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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No.

6 June 1982


Aly A. Mahmoud, Senior Member IEEE Department of Electrical Engineering Iowa State University Ames, Iowa

Richard D. Shultz, Member IEEE Department of Electrical Engieering University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois

Abstract - This paper presents a method for analyzing'charActeristic harmonic current propagation into an AC system. Frequency dependent models of AC network elements and loads have been developed for the appropriate range of frequencies. This methodology is applied to two different systems and the responsesof individual elements and the system as a whole were observed. The harmonic current flows in the systems appear to be related-to certain characteristics of the system and its elements. Input impedance at harmonic frequencies, the magnitude.of shunt capacitances on transmission lines, the size and location of the converters, and the representation of system loads are all found to be factors in cdetermining the magnitude of harmonic current flows in system elements.

During steady state operation the harmonic currents entering the AC network can be considered as being generated from ideal current sources. The entire system can then be modeled as an assemblage of passive impedance elements with currents being injected at sources' locations. The impedances representing the network elements must, of course,. be modified for each harmonic frequency. Once this is accomplished, they may be assembled 'into a bus impedance matrix. The current being injected into the passive system at the converters may then be used to determine the.harmonic currents flowing on each element. This approach requires a knowledge of which harmonics are being generated and the magnitude of the currents being injected.
To assemble the elements of a system into a bus impedance matrix at each harmonic, a frequency dependent model for each element must be developed.

Power system harmonics are known to be generated by a number of sources in the power network. Harmonics generated.by large synchronous machines are limited by In the past, existing standards and are negligible. load generated harmonics were neglected, and in some cases fed from special substations or through filters. Loads were mostly leaner with very limited nonlinear characteristics. Recently, however, the nature of the load has changed drastically due to energy conservation methods and the application of solid state devices in motor control. Loads are becoming highly nonlinear in characteristics with.a significant increase in primarily current harmonics. Cogeneration and the new national solar requirement for interconnecting small wind and units to the system is another source of serious current harmonics. 'Since most.of the solid state devices used in.conjunction with loads yields periodic and even current waveforms, one can-assume that the harmonic gener-, ated by these sources are of the characteristic type. Characteristic current harmonics are also known to be generated f.rom DC link converters. However, such harmonics are usually suppressed by the use of special filters at each converter terminal. With the increase in cogeneration and solid state application, larger quantities of harmonic currents are

Transformers A good model for. determining resonance in a transformer would be one which represents every turn of the winding and included all turn to turn inductances and capacitances. Complete representations of every turn is not practical and cannot be justified. McNutt et al. [1] suggested a much simpler model by lumping 'of successive elements. This model is shown in Figure l(a) and includes sections of leakage inductances with interwinding capacitances and capacitance to ground for each section. If a steady state AC signal is applied to the model in Figure l(a), the circuit can be simplified as shown in Figure l(b).

present very important.and serious problems. To determine the impact of these harmonic flows on the distribivtion and transmission network, the magnitude of harmonic currents flowing in all the elements of the power network must be calculated. In this paper, a method for determining the propagation of characteristic harmonic currents into the power network is developed.

transmission network. The effects of these harmonics on.cables, generators, transformers and other loads re-

expected to be injected

into the AC distribution'





81 TD 700-4 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE PES 1981 Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 20-25, 1981. Manuscript submitted March 31, 1981; made available for printing July 14, 1981.

Fig. 1.


(b) (c) (d)

(a) Sectionalized model of

transformer. Steady state simplification. First resonance simplification. Final model with all elements.

Transformer models.

0018-9510/82/0600-1815$00.75 1982 IEEE

the model of Knowing the impedances shown in Figure 1(b), the resonant frequencies of the transformer could be calculated. Reference [1] reports test results on resonances in transformers which have been observed in industry. For a typical extra high voltage transformer, the first resonance occurred in a range from 7kHz to 15kHz. This study is focused on investithe gating harmonics up to the fortieth term. Since fortieth harmonic is only 2.4kHz, only thefirst resonance of a transformer is of interest in this analysis. For the frequency range which is of interest, less than 3kHz, the input impedance has a positively sloped linear relationship with frequency. To increase the accuracy of the transformer model a magnetization branch is added.

where ra Deq

ra +


l(r- + ln



frequency dependent line resistance to phase current cube root of the product of the distance between all conductors
the negative

