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Independent Control of Real and Reactive Power Flows using UPFC based on Adaptive Back Stepping

G. Saravana Ilango, C. Nagamani and D. Aravindan National Institute of Technology/EEE, Tiruchirappalli, India gsilango@nitt.edu, cnmani@nitt.edu Abstract This paper reports the investigations on the
implementation of Adaptive Back Stepping Control technique in a power transmission system incorporating UPFC. The use of Adaptive Back Stepping Controller for controlling the operation of UPFC has not been reported earlier in the literature. The objective is to achieve effective control of the real and reactive power flows in the line, with minimum or zero dynamic interaction between them. A two bus power system with a UPFC is considered for the study. The system response to the power flow commands is investigated and the effectiveness of Adaptive Back Stepping Control is examined. Reference frame theory based mathematical models are used for analyzing the performance of the system in closed loop. The effectiveness of the proposed adaptive controller is demonstrated through digital simulations using MATLAB\SIMULINK and the results are compared using a PI based controller. It is found that the overall performance of the proposed controller is far superior especially with respect to dynamic interactions between real and reactive power.
i i2 Shunt Transformer Series Transforme i1





C Rdc

Vdcref CONTROLLER Vtref Fig1: Basic Power System with UPFC

Pr ef Qref

Keywords Flexible AC Transmission System, Unified Power Flow Controller, dynamic model, State space model, Adaptive Back Stepping, MATLAB/SIMULINK

I. INTRODUCTION ith the ever increasing complexities in power systems across the globe with the growing need for a stable, secure, controlled, economic and high-quality electric power especially in todays deregulated environment it is envisaged that Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers are going to play a vital role in power transmission systems. Transmission congestion results when there is insufficient capacity to transmit power over existing lines and maintain the required safety margins for reliability. FACTS controllers enhance the stability of the power system owing to their superior speed of response and amenability to continuous control in real time. In the recent years UPFC has been proposed in the context of power transmission to increase power flow as well as an aid for improving the system stability. UPFC is one of the most important FACTS devices since it can provide various types of compensation, i.e., voltage regulation, phase shifting regulation, impedance compensation and reactive compensation. The basic configuration of UPFC installed in a transmission line is shown Fig.1 and the per phase equivalent circuit of UPFC is shown in Fig.2. The UPFC consists of two back-toback connected voltage source inverters (VSIs) with an

Fig. 2: Per-phase equivalent circuit of UPFC

interconnecting dc storage capacitor. One VSI is connected to the system bus using a shunt transformer and the other VSI is connected using a series transformer. The power balance between the series and shunt connected VSIs is a prerequisite to maintain a constant voltage across the dc capacitor connected between the two VSIs. The series inverter is used to inject a controlled voltage, in series with the line and thereby to force the power flow to a desired value. The shunt inverter

is controlled in such a way as to supply precisely the right amount of real power at its dc terminals to regulate the dc bus voltage. The steady state characteristics and performance of a UPFC have been widely reported in literature [1-5]. The multivariable and complex closed loop control of UPFC is still a challenge before the control engineers. Since the power system with UPFC involves multiple control variables, the design of robust control strategy for UPFC into the framework of system theory is still in the development stage. The conventional multiple PI controller based techniques have been reported in the literature [2-4]. But in general, for a nonlinear system the performance with PI based controllers varies widely with respect to the operating points. Moreover, the selection of gains for various PI controllers in a MIMO system is a tedious and imprecise task as it is based on a trial and error approach. Also it has been reported that control of UPFC based on the conventional PI based control strategy is prone to severe dynamic interaction between real and reactive power flows [6-9] Thus in the context of complex closed loop control of UPFC which is a MIMO system, it is proposed to apply the Adaptive Back Stepping control technique to achieve effective control of the real and reactive power flows in the line, with minimum or zero dynamic interaction between them. The use of Adaptive Back Stepping control technique for the UPFC has not been reported earlier in literature. An attempt has been made here to implement an Adaptive Back Stepping controller for the power system with UPFC for enhanced power flow control. Results of the investigations indicate a noticeable improvement in the overall system performance, especially when compared to the PI based control schemes. Also dynamic interactions are very much reduced. II. SYSTEM MODELING i. Modeling of series converter:

di d1 rse 1 i d1 + i q1 + (Vtd Vrd +Vcd ) = dt Lse Lse

di q1 dt = rse 1 i q1 i d1 + (Vtq Vrq +Vcq ) Lse Lse
Modeling of shunt converter:

