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Faitha-Lee Williams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Completion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Histologist Cardiovascular Lymphatic Extrinsic regulation Nervous Knee Appendicitis Elbow Negative feedback Sternum

Short essay 1. In the anatomical position, a person is facing forward, feet together, hands at side and palms are face up. The supine position is when a person is lying horizontally and facing upwards. The prone position is when a person is lying horizontally and facing downwards. 2. Atoms, molecules, the cellular level, the tissue level, the organ level, the organ system level, organism level. 3. Homeostatic regulation is the ability of an organism to maintain an internal equilibrium. It is physiologically important because without it, the organ in the body wouldnt be able to work in sync with each other.

4. Negative feedback works to bring the body back to homeostasis, while positive feedback enhances the bodys effects from homeostasis. 5. Front-anterior/ ventral Back- posterior/ dorsal Head-cephalic or coronal Tail- caudal/inferior 6. Sagittal section refers to the left and right sides, and transverse is top and body of a body. 7. A. pelvic cavity B. Abdonimopelvic cavity C. thoracic cavity D. abdominal cavity 8. The cavities of the body protect the organs from bruising and accidental shocks. The cavities also allow the organs to move independently within the cavities and to change shape and size. Level 3 1. The mediastinum is important because it contains the cardiovascular system and protects from any harm that could result in a bruising or injury. 2. When a blood vessel is damaged, chemicals are released in order to block the rupture. The chemicals start a chain reaction where cells, cell fragments and soluble proteins starts to form a clot. As the clotting continues, the process of releasing the chemicals is more accelerated, which is positive feedback, and finally, there is enough blood clotting that stops the bleeding, and patches the vessel. 3. The thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavities, and the pelvic cavity. 4. This would be extrinsic regulation. With both the nervous and endocrine systems, extrinsic regulation would increase the stimulus. 5. The calcitonin will be regulated throughout the body to provide a more stable flow of nutrients. 6. Urinary- homeostasis removes toxins from the body. Digestive- homeostasis maintains a steady level of nutrients so that the body can function properly. Integumentary- homeostasis helps maintain the sensory and temporal, as well as the protection for the skin. Cardiovascular-the cardiovascular system carries blood and nutrients throughout the body. Homeostasis helps to regulate this so that all the parts of the body gets the right amount nutrition enables it to function. 7. At no.1 the temperature rises, there is an increase in blood flow to the skin that causes and increase in sweat production. After a while the body cools and returns to a normal temperature range. At no.2 the temperature declines, causing a decrease in flood flow; which causes the body to shiver and body heat is conserved, thus bringing the body back to a normal range.

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