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Marcoluis Garcia Period 3 3/15/13 Creation Of Man: Thanks To A Deity Or Apes Multiple states now teach alternative methods

for the origin of man. It is no longer an issue of whether to teach intelligent design, the idea that the Earth was formed by the will of a divine being; or evolution, a theory that all species share a common ancestor. However, in New Mexico, the board of education does not want to accept creationism, or allow it to be a part of the core curriculum. When discussing the origin of man, one cannot simply follow or believe on sole explanation. That just demonstrates their ignorance and their closed mindedness towards others points of views. For an education system to teach only creationism or evolution provides a disadvantage to the students. Creationism is the literal interpretation of the bible which explains how the world was formed. This method does propose an explanation for how man grew into existence; however, some of the reasoning seems somewhat exaggerated. By teaching only this plausible cause for the creation of man, a student has to believe that a Christian god is the only reason for the creation and origin of mankind. This idea states that that an alleged all mighty being created the world and all of whom inhabit it. How can this Christian theology be enforced on Muslim and Atheistic students? They should not have to learn this theology; it is unfair to them and their beliefs. Evolution is the theory that all species originated from a common ancestor. This also states that humans, as a species, evolved from apes. This whole thing can be supported by collected scientific data generated over several years. Despite the fact that this idea is generated from science and is widely accepted, it should not be the only thing taught to students. The Theory of Evolution is just that, a theory. Just because the theory is accepted by the scientific

community does not mean that everyone must believe it. Due to the fact that it is just a theory, it does present some flaws in it. The idea that all species are descendants of one common ancestor stirs the idea that most species should share some of the same characteristics. Even though apes and humans do share several common characteristics, there is something that appeared in Human beings that was not a part of apes. This feature had to be derived from a species that came after apes but before humans. However, there is no evidence of this alleged creature. There is no evidence or trace of this creature. As a result, the evolutionary chain has a missing link. So then where exactly did humans evolve from? That is a question that cannot be answered due to the lack of information. This demonstrates that New Mexicos decision to only teach evolution and remove creationism from the curriculum is, unfortunately, a poor decision. By only teaching evolution, questions about that single missing link can spark confusion to the students and end up giving them inaccurate information. Schools should teach both Creationism and the Theory of Evolution in a pair. One cannot stand on its own. The board of education should treat each topic as a supplement for the other. The flaws that are presented from intelligent design can be explained by evolution. The questions that are stirred by evolution can be answered by Creationism. The missing link that is evident in the theory can be supported that an almighty being created it. The improbable idea of the Earth being created in seven days can be supported by the several years of evolution. This is why schools should accept both methods rather than just one. It leaves room for fewer flaws in explanations and hives the students an open mind set to accept other points of view.

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