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= =====:n------ ---- ----
.;:The Bloo-d of Jesiu Chrillt His Son !ill Sin;"-- .------c-----------
Vol. XII. Los Angeles, California, 1008 No. 28
. "
'',Abhor that -Which-is .Evile("
. . . ' ' . . .
; : .
Behind every syllable of promise is the eternal rectitude
of :Him who "cannot lie., --
hope-is called for to be offered a sacrifice.
straighted f'stagg'eJ:iug;t, ,

0 brother, -
' P . .

Be. Filled. with the Spir.it.
We love _God until we belkve He loves us, nor can
we fail .to love when we He loves us. '
The Glory of "
What a marvelous fact, confoundirtg to the finite -
There are some things we can ne_ver know the value -
mind, yet blessedly true. The Spirit being God -it means .
. being filled with God. Oh, how itawes and yet thrills the of without trials and suffering. Their efficiency and
soul; how it inspires the to see the impossible possi- - glory cannot be known until they are tested. We speak
many times of. and praise God for, His gtace, looking only.
ble, and __ .. on- the- God-side- in-its- provsion ;--but- while this,-may-be--:_-____
--the human. -It turns weakness into strength, gloominto . blessed.:__:t
believeth-at- Gad J:ias -pro'ftdeti it-yet we do.
gladness and SOrrOW into SUnshine, destroys doubt and not know its. value in time of
inspires faith; and fear no longer hampers peace, and all d , It. ' d th t "F 'th ld f 'th t
- . . nee . 1s sa1 a ai wou reeze WI ou a
the weak elements.of the soul become strong and positive, i , d t-ct k - f th h d "'t t. 1 f l'f to
. h : . d - . . . . W , cross, an 1 a es some o e ar e.. ria s o I e
and It starts on t e. aggressive an victorious hfe. hat f 'th rt ' t t - t d tak h ld f
. . . . . - ; . gtve a1 an oppo um y o moun QP an e o o
the result would be If . this graciOus command and pr1vil- G d W ld n t k th f - 'th t
. - . o . e wou o now e power o grace WI ou
ege became a fact m the expenence of the whole .church,. t .
ld k th t - h f f 'th 'th t
. . . . . n11 ; nor wou we now e rmrnp s o a1 WI ou
we can hardly Imagme. Yet .we can JUdge a httle when th t
h' h b . - k t . t ' G t d
- - . . e s rugg e w IC rmgs m o ac Ion. race ne 1s
we see one samt so lied; and we have seen a number b tt th t 1 . d p 1 k f "th
h h
- th' - ta-t Oh .. h e er an grace, I IS g ory; an au spea s o e
toget er w o were m IS gr.ac1ous s e. . , w at a t.
f - f ' th" " th ld, 0
. . . . na o . your ai as more precious an go .
heaven It was; how God did walk and work m the midst of h 'II th t t k th' t ff
. . " . . w en WI we see a o now some mgs we mus su er
_ thetn_L smners convict.ed and made sustainin _
gry for It. There IS no substitute for It, and you real1y . . . . . g._..
k h -h t d th
k "It .
and dehvermg power. How we ought to welcome gladly
now w en you ave .. I , an o ers a so now. WI .
h ld bl k 1 d
't 'II b f 't .
. _
. any tria or test t at wou ena e us to rna e rea an to
g earn In your eye, I WI earn m yoQr. ace, I WI ripp em k h ffi f G d' B 1 d d -
d '..
, Oh Ch - h. f th'
. . now t e su ciency o o s grace. e ove , o you
yourvoicean smgmyoursou. . .. , urc o e Ivmg h
d h - -.
G d k t t d 1 t H.- r h H ' murmur w en trias come, or o you use t em to find out .
o , sehe I , _recAeiVe 1 , an e Im accomp IS Is purpose the power of divine grace? R. P.
roug you. . men. R. P.

... - ....... .
If Satan tells you that the . .work of : your sanctification
has never yet been fully done, "thank him for the suggestion
and t ell him that you will have it attended to immediately.
. X ----------
The devii can't tempt a man unbeknown to God.
"He Staggered Not."
This is certainly one of the children of the "old man. ' '
The dictionaries say it is "improper or
While that great chapter on the old heroes of faith "intermeddling in affairs in which one has no concern. "
makes mention of many, the largest mention is given to It has considerable energy and is constantly on the watch
who is known as the "Father of the Faithful., -, And foro ortunitiesto push itself where it is not invited. It
when he is known by this title, those who claim to be somet imes manifests kindness, and is then over-kind; but
. " Children of Abraham" are expected to possess the same generally it is -{ound ferreting out errors or bringing to
'characteristics of faith as their head . . Of hiin )t -is said, notice the omi ssions of -others. It is geneFally the chief
' ' He staggered not at the promise or-God through m()\rer in sowing dissatisfaction among those who other-
lief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God." Unbe- wise would be all right. It i!s well informed as to the
lief is the thing which makes us " staggen." God is in doings and intentions of others, for it gets its information
earnest' in what He promises. If there were any place for by methods that decent people would scorn. It is there-
doubt as to God's ability or willingness to keep His word, . fore able to be always in the front to inform folks as to
t hen there would be -r eason for . our ''staggering, " but what. is going on, and often is the first to spring sur-
Paithful Abraham was ' 'fully persuaded that what He had prises. Those folks who-are afflicted with this carnal
promised He was able also to perform." Every stagger_; malady are no help in a revival , or even in regular church
ing Christian .has the label " Unbelief" tagged to Him; work; and the only cure for it is to "go forwarcl," as a '
and instead of being called a "Believer" he should be seeker for a clean heart, and have it out by the fire
called-ashe is- a doubter. Lord, help us to walkupright, - of the Holy Ghost. I wonder whether : there is any one
looking into Thy face with a faith that has no "stagger" of this kind living with the people in the house where
in it, even though our dearest Isaac-in whom is all our you reside.
R; P.
_ .. .. Messeng1"
lf"Y . .b . d A . . l -ate anti-christs. But the apostle . Holy Ghost and with "This
1../0ntrz ute rtzc es says, "Ye have an .unction from the word ye know. It was published
: .. . Holy One, arid ye are no liar, ye know . throughout all Judea. It began from
PENTECOSTAL - BATTLE . all things. ;, GaliJee after the baptism which John .
. . :UYMN; It is thi's anointing, this preached( Jesus info it by
BY o. RAND PI ERCE. abideth; . This opens up a wide the teaching of this anointiD>g . . They
Tune:' :john Body." .. _field---of- knowledge . . - 0-man-spake-like-this -man-.'' c-
The-sound O::f : heaven;s tocsin is resoiindii\.g anointing teaches you of all things He spake with power out of a holy
soldier to prepare for and is truth." - When' the '"'truth . His was an_:_:: illuminated life.
Zion's war ; . abides, where is the place for the lie? His tongue was touched with fire.
Let us then take God's whole armor, a t;d His ''We shall have confidence and . The truly anointed qave fire-tipped
'- regimenta,ls I . ' IDe asha:med w-hen He shall- appear -.at' tongues. The Holy Ghost. ones ' .have
I J esus Christ is marching on. .His. coming. " -It has taught you, so an illuminated intellect. They speak
cHoRus: in Him, the Truth. There are as;Jhe Spirit gives them utterance.
*Sing,- oh, sing and shout His praises!
Sing, oh, sing, and shout His prai!)es ! many anti-christs: The woods. are are ''enriched in a:Ii .utterance
Sing, oh, sing and shout His prais.es! . fqll of . . TI:tey tell us, if we are and knowledge."
_ Christ is ma rching on! "in Christ'' we can go on repudiating . The . justified plane of a true
Two thousand years have vanished since they _righteousness, while it is said "lfye believer is a carnal, an old man's
nailed Him to the tree{_ know that He is rigliteous, ye know base of l-iving .. They know not-they
And they thought for sure they'd killed Hill! k h
that one:tha __ t doe.th righteou_ s- . can not now,. nett er can we _tell
oil tlfe hill of Calvary; . . 1,
... :But.-. He conquered. death and ' hell and then . ness is born of Him.'' There. them -of the riches of the sanctJfied
. arose triumphantly- ..,._. abideth another in . them. It is life. The anointed believer .feeds on
Adamic - miture. food. : rich izi"tlie of
They killed His brave and theymar- The anointed . and the carnal.,..:.sup- the Spi_rit . . It food
. .. tyred millions m_ore, .. . ..pr.esse(F.to be sure,...... in the dying state; of Egypt and Canaan. -------,- .... - .
