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May 8, 2013 Honorable Chair Representative Chris Garrett, Vice-Chair Representative Wally Hicks, Vice-Chair Representative Val Hoyle,

Representative Bob Jenson, Representative Bill Kennemer, Representative Paul Holvey, Representative Phil Barnhart, Representative Vicki Berger, and Representative Michael Dembrow, I oppose HB3521 for the following reasons. Eliminates person choice of voter registration. Registers everyone without their consent. Declaring an Emergency eliminates the peoples rights to challenge this bill in a referendum. What is the EMERGENCY?? It is not fiscal responsible. The risk of linking the various computer systems with the voter rolls posses great security risks. We do not know the security risks. This proposal would involve many department data bases being combined. How will this be reconciled? Data sets do not align themselves easily. How many different departments, people will have access to this data? What evaluation has been done? There is a real security risk to consider here! I was reading today that Obamacare had a voter registration component to it. Will the legal requirements for health care information disclosures be violated? Rather than citizen responsibility for their own data registration process (which now carries a felony penalty for supplying false information) all the focus will be on correcting the errors and that another agency is submitting. This is an unknown financial risk and muddies the water on who gave or collected the information. This bill automatically adds people to the public record which will disclose their address to the general public, although they have 2 weeks to correct this error, some will be missed. It does not limited government. This expands the right of the government over fundamental rights and responsibilities of the citizens. Registering to vote is right, unless you are: not a citizen, a felon in prison, under 17 years of age, and do not consider Oregon your home. Some people do not want to register. They do not want their information in the public domain. It does not promote government closest to the people. This eliminates the work of the County Clerk registration efforts to clean their voter rolls. Doubles the size of the precincts from 5000 membership to 10,000. It does not correct registrations of dead people on the voter rolls. During my testimony before this committee for HJR 8 regarding Mr. Robert McCullough voter registration research study regarding deceased voters in Oregon. Which found 877 matched with the Social Security Master Death List on the voter rolls inactive and active. 381 had been there more than 5 years, some as long as 19 years. 92 were listed as active voters Ballots were turned in for people on the Social Security Master Death List. Mandatory voter registration will not correct registrations of dead people on the voter rolls, it will just add more problems. This bill does not identify what constitutes citizenship documentation. How will citizens be identified? Even the Oregon Census could not get closer than plus or minus 12,095 non citizens for 2011. This is a huge problem for close elections. Citizenship collection data is not defined. Is it an attestation that the person is a citizen, a social security number (which non citizens can get)? These are the weak Voter Registration requirements currently, both of which a non citizen could commit fraud

very easily. It should be real ID, ie Passport, Birth Certificate, or Naturalization papers? We need to know these answers. In looking up Non citizens on the Oregon 2011 data set, I found the following for number of non citizens. 231,809 with a plus or minus margin of error of 12,095 people. http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml? pid=ACS_11_1YR_B27020&prodType=table

Further the scholarly white paper Mandatory Voter Registration: How Universal Registration Threatens Electoral Integrity by Hon von Spakovsky of the Hertiage Foundation give the following concerns. Key Points
1. Mandatory voter registration (previously termed universal registration) could significantly damage the integrity of Americas voter registration system. 2. Census Bureau reports demonstrate that the major reason individuals failed to register was that they were not interested in the election/not involved in politics, not because they were disenfranchised. 3. Electoral reformssuch as easing voter registration through motor-voter legislation, same-day registration, or uncoupling registration from jury dutyhave had at best a negligible net effect on voter participation. 4. It is rather ironic that many of the same organizations pushing to register individuals automatically from government databases oppose states attempts to verify the accuracy of the information provided by individuals registering to vote by comparing to those same databases. 5. States are implementing numerous improvements in their voter registration systems and at less cost to our treasury, our Constitution, and the integrity of our elections than mandatory universal registration.
Please do not pass this bill. Respectfully, Janice Dysinger Gresham, Oregon

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