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Feminism is a philosophy based on collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic,

and social rights for women. Besides, feminism looks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girl or boys; it is a revolution that includes everyone who wishes the world to be equal without boundaries. There are several things that we do not know about this philosophy. Feminism is divided into three major types. Firstly, Conservative feminism, it criticizes the feminism which "adopts a male model of careerism and public achievement as female goals"; they fear that "equality means death to the family." Secondly, Liberal feminism, it sees all people as equal, therefore there should be equality for all; they see sexism as dysfunctional. Thirdly, Socialist Feminism, it links women's oppression to the class structure, they see sexism as a way of rewarding the working class male; it gives them control over women. There is a difference between feminism and womanism. Feminism is an established movement. Its first efforts are centered mostly on women's suffrage and other political issues, granting women the right to equality. And it is also focused on cultural inequalities, reproductive rights and social disparities. On the other hand, womanism is a term which grew because many activists felt that the feminist movement did not fully cover the situation of black women; sometimes womanism is used referring to black feminism. When feminists push for change and attention to social issues, womanists focus on racism and class oppression. Men also play an important role within feminism. They are emerging more and more each time. For example, Luis Bonino, who scored a number of what he calls micromachisms, mechanisms used by men today to maintain their privileged position within the couple, is one recognized men within feminism. Other good example is a psychologist called Andres Montero says that the men who assault women are not sick, they are normal people, "The children are recipients of such violence but receive no slap and I am going to fight against it in my own way. These two are good examples to illustrate how men are also included in this movement. By general definition, feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is also considered as a movement for social, cultural, political and economic equality

of men and women. It is a campaign against gender inequalities and it strives for equal rights for women. Feminism can be also defined as the right to enough information available to every single woman so that she can make a choice to live a life which is not discriminatory and which works within the principles of social, cultural, political and economic equality and independence.

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