For the_y and abiding in the _ same Los Angeles, ,Cal. _
anmhiiate HI!; power, . person it must be so associated J/1_ J/1 .J/1 _
But while they are dead and buned, and have . ' . h Th' 'd FUTURE POSSIBILITIES AND RESPON
faded like the flower, untll deat . . IS msi . uous IS . . .
- h' t' d f th d the .. SJBILITIES.
Jesus Chnst 1s marc mg on. no perceive . or . ey nee
. Again all heil is in a new
. w.ay; .
teaching the anointing giveth: . . ' T. s. MASHBURN
The coming of the new year brings
These anti-christs .. to us new. opportunities, responsib!Hty
robe of righteousness arou <f''' se and accountability to God. Should we
dead men's bones." Wha:it ' .
robe go ov-er the ground of the past year,
devils be they alone can tell Is not
To destroy the Church of Jesus through for-
mality's decay;
But the Victor of the ages fills the
with dismay-
we doubtless would find many
And now, from where Atla'ntic tosses tip her
billows grand,
To the West wjlere old Pacific gently laves.
her golden strand,
Go.d is raising up an army that will compass
sea and land-
Jesus Christ is marching on! ; ;
His righteousness His essential char- fectloris, things we have done
acter? Does He cover sin by what better; things we should not have
He does? The anointed ones receive
said or done at all; things in vv:hich .
Him by their consent to abide and we have been derelict, and again
live His life in them, which becomes things in which we have been too
their righteousness. This leaves no hasty. And yet times when we have
''whited sepulchres full of dead been too slow to see and act for our
Then Pentecostal N azarenes go forward
the fray,
men's bones. "
in own individual spiritual good and the
This anointing abideth to work out best interests of Christ's kingdom.
a righteous lif. To anoint is to con- The question naturaily arises, What
secrate. The holy oil is used. Jesus are we to do? how improve in-future?
the &nointed one does the anointing. By simply leaving behind ti.me, and
It is the promise of the Father. It is the things of time, and step out into
we'll ten the c hurch of holiness, of sin a ll
washed away;
We' ll save the -dying millions, while we sh6ut
from day to
Jesus Christ is marching on!
*The old chorus of " Glory, glory, ha llel ujah!" may be Jesus who anoints. It is the inward the new year wi'th a firm, steadfast,
u sed for variety, or altogether if preferred. ., incoming of the Holy Snirit. . He fi d I' ' tl
xe -pur.pose.t.o- wa .1\....-Ct:rcumspec Y--
' 0)1- JII comes in to abide. The liar and the redeeming the time, ever looking to
THE ANOINTING-THAT ABIDETH. truth are in deadly conflict. This Jesus only, the source from whence
R. HURLBUT. d' . ...
"But the anointing which ye have r eceived false teaching, that the two I verse cometh all of our help. The
of Him abideth in you, but as the same . natures live side by side, is satanic. costal Church of the Nazarene is not
anointing teacheth you of all thing-s, and is Th,ey tell us 'we are ' 'c.rucified with_ si'mply an experi'ment, or sort of trial,
truth, and is no lie, and even as it lias taught
you, re abide in Him. "-1 John _2:27. Christ;" also, that we are "full of or play-religion kind of thing; but, all
The contrast is drawn by the corruption. " "They are dead in praise to God, 'it is a mighty, living,
apostle. He says "they went out trespasses and sins," and yet alive. moving flame of Holy Ghos_t, divinely-
- from us, but they were not of us. . They say they have "eternal life"- anointed men and women of God,
They went out that it might be mani- . this eternal life is a non-forfeitable called of necessity to and for a: specific
fest that they were not of us." The insurance company . . - and work, namely; that Qf
question is who went out? It was The professing hollness who preachini, teaching and living true
the anti-ch:rist . ''who denieth that was rebuked by the crowd said, ''I am Bible holiness as a second definite
Jesus is the -christ: '' "He i13 the liar. " vile in but perfectly holy in work.of divine grace in the
"Whosoever deriieth the Son, the vishriu." In John 10.:38, "God sequent to regeneration.
same hath not the Fath'tr." All such ... anointed Jesus of the It certainly beh.ooves us to look well
January 9, : 1908.] Messenger 3
'' what sort of material we use in the 1:3. We being ' made alive ourselves tion will do away with Unitarianism.
building up of t_his. spiritual houseJ have .a hope that is alive. 7. Gives overcoming grace. ' 1
as every man's work will be trie.d of ; Makes us live ri'ght.
. J:ohn
. John 5:4. There is no time or p'lace
Sort I't is. Of course we are all I bl b b f G d this of glorY, where we 'clinnot
. t 1s not J>OSsi e to . e orn o o
glad to know that while some make, and remain in the kingdom of heaven live the 'life 'if . we are
as we think, . a serious mistake by at.d . not live . Folks who lay born agam. IS no
making their to-the- us to be
bership, we or.born- living lives that' are not strictly world _
from-above, our bas,s, and holmess, upright are deceiving themselves. able will give us contt?ual victory
or entire our. privilege Our works, actions, dealings with our by Hts.grace. Hence to hve re.gen-
and standard. My httle children, let fellow men will' be in keeping . with erate puts an end to the up and
.. . no you . . l.n ,. such. ,a.'. P.J."0fessjon . if we have ,the . . down hfe" . so . . : about. -
age, in of the great tide of. world- experience. "Every one that doeth God for t'he hfe of victory by
. Jiness and ske?ti.cism; when righteousness is born of Him., , The faith m the Sort .of God.
sors would ehmmate the . rule works both ways. ''Every one IC' rt' rt'

blood of Jesus from t?e gospel, It IS that is born of Him doeth righteous-
therefore ext.remely .Im?ortant ness." It puts an end to crooked
we trust contmually m Its cleansmg dealings at once. There is no more
and keeping power; testifying to and the taking advantage of one another. FROM THE NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT.
producing the beautiful fruit of the But there is dealing on the square Here in Seattle, on New .
Holy Spirit i.n our daily life. We with all. This would no ' doubt mean 9a:y w_e had a triumphant meeting all
know not. h.ow of 366 restituttpn a few folks. the afternoon -and evening. No
see- m- this- yea-r ,-but 4 . . :(rom sinning. 1 Jo:Fiil," . .doubt the-:-pastoiwTfl- report' It.. ,ana-r
thtsone-thmg can. and. do know, 3:9 This happens in the fife of the .need notsay more. EppersoP.:_
God.s and He IS regener.ate man. It is folly to talk has been here and did great good
this present world and that which IS about living a sirining life and . being among our people. She preached
to come. I say ! say justified at the same time. "Doth so'ine strong sermons and hnpressed
unto all, Watch. Keep m t?e middle not commit sin." Who is this that herself on our congregation . .... , .
of. rqad,. of . ISms does commit sin? . "Whosoever is Rev. Percy Girvin,- who has been .
. knowmg n?thmg but ChriSt born of God." Why does he not our pastor at Monroe, has .received a
crucified and glorymg only in the 'sin? ' ' His- remaineth . call fr6"m.Jbe Pentecostal ch'Urch. of
cross. .ll .ll .JC in him: and he cannot sin, because he the Nazarene in San Francisco, and
is born of God." Now_j,n spite of all will soon remove to that place. He
that the new theologians say about the ieaves behind him many friends in
(Continued. )
.. , matter the bible still stands for a this Northwest. , We predict for him
P . G. LINAWEAVER regeneration that saves from commit- a successful career in' the City on the
The next work of the after ting sin. This does not seem that we Bay. Rev. W. 0. Ketchum 'fill
conviction is Regeneration. "Which must sin a to keep us. humble. probably take the work in Monroe.
were born, not of blood, nor of the 5. Fills with Jove. 1 John 4:7. Rev. J. B. Creighton has received
will of the flesh, nor of the will of This does away with the hating of a call to the Church at _North Yakirna,
man, but of God. " Johl! 1:13. Also our neighbor and still be a Chris- where he lives. He will soon enter
see John 3 :3, 5, 8. In these passages tian theory. For "How can we love upon that work and we hope to see a
we see--it is the work of God the Holy God whom we have not seen" if we glorious revival . under his labors at
. Ghost who creates ttnew. And since love not our brother whom we have that place. He has lately conducted
. it is. by Spirit it . not by works seen. "0 yes, I am a Christian but I an excel.lent meeting .at .Garfield,
of righteousness of" our own. It is hate Mr. Blank, and will not speak to Wash.
not by church joining; lodge joining; C." But not according to the Brother C. Howard Davis, of Spo-
baptism; partaking of the Lord's word are you a Christian. . When one kane writes that he is again in a
supper, any other is really born of .God he loves his nieeting. for the conversion
God for real. of heart carnal nature make it . difficult to do pushing the work there and the
wrought by the Spmt of God. so always, but it not only can be done Church is growing.
