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[Tutorial] Install Alfresco into Eclipse Hi, I wrote a document about setup Alfresco into Eclipse and run

it. It is more detailed than what I found on Alfresco website and maybe it can help. Don't hesitate to help me improve this document. old">STEP by STEP TUTORIAL TO SET UP ALFRESCO IN ECLIPSE + BUILD AND LAUNCH ALFRESCO old">

PART 1 : SET UP ALFRESCO IN ECLIPSE 1 ) Install the plugin Subclipse in Eclipse

2 ) Help > Software Updates > Find and Install ...

3 ) select Search for new features to install

4 ) select New Remote Site Name : Subclipse URL : http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x 5 ) follow until install Subclipse

PART II Get Alfresco from SVN create a directory called ALFRESCO_SVN into the directory workspaces of Eclipse

open Eclipse by selecting ALFRESCO_SVN as workspace directory

click : File > New > Project > SVN > Checkout Projects from SVN

choose Create a new repository location and use this URL : svn://svn.alfresco.com

Select the alfresco folder and click Next

Choose : Check out as a project in the workspace and click finish

old">III) Setup Eclipse create a directory called ALFRESCO into the directory workspaces of Eclipse and switch Eclipse to this directory Select : File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace In the dialog box select Select Root Directory and choose the directory /workspace/ALFRESCO/alfresco/HEAD/root/projects

Select all the projects except the ones starting with SDK (you don't need them to build Alfresco). Verify Copy projects into workspace is unchecked Click Finish When the import is finished build the workspace (note : after the compilation I had 42 errors, they didn't avoid the building of alfresco for me). old">PART 2 : BUILD AND LAUNCH ALFRESCO old"> 1) Install TOMCAT 5.5.x ( and not TOMCAT 6.x ) catalina.sh has to be modified to avoid Out of Memory exceptions. Modify the line : JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager" by the line :

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -X MaxPermSize=256m Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager" old">2) Install ImageMagick It is necessary if you are using Linux. I don't know for Windows. I use Ubuntu and ImageMagick is present in the repositories. old">3) Setup Mysql Launch Mysql. Create a database called alfresco (using PhpMyAdmin for example) and in a SQL editor execute : grant all on alfresco.* to 'alfresco'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by 'alfresco' with grant option; grant all on alfresco.* to 'alfresco'@'localhost' identified by 'alfresco' with grant option; old">4) Add a missing jar Copy rt.jar (you can find it in jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib) into workspace/ALFRESCO_SVN/alfresco/HEAD/root/projects/3rd-party/lib

old">5) Setup Ant into Eclipse Note : it's a copy and paste from Alfresco website You can run the Ant targets mentioned above from within Eclipse. Firstly, you need to complete the following setup: Create a new Simple Project (not a Java Project). I call mine Ant. 1.Right click on the Ant project and select New > File. 2.Click the Advanced button. 3.Select the option Link to file in the filesystem. 4.Browse for the build.xml file. If you expanded to c alfresco you need to browse to c

alfresco\common, select build.xml and click the Open button. 5.Enter build.xml in the File name field. 6.Click Finish. You should now see a link to build.xml in your Ant project. Double-click the file to see the contents. Eclipse also has several options to allow you to run targets in the file. One way is to use the Outline window as it shows you all the targets in the project. Find the target you want to run and right click. Choose Run As > Ant build. If you get errors because the environment variables, like TOMCAT_HOME, are not defined, then you can define them via Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties and add env.TOMCAT_HOME old">5) Compile and deploy Alfresco Right click build.xml and choose Run As > Ant Build old">6) Access Alfresco launch tomcat access Alfresco at http://localhost:8080/alfresco user : admin, password : admin

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