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Taylor Morris Megan Keaton English 112 2 May 2013

Reporting., Al Baker; Vivian Yee Contributed. "Gym Class Finds Itself On Sideline." The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 July 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/11/education/even-as-schools-battle-obesity-physicaleducation-is-sidelined.html>. In this article, it first talks about how schools and school systems are making little to no time for physical education classes. There was a survey taken of high school students and more than half of them said that they did not have physical education classes. With further research, they found that only twenty percent of elementary school students were getting the state required physical activity which is twenty minutes. The article goes on to talk about how there are hardly any gym teachers in these schools and this is mainly because of budget cuts. Physical education is linked to decrease child obesity and also helps with academic performance. This article ends with talking about how schools are trying to make changes with the lack of physical education and how they can get physical education back in the routine. The authors use of facts and interviews really makes his argument effective. Throughout the article he has various quotations from principals and surveys of students which make his argument realistic. The way that this article is organized is all of the problems are stated first and then there is a sense of hope at the end with positive quotations and concepts. This makes his argument strong because he shows the reader that the problem can be fixed and there is a

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solution to it all. Principals are the main focus in this article, which only makes sense because they know what is really going on behind closed doors. The organization of this article is what makes it really effective and really gives the author a strong argument. I am going to use this article to side with my opinion and my side of the argument. Baker really uses some valid points and also opens up the eyes of the readers, which is one of my goals. I will use a lot of direct quotes from this article and will probably reference this one the most. There is a lot of usable information and I believe it will be very effective. The overall argument and general idea of it helped my understanding of the argument which will make my paper stronger and more effective. I also learned a lot from the organization of his article. For my paper, I can state all of the problems and then come back with a solution, which is very effective. There does not appear to be a promotion, or support, from the Department of Education for daily physical education in many of our high schools, Pg. 1 At Anatola Elementary School in Van Nuys, Calif., not only are there no gym teachers, but there is also no gym. Pg. 1 Besides its value in fighting obesity, physical education has also been linked in some studies to good academic outcomes. Pg. 1

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Beaulieu, Lisa, Stephen A. Butterfield, and Craig A. Mason. "Physical Activity and U.S. Public Elementary." EBSCOhost. N.p., n.d. Web. <http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.cpcc.edu/ehost/detail?vid=5&sid=5eafb2dd-dba647b591551b4e0472a182%40sessionmgr115&hid=115&bdata=JnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d# db=eric&AN=EJ973950>. This articles main point is about child obesity. It talks about how childrens health has been decreasing and the obesity rates have been hugely increasing. The way that physical education is tied into this is it talks about how people should pay more attention to keeping physical education classes in the system. It gives ways to encourage physical activities and how to help the students enjoy it so that America doesnt have the child obesity rates continually increasing. For example, the gym teachers can show the students fun games to play at home to keep active and to also be outside with their friends. This article is very lengthy and has a lot of facts and statistics. The organization of this article is the author first talks about child obesity and how huge of a problem it is. There are a lot of facts stated about child obesity in the beginning and through out the article as well. It goes on to talk about physical education and how keeping it in the schools and making it a priority can solve a lot of the child obesity problems. The main point to this article is to create a solution to child obesity and it really lays out the plan to do it. By using facts and statistics, it increases the authors credibility and makes the article more believable. All of the facts and statistics really open the readers eyes and lay out the truth about child obesity. All of the authors prove their point of child obesity with all of the statistics and it makes them seem legitimate.

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I can use this in my paper by really only proving one point, which is the child obesity rate and things of that sort. This article is not very broad but gives some very valid points such as why child obesity is such a problem. I can also use a lot of their statistics and facts which will make my paper more credible. This article states a lot of facts and I will use these facts to my advantage when I touch on the topic of child obesity. This also argues on my side of the argument which helps my side and will make the strength of my argument even more valid. An alarming childhood obesity epidemic has captured attention from all corners of society. Pg. 1 The fourth most common strategy to encourage physical activity was to offer school-sponsored before/after school activities that emphasized physical activity Pg. 3 An alarming childhood obesity epidemic has captured attention from all corners of society. Pg. 1

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Lee, Sarah M. "Physical Education and Physical Activity: Results From the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006." EBSCOhost. N.p., n.d. Web. <http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.cpcc.edu/ehost/detail?vid=9&sid=763b1fc9-2c704ef3-ba71 b2a96d9ddd50%40sessionmgr113&hid=115&bdata=JnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d#db=c9h& AN=26846555>. This article first talks about how helpful and positive physical education is for ones body. It goes on to talk about supporting physical education in schools and how schools can get that support and who supports it. The rest of the article just states a bunch of facts and statistics about physical education and what it can do for a student. The way this article is organized is a little overwhelming. It is overflowing with facts and statistics which can help with validity and credibility, but it is almost too many. The way it talks about how beneficial physical education is to prevent certain things and just make for a healthy body really adds strength to the article because it is convincing the reader that physical education is effective and also encouraging them to become more active and healthy. The length of this article probably could have been cut in half if there wasnt so many statistics but that is really the only problem in this article. I could use this article throughout my whole paper. Although there are a lot of facts and statistics throughout this article, it will help me with my paper when trying to prove a point or make something stronger. One point that I can use from this article is stating the positive effects of physical education and not only how it helps your body, but your mind as well. This is another article that sides with my argument and I also like how it gives people and ways to support physical education in schools which will again, make my argument even stronger. I think that

