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Title of Unit: A Little History Now and Then Title of Lesson: Relations Amongst Nations Submitted By: Michael

Feher & Amy Branstetter

A. Summary of the Lesson Plan This social studies lesson is designed for 5th grade students to learn about the United States relationships amongst other countries based on the economic, political, and cultural influences. This lesson uses a shared reading and students will participate in learning activity stations using artifact investigation and current events. B. Target Population: Grade Level: 5th grade Skill Level: students at all learning levels Grouping: whole group for discussion, small groups for activity, independent for homework and assessment C. Materials: Influences (graphic organizer) International Influences handouts Various Newspapers and articles (including economics and business pages) Various symbols of pop-culture: KFC, McDonalds, Music, technology items, etc Student journals or writing paper Homework Symbols Pencil D. Objectives: o NV State Social Studies Standards o H4.5.1 Discuss the economic, political, and cultural relationships the United States has on other countries.

Student-Friendly Standards I will be able to explain and write about the influences of goods, ideas, & people that affect the relationship of the U.S. and other countries.

E. Procedure: 1. Write the vocabulary words (influences, spheres of influence, foreign affairs) definition on the board prior to the lesson. 2. Review objective on the board and ask students to read aloud. 3. Pass out worksheets and divide students up into three groups. 4. Read the handout with class International Influences and tell students they are going to break up into groups and go to each learning station (centers) and do the activity. 5. Explain that the timer will be set for 12 minutes for each station, so they will need to move quickly.
Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 1

Title of Unit: A Little History Now and Then Title of Lesson: Relations Amongst Nations Submitted By: Michael Feher & Amy Branstetter

6. Stations/Centers: Station 1: This station has the artifacts table with all the artifacts on it. Students are to walk around and guess the cultural, economic, and political influences and write them down in the boxes of their graphic organizer Influences. They need to work together as a team. Station 2: This station has the International Influence worksheets and students need to partner up with another student and work together on the handouts. Its encouraged to review the reading of International Influences once again. Station 3: This station has the newspapers and articles. Students will write a one paragraph reflection about a current influential event that they found in journal.

7. Check on students (partners, teams, and independent) in each stations. When time is up come back together as a class and student discuss findings. 8. Discuss as a class Regions may experience differences in economic growth, political systems, and social structures due to geographic and cultural diversity. Ask students to share some of their responses and call randomly. 9. CLOSURE: Review with students that, The movement of goods, ideas, and people can affect a region: culturally, politically, and economically. Ask: What were some of the things you discovered? How did you connect that? What were some of your discoveries in the papers and articles? How do you feel about some of those photos and items (artifacts)? Answer any questions, comments, thoughts, or ideas. Review the objective on the board. Ask students to show with a hand signal (thumbs-up or thumbs-down) if they agree that they did meet the objective. Discuss the homework Symbols sheet, review the directions, and ask students if they can come up with some international symbols that we all share across the world. This is a scaffold for the next lesson. Tell students their Ticket Out today is telling the teacher one thing the U.S. specifically influence in another country and why. This can be written in journal or on a piece of paper, but both need to be turned in.

F. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? I will check on students comprehension during open questions and review. Informally walk the room to check on group collaboration and Influences worksheets and graphic organizer completion.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 2

Title of Unit: A Little History Now and Then Title of Lesson: Relations Amongst Nations Submitted By: Michael Feher & Amy Branstetter

Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. The student written reflection questions, handout activity, and homework will serve as a formal assessment. The independent ticket out students will show upon leaving for the day will serve as informal assessment. I will do a quick review follow-up tomorrow before start of the next lesson.

G. Reflection: 1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach? The reading part of this lesson will be the easiest part to teach. 2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach? Encouraging students to build deeper connections might be the toughest part. Also, giving students enough time at station to draw the most information is very important. 3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? I will follow-up with some review questions tomorrow and incorporate the international Symbols homework together. I would extend this lesson by reviewing the ways that the U.S. has influenced groups in Iran and Iraq.

4. What will you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? I will work and guide students who are struggling with concept and vocabulary clarification. I will encourage strategies like concept maps for students who are struggling in the writing portion of lesson.

5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? I feel I needed a stronger vocabulary and reading component. I wanted to add some current events, interactive worksheets, and artifacts to this lesson, but wouldnt have the time if read the textbook first. Now, I wish I would have incorporated the text and/or a supportive text suggested by textbook. 6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? The hardest part of this lesson was trying to figure out what exactly I wanted students to learn from this, making a final decision, and matching it to that objective. The objective is specific, so finding a matching activity and supportive materials was the toughest. I was most indecisive in the beginning of this lesson.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 3

Title of Unit: A Little History Now and Then Title of Lesson: Relations Amongst Nations Submitted By: Michael Feher & Amy Branstetter










NAME: ___________________________
Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 4

Title of Unit: A Little History Now and Then Title of Lesson: Relations Amongst Nations Submitted By: Michael Feher & Amy Branstetter

International Influence

Station 2: International Influences

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 5

Title of Unit: A Little History Now and Then Title of Lesson: Relations Amongst Nations Submitted By: Michael Feher & Amy Branstetter

Homework Symbols (International)

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 6

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