(3) (4)


Proceeding in a similar way, the differential equations for the shunt converter currents are given by

di d 2 rsh 1 i d 2 i q 2 + (V pd Vtd ) = dt Lsh Lsh

di q 2 dt = rsh 1 i q 2 i d 2 + (V pq Vtq ) Lsh Lsh
Modeling of DC link capacitor voltage:




The performance of UPFC depends on the stability of the dc link voltage between the series and shunt converters. In the case of ideal converters, the shunt converter must be capable of handling the amount of real power which is exchanged between the series converter and the line. Thus the UPFC as a whole exchanges zero real power with the transmission line. However, during dynamic conditions, the input power to the shunt converter should be equal to the sum of series injected power and the rate of change of stored energy in the capacitor on an instantaneous basis [2], [5], [6]. Thus, by power balance we obtain the equation below. 3 P = V pd i d 2 V pq i q 2 V cd i d 1 V cq i q 1 2

= CV dc

dV dc V 2 + dc dt R dc

and hence

To develop the series converter model, Kirchhoffs voltage equations (KVL) for the phase a of the series branch can be written as

V dc =

V 3 Vpd id2 Vpq iq2 Vcd id1 Vcq iq1 dc CR 2CV dc dc



dia1 + i a1rse = (Vta Vra + Vca ) dt


Similarly the KVL equations can be written for phases b and c. The KVL equations for three phases in matrix form can be written as follows.

The above equation governs the dc-link capacitor voltage of UPFC. The dc voltage level is controlled by regulating the real power flow from the ac system into the common dc-link via the shunt converter. III. DEVELOPEMENT OF ADAPTIVE BACK STEPPING CONTROL (ABSC) Adaptive back stepping is a control scheme suitable for non-linear systems with unknown but constant nonlinear uncertainties.[10-12] The uncertainties arise due to change of system parameters such as line impedances. In practice, line impedances are designed according to the short-circuit capacity, which are bounded. The change of line impedances affects the system operating point. In such a case, the system states are uncertain but constant. Therefore, the uncertainties caused by change of system parameters must be constant and bounded, which can be reflected by the uncertainties d 1 , q1 , d 2 and q 2 in the model formulations. The adaptation control laws can be derived systematically. The

rse 0 0 ia1 Lse rse d ib1 = 0 0 dt Lse ic1 rse 0 0 Lse

ia1 Vta Vra +Vca i + 1 V V +V b1 L tb rb cb se ic1 Vtc Vrc +Vcc


Equation (2) pertains to a-b-c reference frame. To ease the complexity, these equations are transformed from a-b-c reference frame to synchronous d-q reference frame keeping Vt as reference (Vtd=Vt, Vtq=0). The differential equations for d-q components of series branch current can be written as

control objective is to improve dynamic performance of UPFC system with minimum or zero dynamic dynamic interaction. This paper reports the operation of UPFC with adaptive back stepping control under balanced network conditions. (a) Control Design of Shunt converter The mathematical model for shunt converter (3, 4) is rewritten as

x1ref x2ref




+K Z &1ref+ax U d1 =x 1 wx 2 d1 n 11

&1 = a x1 + x2 + U d 1 x & 2 = x1 a x2 + U q1 x


+K Z &2ref + Uq1 =x x1 +ax2 q1 n2 2

x1 id1 Ud1 (vpd vtd ) / Lsh r and a = sh = , = Lsh x2 iq1 Uq1 (vpq vtq ) / Lsh

d1 m 1




+LshZ1 =0
q1 &

The problem is reformulated in terms of Z1 and Z2 and the time where Z1 = x1ref x1 , Z 2 = x 2 ref x 2 derivative of Z1 and Z 2 is given by



m 2

+LshZ2 =0

Fig.3.Block diagram of adaptive back stepping controller for shunt converter

& =x &1ref x &1 = x &1ref + ax1 x 2 U d 1 d 1 Z 1 (8) & =x & 2 ref x &2 = x & 2 ref + x1 + ax 2 U q1 q1 Z 2

(b) Control Design of Series Converter as The mathematical model for series converter is rewritten

d 1 and q1

are uncertainties.

