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Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

BYU Campus Education Week 2008

Forensic DNA Testing:

How Are Crimes Solved with DNA Analysis?
John M. Butler, PhD
August 21, 2008

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008


218 exonerated as of August 15, 2008

April 11, 2006

Lawyers for Duke Players Say DNA Clears Team

http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/11/sports/othersports/11duke.html?n=Top%2fReference%2fTime s%20Topics%2fOrganizations%2fD%2fDuke%20University%20

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Progress Since 1995

O.J. Simpson DNA testing was performed with RFLP

Almost 8 weeks needed to get results

Now <8 hours to get results

Unfortunately, current DNA testing cannot be performed as quickly as a commercial break

Real labs have better lighting but fewer instruments. The instruments on CSI are real they just do not collect data as quickly as shown on TV.

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

We are finding new ways to use DNA

The Field Is Growing Rapidly and Is a Lot of Fun to Be Associated With

1st Edition 2nd Edition 3rd Edition


Currently in the process of writing

Jan 2001
335 pp.

Feb 2005
688 pp.

~1000 pages

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Methods for Human Identification

Fingerprints have been used since 1901

DNA since 1986

DNA in the Cell

The vast majority of DNA is the same from person to person

chromosome cell nucleus

22 pairs + XX or XY

Double stranded DNA molecule ~3 billion total base pairs

Only a Small Varying Region is Targeted and Probed for Each DNA Marker Examined

Individual nucleotides

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Identification of Information
Printed Information
Library Book Chapter Page Number Line on Page Word Letter

Genetic Information
Body Cell

Nucleus Chromosome Locus (part of chromosome) Short DNA sequence DNA nucleotides

Characteristics of DNA
Each person has a unique DNA profile (except identical twins). Each person's DNA is the same in every cell. An individuals DNA profile remains the same throughout life. Half of your DNA comes from your mother and half from your father.

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Our DNA Comes from our Parents Fathers Sperm

Mothers Egg

Childs Cell

Inheritance Pattern of DNA Profiles




BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Markers

An accordion-like DNA sequence that occurs between genes


= 11 GATA repeats (11 is all that is reported)

7 repeats 8 repeats 9 repeats 10 repeats 11 repeats 12 repeats 13 repeats

The number of consecutive repeat units can vary between people The FBI has selected 13 core STR loci that must be run in all DNA tests in order to provide a common currency with DNA profiles

Target region
(short tandem repeat)

Core STR Loci for the United States

Position of Forensic STR Markers on Human Chromosomes

TPOX D3S1358 D8S1179 D7S820 TH01 VWA

13 CODIS Core STR Loci




D13S317 D16S539 D18S51 D21S11 AMEL

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Fluorescent dye-labeled primer


Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Typing

STR Repeat Region

2 3

3 4

4 5

5 6

6 7 8

(Maternal) (Paternal)
reverse primer hybridization region

forward primer hybridization region


(size in bp) 1000 RFUs 500
6 139bp 8 147bp

DNA Separation and Detection

PCR product size (bp)



Fathers Profile?
12 14



Child #1 Child #2 Child #3

Alleged Father(s) is asked to donate DNA sample


11 12



STR Alleles from D13S317

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science

Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Family Inheritance of STR Alleles (D13S317)
PCR product size (bp)



Father Me



Amanda Child #1 Child #2 Marshall Child #3 Katy


11 12


Mother My Wife

We Have DNA Results to Prove That All These Kids Are Ours!

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

TH01 D19 D3 D8 AMEL D5 D21


D7 D16 D18



DNA Size (bp)

6FAM (blue) D8S1179 D21S11 D7S820 CSF1PO

TH01 VIC (green) D3S1358 D13S317 D16S539 D2S1338

TPOX NED (yellow) D19S433 VWA D18S51

AMEL PET (red)



1 in 837 trillion
(probability of this profile occurring at random)

GS500 LIZ size standard LIZ (orange)

Applications of Forensic DNA Typing

Forensic cases -- matching suspect with

Paternity testing -- identifying father Missing persons investigations Military DNA dog tag Convicted felon DNA databases Mass disasters -- putting pieces back together Historical investigations

Involves Involvesgeneration generationof ofDNA DNAprofiles profilesusually usuallywith with the same core STR (short tandem repeat) markers the same core STR (short tandem repeat) markers and andthen thenMATCHING MATCHINGTO TOREFERENCE REFERENCESAMPLE SAMPLE

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

DNA Testing Requires a Reference Sample

A DNA profile by itself is fairly useless because it has no context DNA analysis for identity only works by comparison you need a reference sample
Crime Scene Evidence compared to Suspect(s) (Forensic Case) Child compared to Alleged Father (Paternity Case) Victims Remains compared to Biological Relative (Mass Disaster ID) Soldiers Remains compared to Direct Reference Sample (Armed Forces ID)

Butler, J.M. (2005) Forensic DNA Typing, 2nd Edition, Box 1.3, p. 9

August 17, 1998 FBI Report on Analysis of Stain on Monica Lewinskys Blue Dress


BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

December 14, 2003

We got him!

