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Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909


Savanna-derived organic matter remaining in arable soils of the South

African Highveld long-term mixed cropping: Evidence
from 13C and 15N natural abundance
I. Lobea,1, R. Bolb,*, B. Ludwigc, C.C. Du Preezd, W. Amelunge
Institute of Soil Science and Soil Geography, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany
Department of Soil; Environmental and Ecological Sciences, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research,
North Wyke Research Station, Okehampton, Devon EX20 2SB, UK
Department of Environmental Chemistry, University of Kassel, 37213 Witzenhausen, Germany
Department of Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
Institute of Soil Science and Soil Ecology, University of Bonn, 53115 Bonn, Germany
Received 9 April 2003; received in revised form 10 February 2005; accepted 10 February 2005

Sustainable agriculture requires the formation of new humus from the crops. We utilized 13C and 15N signatures of soil organic matter to
assess how rapidly wheat/maize cropping contributed to the humus formation in coarse-textured savanna soils of the South African Highveld.
Composite samples were taken from the top 20 cm of soils (Plinthustalfs) cropped for lengths of time varying from 0 to 98 years, after
conversion from native grassland savanna (C4). We performed natural 13C and 15N abundance measurements on bulk and particle-size
fractions. The bulk soil d13C values steadily decreased from K14.6 in (C4 dominated) grassland to K16.5‰ after 90 years of arable
cropping. This d13C shift was attributable to increasing replacement of savanna-derived C by wheat crop (C3) C which dominated over maize
(C4) inputs. After calculating the annual C input from the crop yields and the output from literature data, by using a stepwise C replacement
model, we were able to correct the soil d13C data for the irregular maize inputs for a period of about one century. Within 90 years of cropping
41–89% of the remaining soil organic matter was crop-derived in the three studied agroecosystems. The surface soil C stocks after 90 years of
the wheat/maize crop rotation could accurately be described with the Rothamsted Carbon Model, but modelled C inputs to the soil were very
low. The coarse sand fraction reflected temporal fluctuations in 13C of the last C3 or C4 cropping and the silt fraction evidenced selective
erosion loss of old savanna-derived C. Bulk soil 15N did not change with increasing cropping length. Decreasing d15N values caused by
fertilizer N inputs with prolonged arable cropping were only detected for the coarse sand fraction. This indicated that the present N
fertilization was not retained in stable soil C pool. Clearly, conventional cropping practices on the South African highlands neither contribute
to the preservation of old savanna C and N, nor the effective humus reformation by the crops.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: 13C and 15N; Duration of arable cropping; Particle-size fractionation; Alternating C3/C4 vegetation; SOM turnover; C model; Roth-C Model

1. Introduction can be reduced through appropriate management strategies,

e.g. crop rotations, inorganic fertilizers (Campbell et al., 1991;
Long-term arable cropping results in a decline of soil Paustian et al., 1997). In the South African Highveld, the C and
organic matter (SOM) and soil inherent fertility. This decline N concentrations of sandy soils had decreased to 35 and 45%
of the original values of the grassland after 90 years of
cropping (Lobe et al., 2001). Despite regular fertilizer
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C44 1837 883500; fax: C44 1837 82139. applications, yields also decreased in the long-term. To
E-mail address: roland.bol@bbsrc.ac.uk (R. Bol).
1 improve our understanding of the processes involved in this
Present address: UFZ, Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig–
Halle, Department of River Ecology, Brueckst. 3a, 39114 Mogdeburg, reduction in soil C and N content and the associated reduction
Germany. in crop yield, we first quantified the rates of organic carbon and
total N losses from different particle-size pools (Lobe et al.,
0038-0717/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.02.030 2001). We hypothesised that soil inherent fertility was lost,
I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909 1899