For the system to be controllable and stable, a positive definite Lyapunov function is considered.

1 1 1 2 Vn0 = Lsh[Z12 + Z2 ]+ (d1 d1)2 + (q1 q1)2 2 2m 2m2 1


&3 = bx3 + x4 + U d 2 x & 4 = x3 bx4 + U q 2 x

x3 id2 Ud2 (vtd vrd + vcd) / Lse


, where d1 q1

are estimates of d 1 and q1 ; m1, m2

are adaptation gains. Thus we can write & & 1 1 & =L Z Z & & (d1 d1) (q1 q1) V n0 sh 1 1 + LshZ2 Z2 + d1 + q1 m1 m2

Where = , = and b= se Lse x4 iq2 Uq2 (vtq vrq + vcq) / Lse Here, the problem is formulated in terms of Z3 and Z4 and the time where Z 3 = x3ref x3 , Z 4 = x4 ref x 4 derivative of








& & = L Z (x + ax x U ) + L Z (x + x + ax U ) 1 2 d1 1 2 q1 sh 1 1ref sh 2 2ref q1 1 d + ( )(L Z + ) + ( )(L Z + ) d1 d sh 1 m q1 q1 sh 2 m 1 2 By Lyapunov theorem, the first derivative of the Lyapunov function has to be negative definite for the system to be asymptotically stable. So it is made negative definite by choosing

x3ref x4ref




+K Z &3ref +bx3 Ud2 = x x4 d2 n3 3


d 1 = Lsh m1 Z 1 , q1 = Lsh m2 Z 2 ,
+K Z , &1ref + ax1 wx 2 U d1 = x d1 n1 1 +K Z . & 2 ref + x1 + ax 2 U q1 = x q1 n2 2





+K Z &4ref + Uq2 = x x3 +bx4 q2 n4 4





& = [ K L Z + K L Z ] Then V n0 n1 sh 1 n 2 sh 2
2 2

is negative

m 3

+LseZ3 =0
q2 &

definite for K n1> 0 and K n 2> 0 . The block diagram of the proposed adaptive back stepping controller for the shunt converter is shown in Fig 3.



m 4

+LseZ4 =0

Fig.4.Block diagram of adaptive back stepping controller for series converter

& =x & 3ref x &3 = x & 3ref + ax3 x 4 U d 2 d 2 Z 3 & =x & 4 ref x &4 = x & 4 ref + x3 + ax 4 U q 2 q 2 Z 4


d 2 and q 2

are uncertainties.

Again, for the system to be controllable and stable, a positive definite Lyapunov function is considered.

d 2 ,q 2 are estimates of d 2 and q 2 ; m3, m4 are adaptation

gains. Proceeding in similar way as shunt converter, the control inputs for series converter are given by

1 1 1 2 2 + Z4 ]+ (d 2 d 2 )2 + (q2 q2 )2 , where Vm0 = Lse[Z3 2m4 2 2m3

+K Z & 3ref + bx3 x 4 Ud2 = x d2 n3 3 +K Z . & + x + bx U =x

4 ref 3 4



Choosing d2


& = L m Z , = L m3 Z 3 and q2 4 4

& = [ K L Z 2 + K L Z 2 ] is made negative definite V m0 n 3 se 3 n 4 se 4 for K n 3> 0 and K n 4 > 0 . The block diagram of the proposed
adaptive back stepping controller for the series converter is shown in Fig 4. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A scaled down two bus system with a UPFC of 500VA rating is considered for the simulation study with a view to facilitate experimental verification further in the laboratory. The transmission line is assumed to be balanced and it is modeled by lumped series impedance (resistance r and inductance L.) with r = 0.4 and L = 0.04H. A scaled down sending end voltage Vs = 200 0 0 and a corresponding receiving end voltage Vr = 200 30 0 are considered. The nominal power flows at the receiving end, without UPFC are Pr = -1574 W and Qr = 476 VAr. For investigating the dynamic interaction between the real and reactive power flows, a factor called dynamic interaction factor is expressed in terms of percentage.