If complete transposition is assumed, sequence impedance also equals Zl-


Transmission Lines
Transmission lines should be represented by the long line model with modifications for tise at frequencies greater than 60 Hz. The long line model uses the following series impedances and shunt admittances.
, Zw
= =

When harmonic currents flow from the network into the stator windings of a generator, they create a flux rotating at a speed greater than the speed of the rotor. Thus the harmonic currents react with both the direct and quadrature axis inductances. This is very similar to the action of negative sequence currents in a synchronous machine. In reference [6], the average inductance seen by negative sequence currents and, therefore' harmonic currents can be approximated by

Z sinh yQ )

(1) (2)


L$I + Li


2 where


2tanh 2




direct axis subtrasient inductance

quadrature axis subtransient inductance

Y = rEr Z = zQ
= =


z y = shunt admittanceof line/mile

length of transmission in miles series impedanceof line/mile

As frequency increases, the skin effect begins to dominate the resistance. Stevenson [5] presents a method of determining the AC resistance of a round conductor as a ratio to its DC resistance.

,mr ber(mr)bei' (mr)-bei(mr)ber' (mr)



(ber'(mr))2 + (bei'(mr))2


Ro = DC resistance of conductor.

Thus, the AC resistance is obtained by equations a function of the DC resistance and frequency. The self inductance of a conductor is composed of an internal inductance and an external inductance. The internal inductance is dependent on the current The internal and distribution in the conductor. external self-inductances of a conductor are defined by Anderson [61 as

(1) and (2) as

Loads are difficult to accurately represent; however, they can be approximately modeled by making Berg [7] proposed that the proper assumptions. parallel induction motors could be combined into an equivalent single machine for sixty cycle analysis. This representation was modified to more accurately model the motor with harmonic current being injected. The equivalent motor with modifications and a parallel shunt resistance was used to represent loading at a bus. All the reactive power was assumed to be conThe real sumed in the reactances of the machine. power was divided between the shunt esistor and the resistance of the equivalent motor. The division of the power was determined from a knoi: dge of the types of load present. Knowing the amount of power flowing into a bus and the percentage of that power which can be represented as purely resistive, the value of the shunt resistor can be determined. An equivalent circuit of the equivalent induction motor is shown in Figure 2(a). With a 60 Hz source the machine can be represented fairly accurately by the approximate equivalent circuit in Figure 2(b). The hysteresis and eddy current resistance is frequency dependent and must be corrected for each harmonic. x2 xl r xl x2 rl


= =

(ln 2t -1\r


r, xi









given by



4 /ber(mr)ber'(mr)+bei(mr)beI'(mr) Li ~~~_(5) mr (ber?(mr))2+(beil(mr))2 Lio



Fig. 2. Load models.



internal DC inductance

(d) (a) Model of equivalent induction motor. (b) Approximate model of equivalent induction


mile of a transmission line as shown in reference [6], the frequency dependent positive sequence impedance is

Deriving the positive sequence impedance per

(c) High frequency model of equivalent induction

Final load model.

1817 As frequency increases, the slip of the machine increases causing rl and r21s to become negligible compared to xl and x2 in Figure 2(a). Therefore, at higher frequencies Figure 2(c) can be used to represent the induction motor. It is also reasonable to choose xl and x2 to be approximately equal. xm can be approximated to equal 35xl. At sixty hertz, one can estimate the magnetizing current to be thirty per cent of the total current entering the motor. It is also assumed that at sixty cycles, the current flowing in rL is negligible compared to the currents flowing in Therefore, the xm and x2 of Figure 2(a) and 2(c). reactive power consumed by the motor at 60 Hz is _ 3 =





Zml Zm2...... Zmn Znl Zn2Z**0*nn

= =

IL -





I2 X1 + (.3I)2Xm + (.7I)2X2 I2 X1 + (.3I)2 35X, + (.7I)2

I2 X1 (1 + 3.15 + .49)
4.64 I2 X1



the system at node m =harmonic voltage at node i

magnitude-of harmonic current entering

transfer impedance between nodes i and j driving point impedance at node i

Therefore the harmonic voltages are




IL Zim


I = current entering motor, Qm = reactive power consumed

Relating V, I, Pm, and Qm,




where i is an integer from one to n. Since the impedance matrix and IL change for each frequency, the Knowing -the, harharmonic voltages will also vary. monic voltages at every node, it is possible to determine the harmonic current flow on any link. (2 Vj - V

4.64(p,2 +

Qm m '-


(% 2)





I jk
V Vk


Since in Figure 2(c) Xm equals 35X2, the parallel combination of these two approximately equals Xl. The final representation of loads is shown in Figure 2(d) with sixty cycle impedances defined above.


harmonic current flowing on link between nodes j and h harmonic voltage at node j harmonic voltage at node k impedance of link between nodes j and k

Other Systems Elements All other elements, such as line inductor and capacitor banks are assumed to be pure elements with That is, they constant inductance or capacitance. will vary directly or inversely with frequency depending on the element.