because silt-associated SOM was lost by wind-erosion. transformed in the soil at a similar rate, then we are able to
However, we could not clarify whether or not these losses correct the isotope data for the maize input.
selectively affected ‘old’ grassland-derived SOM. Further- The isotope technique might also be used to trace the fate
more, no differentiation could be made between crop- and of the inorganic fertilizer N. As soil N transformations
savanna-derived C, hence also real turnover rates remained result, on average, in a discrimination of 15N, soil 15N values
unknown. The application of the natural isotope tracer are enriched in 15N relative to mineral N of the fertilizers
technique can assist to elucidate these questions. (Yoneyama, 1996), i.e. the long-term application of
Changes in natural isotope ratios of organic matter in inorganic fertilizers should result in a decrease of soil
arable soils have been used to determine the turnover of the d15N values. Yet, it is uncertain whether this process can
organic matter by the change of C3 to C4 vegetation or vice really be seen in the environment, because various N
versa in temperate and tropical climates (Balesdent et al., transformations influence the soil d15N values in different
1987; Vitorello et al., 1989; Trouve et al., 1994; Veldkamp, directions. The chronosequences provide a set of sites with
1994; Balesdent and Mariotti, 1996; Follett et al., 1997; comparable conditions, reducing the various parameters
Liang et al., 1998). Less is known about the velocity of the which alter the d15N values. As our samples were taken at
turnover of the organic matter in subtropical climates (e.g. the same time within the dry season, it seemed reasonable to
assume that different water conditions in the soil may not
Boutton et al., 1998), as also exemplified by South African
govern soil N transformations as indicated by the change in
savanna ecosystems.
the natural abundance of 15N.
The vegetation of the extensively grazed grassland in the
It was the aim of this study, to use the 13C and 15N natural
South African Highveld, which was used as a reference of
abundance tracer technique as a tool: (i) to quantify the
soils with 0 years of arable cropping, consisted predomi-
turnover of savanna-derived and cropping-derived C in this
nantly of C4 grasses. These discriminate less against the
mixed-cropping ecosystem; (ii) to examine the origin of silt-
heavier 13C isotope during photosynthesis than the C3 plants associated C resistant to erosion; and (iii) to elucidate the
(Vogel, 1980; Boutton, 1996). Therefore, the C4 grasses are fate of fertilizer N within soil-textural C and N pools. To
enriched in 13C relative to the C3 plants, i.e. they show account for mixed C input from various C3 and C4 plants,
higher d13C values than, e.g. wheat or sunflowers (C3) the conventional isotope-mixing model of Balesdent and
which were predominantly grown on the arable land. When Mariotti (1996) was modified. We also aimed to verify if the
‘old’ C4 organic material of the grassland is substituted by changes in soil C stocks during 90 years of the mixed C3
material that is derived from C3 plants, the d13C values of and C4 crop rotations could be described by the Rothamsted
the soil decrease with increasing duration of cultivation. In Carbon Model.
soils with an ideal and sustained change of cultivation from
C4 to C3 plant mono-culture it is possible to calculate the
turnover rates of the native C4 and newly incorporated C3 2. Materials and methods
carbon present in the soil.
However, the investigated arable soils in South Africa, 2.1. Sites
with various length of cropping, were not cultivated in
mono-culture with wheat. The crops rotated between wheat We sampled the soil at nine sites in each of the three
(C3), sunflower (C3), and maize (C4, Lobe et al., 2001). The agro-ecosystems close to Harrismith, Kroonstad and
proportion of the ‘new’ (derived from the crops) or the ‘old’ Tweespruit in the Free State Province of South Africa.
C (derived from the native C4 grasses) of the soil organic The characteristics of the sites are given in Lobe et al.
matter can therefore not be calculated directly, simply from (2001) (see also Table 1). All three agro-ecosystems are
the change of the isotope ratio since the start of arable in the summer rainfall region (6 months from October
cropping. However, the cropping history of most sites is to March with O50 mm rainfall), with 516–625 mm
well known and therefore the C input proportion of C3 mean annual rainfall, and 13.8–16.6 8C mean annual
wheat and sunflower to C4 maize plants into the arable soils. temperature. The nine individual sampling sites in each
If we assume that maize, wheat, or sunflower residues are agro-ecosystem comprised arable land, with varied
Table 1
Climatic data and soil properties of the three agro-ecosystems at Harrismith, Kroonstad and Tweespruit, (Lobe et al., 2001)

