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Analysis Project Web Localization GILT Seminar Fall, 2012 DUE: Monday, November 26, 2012
Locate a current, localized Website or presencethe target language presence of a U.S. corporation or entity, produced for that TL market. For example, students of French might select the one of the French- language/culture variants of johndeere.com or similar institution. Be creative in your selection! Students of any of our groups languages might look for local versions of particularly globalization-savvy or less-than-savvy concerns. Then, analyze your chosen cultural product utilizing Hofstedes framework for cultural analysis. You will want to review Singh & Pereira (2004), our class textbook, in its entirety to view how they conduct similar analyses. You will also want to make use of the cheat sheet of online elements mapped onto the Hofstede framework (see reverse). For your introduction/analysis: What does the Hofstede framework predict about the target language culture? Overall, does your localized Website product confirm or reject this prediction? In the body of your paper, cite examples from your selected site to bolster your analysis. You may make prudent use of screen shots, but they are not expected to take up the majority of your papers page real estate. To integrate your paper with our semesters class work: in conclusion, analyze how useful the Hofestede framework was in allowing you to capture or document the cultural cultural adaptations you were seeking. Did you find the analysis easy/difficult? How comprehensive was the framework in sensing cultural manifestations? How subtle was the framework in documenting cultural attitudes and behaviors? Target length: 5-7 typed pages, English or TL (heritage and NS).

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