If there. is more than one converter in the system, the harmonic current in each element is calculated for each source separately. All the currents associated with a particular element are then summed vectorially. In order to obtain the proper phase angle for the currents, it is necessary to know which phase relationship of the harmonic sources.
The first system which was selected for study was a small test system with a single largeharmonicsource. The second system was a much larger system with two identical medium sized harmonic sources. The response of the large and small systems may be compared for simi-

Since the modified. for each additional impedance9 impedances of. a power system change for each frequency, it is necessary to assemble an impedance matrix for each harmonic frequency present.

Several well known algorithms are in use today to assemble an impedance matrix of a known system. In each. of these algorithms, the system is assembled starting with a single impedance and adding one impeThe impedance matrix is dance line at a time.


Harmonic Current Flows in Elements

with twenty Five generating units connected at two busses were also included. A one line diagram of System I is shown in Figure 3. The are 345 kV. Busses one through six of Figure 1 pulse harmonic source was simulated by a single six The converter was rated at 1500 MW at converter. 400 kVDC. It operated at a delay angle of 15 degrees. were When loads were included in the analysis, they added at eleven busses and totaled 2,133 KW and 537 KVAR.

The magnitudes of the harmonic currents generated and the impedance matrices for the various

transmission lines and six transformers.

System I


nineteen busses

frequencies present are obtainable from system and For these converter data which is normally known. harmonics, the reference node for the impedance matrix will be at ground potential. The harmonic voltages at each node in the system may now be calculated. If a converter were placed at node m of an n node system, the matrix equation for the harmonic voltages would be



z 25 _



~ ~ 1


0 0




Fig. 3. One line diagram of system I.
Fig. 4.

Harmonic Current Flow

System I was first studied with the converter located at bus one and without loads being represented. It was observed that the four 345 kV lines connected directly to bus one carried the largest harmonic currents at all frequencies. The sixty cycle data for these lines is given in Table 1. The magnitude of the harmonic current flowing on each of these lines varied significantly as frequency changed. Table 2 lists the current at the middle of these four lines for the varied frequencies generated. Table 2 shows that for some cases, the magnitude of currents flowing on some of the lines exceed the value of harmonic current injected by the converter. This amplification of injected harmonic current may be more readily seen in Figure 4. In this graph the amplification of injected current on the four lines connect to bus one are plotted versus harmonic order. An oscillatory pattern of amplification for various harmonic orders is seen. All four of the lines shown on the graph seem to follow approximately the same pattern through the nineteenth harmonic. Although the magnitudes of the peaks vary, the frequency of the

8i13 1719 2325N HAR,MONIC ORDER


Amplification of current injected into system I at bus 1 on lines from bus 1 to the bus indicated with the system not loaded.

four graphs are very close for this range of harmonics. Beyond that range, however, the amplification factors seem to be much more individualistic of each line. The peaks no longer appear at the same harmonic and the frequencies for each graph are different. Loads were then.~~~ added to (3 system I and the harmonic current flows determined again. Table 3 gives the currents on the four 345 kV lines connected to bus 1 with the system loaded. Figure 5 shows the graph of injected current amplification with the system loaded. With system I loaded, the oscillations of the amplification graph are significantly damped for harmonic orders less than nineteen. However, the same general trends of increases and decreases can be observed. For both of these cases, the lines seem to respond differently at low and high order harmonics. Lower Order Harmonic

Transmission Line Data for System I.


