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Explain in brief about the term CSS.

A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language.................
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What are the various style sheets? Inline, external, imported and embedded are the different types of style sheets...............
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What are style sheet properties? CSS Background CSS Text CSS Font CSS Border CSS Outline..............
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List various font attributes used in style sheet. font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height..................
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Explain inline, embedded and external style sheets. Inline - If only a small piece of code has to be styled then inline style sheets can be used..............
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Test your CSS skills - CSS (21 questions)

More CSS interview questions

What is CSS? Explain its features. Why do you use CSS? What is a style sheet? Why do you need a style sheet over regular HTML? List different types of Style Sheets and how do you link to them? Explain Class. Explain Grouping. What are the functions of following selectors? a.) h1 b.) .warning c.) #footer Explain Embedded Style Sheet. How would you link to it? Explain External Style Sheet. How would you link to it? What is selector? Explain: a.) ID Selector b.) Contractual Selector c.) Attribute Selector d.) Parent Child Selector What are the advantages and disadvantages of following style methods? a.) External Style Sheets b.) Embedded Style Sheets c.) Inline Styles Situation - You want to set up a minimum width for IE. How would you do that? Situation - You want to place a text over an image. How would you do that? Situation - You want to combine multiple sheets into one. How would you do that? Situation - You want to specify background images. How would you do that? Explain following elements: a.) Inline b.) Block c.) Parent d.) Children

How do you separate content and design in CSS? Explain pseudo classes. Explain: a.) CSS declaration b.) Important declaration Situation - You just set the background image and you want it to be non-repeating. What would you do? Differentiate between ID and Class. You want to have a you text-links without an underline. How would you do that? Explain cascading order. You want links of different colours on the same page. How would you do that? Explain: a.) Value b.) Initial value How would you style the following? a.) Table cells b.) Forms Are there any WYSIWYG editors available for creation of style sheets? You want to justify your text. How would you do that? I want to place two paragraphs adjacent to each other. How should I do it? Define URL. Uniform Resource Locator; an address that specifies the location of a file on the Internet...................
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Explain the general layout HTML documents. Following is how the basic HTML layout: <html><head><title>Title of page</title>.................
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What are various list tags in HTML? <li> Defines a list item <ol> Defines an ordered list..............
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What are the various text formatting tag in HTML? <b> Defines bold text <br> Inserts a single line break <center> Deprecated. Defines centered text <em>...................
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Explain anchor tag in HTML. The <a> tag defines an anchor. It can be used to create a link to another document by using the href attribute or to create a bookmark inside a document,................
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What is image mapping in HTML? Making one image link to several pages is called as image mapping. For example, if you have a map of India , then clicking..............

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Explain meta tag in HTML. How to read and write a file using javascript? There are two ways to do it: 1. Using JavaScript extensions (runs from JavaScript Editor), or 2. Using a web page and ActiveX objects (Internet Explorer only).................
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How do you create a new object in JavaScript? The <meta> element provides meta-information about your page, such as descriptions....................
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Test your HTML knowledge with our multiple choice questions! <<Previous Next>> XHTML Interview questions and Answers 1. Define URL. 2. Explain the general layout HTML documents. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What are various list tags in HTML? What are the various text formatting tag in HTML? Explain anchor tag in HTML. What is image mapping in HTML? Explain meta tag in HTML.

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