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Petes Lesson Toolbox Sept 2012

Demonstrating progress/Benchmarking students 1. Text Write down all you know in starter and then again in the plenary to see improvement. 2. Post its As above and ask student to write these on coloured post-its. One three windows of your 19. classroom have the signs Not Sure, Quite Confident, Very Confident. Students put their first attempt underneath one of the signs for teacher to assess. After the learning activity they do the same thing with different coloured post-its. This should show students and teacher the 20. progress made following the session. 3. Mind Map Draw a mind map to show all that you know at the start. Add to this in a series of mini plenaries and at the end 4. Table Three columns What I know, What I have read about, What I know nothing about. Fill in at the start and then at the end 5. Criteria sheet Give a series of can do 21. statements as criteria and get students to rate their understanding at the start and at the end 6. Round the room Put up a series of criteria related to levels or grades. Ask students to state one thing they know and what level they think it is at the start and one thing at the end which they know is at a higher grade. 7. Airplanes and snowballs - Any of these techniques on a piece of paper make into a paper airplanes and thrown (sensibly) to another student. After the learning activity they open it up and add to it. Then 22. after next activity they scrunch into a snowball and do the same. Interactive (In groups or pairs) 23. 8. Table posters - model/diagram/concept written directly onto the table top with board markers 24. 9. Paper Fortune tellers Student make these and add questions to the outside, key words to the inside 25. and definitions under the inside. 10. Rainbow circling key word on sheet. Students add one branch to mind map and pass to neighbour. Goes round group twice, then students scores how many words are good/relevant. Sheets with the lowest score should be the topics which the students know the least about. 26. 11. SDOMPing - Scribble, Draw Or Make, Present a key term Groups of 3 1 person Scribbles related 27. words, 2nd person Draws associated pictures, 3rd person Makes a plasticene model to do with it, then 28. group present it all to rest of class who have to guess the original term. 29. 12. Talk-Listen-repeat - Face a partner and talk on a subject for 30 seconds (they might want to write it 30. down first). Now swap. Repeat trying to get more key words into the 30 seconds without looking at 31. their notes. 13. Ask the expert First half of the lesson pairs 32. produce posters on a topic (say a double page in a text book) then arrange the posters in a circle around the room one student stays with the 33. poster as the expert one goes round the room to 34. each poster collecting information. Then return to the pair to summarise the findings. 35. 14. Label Memory challenge - Pupils look at the 36. labelled version of a drawing and have to remember 37. the labels as they go back to their places, most labels wins. 38. 15. Duck, Duck, Goose Sit in a circle, one student walks around the circle saying duck, duck, duck etc. When they say goose the student they are next 39. to chases them round the circle back to their seat. If the chaser touches them on the back before they get to the seat they get they have to answer a 40. question correctly to get their seat back, if not the chaser gets a question. 41. 16. Flip chart paper around the room with a title Each student/team gets different colour pen all add what they know to each poster for 20 seconds then 42. move to the next poster. Gets harder and harder the more you move around the room. 17. Option based learning Get a statement or picture 43. with four plausible explanations. Students say why each one or false. Can be in groups or individually. Can be one or more correct answers students 44. identify through this process why this is. 18. Speed dating Ask pupils to write a list of ten 45. questions on a topic (you could give them each a page in the revision guide) Arrange the room in a circle with half the pupils inside and half outside