Since the current flowing on a line is function of the impedance of that line and the voltage across that impedance, it is important to observe the voltage across these four lines and the series impedances of
of Subconductors
TABl .E HIX Haronic. sur-nt in Per Unit Flnwing on Lines tonsn-ed to Bus i of Systen with Loads Represented Ord er
Line 1-2 Line 1-3 Lse 1-4 Line 1-6

Node 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-6

ance(%)l ance(%)



tamiuc (%Z)
30.432 17 .436

IShtint Admit-

Voltage T evel(kV) 345 345 345 345

Length in Miles





1.803 1.035


36.23 20.78 46.16 50.8

2 2 2 2



13 .070 .055








.148 .325' .267 .582 |.454 .174 .126



.151) .155 .176




.007 .017


.078 .079 .068





.074 .043

.103 .009

.1IB .140 .004 .021


.147 .449


.144 .030 .324

.060 .020 .207 .063







All impedances are on a

lOOMVA base.

generate2.d | l





TABLE I I Harmonic Current in Per Unit Flowing on Lines Connected to 3us 1 of System I without Loads Being Represented.
Harmonic Order



13 .061 .049

.016 .014 .044 .144



25 .010




Line 1-2 Line 1-3 Line 1-4 1-6

.281 1.37 .079 .202 1.22 .101 .268 .769 .202

.468 2.69 2.97 1.88 .351 .791

.012 .067

.039 .115 .130 .179 .Ii8 .031

.040 .058



.046 .215X 266








.382 .064 .076 .039 .102 .635 1.12








the lines as they change with harmonic order. Examining Figure 4 for harmonic orders less than nineteen, it is observed that for the unloaded case the largest amplification of harmonic current occurs at the seventh order. Figure 6 shows that for these conditions the voltage across the terminals of the four transmission lines connected to bus one are maximums at the seventh harmonic. This could explain the large amplification of currents on some of the lines at this harmonic. It is noted that the voltage curves also follow the same patterns as the current amplification curves up to the nineteenth harmonic.









0 2.0

7.0 fL

1.5 1.0 .6
.6 .4 .2

I5G * * *;tXi
5 7 11 l3

Fig. 5.

Amplification of current injected into system I at bus 1 on lines from bus 1 to the bus indicated with the system loaded.


17 rH

Z3 2

29 31

it 37

The magnitude of harmonic voltage across the four 345 kV lines are shown in Figure 7 for the loaded case. The maximum magnitudes of the votlages are much less for the case with load representation. Comparing Figures 5 and 7 however, it is observed that the amplification curves for the four lines follow the same pattern as the corresponding voltage curves for the lower order harmonics. It appears that the harmonic voltage across the terminals of a transmission line is an important factor in calculating the current amplification at the lower harmonics. From Figures 4 and 5, it was learned that the major amplification of injected current for frequencies less than the nineteenth harmonic occurs at the unloaded seventh harmonic. These are also the conditions where the largest voltage appears across the lines observed. It is also interesting to note that there appears to be a correlation between the input impedance of the system at the converter and the voltages across the transmission lines. The input impedances of the system at the harmonic frequencies are plotted in Figure 8 for both the loaded and unloaded cases. All the impedances fall into a relatively close cluster with the exception of the seventh harmonic for the unloaded case. The magnitude of the impedance for this harmonic is well over three times the next largest impedance.




5 i


401 200


v) z


-60 L'-803

259 v23




Z -401-








17 24


-120-1 40



Fig. 6.

Magnitude terminals The lines and loads

of harmonic voltages between the of transmission lines in system I. are between 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, and 1-6 are not represented.

Fig. 8.
Input impedances at the various harmonics of system I with converter at bus 1 both with (2) and without (X) loads.

Higher Order Harmonics

:i CL
Ct) ui .1

0 ..-E ( (n

z cr F- .(
En Cf) u

0 .( f-Y


ti 0


ii I-,

3 __t* R7 9 23 2?


Fig. 7.

Magnitude terminals The lines and loads

of harmonic voltages between the of transmission lines in system I. are between 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, and 1-6 are represented.

For harmonic orders of less than nineteen, it appears that the harmonic voltage is a primary factor in determining the harmonic current flow. However, it was observed that beyond that order, the voltages across the observed lines play a lesser role in controlling the current. As previously mentioned, the current flow is a function of both the harmonic voltage and the impedance of the line. Therefore it may be interesting to investigate the series impedance of the lines as a funciton of frequency. The reactive part of the impedance begins to decrease in magnitude after the seventeenth harmonic. This continues until between the twenty-ninth and thirty-first harmonics, the reactance goes to zero and then goes negative. When this happens the harmonic current amplification on that line is very large. The amplification factor for line 1-6 in the loaded case approaches sixteen. The amplification factors for those lines which reach a zero reactance frequency are significantly larger for the loaded case than the unloaded at those harmonics. This is the opposite of conditions at the lower orders.