The new birth. but . is done in the life of the .true In Everett we have another Bro-
1. Makes us new creatures. 1 child of God. ther Davis, this one being Rev. La
Sam. 10:9; and 2 Cor. 5;17. We are 6. Believes Jesus is the Christ: Fayette Davis. He . is gathering
no longer the same old creatures we 1 John 5:1. The reason there is such about him a strong following of good
once were after that the Spirit works a . Unitarian trend in the church Holy Ghost people and we hope to
this gracious work in us, Old thipgs and ministry today is because there have in Everett a Pentecostal Church
pass away and all things become new. are so few folks. really b()rri of'God of the Nazarene _,vhich will stand for
We begin at once a new life. We in the church and. ministry. No one the trutlr and power of full salvation.
have new hope, new aspirations, joys; having this e'Xperience will ever deny The ,gO()d work is going .. on at
seek and have new pleasures, new the Deity of the Son of God. It is other points on the l\nd will, _
associations; we live in a new atmos- impossible to' become a child of God .no doubt, be reported !>Y the pastors.
phere, world. without believing that Jesus is the Rev:.E .. F. Zimmernu,ni, of Port-
2. Gives us a living hope. 1 Peter . Christ. So a clear case of regenera- land, Oregon, a Methodist minister
of many years' standing, has sent to .
me his certificate of Elders' orders
and has notified his Presiqing EldE)r
_that he intends to withdraw from the
Methodist . Episcopal Church. Bro-
ther Zimmerman is a "strong man a:hd
... will do good:work for the cause of
in--a:rry---prace- he-may-
work. Since he casts his lot with the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene,
we give him a cordial
H. :p. BROWN, Pist.Supt.
Seattle; Wask. ' : '
Nazarene Mes,seng(!r
meetings is my prayer, and in
the Master's cause. I will open fire
at Walla Walla January 1. Your
brother in the Holy war.
- ..
lJ an uary 9, 1908
the Lord. We are. believing and
praying for a great flood of salvation
here. . L. A. SPROWL.
$ $ $
""' ""' ""' God is graciously owning and
- -OAKLAND,-CAL.------- ing OUI!.--ministry. in--Fitchburg. We
The watchnight services in the First are . having souls continually. Our
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene watch:-night exceeded anything of the
was a most gracious time. There kind I have been privileged to attel)d.
were about fifty who tarried to see. Two souls were at the altar; andone
' the year go out arid' the new ye'ar at least wa,s wonderfully aaved; . Our
dawn. The time was all taken up Sunday-School in four months has
""' .$ from 7:30 to 12 in song, prayer, read- leaped from forty-five to nearly sev-
ing the word and testimony. We had . en -y-an 18 r1smg every a ath. We
Happy New Year! "Old things . no time . for <;>r coffee and are to go into a big convention in
have passedaway; behold, all things doughnuts between times. Music Hall Jan. 12-25. We expect a
are become new. " Sunday four sought bl t I t t d D
.. The.re was a good feeling amongst memora e 1me. rus ear r .
. the Lord, some for pardon and some us,' and we began the new year full Bresee is .. still vigorous and pressing
for purity. Bro. Geo. Newton was h" t d th "E
of expectancy and faith for a on IS way owar e astern
with us and preached a good sermon work in our midst this year: At mid- Gate." . God bless him!
on "Gifts of the was night we formed a ci'rcle around the bless you all, for His name's sake.
the our anasang, ''Blest be -
mhch .. good. Bro. Cady, wh<t th. t" thatb' a , . d at
PIERCE __ _ _
b "th f f d e 1e m s, .. an am1 s song . .
as een w1 us or a ew ays, d h . d 1 d "11 s
h d t S I d
. b th ft an s outs an genera goo w1
preac e a e woo o a ernoon d
: .. -1 . d t d. d t towar a , we turne omewar w1t , .
' - an repor e goo mee - t d t t" t h th T:he L. ord 1"s b.less1"ng New England
.. y t d t th II d t .grea er e ermma 10n o pus . e
mgs. es er ay a e a - ay mee - b
f h I' h a d h h h d
. . f th H -
. A . 4-" att eo o mess ar er an otter muc t ese ays. New -works are
O h tO mess llld OhUr. than ever before. Opening up a:nd' the king.dom is
C . Ir een soug t an oun t e . 0 for the holy fire to burn yet more ing 9n. Our Superintendents Riggs
somel for. pur- and more. Amen! P. G. L. and Reynolds are in labors abundant
as giVen us sou s every and JillfiiCOmplishing much for God.
week for a long time, and the tide is ""' ""' Several from our Malden . church,
r1smg. Bro. E.lliott. of Colorado will BAKERSFIELD, CAL. 1 d"
hold special m_ eetings at Selw_ood inc u mg the writer, are in the field
I. wish to report victory from this h "bl p th
January 9 to 17, and Bro. Ruth. will be as muc as possi e. raise e
lace. The Lor. d' .. is with us and L'ord I L D PEAVEY.
at First Church about March 1. We '
blessing our efforts although feeble. , $
are looking to the Lord for great vic- There may be times and places when ' .
tory in these meetings, arid ask an the Lord, s work spreads by leaps and SAN DIEGQ; CAL.
interest in your prayers. bounds, but here the work grows Sunday, Jan. 29, marked another
.A. 0 . HENRICKS, Pastor. slowly thereby needing a great deal of milestone in the history of this grow-
$ $ faith and constant prayer. The Sab- . ing church. The presence of the Lord
WALLA WALLA, WASH. bath School is a real blessing to the was very real all day. Three were at
My next meeting will be in Boise, children of this community and the altar for conversion, five united with
Idaho;Ft'Hiruary 2, in theY. M. C. A. parents are getting interested just a the church, and nine were baptized
Auditorium, . under auspices of . the little, at least, from what the by immersion. The .:watch-night ser-
Pentecostal Church, of the Nazarene, tell them. Our Sunday School is vice was a great meeting, one of great
Bro. Dilly; pastor. I am sure we will composed mostly of children that to the saints. . . .
have a great meeting there. May have unsaved parents and they very Havmg been away from home for

the N azaren.e. All I lack, being one .,. This makes the work with .. chil- . see loved again and spend New
. is exchanging credentials and that two-fold importance; first, Yea.rs at m Pasa.dena. We are
may be orily a matter of time. I have that of training them in the way of agam back m San D1ego, we
found them to be a very loving,,,,ten- truth, and second, that we may reach are to help push the ,battle for a time.
der, precious people, . ever ready' for the parents through them. Wife We are ex:_pectipg .even greater victory
service or sacrifice. Well, amen.. does a great . deal of calling and is for-this people. .J. W. GOODWIN.
May God bless them in . all theii indeed a '-' help-meet.'' "' .
undertakings and multiply the:m We have -a few faithful -workers POMONA,
abundantly. , here we .are unitediy praying for We had a glorious daythe firstSun-
I have decided to remain on the a mighty revival of Holy- fire at day in the new year. The Rev. Clark,
Coast one year and will reside at Bakersfield. wm you pray for this street evangelist, pr.eached for us_on
Walla ,Walla, Wah., during my stay as you read? ''Abraham Offering up Isaac, '' after
here. 1V.ty former address in the East Last Sabbath was a. real blessing to .which we had an altar call when three
was Roanoke, . Va . . May God senq . all who attended and Thursday per;ons came forward arfd sought the
some. of. the Nazarenes to the above night's prayer .service was blessed of Lord in the pardon of their sins. Two
Januar;v 9, J.908] ..
' ..
. . ..
Nazarene Messenge.,. 5
of them :were . blessedly saved. . .'Pentecostal Church.o.f the Nazarene, combustion of j<:iy gnd victory can . be -
street :work is a great success_. Look. Lynn,- !dass. Blessed seasons . of reasonably expect.ed.
up, Nazarenes; the heavens are ready from the are BRO. JOHN NORBEJmY, who is Sup-
to drop down rich thin.gs upon us. given. People are seekmg the Lord, plying the M. E. Church of Mooers,
SIMON THOMAS, under the lead of the pastor, W. G. during t.he. absence of.. the pastor,
.1JC Schurman. . w-rites: "Am only preaching three .