the circle. With a timer on the board of say 4-5 46. Team quiz correct answers are a score for their minutes the pupils ask each other their questions. team run over a number of lessons At the end of the 4 minutes either the outside or 47. Back 2 Back Student describes what they can see inside pupils move round one seat and repeat the other student can ask lots of questions but not look exercise. Pupils record the answers of the pupils at the same thing. Student 2 draws what they think they question and share the results at the end. student one sees. When finished compare two Speed dating AFL exercise After the speed pictures. dating exercise, ask the pupils to find the person General Lesson Activities whose questions were hardest. Get them to write 48. Make a point score system for each activity you set down what it was they were asking them about. The and tell students how many points they need to students will then get an individualised revision score before the end of the lesson topic on the areas they need to work on 49. Establish learning groups of your choosing are the Peer group learning exercise - Split group up into same for a long period of time ( a term, a year etc) 3s. Each group takes a topic to summarise on A3 throughout the year the groups always work paper. After only 20 minutes chose one person together which develops team working skills from each group to go to the next group (they are instead of asking them to form groups in a lesson the LEARNER) and learn about the topic they have for a task. summarised. The group have 5 minutes to teach 50. Include VARKI (Visual, Auditory, Reading, the topic to the learner. After 5 minutes you liaise Kinaesthetic, Interpersonal [discussion]) with the learner to find out what they have learned. 51. Multiple Intelligence lessons one target for kids to Timed Group work Teams of 4 have to create a reach in any way they like poster, each person has different coloured paper 52. Display a picture, students describe what it has to so you can see who has done what, each person is do with the topic given objects only they can use - Glue guy - only 53. Posters (one sheet of paper explaining the answer) one who can glue, Pen guy - only one who can 54. Power point (several sheets explaining the answer) write. Any paper left on the floor after certain time 55. Mind mapat the start/end of a topic each branch disqualifies them. If you lift the finished piece up a different colour, include diagrams and paper falls off they are disqualified. They have 56. Bingo (3x3 grid with key words) to work co-operatively so that the task can be 57. Design a worksheet or word search achieved. You can adapt it as they can be given 58. 3 statements on the board 2 true, 1 false students specialist equipment or separate bits of paper. say which is which You say we (dont) pay pictures on board behind 59. Students mark each others work highlighting how a student sat facing the group. The group describes they could improve their answers for student to guess 60. Students read aloud from book (sentence or Yes or No Students ask each other questions paragraph each) without saying yes or no 61. Design a practical/experiment Chinese Whispers using a concept, equation or 62. Use dry Pasta/packaging foam for modelling a statement concept Taboo 63. Odd one out/what to they have in common o Word TabooDescribe words without (pictures, diagrams, symbols) using key words 64. Write questions using key words from lesson o Letter TabooDescribe words without a 65. Write answer to question with a word number particular letter (e.g. certain vowels) minimum o Speed Tabooas above but kids run to 66. Sequencing (putting events/body parts/words etc you to get words, then back to their team in order) In groups come up with questions and then give to 67. Use the room to make a concept/thing other groups to answer 68. Make revision cards Bitesize web page on board answer questions in 69. True/False sentences groups feedback to group 70. Get students to mark a test Students become words and have to get into order / 71. Draw a flow diagram instead of taking notes Post-It notes on forehead to create a sentence 72. Boil it down (Summarize topic in 5 bullet points, Drama write a short play in which the characters then 5 words, then one word) discuss the topic 73. Draw a time line of events covered so far Snap matching statement on bits of paper face 74. Label a diagram or picture with a much information down kids find pairs as possible Group Snap Q + A on different cards to each pupil 75. Just a minute pupils talk for set amount of time each pupil find their pair without hesitation. Memory game students shown mindmap / picture 76. Rizla/post-it note game (post it notes on forehead / text / sequence, go back to group and draw/write students have to ask yes/no questions to work out what they can remember what/who they are) Charades act out key words or phrases 77. Write the questions to answers Splat answers on board, pupils smack the words 78. Loop card game/dominoes/tops and tails cards to answers questions which when joined complete a sentence or Scrabble using key words from lesson equation Concept as a drama/play 79. Concept as a cartoon strip Use the room to build a diagram/model, pupils are 80. Concept as a paper/card model the moving parts in the model 81. Make a simple board game which includes Snowball exercise - Students answer question, then questions on the topic get into pairs to get better answer, then fours to get 82. Mallets mallet/verbal tennis even better answer to same question 83. Read and Answer questions in the book! Diamond Nines students categories nine 84. Answer questions as labelled diagrams instead of statements or key words in a diamond nine shape full sentences according to your criteria 85. Kids do an activity marked by another child you Pictionary / speed Pictionary draw key words, liaise with marker team members guess what they are. 86. Students use coloured chalk to write notes on the Paper in a bucket students pick one then describe wall or floor outside brightens up the playground! key words, repeat whole exercise with same words ICT Specific/Web resources but act them out instead 87. Make a cartoon strip at Turn an uninspiring practical into a competition http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/ (who can get the highest, fastest, hottest, biggest 88. Make a mind map using freemind etc) http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main Give out cards with question on one and answer on _Page another kids find the person with the matching 89. Make a mind map online for other users to card contribute to - http://www.bubbl.us/index Beat the teacher Teacher completes any task but 90. Make a blockbusters game http://www.teachersincludes mistakes, students identify mistakes direct.co.uk/resources/quiz-busters/ Beat the teacher 2 You vs class they can ask 91. Online resources for classroom activities you any question from their revision guide but then http://classtools.net/ you can then ask them any question on the topic score on board