Also of much interest is the current flow on those elements of system 1 which are connected to bus one for the characteristic harmonic closest to the resonant frequency of line 1-6. Figure 9 shows the magitudes of these harmonic current flows with the In Figure 9, line 1-6 is very near system loaded. its resonant frequency. The current flow at the center of the line is approximately 15.6 times the current being injected by the converter. However the current at each terminal of that line is about onetenth of the injected current.




2).5 2.0 -



2 ")


008M H


0 r)(0 65





17 19

5 7


Fig. 11. Amplification of the current injected into system I at bus 7 on lines from bus 1 to the bus indicated with the system loaded.


I 1 (3

23 25

29 31

35 37

Fig. 9.

Magnitude of 31st harmonic current on elements connected to bus 1 of system I with converter at bus 1 and the system loaded.

Variations in System I Having observed the characteristics of the with the converter at bus one, it is of interest to learn the effects of moving the converter to bus seven, a 138kV bus. For most harmonic frequencies present, at least one of the 345kV lines carries as much current as any other line on the system. This was true for eight out of twelve harmonics with load representation and for ten out of twelve without the loads being represented. Two of the six cases where 345kV lines were not carrying the largest harmonic current, lines not directly connected to bus seven were carrying the largest flow. In some cases the amplification on these lines was greater with the converter at bus seven than at bus one. The amplification curves for lines 1-6 and 1-4 with the converter at bus seven are shown in Figure 10 and 11 for the



unloaded and loaded cases respectively. It is interesting to note that loading the system under these conditions not only damps the amplification curve at the lower harmonics, but also at the resonant frequencies. Thus, for the lower order harmonic, the presence of load seems to significantly damp the peak current flows. With the converter at bus one, the addition of load increases the harmonic current flow at resonance. With the converter at bus seven the resonant currents were decreasing when loads were added to the system. A system variation which would be of obvious interest is the effect of removing various transmission lines from the network. With the converter at bus one, lines were removed from several locations in the system. The removal of lines closest to the converter seemed to have the greatest effect. Lines relatively remote to the converter had much less impact. To illustrate this point, Table 4 lists the harmonic current flow on line 1-4 for two variations in the system. Also shown is the percentage change in the current flow for the two new operating conditions compared to the original system I flows. It is noted that for both variations, the changes in current for the harmonics with orders higher than nineteen are significantly less than most of the lower order harmonics.
SYSTEM II System I was a small network with a rather large harmonic source on it. This made it very useful for observing and analyzing the reaction of network elements to the characteristic harmonics generated. System II is a much larger network consisting of ninety-two busses, ninety-six transmission lines, thirty-three transformers, twenty-five generating units, and loads totaling more than 8000 MW and 4500 MVAR at thirty-five busses. It contains both twelve pulse converters of a DC link rated at 100 MW and 100 kVdc as harmonic sources. The sources are placed at 138 kV busses, 99 and 100 which are physically close but not directly electrically connected. This system will be helpful in determining the reaction of a large interwoven network to multiple medium sized harmonic sources.



z~~~~~6 .0 ,




I_I i
11 13
17 19
23 25
29 bI 35 3-7



Influence of Converters Size and Locations

The system was analyzed both with and without loads being represented. It was found that only at the lower order harmonics were the harmonic currents The magnitude of large enough to cause concern.

Fig. 10. Amplification of the current injected into

system I at bus 7 on lines from bus 1 to the bus indicated with the system not loaded.

Table IV Harmonic Current Flow on Line 1-4 with Variations in System I

Harm,onic Order

per usi: l Lines current flow 1-6 per cent change from removel fuall system


P .4097 i .j502




representation ~~~~~~
per unit

3l 2?e21ttO
.1159 ..lI


.ii5 0.7

1821 eighty and one hundred sixty six. The flow on the line for the unloaded case is almost fifteen per cent at the midpoint and exceeds fifteen per cent at one terminal. When loads were added to the system, the harmonic current flow on this line dropped to two per cent at one terminal and less than two per cent at the The current on line 80-166 and on other midpoint. lines in the immediate proximity are shown in Figures 12 and 13 for the unloaded and loaded cases respectively. While the addition of load did not result in a reduction in eleventh harmonic current on all lines, the larger current flows were significantly damped.


removed representation
Harmonic Order
Lines per unit clurrent flow per cent full systenm representation 23 5 05

7-25, 'and 7-12

ctia1nge fro4

per cent




2 7. 6%






I ol (06191





2 .290



35 .2465


(.0242) 151
( 24P1L2L ('02(.0619


1.1S4- .3564
, 1 " i V


(.0051) ~





1-6 removed

clhange from

1.2 66
01 0819)




(1564) (.1478)


tines 7-25,

c~cuPrrenUt hftow
per cent

0 48 0

4 4 t

i02 u633



chanoe 4rom and full 7-12 11 senstemn s >s t em uf 7~12 rennvedJ representation

1 1,


1 1 e'



Fig. 12. Magnitude of 11th harmonic in a section of system II without load representation.

