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Olive Pedraza and Marie Phillips Mr.

Inman English II - 1A & 3A 28 May 2013 Julius Caesar Script INTRO Camera moves down from the sky and pans in on a stage (Literally the Castle Hills Stage) where Caesars funeral is taking place. Camera gets a good look at the body, and then Brutus comes up to speak.

Brutus My fellow Romericans! I understand that the loyal citizens of Rome held their Caesar in very high esteem, and they deserve an explanation for our actions. Bear with me now; I intend to give a complete, satisfying explanation, and Rome was not built in a day. I know that anyone who loved Caesar has the right to question my motives, and that question begs the answer that we slew him not out of lack of loyalty to Caesar, but out of love for the Roman Republic. Were he alive, Caesar would have his citizens as his slaveswould you citizens be slaves for him? Would you have this country suffer in integrity to preserve the life of Caesar? I argue that I only have offended those who enjoy servitude and despise our republic. To further prove my remorse, Ive allowed Antony to speak today as he mourns his friend.

Claps. Brutus exits. Antony enters.

Antony [Looks at the crowd for a moment before speaking] Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears! Today I will express my love of Caesar as he is to soon be interred and forgotten. It is known that Brutus is an honorable man and dedicated civil servant: even Caesar himself loved Brutus, and praise from Caesar is praise indeed. Brutus has just suggested that Caesar sought greater power, honorable as Brutus is, he says that Caesar wanted to have the people as his bondmen, yet Caesar did nothing but serve the people during his lifetime. He conquered people in the name of Rome and rejected three times a crown. If I might say, friends, this seems like Caesar loved his

people very much, yet Brutus, honorable as he is, insists that he would betray us [Close to tears] Excuse me. [Turns away but gives a curious glance to the crowd.]

Shot on Brutus and Cassius. Crowd boos. Brutus looks stunned and Cassius gives him an I told you so look. Brutus runs and then Cassius runs with him. Shot on Castle Hills Tower. Next Shot inside tower. Antony and Octavius (a teddy bear) are up there discussing battle plans. Antony Alright, Octavius. Were in charge of Rome now. However, Brutus and Cassius are building up armies in Sardis. We must rise our own immediately. And when we attack, Ill go on the right and youll go on the left.

Shot on Octavius. What? What do you mean youll go on the right? Why would you cross me at such an urgent time?

Shot on Octavius. Camera zooms into his pupil, black transition, and zoom out from Brutuss eye and stops at his face.

Brutus Cassius, we need to talk.

Shot of Brutus and Cassius going inside tent. Shot in tent. Brutus So I hear youve been giving offices to undeserving men in exchange for gold. Cassius What? You have some nerve to say that. I could kill you right now! Brutus Ha.

Cassius looks down knowingly.

Anyways, Im not only mad at you for that. You see, Im too pure to raise money unethically, so I need you to give me some of your money, so that I can pay my soldiers. Cassius Youre criticizing me for how I get my money, yet you want me to give you some of it. Brutus Precisely. Cassius [stairs at Brutus for a few a moment] Kill me.

Birds are heard. Brutus and Cassius look around. The birds tell us that were doomed to death. Brutus Well, I dont know about that, but I do know who is dead. Cassius Who? Brutus Portia. Cassius Your wife? Brutus Yep. She killed herself over this whole matter. Cassius You must be devastated. Brutus Yeah, she was the greatest wife you could ask for and, in a way, its kind of my fault that shes dead. But, a more honorable person just wouldnt care. Cassius [gives an annoyed look at Brutus for a moment] Anyway, Antony and Octaviuss army is heading to Philippi. Brutus Lets attack them there. Shot on sky. Text reads, And the battle begins. Camera comes down on Cassius and Titinius (a dog). Cassius Titinius, I can vaguely see troops over there. Go over there and see if theyre our army or the enemies.

Titinius exits. Strange noises (like barking or etc.) are heard off camera.

Oh no! What have I done? It sounds like Ive led Titinius, who was my best friend despite the fact that he wasnt introduced until the last act of the play, to his death!

Specific shot with Cassius stabbing himself. Brutus and Titinius enter. Brutus Cassius! Guess what? Even though Antonys army defeated yours, my army defeated Octaviuss! Ohyikes. Hey, buddy, you dont look so good. Cassius? [Pulls him up] Oh god! [Drops him] II guess theres only one thing left to do.

Shot on Antony. Shot on Brutus. Duel music. Wide shot on both of them. Antony has his sword sticking out. Brutus runs towards Antony. Closer shot when Brutus runs into Antonys sword. Close-up on Antonys confused face. Close-up on Brutuss dying face. Brutus collapses. Shot on Brutuss body. Different shot as Antony picks Brutus up and holds him. Antony He was my enemy, I hated him, and now Ive just defeated him. Yet, I believe, he was the noblest Roman of all.


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