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zulfiayu S1 Farmasi UNG Mei 2013

Homogeneous mixture that is prepared by disolving a solid, liquid or gas in another liquid and represent a group of the praparation in which the molecules of the solute or disolved substance are dispensed among those of the solvent A liquid preparation that contains one or more soluble chemical substance dissolved in water


True Solution
The dispersed substance (the solute) and dispersing medium (the solvent, the solution phase contains the same chemical entity as found in the solid and thus, upon removal of the solvent, the solute is recovered unchange.

Depending on the size of the dispersed particle : a. True solution b. Colloidal solution c. Suspension

Kelarutan atau solubilitas adalah kemampuan suatu zat kimia tertentu, zat terlarut (solute), untuk larut dalam suatu pelarut (solvent). Kelarutan dinyatakan dalam jumlah maksimum zat terlarut yang larut dalam suatu pelarut pada kesetimbangan. Larutan hasil disebut larutan jenuh. Zat-zat tertentu dapat larut dengan perbandingan apapun terhadap suatu pelarut. Contohnya adalah etanol di dalam air. Sifat ini lebih dalam bahasa Inggris lebih tepatnya disebut miscible.

Secara kuantitatif,kelarutan suatu zat dinyatakan sebagai suatu konsentrasi zat terlarut di dalam larutan jenuhnya pada suhu dan tekanan tertentu. Kelarutan dinyatakan dalam satuan mililiter pelarut yang dapat melarutkan satu gram zat. Misalnya 1 gr asam salisilat akan larut dalam 550 ml air. Suatu kelarutan juga dapat dinyatakan dalam satuan molalitas, molaritas dan persen

Descritive Term Very soluble Freely soluble Soluble Sparingly soluble Very slightly soluble Partically insoluble or insoluble
Parts of solvent for 1 part of solute Less than 1 From 1 to 10 From 10 to 30 From 30 to 100 From 100 to 1000 From 1000 to 10.000 More than 10.000

Patients in occasion ar unable to ingest a solid dosage form Therapeutic advantages Offer diversity in the form of medication Enhance effect of drugs rather in solid dosage form

Patient do not acces to accurate measuring devices and a uniform volume from those o another Bacterial contamination

solution for internal use solution for external use

Internal use
Syrup elixir

Combines the advantages of sweetness, pleasant flavor and alcoholic content. The alcoholic content may vary from as low as 3-5% o as high as 20-25%.

The tof syrups as vehicle has the advantages of satisfactory masking of unpleasant tastes. Sirup simplex?

External use
Collyrium Collutorium Collunarium Gargle Sprays Draught Inhalation/aerosol Injection Enema douche

Collyrium : solution intended to be used in the eyes Collutorium : solution intended to be used as moutwash Collunarium : solution intended to be used in the nose

A gargle : solution intended to be used in the mouth and throat Spray and drops : solution intended to be administered by being sprayed or dropped on th affected area Draught : intended to be taken as a single dose Inhalation or aerosol : a solution of volatile ingredients whose fumes are intended to be inhaled

Injection : solution intended to be injected into the body by means of a syringe.

An aqueous solution, used as an irrigation or wash, whisch is applied a low pressure o cleanse, deodorize, soohe, or medicate wounds, body oriface, or cavities. May promote healing, or be astringent, antiseptic, or germicidal. Used at vaginal tract, surgical prosedure, eye, ear, nose,throat, bladder, colon, or kidney

Placed in the rectum or colon to cause evacuation or to bring a local or systemic therapeutic ction.

Terima kasih

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