DNA Profile Saddam was known to have many stunt doubles that acted as decoys for his own safety

Saddam Husseins capture was verified with DNA testing conducted in Rockville, MD at the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory
Source: www.cnn.com; The Scientist Dec 19, 2003

Biological Relatives Served as References

Captured December 13, 2003

Matching Y-STR Haplotype Used to Confirm Identity

(along with allele sharing from autosomal STRs)

Uday and Qusay Hussein Is this man really Sadaam Hussein?

Butler, J.M. (2005) Forensic DNA Typing, 2nd Edition, Box 23.1, p. 534

Killed July 22, 2003

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory (AFDIL) (Rockville, MD) In June 1998 AFDIL identified Michael J. Blassie as the Vietnam Unknown in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (located in Arlington National Cemetery)

There will be no more unknown soldiers.

Butler, J.M. (2005) Forensic DNA Typing, 2nd Edition, Box 10.1, pp. 250-251

National DNA Index System (NDIS)

No names are associated with DNA profiles uploaded to NDIS If my profile was entered for searching: 16,17-17,18-21,22-12,14-28,30-14,16-12,13-11,14-9,9-9,11-6,6-8,8-10,10

Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)

Launched in October 1998 and now links all 50 states Used for linking serial crimes and unsolved cases with repeat offenders Convicted offender and forensic case samples along with a missing persons index Requires 13 core STR markers

>65,000 investigations aided nationwide as of Aug 2008

Contains more than 6.0 million DNA profiles

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

World Trade Center Towers (Sept 11, 2001)

Wreckage at Ground Zero

Highly Highlydegraded degradedDNA DNAwas wasrecovered recovered

World Trade Center Victim Identification Efforts Without DNA 736 Victims Identified Finished May 2002
Feb 23, 2005: Announcement that DNA identification efforts have been exhausted. Only 1,585 victims (58%) were identified from the 2,749 killed at the WTC site. Some DNA work is still on-going with WTC victim remains.
Source: Mecki Prinz (OCME) ISFG presentation, Sept 11, 2003

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Using Personal Effects to Identify Remains

PCR product size (bp)

D7S820 D5S818 D13S317 D16S539

CSF1PO Penta D

DNA profile from toothbrush

(believed to belong to victim)

DNA profile from mass disaster victim

Personal Effects from victims are collected (toothbrushes, hairbrushes, dirty clothes, etc.)

Identifying Victims of Mass Disasters

Butler, J.M. (2005) Forensic DNA Typing, 2nd Edition, Chapter 24

Science (2005) 310: 1122-1123 Largest Forensic Case in History

~20,000 bone fragments were processed >6,000 family reference samples and personal effects samples were analyzed

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

The Romanovs Russias Royal Family (1913)




Maria Anastasia

Tsarina Alexandra

Tsar Nicolas II


Photo taken five years before they were killed

The Romanovs were Imprisoned by the Bolsheviks and Held in Ekaterinburg, Russia (Siberia)
Abdicated throne in March 1917; in Ekaterinburg from April 30 July 17, 1918

The Romanov Family in captivity (left to right Tatiana, Tsarvitch Alexei, Maria (standing) Tsar Nickolas II, Anastasia, Olga)

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

On July 17, 1918, the Romanov family and their servants were taken into their basement where they were brutally murdered

The family execution was ordered by Lenin (leader of the Russian Revolution) because the opposing White Army was coming to free them.

History of the Bodies and Bones

July 1918 the Romanovs (Tsar, Tsarina, and five children) along with their doctor and three other servants were executed with bullets and bayonets by Bolsheviks in a basement of a house in Ekaterinburg The 11 bodies were stripped of their clothing and thrown down a mine shaft. Grenades were exploded to try and collapse the mine. These explosions likely fragmented the bodies. The Bolsheviks decided to move the bodies to a deeper mine shaft but their truck broke down so they buried 9 of the bodies in a shallow grave and poured sulfuric acid on the bodies to make them further unrecognizable. Planks were placed over the shallow grave and a truck driven over it to crush the bones further. Two of the bodies (Alexei and one of his sisters) were removed, burned, and buried separately.

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Truck broke down

Four Brothers Mine x Mineshaft for x first burial Pigs Meadow Shallow grave from 1918-1991

Where Romanovs were killed

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

On a Road Just Outside of Ekaterinburg, Russia

Photo taken by Investigator Sokolov

In 1991, 9 bodies were found underneath these planks of wood

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

A Soldier Poses Near the Grave Site

Originally discovered in 1979, the grave site was not uncovered until after the Soviet Union fell in 1991

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

The Original Excavation (1991)

Draft of skeletons position in the grave : (1: Demidova - 2: Dr Botkin - 3: Olga 4: Nkolai - 5: Maria - 6: Tatiana 7: Aleksandra - 8: Kharitonov - 9: Trupp)

Began working on the burial site on July 11 of 1991 and discovered about 1000 bone fragments but only 9 skulls whereas 11 people had been murdered

