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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. What is a computer? Explain the evolution of modern computer. What is the von Neumanns concept of a computer? Explain the important features of (a) First generation (b) second generation (c) third generation (d) fourth generation computer. Explain the functional units of a computer. Explain the functions of different keys on a keyboard. Explain the construction and working of a mouse. Explain the working of the following pointing devices: (a) Mouse (b) Scanner (c) Track ball (d)Digitizer (e)Joystick (f)Light pen. Explain the classification of printers. Explain the working of a dot matrix printer. What are the differences between dot matrix printers and line printers? Explain the working of a daisy wheel printer. What is purpose of using a mouse? Explain how it works. Explain the working of inkjet printers. Explain briefly about non-impact type printers. What is computer Hardware? what is software. What are the different categories of software? Give example. What is the difference between application software and system software? Explain the significance of machine language. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an assembly language? What is a high level language? What is compilation? What are the difference between compiler and interpreters? What are the relative merits and demerits of compiler and interpreters? What is structured programming? What is modular programming? What are the advantages of modular programming? What is an object oriented programming? What is an operating system? Explain briefly the function of an operating system. Explain the significance of personal computers. Write a brief note on (i) Mainframes and (ii)Minicomputers. What are super computers? Discuss the specific applications for which they are used. What is a LAN? Explain the merits and demerits of communication media used for LAN. Explain the wide area network and its important features. Explain the time-sharing system. Explain the Batch processing system. What is real time processing? Explain why railway reservation system is realtime processing system.

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. What is an algorithm? What are the characteristics of algorithms? What is a flowchart? Explain various symbols involved in flow-charting? Design an algorithm to find the largest and the smallest of the three numbers. Draw a flow chart to find out the sum of the squares of first fifty odd numbers. Write a flow chart to find the series given below upto N terms 1-X 2 /2! + X4/4! X6/6! ---------------Xn/n! List the steps involved in EXECUTING a C program. Explain the basic structure of a C program. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius. Read the following program and explain what it does. Trace it with yard =20 #include <stdio.h> main() { int yard,feet,inch; scanf (%d,&yard); feet=3*yard; inch=12*feet; printf (feet=%d inch=%d, feet, inch); } Write a program to convert pounds to kilogram. Given a 5 digit integer write a program to print it in reverse order. Write a program to read the radius of a circle and compute its area and circumference. Explain briefly about the character set available in C. What are non-graphic characters? What are C tokens? Explain briefly about C tokens. What are the rules to be followed for naming variables. Explain briefly about variables and constants. Find the incorrect decimal integer constant from the following list. Explain why they are incorrect. (i)-4689 (ii )+ -785 (iii)4.25,325 (iv)1/4 (v)62_34_86 (vi)0234 (vii)2A45 (viii)0x234. Pick the incorrect floating point constants from the following list. Explain why they are incorrect. (i)40,934.65 (ii)428.58 (iii)46+E2 (iv)46E2 (v)485.+6 (vi)462XE-2 (vii)425E2.5 (viii).0045E+6 (ix)1/2.2 (x)465. (xi) 43. Classify the following constants as decimal, octal or hexadecimal: (i)0234 (ii)-0456 (iii)0xAB56 (iv)-468734689 (v)-0x38 (vi)22. Write C expressions corresponding to the following. Assume are variables as type float. (i) ax + b/ax-b. (ii)2x+3y/x-6 . (iii)x5+10x 4+8x3+4x+2 . (iv)(4x+3)(2y+2z-4) (v) ax +b/c +dy+e/2f-a/bd (vi)a/b(b-a). What is the final value value of b in the following sequence of statements? Float b; int t; b=2.56; b=(b+0.05)+10;

48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

58. 59. 60.


t=b; b=t; b=b/10.0; If b=2.56 is replaced by b=2.54 above, what is the final value of b? What is the value of i calculated by each of the following statement? (i) int i,j=3,k=6; i=j*2/3+k/4+6-j*j*j/8; (ii) float a=1.5, b=3.0; i=b/2.0 + b*4.0/a-80 (iii) int i, j=3; i=j/2 * 4+3/8 = j*j*j%4; Write the final value of k in the following program; int k=5, I=3, j=252, m; m=i * 1000 + j * 10; k=m/1000 = k; k=m % k++; Evaluate the following expressions: Float a=2.5, b=2.5; (i) a+2.5/b +4.5; (ii) (a+2.5)/b +4.5; (iii) (a+2.5)/ (b=4.5); (iv) a/2.5/b; (v) b++ / a+b - -;



64. Evaluate each of the following expressions (The expressions are to be evaluated independent of one another); Int i =3, j =4, k=2 ; a. i++ - j - -; b. i - - % j ++; c. j++ / i - -; d. ++ k % - - j; e. k ++*- - I; f. j + 1/i 1; g. i-1 % j + 1; h. i = j * = k=4; i. i * = k = ++ j + I; j. i = j / =k + 4; 65. Find the value of i, j k at the end of the execution of each of the following statements; int k=3, i=4, z=6; k + = I % j ++ ; k % = ++ i * j/2; k * = k ++ * j I - - ;

66. Find the value of a in each of the following statements: int i=5, j=5, k=7; float a=3.5, b=5.5, c=2.5; a. a=b i/j + c/j b. a = (b- i)/(j+c)/j c. a = b ((i + j)/(k + i )) * c d. a = b i + j/k + i * c e. a = b + 1% 1 + c f. a = (b+1) % (1+c); 67. What is a control statement ? what are the various types ojf controil statements available in C language? 68. What is an if-statement? What are the varieties of if-statements? Explain along with syntax.

