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100A PS6
Author: Eric Emer March 1, 2013

Collaborators: None.


Problem 5-2

+1 We see that an an L and L < 1. Therefore, we can quickly see from the Sequence Location an+1 Theorem that an < 1 for n 1. Therefore, it follows that if this ratio is less than one, it must be that an+1 < an for n 1. By denition, this means that {an } is monotonically decreasing.


indirect proof

Proof. We have just shown that {an } is monotonically decreasing. We also know that it is bounded below by 0 from the problem statement. For the sake of contradiction, we can assume that {an } has some limit limn an = P , where P = 0. We see that in this case, it would also be true that limn an+1 = P . It follows from the Quotient Theorem that: an+1 P = =1<1 n an P lim This is a contradiction, because the problem statement says that limn 1.2.2 direct proof > 0, we know that there exists some N such that: n > N = | an+1 L| < an
an=1 an

= L < 1.

Proof. Given

Putting the terms over a common denominator, we get: | an+1 an L |< an

an+1 an L < an an+1 < an + an L an+1 < an ( + L) We see a pattern,

an+2 < an+1 (L + ) an+3 < an+2 (L + ) Substituting, we get: an+2 < an (L + )2 which can be generalized to: an+k < an (L + )k We choose proof: suciently small such that L + < 1. This provides us with the conclusion to the

0 < lim ak lim (L + )k an

k k

0 < lim an 0

By the Squeeze Theorem, we conclude that as n , an 0.

Problem 5-5
> 0, we can see that:

Proof. We have the sequence an which is convergent and an L. Given |an L| < Therefore, it is obviously also true that: |an+1 L| < for n 1 for n 1

L < an < L + L < an+1 < L + We are told that bn is between an and an+1 . This means that one of the two following cases are true: an bn an+1 an+1 bn an For case 1, it would follow that: L < an bn an+1 < L + L < bn < L + For case 2, it would follow that: L < an+1 bn an < L + L < bn < L + So we see that, in fact, it is the case that bn L for n be proven. 1. This conrms that bn L, as was to (1) (2)

Exercise 6.2 #2

Proof. We are given a nite set of values, a1 , a2 , . . . , ak . Let us suppose for the sake of contradiction that xn does not have any cluster points. We know that xn is an innite sequence, where n . We can see that xn = ai for a nite number of values of n. It must be that xn {a1 , . . . ak } for a nite number of values of n. However, there are an innite number of values of n. We know that: = |xn | > k where |xn | represents the number of elements in the sequence (it is innite). We can apply the pigeonhole principle. There are |xn | = pigeons and k pigeonholes. It follows that more than one value of xn for dierent n must occupy the same ai . This is a contradiction to our assumption that xn does not have any cluster points. xn must therefore have a cluster point.


Exercise 6.3 #1

bn = cos2 an Because sequence this is a function of cos2 we know that it will be bounded above by 1 and bounded below by 0 regardless of what the sequence an is. Therefore, by the Bolzano-Weierstrauss theorem, bn must have a convergent subsequence.


an bn = 1+ an Suppose that:

an = n2 1 + an an = n2 + an n2 an (1 n2 ) = n2 an = n2 1 n2

Examining bn = n2 , we see that for our chosen an , bn is not bounded. Therefore, it does not contain a convergent subsequence.

bn =

1 1+|an |

This sequence is a fraction whose denominator is always greater than the numerator. The value of bn is always positive. Therefore, we determine that bn is bounded below by 0 and bounded above by 1. Once again, by the Bolzano-Weierstrauss theorem, we conclude that bn contains a convergent subsequence for any sequence an .

Exercise 6.4 #1

Proof. Suppose that {an } is a convergent sequence that converges to the nite value limn an = L. Given > 0, there must be some number N such that: |ak L| < , for all k > N 2 Then it follows that: |an am | = |an L + L am | |an am | < |an L| + |L am | + = for all n, m > N 2 2 Therefore, we see that an is a Cauchy sequence by the denition of a Cauchy sequence. |an am | <

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