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this is another article that will have a lot of use because of all of the information jam packed into it. Regular physical activity can reduce risk for the development of chronic diseases among adults, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Pg. 1 Increase the proportion of adolescents who participate in daily school physical education. Pg. 2 Nationwide, 80.4% of states and 93.3% of districts had adopted a policy stating that elementary schools will teach physical education. Pg. 5

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Toporek, Bryan. ""Georgia to Add 30 Minutes of Physical Activity to Elementary Schools."" Education Week 29 Mar. 2013: n. pag. Print.

This whole article is talking about how Georgia is planning to add thirty minutes to their physical education school program. It talks about how society needs to be on board with this change because if they arent then it wont work. It goes on to talk about lifestyle issues and how adding this extra time might force a change on these nasty habits. The only concern in this article is budget but they are willing to find a way to make it happen. The article ends with talking about child obesity. It says that even though Georgia doesnt have a reason to be more concerned than any other state about the obesity, they still want to make a change in these rates. The organization of this article is very effective. It first just states its point in the article which is obviously to add more time in the physical education department. It goes on to talk about how they are going to make it happen and also why it needs to make it happen. A big thing is just talking about how people need to be involved with this and they need to be supportive. This article is talking to the reader, which is effective because the reader feels more involved. The article makes the reader believe that they can make a difference and if the reader feels this way, they will actually go out and do something about the problem. The way that I am going to use this in my paper is to mainly talk about how people need to get involved in this and how effective it would be if they did. This article actually has a lot of good points and I like how it is laid out. One of the points I really liked was when it talked about getting society involved and how effective this change would be if the parents and other people would get their hands dirty with this issue. It is different from the other articles that I found

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because it is involving the reader and really talking to them, which will give my paper a different perspective and also some variety. We need every single segment of the society involved in this Fitzgerald Pg. 2 Only Mississippi has a worse childhood obesity rate than Georgia Pg. 1 While budgetary concerns and high-stakes testing present obstacles for schools hoping to add physical activity to the school day, some schools in the state are already finding creative ways around those concerns. Pg. 2

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Armour, Nancy. "Education." Do Schools Need More PE Time to Fight Obesity? N.p., July 2010. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/education/2009-06-21physical-education_N.htm>. This article is basically about schools and should they add more time of physical education to the curriculum. This article is kind of similar to the last one and has the same main idea. In the beginning it talks about how outdated school gyms are and how these schools dont care enough to maintain them. States are not mandating that schools have the required time for physical education and activity and the cafeteria and eating is more important. This article concludes with talking about how students and parents should value physical education and take is as seriously as they do their academic classes. The organization of this article is very easily read and makes a lot of sense. It states the problems and why these problems are occurring and in the end it states many solutions and ideas on how to fix child obesity or at least help get the rates down. It flows very nicely and gets the point across very well. The way I am going to use this in my paper is to help prove the point of child obesity. I also like how it talks about the lack of caring by students, schools, and parents. I can use this to add another point in my article and also to make my argument stronger. This article touches on a lot of good points that are going to be useful in my paper. The main way Ill use it is obviously child obesity and by reading the other articles I think that it will be my main focal point in my argumentative paper. "We want them to gain an appreciation of being active, to enjoy being active" Pg. 1 Having PE even twice a week would make a world of difference" Pg.1

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Less than 4% of elementary schools, less than 8% of middle schools and just over 2% of high schools required daily PE for all students for the entire school year. Pg. 1

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Nancy. "Why PE Shouldnt Be Mandatory In Schools." 3 Moms For Physical Education In Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <http://www.m3pe.org/articles/pe-in-school/whype-shouldnt-be-mandatory-in-schools>.

This article is about how physical education should not be mandatory in schools. It goes on to talk about how it is not effective and is just wasting the students time. It makes points such as child obesity is still on the rise, even with physical education, and the time taken up changing and role call only leaves a little bit of time for any physical activity. It also states the other side briefly saying that other people want to keep physical education into the school systems because it is helpful to the students.

The organization the author used in this article is just basically jumping right into how she feels and her side of the argument. It is effective because she doesnt beat around the bush and just gets straight to the point of not having physical education in the curriculum. It is a lot easier to read an article that jumps right into it so that the reader knows the point that the author is trying it make.

I could use this article for my paper to argue the other side. She makes some valid points by saying that child obesity is still on the rise and obviously physical education isnt changing that. I also like how she addresses both sides of the argument. I could use this article as sort of an example for the layout of my paper. While it remains a requirement, childhood obesity is steadily climbing. Pg. 1

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many people feel that PE should no longer be in schools simply because money is scarce Pg.1 If students are only giving half of their effort for this class, it cannot be much help to them. Pg.1

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