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Harry Truman (Dem)

Employment Act - gave federal government responsibility for maintaining economy Taft-Hartley Act - no closed shop (no longer forced to join unions) Fair Deal

Eisenhower (Rep)

Landrum-Griffin - limited the ways unions could boycott National highways

Potsdam Conference Expanded on Yalta conference Nuremburg Trials - warcrime trial Atomic Energy Commission created peacetime nuclear energy uses San Francisco Conference security council for UN, and veto power finalized Phillippines Independence Churchill's Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine - money to Greece and Turkey, US would fight spread of Commies Marshall Plan - money to Europe, fight commies Containment Policy - resist spread of Communist ideas Berlin Airlift - US will fight communism, Russians back down NATO - first binding treaty! China becomes Red China Korean War Korean War armistance SEATO, CENTO Domino Theory (one falls, THEY ALL FALL!) Massive Retaliation - build SAC and nuclear bombs, thought to be cheaper Geneva Summit (called for

Presidential Succession Act - defines order of presidential succession National Security Act coordinates wartime intelligence Civil Rights Armed forces desegregate

Red Scare Alger Hiss Rosenburgs McCarthy Nixon 22nd Amendment - 2 terms

Civil Rights Montgomery Bus Boycott Little Rock integrated, National Guard SCLC established

Brown v Board "seperate is inherently unequal"

John Kennedy (Dem)

Lyndon Johnson (Dem)

Great Society - fought poverty and racial injustice War on Poverty, Social Security Act, creating Medicare and Medicaid

open skies, ignored) Warsaw Pact Hungarian revolution, killed by Soviet tanks and Warsaw Pact Suez Crisis Eisenhower Doctrine - we'll intervene in Middle East Sputnik launch - led to improved science and math education Paris Summit - U2 incident messes it up Cold War Berlin Wall constructed Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Alliance for Progress Marshall plan for Latin America Trade Expansion Act - led to lower tariffs between Europe and US Nuclear test ban Peace Corps founded Agency for International Development Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - president had blank check in Vietnam Paris Peace Talks

- MLK's group SNCC established - nonviolent (students) Lunch counter sitins Alaska and Hawaii admitted as states

Civil Rights Freedom Riders

23rd Amendment - DC gets 3 electoral college votes

Civil Rights Acts protected black men from discrimination, government could force more desgregation in

24th Amendment - no poll taxes Miranda case 25th Amendment presidential secession

Tet Offensive

schools, women's equality Black Panthers Form Environment - Clean Air Act, EPA War Powers Act President couldn't send troops w/o approval Watergate

First black on SCourt

Richard Nixon (Rep)

OPEC embargo Alaskan Pipeline

Gerald Ford (Rep) Jimmy Carter (Dem)

Detente Nuclear Proliferation Treaty SALT Opens relationship with China Moscow summit (1, 2 and 3) Cease fire in Vietnam Kissinger - Middle East talks SALTII Moon landing SVietnam falls Camp David between Egypt and Israel Panama Canal treaty - US will return it SALT II Iran Hostage Crisis USSR invades Afghanistan Hostages released Marines killed in Lebanon SDI initiative - outspend USSR Meets with Gorbachev Intermediate Nuclear Force treaty - less nuclear weapons in Europe

26th Amendment - 18 to vote

Streaking becomes fad!

Pardons Nixon Pardons draft evaders in Vietnam War

Energy Department (due to OPEC)

Ronald Reagan (Rep)

"Reaganomics" tax cut (tried to decrease size of gov't) Stock Market plunge, 1987

Iran-Contra scandal

First woman justice

George Bush (Rep)

Americans with Disabilities Act

William Clinton (Dem)

Welfare reform

Gulf War Berlin Wall falls - Germans unified USSR initiates economic reforms Eastern European bloc falls (Solidarity wins in Poland) USSR disintegrates Environmental summit in Rio de Janero NAFTA signed EU created PLO-Israeli agreement Troops in Bosnia

War on Drugs

27th Amendment congressional pay raises take effect for next round of senators Webster v. Reproductive Health Services - neo-Con

WTC bombed

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