reactive powers respectively. In general, any point on this circle corresponds to rated operation of UPFC. As a first step, in order to analyze the system response with both adaptive back stepping control schemes and PI based schemes step changes in real power are considered keeping the reactive power constant. The system is initially operating at O with no compensation and a step up command of 500W is given to initiate a shift in operating point from O to A where Pr = -2074W, Qr=476VAr. In case of adaptive back stepping control scheme it is observed that the operating point get shifted to A with zero dynamic interaction and settles at time t=0.2ms with no overshoot (Figs 5 & 6). However, with PI controller it is seen that the system settles at A passing through the point E and F where E and F indicate the maximum dynamic interaction factor of Diq=53.06% and overshoot of 6% respectively. As explained earlier, the Adaptive Back Stepping algorithm involves computing the revised input variables Ud1, Uq1, Ud2 and Uq2 at every sampling instant by considering not only a measure of the current error but also the current estimates of the uncertainties d 1 and q 1 and d 2 and q 2 which are necessary to ensure the stable operation of the system. For the purpose of illustration, the trends in these estimates are indicated in Figs. 5 and 6. When a step change in real power flow is commanded (Fig. 5) the most significantly affected variable is the d-axis current of series converter current (id2) . It can be observed and this is reflected in the variation of d2 that the d-component of shunt converter current (id1) also changes, to allow for the real power exchange between the is converters. Due to the inherent cross-coupling, q2 momentarily changed while the exhibits a minimal

change. A similar phenomenon can be observed in Fig.6 when a step change in reactive power flow is commanded. In this case, the q 2 , reflecting the reactive current from series converter, is the most affected uncertainty while d 1 is unaffected. However, the uncertainties affected to a lesser extent. Table I
Shift in PI based Control Adaptive back stepping control Over P (W) 500 1000 Q (VAr) 500 1000 O A O C A B C D From To Dip

d 2 and q1 are

Pr DiP = Qrref
D iQ Qr = Prref

NPrref = 0

Step command operating point

N Q rref = 0


Over Dip

where, DiP is for change in real power (Pr) with respect to change in reactive power reference (Qrref) and DiQ is for change in reactive power (Qr) with respect to change in real power reference (Prref). The results of simulation are illustrated in Figs. 5 & 6. Figs 7 and 8 show the trajectory which depicts the real and reactive power flows in the system under transient conditions. The point O corresponds to the nominal operating point of the power system without UPFC (Pr=-1574W, Qr=476VAr). The circle with centre O and radius OP (500VA) represents the boundary of operating region with UPFC of 500VA rating. The points A, B, C and D on the circumference represent the minimum and maximum limits of real and





53.2 42.9

53.06 42.70 -

5.00 10.70 9.46 5.00

0 0

0 0 -

0 0 0 0

Comparison between PI based control and adaptive back stepping control of UPFC Figs. 7-8 show the tracking response with PI based controller which is noticeably oscillatory and exhibits a large

interaction with reactive power. A similar response is seen when a step command of 1000 W is applied to change the operating point from A to B. Subsequently the performance of the proposed controller is again evaluated by step commands in reactive power from O to C (Qrref =500VAr) and then from C to D
Receiving end Real Power and Reactive Power Adaptive Back Stepping Controller 1000 P r (W )a n dQ r (V a r)

(Qrref =1000VAr). In this case also, it is observed that the performance of adaptive back stepping control scheme is far superior to that with PI controller. The comparison of performance between PI based control and adaptive back stepping control is given in Table I.

Receiving end Real Power and Reactive Power PI Controller 1000 P r (W )a n dQ r (V a r)

p q

0 p -1000 q


-2000 0.05 0.1 0.15 time (s) 0.2 0.25 0.3

-2000 0.05 0.1 0.15 time (s) 0.2 0.25 0.3

Estimate of theta-d1 0.01 0.01

Estimate of theta-q1

0.005 th e ta -d 1 th e ta -q 1







0.15 time (s)







0.15 time (s)




Estimate of theta-d2 0.1 0.1

Estimate of theta-q2

0.05 th e ta -d 2 th e ta -q 2







0.15 time (s)







0.15 time (s)




Fig 5.Simulation results for step changes in real power

Receiving end Real Power and Reactive Power Adaptive Back Stepping Controller 1000 P r (W )a n dQ r (V a r) P r (W )a n dQ r (V a r) 1000 Receiving end Real Power and Reactive Power PI Controller