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Identifications results comparison

of Russian (Abramov) and U.S. (Mapple) teams
Skeleton # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sex F M F M F F F M? M Age 40-50 50-60 20-24 45-55 ~20 ~20 45-50 40-50 +60 Size 161-168 171-177 158-165 165-170 166-171 162-171 163-168 ? 172-181 Tatiana Anastasia Abramov conclusion Mapple conclusion

Demidova Botkin Olga Nikolai Maria Tatiana

Aleksandra Kharitonov Trupp

Missing bodies ->

Alexei and Maria

Alexei and Anastasia


The Four Romanov Grand Duchesses

http://www.freewebs.com/rememberingtheromanovs/anastasia.htm http://www.freewebs.com/rememberingtheromanovs/tatiana.htm http://www.freewebs.com/rememberingtheromanovs/olga.htm

born Nov 3, 1895 22 years old

born May 29, 1897 21 years old

born June 14, 1899 19 years old

born June 5, 1901 17 years old

Ages at death in July 1918

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Gill et al. (1994) Nature Genet. 6(2):130-135

Follow-up article:
Ivanov et al. (1996) Mitochondrial DNA sequence heteroplasmy in the Grand Duke of Russia Georgij Romanov establishes the authenticity of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II. Nature Genet. 12(4):417-420

The Romanovs (Last Russian Czar)

16169T/C Louise Louise of of Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Cassel

16169T/C Georgij Georgij Romanov Romanov

Tsar Nicholas II

Tsarina Alexandra

Xenia Xenia CheremeteffCheremeteffSfiri Sfiri

Mitotype 16126C 16169T 16294T 16296T 73G 263G 315.1C

Mitotype 16111T 16357C 263G 315.1C

Prince Prince Philip Philip Duke Duke of of Edinburgh Edinburgh

SOURCES: Gill et al. (1994) Nature Genetics, 6, 130-135.; Ivanov et al. (1996) Nature Genetics, 12, 417-420; Stone, R. (2004) Science, 303, 753.

D.N.A. Box 10.2, J.M. Butler (2005) Forensic DNA Typing, 2nd Edition 2005 Elsevier Academic Press

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Romanov Remains Laid to Rest on July 17, 1998 (80 years to the day they were killed)

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)


Buried in St. Petersburg, Russia

the last Czar of Russia and his family were buried in the crypt of St Petersburg's St Peter and Paul Cathedral

In 1998 the remains of Tsar Nicholas II and his family (excluding Maria and Alexei) were placed here after having been exhumed from a 'grave' near the Ural Mountains. Analysis of DNA recovered from the remains was used to confirm their identities. This photograph was taken in 2004.

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

A Mystery Made for Movie(s)



Anastasia: Princess
Special Edition DVD (2006)

Disney Animation Movie (1997)

Anna Anderson Manahan was actually Franziska Schanzkowska


BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


The DNA tests showed that Anderson's DNA did not match the Romanov remains or Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (a relative of the Romanovs), but was consistent with the mitochondrial DNA profile of Karl Maucher, a great-nephew of Franziska Schanzkowska

Gill et al. (1995) Establishing the identity of Anna Anderson Manahan. Nature Genet. 9(1):9-10


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

As Paul Harvey

And Now

Would Say

The Rest of the Story


Remains of Czar Nicholas II's Son May Have Been Found

FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2007 MOSCOW The remains of the last czar's hemophiliac son and heir to the Russian throne, missing since the royal family was gunned down nine decades ago by Bolsheviks in a basement room, may have been found, an archaeologist said Thursday.
Prince Alexei, aged 8 or 9, in a detail from an official Russian royal-family photograph taken in 1913. His sister Grand Duchess Anastasia's hand drapes over his shoulder.

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Photo from Grave Site Discovered in July 2007 (containing 2 bodies)

Original grave site (with 9 bodies) uncovered in 1991

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

Some of the Recovered Remains from Grave Site Discovered in July 2007

A few of the charred bone fragments + one nail

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

One Sample is Male and the Other Female

Sample 146

Sample 147

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

Can These Remains be Children of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra?

Gill et al. (1994)

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008




Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)




Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Tsar Nicholas II

Tsarina Alexandra



Maria 147


Alexei 146

It is 4.36 trillion times more likely IF samples 146.1 and 147 belong to this family pedigree than if these samples were from two unrelated individuals selected from the population.
Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

A Living Male Relative Was Found to Confirm Y-Chromosome Testing Results

Tsar Nicholas I

Mikhail Nikolaevich Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro) Andrei Alexandrovich

Tsar Alexander II

Tsar Alexander III

Tsar Nicholas II

Andrew Andreevich (Romanov)

Tsarevich Alexei

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008


Tsar Nicholas II

Andrew Romanov

Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)


Tsar Nicholas II

Tsarina Alexandra

Mitochondrial DNA






Forensic STRs
Slide courtesy of Mike Coble (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory)

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


Forensic DNA Testing

August 21, 2008

Forensic DNA testing will continue to play an increasing role in the future

BYU Campus Education Week 2008 Uses and Abuses of Modern DNA Science


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