___ ..fl!tOT POINT, . .. times on_Sunday,

finds in a meeting at _ ha::; changed her address and is now during the No church debts
thi s place. We j.ust closed a meeting living at as Clayton street, Malden; '. and -nothing to bother-only -to pray
miles west of here. Some were Mass. All communications to her and sing and .shout and preach arid
saved. . Texas is a large state- 850 shouid be addressed thus; and not to see folks get saved, and then rest and
mil es; acrol:!s. it,: _I the. union of; . . e&.t 'lie .down in pastures.' ...
the Ifoliness Church Of Christ with GoD is .. blessing the work of the Praise the Lord!"
our church will' . be a great help Pentecostai Church of the Nazarene THE Utica Avenue Pentecostal
to them, putting theJll on a bet- in Southern M.aryland. While there. Church of the Nazarene, Brooklyn,
. t er financial plan, as most of their are many obstacfes to be- overcome, Dean and Bergen streets;.
. preachers are .receiving: very little for GOd is blessing and using Brother had a big day at their last ali-day . .
their labor . . Bro. J.D. Scott and wife, Sweeney to establish holine.ss in this ,. meeting. Those who were there will .
with whom we are holding a meeting, section. never forget it .. . No holding back, but
has a good holip'ess school and SISTER. CARRIE CRow and Sister pushing ahead with a conquer.ing
printing presses . and are doing a Lula Kell are holding meetings with tread. They beld service Christmas '-
blessed work -for God. . Mrs. _Dooley __Hro. R_igg .. .. .
.. .. and
lal> .. Tex.as, and .:j.s ... .. :----
from her sickness .of la.nd District: sister-s are being REv. L. MILTON WILLIAits; one of .
days on the be_d: WI!l be With me m greatly owned of the Lord in the!r our evangelists, has just closed a
the close of meetmg. Our hearts labqrs. successful .. series of meetings with the
are full of praises to God. HOLINESS is finding its 'W1lY !!_lto the . Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
J. A_. DooLEY. universities. .Rev. E. E. Angell, with . ... of Lowell, Mass. Tlie pastor, Rev .
.1JC .lC .lC other brethren, recently. assisted .orne A. B. Riggs, says: "How I wish he
. NOTES FROM THE FJELD of the students of Harvard University could give all his time to push these .
in religious meetings. There set:m to glorious truths of }loly living, in all
IT IS reported that the Utica avenue . be several young men there who are our small as well as large churches-
Church of Brooklyn, N. Y., has invited much exercised for the of that some one that has plenty of God's
Rev. D. F. Brooks to become its pastor. souls. - money would say to .our brother, 'Go .
THE Lord is blessing the labors of THE Pentecostal Church of theNaz- forth and spread the glad tidings of
Brother C. W. Pettit with the First arene of Spokane, Rev. C. Howard full salvation, that we might see .a
Pentecostal Church. of the Nazarene, Davis, pastor, is agitating the subject great advance all along lines.'
West Somerville, Mass. Seekers are of the "Second Bl_essing properly so Could money be spt:mt to bring greater
at the altar at nearly every service. called., Some have it, others artr.: results in any ,other way? We must
REV. AARON HARTT is to hold a finding. They began another" siege push ahead. "
series of meetings with the City Mis- with watch-night service, followed by -" .1JC -"
at B.rockton, Mass., which may an ali-day meeting on New Years day, TAKE FIVE MINUTES
result in the . organization of another and each night following but Satu_rday. ' . ''-""
And this paper' to your friends
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene. THE trustees of the Putnam, who have not seen it. Ask them to
THE Beulah PentecostaLChurch of Church have instituted regular Sun- subscribe. Get their address
the Nazarene. of Salem, Mass., has day services in that place. Supt. H. F. send on their names, and we will
1 d d t" G d send you also a copy of the new
JUSt c ose a ten- ays mee mg. . o Reynolds, who was in charge on book, "Apples of Gold." This offer
wonderfully blessed the .. ... or..ts_a_blesse. is-only-for-new-subscriptions,-. ---
Y sending men of God fille with Jhe day, with seekers for salvation. This
Spirit to push the battle. is the church presented by Deacon
BRo. s: C. INGERSOLL, of Stamford, Morse at Brooklyn last April, and
Conn. , recently held a meeting at bespeaks a hearty interest in our
Reading, Pa . . The Lord was with him prayers. .
and gave him souls. It is expected THE Pentecostal Ch)lrch of .the Naz-
that a Pentecostal Church of the Naz- arene of Sag Harbor, Y., are surely
arene will _b:e_ org:aiJized. ther.e .. . -. ., ""- gaining in the fight against sin. qod
.REv. D. RAND PIERCE and wife are is in the midst in the
. now settled in.a permanent home at attendance at Sunday services has
GO South St., Fitchburg;Mass. , where doubled; sinners are coming.
mail or friends will hereafter find viction is evidently upon some. . God
them. They expect to hold a ro.using is helping us to preach in thepower
convention in that city Jah. 12 to . . 25. of the Holy Ght>'st. The churchseems
THE work is gping on nicely in the nearing the point where spontaneous
- - := = = ===
Preferred Advertisements
For good desirable Lots, cheap, see .
T. S. Mashburn, 221 E. 12th Street.
FOR RENT- Two rooms, for gen-
tleman, one front, one back, in pri-
vate home. 840 San Julian Street,
Los Angeles. - .- .
FoR SALE.-A fine lot on Melrose
Hill, facing the College Campus.
Enquire 337 W. Forty-fifth street.
FoR RENT. - Furnished rooms; with
or without housekeeping prjv-ileges;
two car lines. 1380 E. Seventeenth St.
'll .
N-azarene Messengel'.
.. -
. [January 9, 1908
Nazarene Mess_ enger history of this country when the true holiness may not be so much a
unchurched multitude were so entirely : matter of surprise.
.P. F. Bresee, .D.D. Rev . . c. v.-LaFontaine
Rev. R. Pierce, Ollice Editor
wrthout inter est in the . whole reli:.. Yet with a truly holy people there
g ious que3tion. Never .,a timi! .. when are great advantages. While there is
they were so taken lip a'hd interested general very little conviction for
in worldly things. The devil's church sin, .yet; as the blessed Holy . Spirit .
takes _-qp: His __ His __
e. A . Girvin . . P : G. Linaweover c. E. Cornell largely attem:led. Entertainments . tnyn, will be some pene-
:r. i: {t: amusements on the Sabbath day tration qf the darkness and some
were never so . multiplied 'and so souls will be awakened and
Entered at the pos t-office, Aug .

a t Los . largely sought after and patron"ized. saved . and" adde_d . to the Church.
. . .. No advertisement of tal-ent or 'Of .men .. also, fqrtJ:lt i.n ,a{ld . . .
TERMS - $1 a year in a dvan ce; to Ministers 75 cen ts; Of reputatiOn the a.ttenti0n Of find . Vent thrOUgfl the holy
State people a interested in things that passion . of the Christ, which
i:: hi'f'

sent, a nd t he office and State which are in aCCOrd with their Carnal reaches OUt for individual SOUlS, and
and worldly tastes and desires. Pub- brings some to the house of the Lord
will be DiscoNTINUED a t lie sentiment in reference . to the . and to the of God. Taking
' S PECIAL NOTICE-Address a ll business.commu nica,lilllna d' b' l' f h h d h 1...:-
h d
to C. J . KINNE, Business Manager . . Never write b usiness Cre I l I ty 0 C UrC at ten ance aS 'bwugi;;" toget er We eem It . a difficult .
mat ters on same postal or s heet with any other matters. d T' h 1 t' h 1 h
I t a lways causes trouble a nd delay, and may cause passe a way. I me WaS W en peop e I me to reac men; a SO t at to get
t )ie paper regularl y wit hout having . did not attend church were them. to Church unless the Church
subscribed f or it will know t hat i t has been presented
" - d d 1 t t d } ' th I t' t f
to them by some friend and there will be no l ill. regar e more Or ess as OU CaS S an g OWS WI sa Va IOn IS no 0 . great-
. In case of a n y -irregularity or f4ilure t o rcceivl' your 'th t 1 . 1 11 f h' h h t 1
E'"il - . - SOCia co or, a 0 ,. w I,C as va ue. . . . . .
----==..: - o. __ . - the.:H.oly_:_ ..
. N :1-'ZARENE 'PuBLislliN'"G '- __ ::. -' .:::::
730 sAN PEDRo sT. Los ANGELEs. cAL. or sodal life may gather a crowd. and bring things to pass. -
Tel. B;.,adwau
Great organs and special music . still 'G 'G 'G
The Homiletic sent out to a
number of eminent pastors, asks the
question: "Is Church Interest Declin-
ing?" There seemed some divergence
of opinion on. the as viewed
from the different standpoints of the
various pastors. A note in Zion's
Herald in reference to the matter
have some attraction. Sensational
if skilfully put still draw
somewhat; but as a whole the
unchurched people, who are the vast
multitude, are mach more difficult tC?
r.each by the Church than in the past.