This could be a direct result of the smaller converters used in system II and, therefore, smaller harmonic currents being injected at the converters. Three lines in System II reach resonant frequency at less than 2.4kHz. However, the combination of a small injected current and the relative proximity of the actual resonant frequency to the closest harmonic frequency present prevent the presence of any extreme current flows on these lines due to this resonance. It is important to note the locations of the relative to the rest of the system. The sources middle of in the harmonic sources were placed Most of the 138kV transmission the 138kV network. lines are relatively close to at least one of the The EHV transmission lines lie on the converters. outskirts of system II. These lines are, therefore, In several of sources. relatively remote to the the cases studied, however, the largest harmonic current flow in the system was on a 345kV transmission line. Combining both the loaded and the unloaded cases, a 345kV line carries the largest current in 38% of the cases up through the twenty-fifth harmonic.

currents flowing in the network elements for harmonic frequencies greater than the twenty-fifth harmonic were less than one tenth of one per cent for all but a few exceptions. The current flow for these exceptions was found to be less than one half of one per cent.



(.0091 '009i11

tO (Z.003l979 our l.

i152001j (.0200-) 10)58~'1




(@0242).(0t E4o1(.071 (.00391'

1,t~ so31K 7




(.02001 "

1.0981) (01641

01141 H100?11 ')1



Fig. 13. Magnitude of 11th harmonic in a section of system II with loads represented. Input Impedance
In system I there appeared to be a relationship between larger harmonic current flow at lower order harmonics and input impedance. It also appears that the same relationship is present in system II. The magnitude of the input impedance at busses ninety-nine and one hundred for the unloaded system at the eleventh harmonic are much greater than the input impedances at any other harmonic for any conditions. These are the conditions which also resulted in the largest current flows in system II. The input impedances for busses ninety nine and one hundred are plotted in Figure 14 for the lower order harmonics present. At both terminals the eleventh loaded, thirteenth loaded, and thirteenth unloaded impedances have approximately the same magnitude. The unloaded eleventh input impedance, however, is shown to be signfificantly larger. It is interesting to note that when the system is changed from unloaded to loaded the input impedance at bus one hundred, the converter bus which is very close to line 80-166, decreases by a factor of 7.9 for the eleventh harmonic. The current on line 80-166 decreased by a factor of 7.7 when load was added.

Effects of Loading
Also observed is the fact that loading system II universal effect on the harmonic current flow on the lines. Sometimes it increased the current flow In all cases except and sometimes it decreased it. the eleventh harmonic which will be discussed later, Adding loads caused a it had no drastic effect. change in all the currents, but the effect was never enough to raise the current flow to near one per cent for these harmonics. The largest harmonic current flow for system II occurred at the eleventh harmonic with the system not With these conditions the current flow was loaded. relatively large throughout the system. The largest flow was on a 138kV line which was close to the converter at bus one hundred. This line connected busses





10 20 30 40 50 60

-10 -20



-30 -40 -

z50 _ <-60 -60~ ~ ~

w701 L


-20L -30' -40;-


20 30 40 50 60




_-8 0,

At lower frequencies, which are not near the resonance of system transmission lines, the effects of adding loads are varied. While the addition of load can result in either an increase or decrease in harmonic current flow, some general observations can be made. When the current flow on a line was small compared to the harmonic current being injected at the harmonic source, loading the system resulted in only a moderate change in current for that line. However, if the unloaded current on a line was relatively large, loading resulted in a significant damping of that current. Thus, the inclusion of load representation as modeled for this study definitely effected the critical harmonic current flows on transmission lines in the system.



2C L


- 350L-


Fig. 14. Input impedances of system II with converters at busses 99 and 100 with (-) and without (X) loads. (a) Input impedances at bus 99. (b) Input impedances at bus 100.

