant 9. Keep eye contact 80 - 90 % of the time 10. All meetings should finish on time. If not, people can leave the meeting if other meetings or activities are planned 11. Attend the entire meeting unless it is absolutely necessary or you have prior permission 12. Meeting minutes and actions (action, owner, date) should be sent to the entire team after every meeting 7. Dont distract other attendees by fidgeting, tapping your pen, playing with your fingers or any other actions. Regardless of how heated the meeting may become, always remain calm. 8. Don't curse and don't use slang. Be poised, polite and polished DO NOT! 1. Don't expect others to fill you in during or after the meeting 2. Dont make or take any phone calls in the meeting room. 3. Don't interrupt the speaker unless he/she has encouraged open discourse throughout the meeting. Don't interrupt other attendees either 4. Don't ask too long questions. Break them into several questions and make sure you only ask one question at a time 5. Dont be distracted, e.g texting messages, checking your emails, reading materials not concerning the meeting etc. Give your full attention to the meeting! 6. Don't talk during a meeting with other colleagues. This is disruptive to other attendees and inconsiderate of the speaker

Meeting Etiquette DO! 13. Once the meeting is over, follow up with all participants. Circulate a list of action items, resolutions and issues that remain open. Don't forget to thank people for attending the meeting and request feedback 14. Use the regular templates circulated by CSSC communications for meeting invitations and minutes of meeting 15. If you need to hold a presentation, make sure that handouts, PowerPoint slides etc. are ready and organized

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