This is especially true in reference
to churches wh<;> preach and testify to
entire sanctification. This is always
somewhat the case with such because
there is eliminated from their meet-
ings the elements of entertainmep.t,
while truth is urged home. upon the
On the whole, eminent pastors whose conscience. Unless people are con-
houses are crowded and whose accessions ar e
very numerous r eport that church is verted and go on to holiness, they will
not declining. We submit that they are not not continue to come to a church of.
qualified to be judges in the case, fur t hey do this kind. It makes little difference
not at all represent the average church .or :as to talent or ability in the pulpit.
pastor. Dr. Cortland Myers, of Brooklyn, I h d
declares- what"we think is the truth- "that . t IS contrary to t eir taste, an
ther e is a continuously decr easing number of -arouses in them an opposition that
people who regularly attend the services of will keep them away. If- people are
the church es today; also that this sad condi- induce<}. to come, nothing but their
'tion is due quite a s to the membership own sanctification will maintain their
of the church as it is"to those t ' d tt d Th . h h
church. It is a vastly different situation con. mue .a e_n ance. esec es
fr,om .wha t it was a decade ago. It is many which mamtam and preach hohness
i hries" more difficult to secure an audience are now under ban as a result of the
t oday." various fanaticisms which have in
There seems little question that the. these days arisen, whose votaries have
number of people, even i-elatively, claimed in conrlection with their her-
who are not .interested in Church esies and follies a very high state of
going is largely on the increase. It grace, while others have linked the
:seems nece.ssary in -effort$ for revi- of the precious experience
vals to niass the forces and . thus . of perfect love with the expressi0n or
bring together . tht! Church forces of ali mari-ner of hatred: That the out-
the city, but even then, though large side world who;ar.e trying to be decent
audiencesmay be thus secured, very citizens should he disgusted with these
few people are brought in outside of various forms i:>f fanaticism is not to
the so-called "Church people." be wondered at, and that they should
has not been a in the ' not properly distinguish them from
For thirteen years there has been
held reguhirly in Los Angeles a spe-
cial holiness meeting each Tuesday at .
2:30 p . . m. For twelve years it has
been in the Church of the Nazarene.
It i's held now in the First Church,
corner of Sixth and Wall streets. It
is not specifically a church meeting.
People who are interested in this most
vital subject, whatever their church
affiliations may be, will find a meeting
that will be helpful. "While it is car-
on by the Pentecostal Church of
the Nazarene, yet it is not otherwise
denominational and people from all
branches of the Church are welcome,
and if in sympathy with the objects
of the meeting will find nothing to
offend, but much to rejoice in. We
wish to emphasize the widest invita-
. tion and warmest welcome to this
meeting. Neither is it a First Church
meeting.-Many daugnters nave gone
off from the First Church and have
set up house-keeping for themselves
in this city and in towns;
they took many things with them,
but the Tuesday Holiness eeting
still remained, .the common inheri-
tance of us all. it is not practicable
to have this meeting travJ:il around to-
various churches; for evident reasons
it must be in one place, and that t he
most central; yet 1t is as . much the
meeting of the daughters as of the
mother; and should be .as much .their
-care and joy. We hav.e to
see that so largely as soon as the
January 9, 1908] )Wes,enger. 7
daughters ave set up for themselves :kEv. C. V. LAFONTAINE has ought to.do. Plan ai once to secure
some forget this sacred trust. Of resigned the Superintendency of the the .. needed funds. Will all of the
course they are busy, and. so are ail, Southern California District and has pastors, and all of the churches,. and
but this is our common work. This is opened up work in the southern part missions that have pastors, make th.is .
the one week-day holiness meeting in of tl{is .City, where there is a large matter a subject of prayer, and put
Southern California, and every one of and growing district almost wholly into their m1ss1onary 'envelopes
qur own children-whatever others unchurched, and seems to be a favor- enough .J;o help b,ring
-. --do-s fiorilQ-Cfierisn=it.--Tiiismeeting - able place for
is well attended and the .blessing of of the Na;1;arene . . ,4ny matters per- who. desire otherwise to c ontribute-
the Lord abides upon it. It should be taining .to District work . can. be any f:!eparate for .this specific
even more constantly emphasized. It referred t() the resident General purpose may remit by money order or
is a . for,the work, Superintendent, Rev. P.' F. Bresee, . check to either of our treasurers,-Bro .
. not only' i'n Souther'n California, but 1126 street; Angeles, Cal.' Gay, I dell street, East
as so many strangers are here, to : ,. ,. ,. U Los Angeles, Cal., or to Rev. H. N.
scatter widely'the holy fire. Ql'TD . .,..,.,.SS'.,.ON' AIRY _nro,nK . Brown, 35 Autumn street, Everett,
Let out people in every city estab- u.n .J.,.u, 8.' .n , ' n. Mass.
lish and maintain a week-day holiness Now, brethren arid friends, let us
me'eting, it .a place of sacred AN IMI'ORTANT NOTICE. .remember that Jesus said, "Thou.
instruction and holy flame. Two Missionaries and Children Must shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
. Be Brought Home.
$ $ $ Yours for the spread of scriptural
The General Missionary Board,
"J\T t d D l holiness, H. F. REYNOLDS, ..
1 Yf0 eS an .. ,..reTSOna S while in, session at Chicagq, was Gene.r:ai Missionary. Sec'y.
i" : , informed by a letter from Rev: W. J.
Rogers;-manager of the. Pentecostal
Mission at Igat.puri, India,:
of the Further that _owing to the severe illness
. Sayings of Jes.us." (typhoid fever) of Mrs. Rogers, and
.- .)I ' .JI
Every one should have a copy of
the Minutes> Price 10 cents .
The Minutes for the several
churches have been sent out last
week. You can help us greatly by
in the money fqr the .Min-
utes a:t once. . -It requires quite a sum
to get them out and we need the
money now. NAZARENE Pus. Co.
A G'OOD day is reported from Elysian . his . failing they had been
Heights Church, with good attendance ordered by their physician to return
and int-erest, and an addition of to America as soon as possible. After
eral strangers to the congregation. careful deliberation .. the Board .in-
. IT is essential that the strueted the Committee
Committee in each church should (the General Supermtendents) to take
ward their offerings for the past such as .. might be
month to the Missionary Treasurer as should It prove later that the parties
quickly as possible as there is urgent must come home. Before leaving
need of the funds.' . Chicago the Executive Committee SPIRITUAL INSPmiNG REFREsHING
received another letter from Brother
WE are receiving a good many kind Rogers stating that. his wife was fail-
words in reference to our' Sunday A l f G ld
School literature. We shall endeavor ing rapidly. A cablegram was se.nt pp es 0 . 0 . ;
to improve what we are now issuing' authorizing Brother Rogers to "use
and also add other lines to this depart- his own judgment at our expense." .
ment as time goes on. The writer is now in receipt of
in which Brother Rogers states that
WE are the"physician has ordered him to bring
to the MESSENGER, but our cry is for his wife to America as soon as possible.
more. Friends, each get one sub- . It will require $600.00 for passage,
Or, Words Fitly Spo,ken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual .
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the' MESSENGE!t during the past
two years.
scriber or .send t}:le paper yourself to b "d h. f h
. . , , es1 e ot er 1tems o expense on t e
W"th rt t d
one. of your fnends. Apples of way which are many when a person pages, 1 po rai , an
Gold" with every new name. . '. . by Dr. Bresee.
. . . . 1s s1ck. Bes1_de the passage and Price 25c, by mail 30c; in lots ofl0$2 . .
. val at the- expenses- menboned- above,- Brother.._
Flrst Church, Los Angeles, under the Rogers must meet a bill for-mirses of
efficient lead of Sister Rose Potter $132, and drug bills, ice bills, etc.,
Crist, will -continue until Sabbath before he can leave the Mission.
Evening. They are ' accomplishing Both of our treasurers have
much good and reaching many with to me thatthe treasury is empty. I
the gospel. am alsoi informed that from $300 to
WE have no doubt that the antici- $500 is tied up in the sus-
pations for glorious victory in the pension of . the bank, .. through which
meetings at the First .. Church in Chi- . we have been sending our. money _for
cago, under the lead of ''Bud" Robin- the missionaries' salaries. Besides
son are being realized. They 'ate the above facts thel'e are other bills
pushing battle up to the 26th of amounting to $200 or more, to be met,
this month and Bro. C. E. Cornell, tqe . and the missionaries' salaries to be
pastor, is looking for the greatest paid in .. inonthly. What
meeting ever held in we do? Set ourselves to do what we
This book will be given FREE for .
every NEW subscription to the NAZA- .
