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Philip the Apostle Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic Church

3866 65 th street Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 452-1888 E-mail: feromurin@hotmail.com Mobile: (916) 539-1534


O Holy Apostle Philip, Intercede with the merciful God That he may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory for Ever! + Slava Isusu Christu! Slava i vo Viki!

From the Fathers of the Church

St. Hilary of Poitiers He does not say that the day or the time but that the hour has come. An hour contains a portion of a day. What was this hour? He was not to be spit on, scourged, crucified. But the Father glorifies the Son. The sun, instead of setting, fled, and all the other elements felt the same shock of the death of Christ. The earth trembled under the weight of our Lord hanging on the cross and testified that it did not have the power to hold within it him who was dying. The centurion proclaimed, Truly this was the Son of God. Creation is set free by the mediation of this sin offering. The very rocks lose their solidity and strength. Those who had nailed him to the cross confess that truly this is the Son of God. The outcome justifies the assertion. Our Lord had said, Glorify your Son, testifying that he was not the Son in name only but properly the Son. Your Son, he said. Many of us are sons [children] of God. But he is Son in another sense. He is the proper, true Son by nature, not by adoption. After he was glorified, that centurions confession touched on the truth. And so, when the centurion confesses him to be the true Son of God, none of his believers might doubt what one of his persecutors could not deny.


Our Tithes to the Lord. Last Sunday, 52 souls were present, collection was $1080 (tithes: 512, B. Appeal: 100, donations: 351, Home Missions: 110, candles: 7). May God bless you for your generosity. Prayer requests. Steve, Oceana, Gary, Ingrid, Walter, Margaret, Agatha, Norman, Michael, Curtis, Adriene, Matej, Edward (Fr. Francis) Welcome to a new baby-girl of Karen and Raymond Vincent. Anastasia Hope was born on May 10th, early in the morning. Congratulations, may God grant Anastasia Hope and her family many blessed years. Hospitality sign-up sheet: May 19 Baker family, May 26 Prescott family. Please sign up for hospitality for the upcoming Sundays; the list is in the parish hall. Thank you to the Prescott family for providing hospitality for us last Sunday. Home Missions Collection. This annual collection supports missionary activity of the church within the United States. Our Eparchy benefits annually from the support of the Home Missions. Thank you in advance for your generosity, and may God richly bless you. Bishops Appeal 2013 report. So far, we have received 15 pledge cards in the office, and donations of $2,060. Our goal for this year is $3600. Appeal ends on May 31st. Thank you for your support.

Liturgical schedule
Tue Sat Sun May 14th May18th May 19th 6:30 AM Divine Liturgy. 5:30 PM Divine Liturgy. 6:30 PM Great Vespers. 9:00 AM Confessions. 9:40 AM Prayers 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy. 5th All Souls Saturday. Pentecost Sunday.

For Confession, please come half an hour earlier to scheduled services, or schedule an appointment. Fridays in general are days of penance and abstinence from meat foods. 2

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