69. Find the out put of following programs. 1) main() { int i,j; if (i> 10) i++; J++; Printf (%d %d, I,j); }

2) main () { int I =10, k = 2; float x = 2.5; if (x) { x = x/I; x* = k; } else x = x+I; printf (%f, x); } 3) main () { int I = 10, j = 6, k; k = I++ - j++ if ( = = I < J) k=k-i printf (%f, k); }

3) main () { int I = 6, j = 5, k; k = I > j && k if (k) k/ = I printf (%d, k; }

70 What is the purpose of switch-statement? Explain with syntax.

71. what is goto statement? When it can be used ? it is not recommended to use the goto statements. Why ? 72. Given three numbers A, B and C write a program to print their values in an ascending order. For example if A = 10, B=11 and C=6 your program should print out: Smallest number = 6 Next higher number = 10 Highest number = 11 73. Write a program to round a positive number greater than 1 but less than 2 with four significant digits to one with three significant digits. For example; 1.452 rounded would give 1.45 1.458 rounded would yield 1.46 1.455 rounded would be 1.46 1.445 rounded would be 1.44 74. A bank accepts deposits for one year or more and the policy it adopts on interest rate is as follows: g. If a deposit is less than Rs. 1000 and for 2 or more years the interest rate is 5 percent compounded annually. h. If a deposit is Rs. 1000 or more but less than Rs. 5000 and for 2 or more years the interest rate is 7 percent compounded annually i. If a deposit is more than Rs. 5000 and is for 1 year or more than interest is 8 percent compounded annually j. On all depsits for 5 years or more interest is 10 percent compounded annually. k. On all other deposits not covered by the above conditions the interest is 3 percent compounded annually. At the time of withdrawal a customer data is given with the amount deposited and the number of years the money has been with the bank. Write a program to obtain the money in the customers account and the interest credited at the time of withdrawal. (Hint: Use of a decision table is recommended) 75. what are the various types of loop-structures or loop-statements available in C language? 76. Explain while-loop along with syntax. 77. Explain the for-loop along with syntax. Is it possible do use for-loop in place of whileloop? Explain with example. 78.write C programs to print the following outputs using for loop. 1) 1 2 3 4 5 2) 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

79. A machine is purchased which will produce earnings of Rs. 1000 per year while it lasts. The machine costs Rs. 6000 and will have a salvage value of Rs. 2000 when it is condemned. If 12 percent per annum can be earned on alternative investments what should be the minimum life of the machine to make it a more attractive investment compared to alternative investment? 80. The interest charged in installments buying is to be calculated by a computer program. A tape recorder costs Rs. 2000, A shopkeeper sells it for Rs. 100 down and Rs.1000 for 21 more months. What is the monthly interest charged? 81. Explain the formatted input/output statements used to input character, integer and float variables. 82. Explain the unbuffered input and output functions that are used to input/output a character. 83. Explain the unformatted I / O functions used for input and output of strings Write scanf statements to read: (i)Three integers, a floating point number and an octal number. (ii)Two floationg point numbers in exponent form, a hexadecimal number and an octal number. (iii)Two negetive integers and three floating point numbers. 84 table of floating point numbers with 5 numbers in each line and 5 lines is given. Write scanf statements to read them. 85 Explain briefly about format modifiers ( flag characters ) 86. The policy followed by a company to process customer orders is given by the following rules: a. If a customer order is less than or equal to that in stock and his credit is OK, supply his requirement. b. If his credit is not OK do not supply, send him an intimation. c. If his credit is OK but the item in stock is less than his order, supply what is in stock. Intimate to him the date the balance will be shipped. Obtain a decision table corresponding to these rules. Write a C program to implement the decision table. 87. Given the date an employee joined a job in the firm: Day/Month/Year and given todays date, write a program to find out whether the given joining date of an employee is a legal date. For example a date such such as 10/14/81 is illegal as the month cannot exceed 12. If todays date is 17/5/82, an year such as 95 or 30 would be illegal. Further, depending on the month, the range of valid days may be determined.

88. define an array. 89. How do you classify arrays? 90. Discuss about declaration and initialization of arrays.

91. Explain row Wise and column wise, input/output of multi-dimensional arrys. 92. What is string? 93. Explain the method of declaration and initialization of Strings. 94. What is the disadvantage in using scanf( ) for the input of a String? 95. Write a program to find whether a character string is a Palindrome, A Palindrome reads the same whether it is read from left to right or right to left. (ABBA is a Palindrome). 96. Write a program to delete all vowels from a sentence. Assume that the sentence is not more than 80 characters long 97. What is the significance of placing a null character at the end of a String? 98. Describe the operations performed by the following functions Strlen ( ) Strcmpi ( ) Strcpy ( ) Strcat ( ) Strchr ( ) strrev ( ) Strcmp ( ) ststr ( ) 99. Explain different ways of input/output of strings. 100. How do you display a string with white space characters? 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Explain the method of defining a function. Discuss about return statement. What is a function call? Explain several ways in which a function can be called. What is recursion? Write a C program for the function f(x) defined below: f(x) = 2x2 + 3x + 4 for x<2 f(x) = 0 for x=2 2 f(x)=-2x +3x-4 for x>2

106. Write a function to find the trace of a matrix. The trace is defined a the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix. How would this routine be called? 107. Write a function to find the norm of a matrix. The norm is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of all elements in the matrix. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. What are the address and indirection operators? Write a brief note a pointers. Explain the pointers variable declarations. Write a brief note on pointer assignment. Explain the arithmetic operations that can be carried out an pointers. What are the arithmetic operations that cannot be carried out on pointers?

What is referencing and dereferencing while accessing by pointer? 114. 1. What is referencing and dereferencing while accessing by pointer? 2. What is dynamic memory allocation? 3. Justify the statement Name of an array can be used as a pointer. 4. Mention the advantages of pointers.


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