RENE MESSENGER at $1.00. If you
want the book, subscribe for your
friend, and the book will be sent to
you. Address - - - ' -'-R-;--P.-;1-'- ..
. 730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Life of John wesley
By: John Telford. A remarkably
interesting volume which every
one should have. 364 pages, in
. 90c
730 San Pedro St., Los: Angeles.
8 . N azar.enr.-Messe nger. .. . .
.. ,. [January. 9, .1908
Los Angeles and Vicinity on as they are. Wrongs must be victory at street meetings is seldom
righted; Nothing will escape the seen as has been manifested in the
AT THE TABERNACLE searching-eye of Goq, He will past two months. We give God all
The Sabbath. dawned beautiful and every work into judgment. Let us the glor.y. L. C. RoGERs . ..
: bright. A large congregation ass em- look at some of the hi-ding-places men .,c .,c .,c ,.
bled in the First Church, Los Ange- are building: 1. Some say we cannot THORP STREET NAZARENE SERVICES.
les, to the message of salvation. know __ . The Year
- Th-ere seemed to be an Mefi"-are hiding- behind tM' refuge of was a day of victory and salvation at
the people as they in the.house morality. 3. Another refuge, mEm the Red . Brick Church on Thorp
. _of God. According . to previous say, we get our punishment in this street. Brother LaFontaine preached
arrangements Sister Rose Potter Crist life. 4. Another refuge, they say the at 3 p.m., on "Faith and Obedience"
. . was the _pr,eacher at the 11 o'clock Ghurc}.l fuJI of. 5. M:ul- < as seen in Abraham,. arid . at. 7:30 ort
service. She chose for her text Luke titudes are hiding behind God's mercy, "Have the Faith of God. " Splendid
.-;1..2:4, 5. With words and a By Scripture quotations and clear congregations were present at both
fearlessness born of the Holy. Spirit,. reasoning, these excuses "'!ere shown services. After the afternoon meet-
she was helped mightily in showing to be false. God is a refuge to them ing an open-.air praise service was
the dangers that beset the Christian's who forsake .sin. He is coming in held on the new church lot, corner of
pathway and the neces:;;ity of living a judgment abd will sweep away the Malcomson street and Grand
clean, holy life, blameless before the refuge of lies. In conclusion our Sis- where the new Nazarene church
world. The word of God. warns us to termade an earnest appeal to the peo- building is now being erected. The
beware of the error of the wicked pie to yield themselves to God. people oi the neighborhood gathered
lest we be turned aside. There is a Alt-ogether there were ten seekers and gladly joined in. At the evening
trinity of obstacles we hav_e to. con, fo:r:w.ai:d .for. Prayers, ,so.-Ple . of whom altar- ser,vice one elderly brother was
tend against-the .world,. flesh received the forgiveness of theiF sins most graciously converted and testi- .
and the dev1i. 1. The World is the arid others blessedly sanctified. tied; "I'm so glad that this Church is
against the Thus closed another Sabbath day, to . started down here where we foiks
It is a deadly foe to holy living. To be remembered in the history of can go to service, and I , thank God
compromise with the world is to lose human lives. . . I've been blessedly saved." Meet-
. the favor of 'God . . The salvation of The regular .. monthly . ing.s are held each . Tuesday and
God is able to keep us from the world. meeting of Company E was largely Thursday evenings, and next Sabbath
2. The Flesh. ' This has reference to attended and greatly blessed of God. another open-air (D. V. ) will be held
the fleshly mind, th_e sin-principle After earnest waiting upon the Lord, at the new building after the opening
which dominates the whole being of Sister Ellen Shaw Melody, a returned servi(!eS at the .place.
Irian. After we are born again, and from Africa, brought a "" .,c .,c
all actual transgression has been for- soul-stirring message from Luke 5:18- COMPTON AVE. CHURCH. t
given, and we become children of God, 20. She showed how the faith of the The New Year Sabbath started with
we find a contrary PJinciple within men who the palsi_ed to increased power, blessing and num-
waring against our members. 3. The Jesus was typical of thefaith hers iri all departments of our work.
Devil. A being of great power and by missionaries both at home and The Sabbath School completely filled
subtlety. He is ever on the alert to abroad, to bring souls to the of the church building. The Brother-
ensnare and entrap unwary souls. Jesus; Sister Melody was anointed hood of St. Stephen and Company E
His evil nature shows itself in all of God, and the message ' thrilled our meeting at 6 o'clock' were filled to
manner of evil. We are to fear God hearts by the power of the Holy overflowing. The morning and night
and work righteousness. His fear GhostJ:i.s _we prayed that some Com-. seryices, at which 9ur. Pastor, Rev.
should lead us to shun the Gehena pany E gid may be called to work in Lucy P. Knott, preached in the power
fires spoken of in the text. God wants the foreign fields this year. of the Spirit, were the largest in
a clean people. There were four seek- .,c .,c attendance since the church was
ers at the altar, of whom were MORNING AND STREET MEETINGS. organized. Three souls were at the
graciously saved. . Great victory is reported from the altar during the day. Besides all this
.. gathered- --eight-o'clock pray-er-meeting on- hrst our- :f)ecember- mi.ssionary offering-
at the afternoon service. Dr. Bresee Sabbath morning, The testimonies was the largest yet. Our souls doth
having charge of the service, read were.clear and showed rriuch. secret magnify the Lord for temporal and
from the.102nd Psalm, emphasizing prayer. A stranger of three score all spiritual blessings. v: J: J:
the design and human causes which arid ten arose with streaming eyes .,c .,c .,c
brought about the day of favor, also and asked for the , prayers
the divine messag-e, followed with a saints. A new church building is Iiow in
season of very precio].ls testimony At the street meeting the Spirft . of process of erection for the new Pente- .
from the saints. God was felt in great power. One costal-Nazarene Church at the corner
A pecuJiar rested up.on man fell to knees in the midstof .of Malcomson St. and Grand Avenue,
. the large assemblage at the eve:qing our circle and soon found victory in just two west of Moneta Ave.
service, as Sister Rose Potter Crist Christ. Some two or three hundred car line, for the services being con-
preached the word in.power and dem- people looked eagerly on, sing ducted by Brother La Fontaine. Brick
onstration of the Spirit from our little band on every side. But all masons, painters, decora-
Isa. 24:17. .' It is evideii.tthat there is were so anxious to' see the man saved tors .and contractors have gladly
to be a judgment. . Things c'aimot go that no disturbance was felt. Such their services, and more will
. . . 9,
do the same; The offerings. of gold
and scrip have been most encouraging, Is the Word in season to the justified.
and it is expected t.o l;mild a neat, com- Can be had from the author, Rev. R.
modious, .homelike buil(iing that will Pferce, 730 San Pedro Street, Los
be an ornament to the community and Angeles, Cal. Price, 20c per doz.; $1
a praise to Goo. . Announcement of per J oo ..
-- dedication will .be made .. ::;;oon, _wbi_c_h ___ . ..,:.. __ ,;_ ___ _
. . is to be- before many Sab- . -NOTICE.
baths. A series of revival meetings CAPITAL STOCK.SUBSCRIPTIONS.
will be held immediately upon the The time has; arrived when we
... R . ..: .
Will heat your room for half-
cent an hour-without odor.
Before buying heater come
and see it demonstrated : : :
Angelus .co.
completion of the building, with one nee.d the .money . subscribed . for the
or two speciaI helpers. Many expres- ' purthase of '. capital stocK-of the Naz-
sions of encourageme.nt are heard. arene Publishing Company ... It will -
WM. AKIN, Manager
504 W. Seventh St. from the people of the community and ..;_. be. a great nelp to us if the friends Phone Main 2163.
from the children will be gath-' will send in the amount subscribed
ered into the new Sabbath-school. within the next fifteen days. :. Ashby Nursery .
services will be held. Any offermgs FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES
may be handed or sent to Brother La Professional Cards SHRUBS ROSES PALMS
Fontaine, 314 Santa Barbara A venue. All Kinds of Plants, Bulbs and vines
,$ $ ,$ DR. PAUL w. H. WOLTERS, 'PROP.
THIRD AND HILt; STS - - -- - write.:- - -:--
speciai . 'services- with- Sister .- - . . - -- . .
'e . Po' 'tt' e' r CrJ"st . -began on. . New Hours 10 to 2. 10 a.m. Sunday.
Residence 1126 Santee St. .. Phone West 1096 .