For updates email peteslessontoolbox@hotmail.co.uk

Copyright 2012


Random name picker fruit machine their hands, when they get to a full stop they punch 165. Model answers showing how to gain maximum http://classtools.net/main_area/template_loader.ph the air and shout Huh! (quite good with everyb ody points p/?fruit_machine was kiung foo fighting playing in the background 93. Go to bbc bitesize and revise the topic online 126. Look at information for 2 minutes cover up, write Videos/DVDs/MPEGs 94. Go to http://www.yacapaca.com and complete a down as much as you can remember 166. Questions on video fill in as video plays check test on your topic (it marks it for you!) 127. Ask students to remember definitions at the start of at the end 95. Timer for timed activities lesson, get them to write them out in exam 167. Video Bingo - have a list of key phrases to listen www.teachit.co.uk/custom_content/timer/clock3.ht conditions later out for on a card and students pay attention, ml 128. Concept Map - Stick key words onto A3 paper, link crossing them off as they go. Better for longer 96. Students record text on computer using audacity, them with arrows, write over the arrows how the clips, and the feedback is the students explaining import audio onto movie maker and illustrate with two words are linked the relevance of each one. pictures creating a movie to play back to class 129. Make a topic record from key words 168. Stop video every x minutes ask students to explain 97. http://www.voki.com/ allows you to create 130. Key words on board, students use to write video so far personalized speaking avatars paragraph 169. Short or small section of video(5min) -LISTEN to 98. Create a web page to share the work created by 131. Spelling Test on key words and/or peer marking video (can play with students facing away or with your class - http://voicethread.com/#home 132. In pairs, one pupil asks other to spell 5 words screen turned off), make notes as it plays, quick 99. Poster in Microsoft Word Do the title last, Type all beginning with a certain letter. Swap and change quiz, then watch video text first THEN add pictures letter 170. Alternative Watch the video with no sound after 100. General revision topics - http://getrevising.co.uk/ 133. Hangman using key words a set time students summarise what they think the 101. Download online videostreams 134. Learn definitions off by heart quick test film is about http://www.zamzar.com/ afterwards 171. Write a narration to a short film 102. Create motivational posters at 135. Anagrams of key words Extended Writing http://bighugelabs.com/ 136. Correct misspelled key words in paragraph on 172. A Letter to 103. Quizzes and games for most subjects at board 173. Imagine you are a http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/ 137. Cloze exercise 1 - printed text with missing words 174. Write a play about 104. Manipulate photos on your subject at to complete - differentiation by giving first letter 175. Write a description of http://www.dumpr.net/ 138. Cloze exercise 2 students write a paragraph with 176. Describe a journey from 105. Multiple choice quiz generator at missing key words for a partner to complete 177. Describe a day in the life of http://www.contentgenerator.net/multiplechoice/def 139. Pick out nouns, abstract nouns, adjectives etc 178. Predict what would happen if. ault.shtml 140. Word Relay in pairs next word starts with last 179. Write a diary entry by a person who... 106. Create word clouds out of text letter of last word 180. Write a set of instructions in order to http://www.wordle.net/ 141. Game using key words (charades, Taboo etc) 181. You are a news journalist writing about 107. Speed reading software that can flash up words at 142. Invent a Mnemonic/Acrostic for difficult words 182. Write conversation between people discussing the users speed to make reading more fun 143. Make a word search using key words Assessment for Learning http://www.spreeder.com/app.php 144. Tops and Tails/Dominos cards with half 183. Give test results relative to CAT/FFT indicators (+1,108. Make animated presentation on www.prezi.com statements or questions and answers on to get into 2 etc) 109. Get student to submit a question to the correct order 184. Students mark each others/their own tests http://www.cramster.com and get emailed an 145. Add own ending to sentences providing corrections answer 146. Classification of words groups words according 185. Students critically praise or analyse a presentation 110. Revision games on www.zondle.com to different criteria given by other students Literacy/Key words/DART(Directed Activities Relating to 147. Change style of writing for different audiences 186. Students compare their answers to model answers Text) your friend, famous person, child etc 187. Learning Squares A (2x2 grid in books What, 111. Get students to summaries something in 150 148. Unscramble sentences Where , When, How did you learn this lesson) words. Then get them to reduce this to 100 words, 149. Students write questions on key words in their 188. Learning Square B (2x2 grid in books What I did, then 50 words. partners book for them to answer What I learned, What I did well, What I need to focus 112. Cheat Cards pretend students are allowed to 150. From key words make a on) cheat in their next exam and they have to put the crossword/wordsearch/giant crossword where each 189. Learning Square C (2x2 grid in books What, key points of the lesson or topic on a scrap of pupil makes one word question Where & When, How, How can I improve how I paper they can hide in their pencil case. Limited 151. Look a piece of text 2 mins, take it away ask 5 learned today) space means that they only write the most questions. Give it back underline all the key words, 190. Learning Square D What was the point of todays important or harder stuff. take it away another 5 questions. Give it back lesson? How did you achieve it? How could you 113. Remove the words from a piece of text one at a underline 5 key sentences about the topic another improve the way you achieved it? How could you time so that it still makes sense. Keep going until 5 questions. At the end ask which is best method test whether you achieved it? no more words can be removed. for learning? 