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The ancient Sumerians (who were African) write gloriously of the time when kingship came down from heaven. They viewed kingship as a great benefit. The kings were half human and half Anunnaki. They taught, guided, and ruled the people according to the Anunnaki law. As time developed, they had a council of elders (Parliament prototype) which pretty much directed the king or queen. Or advised. The kings jobs were primarily spiritual and an interface between the people and the ruling Anunnaki. Every region had its god. This was multidimensional. The god represented all this simultaneously: 1) the predominant energy field; 2) the primary industry; 3) the collective consciousness and 4) the ruling Anunnaki. Egypt had 42 nomes or states. Each had its Neter (Anunnaki). In the nome of Herukhuti (Mars) the predominant energy-field was martian, industries included ironworks; schools made police, military academies, surgeons; the main Anunnaki was Herukhuti (Ogun) and the job of the governor (High Priest) and lesser priests was to perform Herukhutian rituals to keep the name aligned to Herukhuti. You should try not to confuse European royalty with true royalty. Most Euro royalty is gangster royalty. Some thug

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seized power and every so often new thugs seize it again. Also do not confuse the system of which I speak with feudalism. The relationship of God to King to Priests to people was more like a family. The king was a father and queen a mother. No, the people were not equal to the gods no more than a chimp equal to the Dalai Lama (whose relationship to Tibet people is close to a real king). The Egyptians lovingly referred to their King as our crop. He was cultivated by them collectively. They were honored to have earned the right to have a king or queen. The priests and officials were like big brothers and sisters who took care of the people while simultaneously helping them evolve. The top officials had to be high initiates and spiritual masters. The had to transcend selfishness, greed, ego, etc., before they assumed high office. They had to get initiated to the 4th tree of Life sphere before they could hold any office of trust. For kings and such, they had to get to spheres 1 and 0. Before they were ready, they had co-regents, elder family members, who ruled with them as they completed their arduous initiations. Ancient royalty was about service rather than being served. It brought the blessings of civilization. One of the kings primary functions was to upgrade the collective DNA by marrying many wives both of royal and common blood. This made for more advanced chimps making lots of children. Subconsciously, thats also why people today get all hyped up over royal babies being born. While I propose that system to be vastly superior to the slavery system masquerading as democracy we endure today, it was not flawless. After the gods took to the skies like birds to escape nuclear fallout, the system began to crumble. A theoretical god could not fully replace a flesh and blood one. The meanings of things got confused. For example, many gods supposedly married their sisters. Well, thats symbolic. A sisters love is a pure and beautiful kind of love and the sister motif simply meant perfectly, tenderly matched. After the gods left, people actually started marrying (kings) their own sisters and daughters. So deformed royals began
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to pop up, like the hideous Akhenaten whom European scholars so adore. (Us Egyptians dont. We see him as a criminal.) (I say us in a symbolic sense. I dont know if Im an Egyptian, but I am in the sense of practicing Kamitic sciences.) There were very strict laws on who could be king. It was matriarchal. Only offspring of pure Egyptian royal women could be kings. Today we know that the mitchondrial DNA is passed unchanged from mother-to-daughter. The Egyptians knew it first. So the special women, daughters of the mother goddess herself, could only bring forth kings. Hence the rule remained based in and legitimized by the original Mother Goddess, Nut then Het-Heru then Isis, etc. Due to palace intrigues machinations were often employed to get an unqualified-by-law person to be king. Like Akhenaten. The kings would marry the princesses of vassal kings like Syrians, Canaanites, Arabians, etc. These were lesser wives. Their children could never legally be kings. But that didnt stop them from plotting to make them kings anyway. Children of lesser wives could hold high offices, just not king. They could be governors, judges, generals, priests, etc. Well, at various times those machinations succeeded and illegal kings took the throne. Thus, Egypts decline. I would like to locate genetic markers of royalty and re-establish the royal line. If the Emperor of Japan is a true royal, perhaps his DNA will show some traces and thereby be a standard against which DNA can begin to be evaluated. There may be African royalty among tribes like the Dogon whove retained true extraterrestrial blood. The USA and other police states want to check everyones DNA, ostensibly for law and order purposes. In reality, theyre trying to locate people with special DNA markers, not just royalty but also psychic powers.

Land Rover Promotion

www.landrover-africa.com/test-drive Win a Luxury Victoria Falls Trip! Test Drive a Land Rover Today.

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3/23/2013 9:15 AM

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