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U n i t e d H e a lt H F o U n d at i o n

a m e r i c a s H e a lt H r a n k i n g s s e n i o r r e p o r t 2 0 1 3

senior HealtH
determinants BeHaViors 2013 ValUe rank no 1 state

overall rank: 39
Determinants Rank: 39 Outcomes Rank: 40 Strengths:
Low prevalence of underweight seniors Ready availability of home health care workers High percentage of hospice care

Smoking (Percent of adults age 65+) Chronic Drinking (Percent of adults age 65+) Obesity (Percent of adults age 65+) Underweight (Percent of adults age 65+) Physical Inactivity (Percent of adults age 65+) Dental Visits (Percent of adults age 65+) Pain Management (Percent of adults age 65+)
BeHaViors total commUnity & enVironment c&e macro perspectiVe

8.8 4.0 26.3 1.3 31.3 65.5 48.8 -0.030 -0.067 11.3 23.9 33.3 -0.073 78.5 18.1 $340 -0.140 14.3 86.2 67.9 -0.033 93.1 97.8 59.1 82.3 80.8 175.0 72.3 15.8 44.4 27.8 0.011 -0.192 18.7 17.3 8.4 36.0 59.3 1,930 14.1 2.3 -0.110 -0.302

17 31 33 3 24 35 42 33 41 43 29 36 46 38 47 48 46 34 29 32 37 40 18 31 41 21 6 37 29 5 23 21 39 45 34 42 34 40 32 13 23 40 39

4.7 1.4 16.9 1.1 20.5 79.8 60.7

c&e micro perspectiVe

Social Support (Percent of adults age 65+) Food Insecurity (Percent of adults age 60+) Community Support (Dollars per adult age 65+ in poverty)
commUnity & enVironment total policy

85.4 5.5 $8,033

High prevalence of activity-limiting arthritis pain High prevalence of food insecurity Low prevalence of able-bodied seniors

Low-Care Nursing Home Residents (Percent of residents) Creditable Drug Coverage (Percent of adults age 65+) Geriatrician Shortfall (Percent of needed geriatricians)
policy total clinical care

1.1 89.6 16.3

Dedicated Health Care Provider (Percent of adults age 65+) Recommended Hospital Care (Percent of hospitalized patients age 65+) Flu Vaccine (Percent of adults age 65+) Health Screenings (Percent of adults age 6574) Diabetes Management (Percent of Medicare enrollees) Home Health Care (Number of workers per 1,000 adults age 75+) Preventable Hospitalizations (Discharges per 1,000 Medicare enrollees) Hospital Readmissions (Percent of hospitalized patients age 65+) Hospice Care (Percent of decedents age 65+) Hospital Deaths (Percent of decedents age 65+)
clinical care total all determinants oUtcomes

96.8 98.4 70.2 91.7 86.1 290.0 25.0 12.3 54.5 19.2

ranking: Texas is 39th in this Senior Report. In the Americas Health Rankings 2012 Edition, it ranked 40th for its entire population. Highlights: More than 690,000 adults aged 65 and older in Texas are obese and more than 820,000 seniors are physically inactive. Total community expenditures are lower than most other states at $340 per person aged 65 and older living in poverty. Texas has a high percentage of seniors who spent 7 or more days in the ICU during the last 6 months of life at 18.7 percent of adults aged 65 and older. Texas has a high rate of home health care workers at 175 per 1,000 adults aged 75 and older. Texas has one of the highest rates of seniors living in poverty at 11.3 percent of adults aged 65 and older. disparities: In Texas, seniors with less than a high school diploma have more than twice the rates of obesity and physical inactivity compared to seniors with a college degree. state Health department Website: www.dshs.state.tx.us

ICU Usage (Percent of decedents age 65+) Falls (Percent of adults age 65+) Hip Fractures (Rate per 1,000 Medicare enrollees) Health Status (Percent very good or excellent of adults age 65+) Able-Bodied (Percent of adults age 65+) Premature Death (Deaths per 100,000 population age 6574) Teeth Extractions (Percent of adults age 65+) Mental Health Days (Days in previous 30 days)
all oUtcomes oVerall

5.1 12.9 3.0 48.9 68.0 1,425 7.4 1.5

sUpplemental measUres
Education (Percent of adults age 65+) Multiple Chronic Conditions (Percent of adults age 65+) Cognition (Percent of adults age 65+) Depression (Percent of adults age 65+)
HealtH indicators at 50 to 64 years oF age

2013 ValUe rank

no 1 state

21.1 38.6 11.1 14.6

24 42 43 35
cUrrent seniors

36.5 20.9 5.7 7.1

FUtUre seniors

Health Status (Percent very good or excellent) Obesity (Percent obese)

senior popUlation groWtH

50.7 26.6

45.2 35.3

For a more detailed look at this data, visit www.americashealthrankings.org/senior/tx

Projected Increase 20152030





Poverty (Percent of adults age 65+) Volunteerism (Percent of adults age 65+) Highly-Rated Nursing Homes (Number of beds per 1,000 adults age 75+)

5.1 39.3 65.2

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