191. Learning Square E - Today I Learnt About Three 114. Reduce a piece of text to 6 words then use these 6 152. Use writing frame to organise thoughts (Bubble Key facts/ words I used are Future learning I need words to make a poem or a song quotes, comparison alley, starburst, sequencing, is I felt successful today because... 115. When asking students to read large amounts of info Tri pie, stair steps, Pros & Cons, Venn, Webb, Flow 192. Learning conversation Following the learning (journals etc.) get them to highlight the 5 most Chart) square- pupils find another person in the room to import key phrases only and rank them in order. 153. Key words on the board student say how words discuss their learning square. When they come Stops them highlighting everything are linked together back they describe themselves or the person they 116. Word pairs - pupils get two words or phrases and 154. Skim, Scan and then close read some text spoke to have to find similarities or differences between the answering questions on content each time the text 193. Learning Triangle (three old, two new, one future two is read learning outcomes written in a large triangle) 117. Dictagloss Students listen to some text three 155. Daft reading students take turn reading aloud 194. Write down one specific thing that will get them to st nd rd times. 1 Just listen, 2 take notes, 3 focus on reading a word each. Alternative could be students the next level/grade key words and phrases. Then give the group 10 who sit in a row reading a word each along the row 195. 10 minutes correcting pervious work in their book minutes to create a similar text. Discuss at the end until the end of the paragraph. based on your marking comments about language choices and share examples of Questioning Games reconstructions 156. Socratic questioning exploring the questions not 196. Door Game Correct answers to questions pupils 118. Take a model answer/piece of text read through it. changing to the next question why how, what are go to the door, whoever is at the door at the end of Then play word tennis. Then draw a picture which the reasons etc the game gets to leave first pupils can send represents the text adding only three key words. 157. Quiz Variations (door game, weakest link, who people back to their seats as well as save their Play word tennis again with the picture in front of wants millionaire, Killer, Students ask students friends harder questions are worth more people them. Then hide the picture and play tennis for the answer, slap board, answers on mini whiteboards, Crazy, but just might work third time who wants to be a millionaire) 197. Change the smell in room so kids remember a 119. Write a piece of text into an excel box then click 158. Pub Quiz in groups of 4, students answer certain lesson joss sticks, potpourri, air freshener, on the speak icon for students to hear the questions read out by the teacher. You can turn the deodorant, perfume, aftershave, scent sticks etc computer speak their words room into a pub! (No alcohol!) 198. Read half a story at the start to relax learners and 120. Look up Key words (underline, define from 159. Blockbusters (4x4 grid with first letters of key get them ready for learning and read the other half dictionary) words, first to cross the grid) at the end of the lesson 121. Write a sentence without saying certain key words 160. 5 answers to each question (How, Where, When, 199. Lesson inside a parachute (every PE dept has one). or letters What, Why e.g. do plants make glucose?) Pupils stand in a circle and hold the parachute in 122. Give sentence starters students complete 161. Teacher on the spot pupils ask demanding the air and pull it down behind them and sit on it. 123. Add key words to literacy book/key word list questions The will definitely remember your lesson 124. No Punctuation - Paragraph of text with no 162. Questions with answers written as drawings 200. Play music at the beginning of the lesson - kids to punctuation students have to add punctuation to 163. Fist of five students indicate understanding talk about how it might be connected to the lesson make sense of the paragraph based on how many fingers they are holding up on 201. Lesson in the dark! Lamps or torches per group to 125. No Punctuation Kung Foo As above but then read their fist 5= understand 0= dont understand see what they have to do to promote it out as a class. When students get to a comma Exam Technique communication (or chaos!) they have to shout out Hayah! and chop the air with 164. Go over single questions with 4 or more marks

For updates email peteslessontoolbox@hotmail.co.uk

Copyright 2012

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