The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support made available by the Power Affiliate Research Program of the Iowa State University Engineering Research Institute. The authors also acknowledge the valuable contribution of Dr. C. Calabrese of Consolidated Edison during the progress of this study. REFERENCES


From the results of the two systems studied, it appears that harmonic current flow on system transmission lines can exceed the current injected by a harmonic source at any frequency. At lower order harmonics, the current flow seems to be associated with the magnitude of the input impedance at the harmonic source for that frequency. When, graphed, the input impedances tend to cluster in the right half of the impedance plane within 3ome boundary of the origin. If a frequency happens to have an input imnpedance whose magnitude is several times greater than this boundary, then large harmonic voltage and currents may be expected on some elements of the system . As the harmonic frequencies increase, the magnit,ude of the injected current decreases. Therefore, in order to obtain a large harmonic current flow at the higher orders, the amplification of injected current for a line would have to be very large. It was found that this happens when a transmission line reaches a resonant frequency. Only lines with very large shunt capacitance resonate at less than 2.4kHz. Therefore, cables and EHV lines are the most likely to carry larger higher order harmonic currents. However, even if a line does resonate at less than the fortieth harmonic, this is no guarantee that a large harmonic current will flow. If the resonant frequency of the line is not near a characteristic harmonic frequency of the harmonic sources, then the fact that the line resonates at less than 2.4 kHz may have little orno effect on the harmonic current flow. The relative location of the harmonic source to a particular line effects the amount of harmonic current flowing on that line. However, greater distance from the source does not always mean less current. This seems to be particularly true of the higher voltage lines. In system I, at some frequencies the current flow on some of the 345 kV line which was relatively distant from the converter was the largest in the system. Near resonant frequencies, the addition of loads to the system effects the harmonic current flow. For instance, the location of the harmonic source will influence the changes due to load representation. In system I, with the source at one location, the addition of load increased current flow at these frequencies, while at another location it resulted in a decrease.








W. J. McNutt, T. J. Blalock, R. A. Hinton, "Response of transformer windings to systems transient voltages," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-93, March/April 1974. R. C. Degeneff, "A general method for determining resonances in transformer windings," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-96, March7April 1977. Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East Pittsburgh, PA, 1974. W. D. Stevenson, Jr., Elements of Power Systems Analysis, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975. W. D. Stevenson, Jr., Elements of Power Systems Analysis, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962. P. M. Anderson, Analysis of Faulted Power Systems, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, 1976. G. J. Berg, M. M. Abdel Hakim, "Dynamic single unit representation of induction motor groups," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-95, January/February, 1976. A. G. Phadke, J. H. Harlow, "Generation of Abnormal Harmonics in High-Voltage AC-DC Power Systems, " IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-87, March 1968. H. Sasaki, T. Machida, "A New Method to Eliminate AC Harmonic Currents by Magnetic Flux Compensation-Consideration on Basic Design," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 'PAS-90, September/October 1971. A. Ametani, "Harmonic Reduction in Thyristor Converters by Harmonic Current Injection," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-95, March/April 1976.


Y h

Delay angle Ratio of internal AC inductance to internal DC inductance

Propagation constant



Harmonic order DC line current Harmonic rms current of order h in amps





Pm Qm
ra rL

Length of transmission line in miles External inductance of a conductor Internal inductance of a conductor Internal DC inductance of a conductor Absolute magnetic permeability Pulse number Per unit power consumed by equivalent
Per unit reactive


rms current in per unit


jnx1 V

V (KV)
R (Q)

consumed by equivalent






x2 y
yzr z


Radius of a conductor Line resistance to phase a current Core loss resistance of equivalent motor DC resistance of a conductor Resistive load parallel to equivalent motor Stator resistance of the equivalent motor Rotor resistance of the equivalent motor Overlap angle Magnetizing reactance of the equivalent motor
Stator reactance of equivalent motor Rotor reactance of the equivalent motor Shunt admittance of a transmission line per Long line model equivalent shunt admittance Series impedance of a transmission line per Long line model equivalent series impedance