0 p -1000 q

0 p -1000 q

-2000 0.05 0.1 0.15 time (s) 0.2 0.25 0.3

-2000 0.05 0.1 0.15 time (s) 0.2 0.25 0.3

Estimate of theta-d1 0.01 0.01

Estimate of theta-q1

0.005 th e ta -d 1 th e ta -q 1







0.15 time (s)







0.15 time (s)




Estimate of theta-d2 0.1 0.1

Estimate of theta-q2

0.05 th e ta -d 2 th e ta -q 2







0.15 time (s)







0.15 time (s)




Fig 6.Simulation results for step changes in reactive power

V. CONCLUSIONS Implementation of adaptive back stepping control technique is reported for the control of UPFC for the first time. Simulation results indicate that the adaptive back stepping control scheme yields absolute de-coupling of the real and reactive powers. Further, a comparison of response with PI based control scheme shows that the adaptive back stepping control scheme yields a far superior response in terms of dynamic interaction factor, settling time, steady state error and overshoot. The simulation results validate the effectiveness of the scheme for the independent control of real and reactive power flows. Investigations are being continued to study the response of proposed controller in the event of line faults. C P

Pr : Receiving end real power, (W) Qr : Receiving end reactive power, (VAr) : Angular Frequency of synchronous reference frame (rad/s) REFERENCES [1] Hingorani Narain and Gyugyi Laszlo Understanding FACTS Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (2001) IEEE press, Delhi. [2] L. Gyugyi: The Unified Power Flow Controller: A new approach to power transmission control, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, vol. 10/ no.2, (April) (1995), pp.1085-1097. [3] L. Dong, M. L. Crow, Z. Yang, C. Shen, L. Zhang, and S. Atcitty A Reconfigurable FACTS System for University Laboratories IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 19/ No. 1, (February) (2004 ), pp.120-128. [4] S.Kannan, Shesha Jeyaram, M.M.A.Salama Real and Reactive Power Coordination for a Unified Power Flow Controller IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 19/ No. 3, (August) (2004), pp.1454-1461. [5] K.Ravi Shanker, C. Nagamani and K. Shanti Swarup, Investigations of UPFC for independent active and reactive power flow control, Proceedings of National Power Systems Conference NPSC-2004, (Dec). (2004), pp. 896-901. [6] H.F.Wang, M.Jazaeri and Y.J.Cao Operating modes and Control interaction analysis of unified power flow controllerIEE Proceding Generation transmission and Distribution ,Vol 152,/No 2 (March) (2005). [7] H.F.Wang. Interactions and multivariable design of multiple control functions of a unified power flow controller Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (2002), pp. 591-600. [8] Z.Y.Zou,Q.Y.Jiang,Y.J.Cao,H.F.Wang. Application of the normal forms to analyze the interactions among multicontrol channels of UPFC Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (2005), pp. 584-593. [9] D. Kumaradeepak, C.Nagamani and G. Saravana Ilango, Unified Power Flow Controller With Dynamic Decoupling for Independent Active and Reactive Power ControlCera2005, by IIT Roorkee(sep(28)-oct(1))(2005) , , pp. 442-446. [10] P.V.Kokotovic, The Joy of feedback: nonlinear and adaptive, IEEE Trans. Control System,Technol.12(1992), pp. 7-17. [11] Y.Zhang, B.Fidan, P.A.Ioannou, Backstepping control of linear time varying systems with known and unknown parameters,IEEE Trans Automatic control 48 (11) (2003), pp. 1908-1925. [12] F.Giri, A.rabeh, F.Ikhouane Backstepping adaptive control of time-varying plants, Systems and control Letters 36(1999), pp. 245-252.

Fig.7.Tracking trajectory for change in real and reactive power with adaptive back stepping controller.



Fig.8.Tracking trajectory for change in real and reactive power with PI controller

VI. Vr Vc Vp Vdc Vt i2 i1 r L C rsh Lsh


: Receiving end voltage, (V) : Series injected voltage, (V) : Shunt converter voltage, (V) : DC link Capacitor voltage, (V) : UPFC bus voltage (V) : Receiving end current, (A) : Shunt branch current, (A) : Transmission line resistance,( ) : Transmission line inductance, (H) : DC link capacitor, (F) : Shunt transformer resistance,( ) : Shunt transformer leakage inductance, (H)

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