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'roud of' WorksheeL

WhaL's besL of you?

1ake a few mlnuLes Lo wrlLe down your achlevemenLs, examples of llfe experlence
and momenLs you are proud of. 8e opLlmlsLlc buL reasonable you can always come
back and change Lhlngs around. WrlLlng down everyLhlng on paper ls a greaL
moLlvaLor and wlll puL you ln Lhe rlghL mlnd seL as you move forward. lL ls a
sLarLlng blue prlnL Lo work your way Lo besL answers.
All Lhe lnLervlew answers can be deduced from Lhls worksheeL.

What's best of you
\o o' / / o o / / /
In the space prov|ded be|ow wr|te the story of your kCILSSICNAL ||fe
WhaL have you done so far ln you medlcal career, medlcal school, work experlence, volunLeer
work, and anyLhlng lnLeresLlng.
1. ?ou can use your personal sLaLemenL, Cv and keep your sLory conslsLenL wlLh Lhose Lwo.
2. 1hls speaks only abouL your experlence, do noL lnclude superlaLlves, achlevemenLs yeL.
WrlLe your sLory below:
/ o r / / / o' / / / r o/ / / o r oo/ o' / / / / o r / // r o/ /

What's best of you

What are your top ach|evements (S or more)? 8e very deta||ed about the ent|re exper|ence.
AchlevemenL ls measurable success. Lxamples of achlevemenLs are:
1. A process l suggesLed ln my prevlous [ob had reduced Lhe rlsk of mlsLakes by 22. 1he process was
Lo .
2. My Leam aL x unlverslLy has publlshed a paper on ? Loplc. 1he secLlons of Lhe paper were wldely
appreclaLed by ur ? and .
WrlLe your achlevemenLs below:
Irom the above ach|evements ||sted, determ|ne your strengths?
WhaL sLands ouL as Lhe human characLer LhaL hlghllghLs Lhe achlevemenL? Lxample:
Pard work, dedlcaLlon, passlon for medlclne, perseverance, paLlence, leadershlp, focus,
lnLelllgence, sLrong declslon maklng, calmness under pressure,.
WrlLe abouL your speclal characLer, sLrengLhs:
\o / / / / / o / o o/ o / r/ / // o(/ o / or / / o
1h|nk about the |nc|dents from your profess|ona|, persona| ||fe around words ||sted be|ow?

haracLer, sLrengL acLer, sLre
term|ne your str m|ne your s
cLer LhaL hlghllgh LhaL hlgh
r medlclne, perse edlclne, p
aklng, calmness g, calmn
What's best of you
lL has Lo be a good mlx of personal and lnLerpersonal skllls.
1eam player, leadlng a group, organlzlng, lnlLlaLlve, compasslon, communlcaLlon, problem
solvlng, loglc, analyLlcal, calmness under pressure, good llsLener, confldenL, empaLhy, respecL,
Lhorough, humane, helpful, conslderaLe,
WrlLe abouL your speclal characLer:
1here you have lL. 8eflecL on whaL you have wrlLLen and keep readlng couple of Llme and
correcL lL lf someLhlng needs Lo be changed. AlmosL every slngle quesLlon abouL can be
based on Lhls worksheeL.

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