Year's eve, when one of the best Los Angeles. Cal. Home 2797
Watch meetings c)f . the church's . his- Residence533S. CummingsSt.
Home phone 41462 Boyle 1243
tory was held. There was prayer DR. w. :1. LAWRENCE
and testimony, With the preaching . EYE. , EAR, A!\T THROAT
the WOrd, and a very blessed altar Hours10 to 12, 2 to 5- . 4H-415 Severance Bldg.
Home Phone F 1497 6th and Main Sts.
service. There were thirteen special Los Angeles. cat
seekers a.t the altar. Up to this time D. M. McDONALD
(Tuesday) there haS been a good tide A'ITORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW
Of SalvatiOn. very ay peop e ave 823-824-825 H . W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles
been COnVerted and sanctified, and N- E. Cor. Fourth and Spring Sts. , Cal.
. Telephone Home 1524
Sabbath was a very great day of
blessing and salvation. Sister Crist W. BURT CLARK
has ably preached to the awakening ... " COUNSELLOR AT LAW
and saving of souls.
.::1 ..IC ',;;1
Wilcox Bldl!' . .. . LOS ANGELES
The Lord us the l;>est Sabbath ATTORNEYs AT LAW
yet enjoyed . . He was present in all Willprac;tice in all the S.tateand Federal Courts.
the services of the day. Our Sabbath Offices-Rooms 92-93 Temple Block. Los Angeles.
School has. more than doubled in MISS MAMIE E. YOUNG
attendance and grea:t interest is man- TEACHER OF PIANO
ifested. : The Lord helped the pastor WEST '65
oa Wisconsin Ave.
all day. The communion service was Eotabllahcd
G: BltEnow
Order from the nearest of our three yards.
7th and Olive Main and Adams
32nd and Hoover
Both Phones
.. Collegiate rnstitute
The Pentecostal Church
the Nazarene
$100 Per Year
of .
Special offer to Theological. Students and
Christian Workers.
College Preparatory, Commercial, Musical
and Grammar Grade Courses at correspond-
ingly low rates. Send for: Catalogue.
North Scituate, R. I.
It Pays to buy of the BIG HOUSE
PIAN OS_.: Everything in Music
held in the afternoon the best of all, METROPOLITAN CANDY co.
--'I'-he-testimon-y-meetii'lg-that-fol-low-ed---- Wh'oi"Csal..,a:nd-Retatl"Manufaeturenrot--------
was a rejoicing time. Bro. Crowell FINE CANDIES AND ICE CREAM
is a great help in P11Shing the work; . 317 West Fourth Street
he hasn't forgotten how to w_in SOU}S. Sunset Broodwoy 4699 Loo' Anueln, Cal
One young man was saved after the
service closed. God is with us and
seems to be an opening for a great
revival. Sister Crist is to .be with us
next Sabbath to stay as long as the
interest warrants it. Pray for .. us
and and help push the battle
along. - _ __ B. H ... K . .
. ,JCk .,.
The MESSENGER and a cdpy of the
'new .book, APPLES OF GoLD," fo.r
$1. 00. This offer is only for new
We have received our new
Stock of Wall Mottoes.
_have also arrived and are ready
for delivery. -
730 San Pedro St., Los Anglese 1
231-233-235 S. Brol\dway Opp. City Hall
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The Pioneer Optician
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' The Best Service
The Most Reliable Goods
The Prices- Just a Little Better
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< 353 S. Broadway:

Deets Pa.cific Bible College
COLLEGE NOTES. breakfast if he would come into -the
BY LEORA MARIS, PRINCiPAL. pray;er-meeting. So after he had
The College classes have been eateh heartily, lie came with us to
adjourned for one week by order of the -class-room, and the young "men
the president, -Dr. Bresee, that the gathering round him, soon had him
students may have the privilege of on his knees, and before . noon he
attending both the after-noon and claimed to have found forgiveness
even1ng meetings of fhe revival at and peaG:e in .believing: We . gave
First Church, held by Sister - Rose him his dinner and 50 cents imd he
- Potter Crist. It is a : wonderful went out to hunt for . work. May
.opportunity our students have to hear God keep him where ever he may go.
the clear teachings of Sister Crist in But oh! the awful saloons arid dives
the afternoon meetings, and to be reaching out clutching hands to drag
trained by her in Revival Methods, just such down to their ruin.
and how to deal wisely with souls at Miss Ona Martin, a of the
the altar, in the evening meetings. College in the class of 1906, has been
[January g; .190_8
acceptable. Alsri:the two quarts of
delicious . oHves from and
Sister A. N. Clark.
Through Sister Harshman, friends
have given $10. 35 'for car fare so the
st.udents c!'l-n attend the revival regu- ...
larly. To go twice a day for ten
days would take $2 for eac;!h student,
and several were unable_ to attend
regularly wi.thout financial assistance.
Late.r-:- One of ou.r yt;mng men.
found our "Tramp" in the Church .... .. .
and took hirri to the Brotherhood
meeting where he testified to having
beerf converted at the- College, that
he had work, had . testified in .
the Missions during the week, and
had not_, touched liquor or tobacco.
Praise God forever.
'"' I
Saturday was set apart as a day of engaged in Deaconess work for a
''Fasting and Prayer' ' for the revi- _ in Los i$' now _ A p t h f C
-- s'o we as little work )n the engaged by the S.):lnday School of - _ I C er 0 ream
Bun Ro-BINSoN's BooK
Home and on the grounds as was - First Church as theiF Sunday-School .
necessary, and had a wonderful visitor, and she is making her . home
pouring of the Holy Spirit in the in the College once more, much to $ A very popular book, full of Bud' s
meeting'inthe class-room where one our pleasure. . " unique sayings. Price 50c, post-
through" and recejved the One of our students works with the paid. Given with a new !?Ubscrip-
Spiries witness to sanctificat_ioii, and. Gospe _ I Wag on" everysun:day p. m., tethe NAZARENE MESSENGER, for
another was ' still seeking when the in the lower part of the city, several $1.
. . -
meeting closed, but determined to help in the Spanish Mission, some in
keep on until they should hear from the Sunday Schools and almost all
God. Later they knew their sins for- are eagerly about their " Father's
given at First Church altar. business'' in the many of the
After the meeting closed, and a Chureh, during the week and on
lunch of bread, butter, and water, Sundays.
six. of the young gentlemen students Mr. Harold Tracy, a young man
went out for a hard afternoon's .work from Brother Linaweaver's Church
of distributing circulars of the revi- in entered the College after
val meetings, from house to house Christmas vacation. We are. gladto
until over 2000 had been. handed out, welcome him as a member. of Col-
while the young ladies and teachers lege Family, and we still have room
- spent the afternoon in a triumphant for several more in the gentlemen's
prayer meeting in the class room, new Dormitory.
until, as Sister Crist said, we seemed Our "Praying and Paying Friends"
to see the smoke of battle clear away have most .kindly remembered us,
and the Lord coming with all the _and although not enough has yet
of heaven to our help. Halle- come in this month to pay the $50 for
Some Women I Have
By J. B. CULPEPPER. Interesting,
Helpful, Entertaining. Suitable for
or old. You will never regret
owmng the book. 7.5c post-paid.
With a new subscription to the
Paper cover, 40c, with new subscrip-
for $1.20.
The Christian's Secret
of a Happy Lif-e
Prof. Reid, yet we most earnestly
. Tlie young. A:N:-Clark - -- __ By_H._W._ S. _
__ .:,_ .._ _,__
through Dr. Bresee and Bro. McKee; for $5, Brother and Sister Harshman
have a city permit to hold a street for $2, ' and Sister Armour' for $1
meeting before the evening services, toward it. Any who wish to help
and invite people to attend the ser- Dr. Bresee carry the responsibility
vices. of raising this extra $50 every month,
One evening the young men can hand their offerings to the Doctor
- brought in a drunkard, and sat by regularly, but it is needed at. some
him through the meeting to get him . time during EVERY MONTH . of 'the
to the altar at tl!e close. . College year. Dr,_ Bresee does not
On Monday a tramp came to ' the_ forget it, so please do not forget to
kitchen door for bread, - .writer help him this extra $50 every
was called, and found a young fellow month. - .
of' about twenty-two .years, who We also thank a dear Sister for
asked for work to pay for his break- $1 toward New Year's dinner
fast. To see if he wai really hungry, the students, and fifty cents from
We have a beautiful edition of this
remarkable book, which we offer
for only 40c, post-paid. With a new
subscription to the NAZARENE MES-
Any person receiving a sample
copy of this may avail
themselves of any of the above
offers b-y sending in their own
subscription with the required
we told him we would give _ him his dear Sister. Stoner. It was most 730 San Pedro St. Los Angeles
J11nuary_ 9, 1908]
Our Young People
"Why, the idea!''