0.1 R; representing transformer leakage reactance in series with resistive load.

Fig. A. Load Model A



v 2 ( KV )
LOAD (MW) x0 .2

0.1 R


Discussion K. Murotani (Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. Kyoto, Japan): The authors are to be appreciated for their valuable works on the harmonic analysis. The author's model shown in Fig. 2(d) is very informative for us, because we believe that the most important factor of the harmonic analysis is how to represent the load characteristics. We would like to know if this model has already been confirmed by field measurements in some actual substations. The discussor's procedure for the harmonic distribution calculation is similar to the author's one except following points; 1) The transformer's and generator's impedance Zn at n-th harmonic frequency is expressed just like Zn = ro (I + 0.1 In1.5) + jnXl r O: DC resistance where 0.1ron1 .5 frequency-dependent resistance term determined from measurements Xl: leakage reactance for transformers, and negative sequence reactance for generators at fundamental freThe frequency-dependent resistance of the electric machinery is believed to be more important than the magnetization branch as shown in Fig. 1(d). 2) Load modelling includes several difficult factors. Some examples coming from our experiences are shown in Fig. A and Fig. B. In Fig. A, the load is simulated as a resistor in series with a reactor representing a transformer leakage reactance. In Fig. B, the load is assumed to be composed of 80% induction motor load and 20% resistive load. The induction motor is represented there as the reactance obtained from a lock test, which is on average 30% based on its rating. Fig. C shows the example of a comparison between the measurement and the calculation, which are in good agreement with each other. The field measurement has been done at the 275kV substations in one of the Japanese utility systems where 22 generators are included with the total capacity of 6500MVA in about 30,000 km area. The total number of nodes, branches, and harmonic current sources in the analytical model are 97,210, and 53, respectively. The harmonic current sources are assumed to be diverted in the whole system.



Fig. B. Load Model B

without AC filter

Theoretical values





Node Number

(3 8~

Fig. C. 5-th harmonic voltage on 275kv buses. (measured in Oct., 1980)

Manuscript received November 13, 1981.


A. A. Mahmoud and R. D. Shultz: The authors would like to thank Mr. Kaneyoshi Murotani (Nissin Electric Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) for his very informative discussion. As our results indicate, there is no doubt that the magnitude and order of the harmonics in a power system are significantly affected by incorporating load models. Thus, harmonic analyses and their accuracy will depend on the load model used in the simulation. With respect to our load model, we would like to mention that laboratory experiments on 2 to 5 HP machines appear to justify the model presented. Grouping of various machines have been dealt with in a number of other publications (1-6). Although we are currently in the process of evaluating some actual field substation measurements, analysis of such field data is proving very difficult. This is due to the large number of variables that controls a substation load. Regarding the other remarks stated by Mr. Murotani, we would like to offer the following observations. 1. We still believe that the transformer and generator models presented in our paper are adequate models for the frequency range below 2400 Hz. However, the discusser points out correctly that both the transformer and generator models should contain frequency dependent resistances. We also agree that the frequency-dependent resistance of electric machinery may be important and should be incorporated in second generation models. We believe, however, that a magnetization branch including eddy currents and iron losses should be included. 2. The load models used by the discusser appear to be based on experimental data. These models, however, do not appear to be applicable at higher order harmonics. At higher frequencies the total load impedance presented in Models A and B will be very high and thus the normal load damping effect would be negligible. Thus while models A and B may very well be applicable at the 5th and 7th harmonics, they should be modified for higher frequencies. For instance, the load could still be presented as the discusser suggests, but parallel R-L combination is used. This will insure the inclusion of the critically important damping effects of

the load on the harmonics and their propagation. Finally, we would like to add our voice to that of the discusser to emphasize that there is a need for improved power system models that are applicable for harmonic frequencies up to at least the 50th harmonic. There is no doubt that there is a need for a second generation transformer, machine and load models beyond what we and the discusser have presented.

1. F. Roohparvar, A. A. Mohmoud, J. Hanania, "Multi-machine modeling of a group of three-phase induction miotors," Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Energy, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 1981. 2. J. Hanania, A. A. Mahmoud, Al Day, F. Roohparvar, "Induction motor group representation by variable speed-dependent reactance model," Midwest Power Symposium, Urbana-Champaign, 1981. 3. M. M. Abdel Harkim, G. J. Berg, "Dynamic single unit representation of induction motor groups," IEEE Transacitons on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-95, January/February, 1976. 4. G. J. Berg, P. Subramaniam, "Induction motor load representation," Paper A 79 492-2 Presented at the IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 15, 1979. 5. C. P. Arnold, E. J. P. Pacheco, "Modelling induction motor startup in a multi-machine transient-stability programme, Paper A 79 492-0 Presented at the IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 15, 1979. 6. F. Iliceto, A. Capasso, "Dynamic Equivalents of asynchronous motor loads in system stability studies," Paper T 74 117-8 Presented at the IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, N.Y,, January 27, 1974.
Manuscript received November 13, 1981.

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