"0 my, I don't call that havi_nggood
--- manners!" said Bernice,. scornfully.
ELSIE'S PRAYER. . The cb!ldren out with iulpa
" I want follow Jesus," said little Elsie Lee, to the chicken-yard, but mama had to
Like and John and Peter, the call ernice back auain to fold her
----- . ---
So, in quiet corner she knelt, to humbly napkm. . That happened very often.
. pray, . The chickens' meal was nearly. over,
"Dear_ Savior, kindly show me the . first step but they watched them .take the last
m the way."
. . few: dainty pecks.
She seemed to hear a whtsper from One she ' Th t' th d t Tl. t t
. not see, . , .t. . a. l? . e ._ esser. .. ,ea .
"The first step, little Elsie! 'Tis only, come slow 'cause they've eaten all their

th!i lwill save you and take your hungry up,'.' exclaimed Esther.
sins away, ' "Where's their napkins'! I don't
Be willing I sho1,1Jd lead you . and !<eep .. you see any, '' Bernice exclaimed in disap-
every day. pointment. .
'The next steps? . .You will find them; they !Wait, ' said papa;
come as moments d9.:...
Toe--calls foi- _'gentlepatience, and efforts kind "'Now watch!" he said a minute
and true; later, as the Downy little fellows fin-
Forgetting self for others, love's Golden Rule . ished .their last crumbs. They walked
obey; - away a steps, and then every
My word will show my .footprints; begin, .
- a earchild; today. :--sez. _single ,one-of them wiped -his bill-
. . .- {!)3 . . that-a-way; very
THE. CHICKENS' NAPKIN; indeed....:on .the grass.
"youR napkin, dear," reminded
matna, gently. .
Bernice, across the table, lifted her
little bread-and-buttery face, and the
tiniest of scowls traveled up and down
between her eyes. Napkins were
such a bother.-
' "I wish there weren't anyi" she
murmured, getting down from her
high chair to. pick hers up. ''They
always drop, an' they get all mixed
up when you fold 'em up."
"When you don't fold 'ez:n up,"
corrected Earl, laughing.
"You have any teenty,
tonty dear napkin ring if there weren't
any napki:ns," said Esther, wisely.
Bernice turned her dainty, beloved
little ring over and over thoughtfully
in her. hands. ''Then I wish I was a
chicken;" she announced, slowly.
''Oh, chickens use napkins regularly
at every meal.''
-- -- The-word came in-astonished-chorus
from all the children.
"Why, of course, . l)id you think
they hadn't manners at all? I can tell
you Mother Biddy is bringing them up
better than that_. dinn.er you
shall see. She teaches -them to use
their napkin very
"Only just one to 'em all'!" ..
"Ye-es;" papa said, reluctantly ;
"only just one; but then it's plenty
big enough."
The twinkles in papa's eyes were
playing . hide-and-seek.
''It's so large they share it with
their relatives, their aunts and cous-
ins and uncles.''
. "Oh!"
"Oh, my!"
Bernice added triumph-
. antly; "they didn't fold it up, papa."

SundaJ! S!!hool Lesson.
January. 26, foos
Jesus Clean8es .the Temple.
.John ..!:18-22
Read John 2:13-22 Commit verses 15, 16
13 And the Jews' passover was at
hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,
14 And found in the temple those tha\
sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the
changers of money sitting:
15 .. And when he haq made a scourge
of small cords, he drove them all out of
the temple, and the sheep, and. the oxen;
and poured out the changers' money, and
overthrew the tables;
16 And said unto them that sold doves,
Take these things hence; make not my
Father's house an house of merchandise.
17 And his disciples. remembered that
it was written, The zeal of . t)line housE
hath eaten me up.
18 Then answered the Jews and said
unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us,
seeing_that_th_o_u __ do.est_these __ things?_ .
19 Jesus answered and said unto them,
this tcrrip}e, . and in three days I
will ra1se it up.
20 Then said the Jews, Forty aad six
years was ' this temple in building, and
wilt thou rear it up in three days?
_21 But he spake of thIJ . temple of 'his
22 When therefore he was risen from
: the dead, his disciples remembered that he
had said this unto them; and they be-
lieved the scripture, and the word which
GOLDEN TEXT-Holiness be:ometh thine
house, 0 Lord. for ever.-Psa. 9:1:5.
Mon., .Tan. 20, John Tues.,
Matt. 21 : 12-16. Wed., Luke Thu.,
Psa. 84. Fri., Eph. 4:11-19. Bat., Eph.
5:23-33. Sun., Acts 2:41-47.
Suggestive Notes and Comments
Jesus has been to the wedding at Cana
with his mother, and later at home at
Nazareth, and is now back at .Jerusalem.
It is the first Passover of his ministry.
His so-called cleansing of the temple is
both an argument for a holy place of
worship and .a: proof of his Divine power
and mastery of men.
PaBBOver: -Tnet'e wero-'"lliree princlp:rt---
-- feasts of the .. J ews: The . Passover . in .
April, the P ent ecost near the first of June,
and the feast . of the Tabernacles in Octo-
ber. : All males over twelve years of age
were required to attend these feasts unleBS
they bad a legitimate excuse. The attend
anee,'of' women -Wa!! ,not r.et)ufi-ed,' ;had ;.
b _ een recommended. The Passo:v.er ex,
tended. through a w4Qle . week and was of
a mos't . joyful character, in comm_einora-
tion of the departure of the Hebrews from
the land of and of the preservation
of their . first-born when 'the first -born of
the Egyptians were slain. The. name .. ex,
presses the design of the celebration. The
de8troying angel "passed over" the He-.
-brews. According to Josephus, 2,000,000
visitors were in Jerusalem Pass-
. over
The court had b een turned into
ket-place with all the confusion and jang-
ling incident to ext_e.l_l_sive ________ . __
. - of 7 rbe pilgrims
brought w:ith them the, coinage_ of their
own eountry-Syrian, Egyptian, Greek, aa
the ease might be-and their money was
either not current in Palestine, or, as J>e
ing stamped with tho symbols of heathen
could not. be received into the
treasury_ of . the temple,-Ellicott.
There must have been some.thing more
than human in one man in a crowd like
this being able to cope with the great
mass of people; the former customs and
the highest authority, and succeed in such
a move as this. Gnly a God could do this . .
The miracle at Cana was the first ''sign''
of his mission. This was tlie second. The
first was proof of his Ma stership of na-
t;ure, this of Man.
The change of water into the luscious
juice of the grape (far more than into fer
men ted wine) "is the sign and symbol of
all which Christ is evermore doing in the
world, ennobling all thai he touches,
ing saints out of sinners, angels out of .
men, and, in the end, bPaven out . of earth
-a new paradise of God out of the old
wilderness of the world. For the prophecy
of the world's regeneration . . . is emi-
' ' With his divinl) alchemy be turns com-
mon things into radiant mysteries; yea,
every meal into a eucbarist, and the jaws
of the sepulcher int o an outgoing gate.''-
Zeal of thine house hath eaten me
up"-shall eat me up. Weiu me out.
Drove them out. Ther:e are times when
real love becomes indignl\nt. God is ''an-
.r.Y-.2tit.b ___ ..
indignant. Not mad. 'What showest
thou? Unbl'lievers need signs to nttract
attention and to convince r e ason. Believ-
ers have faith and live . by it, whether or
not there be signe . . The hubbub about
visible signs and material mapifestations,
tlie. hankering for bodily exercise and
as proof of spiritual causes,
is, in fact, the abandonment or subjec-
tion of thl' spiritunl to the material. _ .
'Wilt thou, etc. They could not sec
any meaning beyop(\ t!te materiaL Their
subjection of the service to mater_1alism
was only a natural result of their want of
spiritual . insight. 'Take these thingS
hence!' This Jaw of tho bouse bas never
been . repealed. Tho spirit of traffic and
commor cialism defil es it still. The turning
of the church. into a playhouse, and its
use for aJimseliiimt, and the mere minisfry
of the senses, .. now as then destroys the
reverence of the house of God. Outsiders
cannot be reaclied by a vanity fair, or au
oysler .stew.
. 12 .
[Jaimacy 9:; :. 1908
' .
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The annual meeting . of the stock-
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Three Oaks, _ Mich., Jan. 20 to Fe\). -9.
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.RENE MESSENGER to new subscribers
. To MESSENGER subscribers; with
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730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
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