Area Clay (%) Maximum of Mean annual Mean annual pH CECpot

cultivation temperature precipitation (mmolc kgK1)
(years) (8C) (mm)
Harrismith 13–19 90 13.8 625 4.6–5.7 3.8–4.6 63–130
Kroonstad 10–15 98 16.6 563 5.2–6.8 4.0–5.5 42–84
Tweespruit 10–16 90 16.0 516 5.4–6.3 4.2–5.2 49–120

CECpot, potential cation exchange capacity.

1900 I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909

lengths of time under cultivation, and adjacent to native 2.2. Chemical analyses
grassland, used as grazing for either cattle or sheep. The
stocking density on the grassland was on average 0.4 Total C and total N were determined by dry combustion
large stock units per hectare at Harrismith, 0.5 at with a CHNS analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH,
Kroonstad, and 0.6 at Tweespruit, and the grazing period Hanau, Germany). There was no detectable inorganic C,
between 1 and 3 months total per year. All three agro- so that we can regard the total C as organic C. Measurements
ecosystems are in the Grassland Biome (Harrismith: Moist of d13C and d15N values of the samples were obtained
Cold Highveld Grassland, Kroonstad: Dry Sandy Highveld by continuous flow-isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Grassland, Tweespruit: Moist Cool Highveld Grassland; (CF-IRMS), using an automated nitrogen/carbon analysis-
Bredenkamp et al., 1996). The botanical composition of the mass spectrometer (ANCA-MS) system (Europa 20/20,
native grassland is dominated by Cymbopogon plurinodis, Crewe, UK). Ground wheat flour was used as the working
Themeda triandra, Setaria sphacelata, Elionurus muticus and standard to refer the d13C values to the international Pee Dee
Eragrostis curvula in Harrismith, Eragrostis lehmanniana, Belemnite (PDB). The d13C values were analyzed in bulk soil,
Eragrostis obtusa, Panicum coloratum, Stipagrostis uniplu- clay, silt, and coarse sand fractions. Due to the low
mis and Pentzia globosa in Kroonstad, and T. triandra in concentrations of C and N in the fine sand fraction, d13C and
Tweespruit. The arable land had been ploughed to a depth of d15N could not be determined in this fraction.
20–30 cm. The 30 and 68-year-old plots in Harrismith were
ploughed to 40 cm. The fields were cultivated with a rotation 2.3. Calculations
of wheat and maize (and occasionally sunflower). Inorganic
fertilizer had been applied annually (maize: 50–70 kg N, 10– For a pure C4/C3 vegetation change, the proportion of
25 kg P, 0–10 kg K haK1; wheat: 10–40 kg N, 10–25 kg P, C3-derived carbon F was calculated as proposed by
0–15 kg K haK1; sunflower: 20–50 kg N, 10–20 kg P, 2– Balesdent and Mariotti (1996)
6 kg K haK1). Average grain yields varied from 2.2 to
3.75 t haK1 yearK1 for maize, 1.2–2.75 t haK1 yearK1 for F Z ðdarable K dgrassland Þ=ðdC3 K dgrassland Þ (1)
wheat, and 1.0–1.25 t haK1 yearK1 for sunflower. Within a where darable is the d13C value of the arable land, dgrassland
rotation cycle, every 1–2 years, the soils are kept clear of that of the grassland, and dC3 that of the C3 vegetation.
vegetation for up to 6 months in the dry season so that the soil The decline in the d13C and d15N values and the C and N
retains its stored water. This technique might enhance the stocks was described by a biexponential model, the changes
potential loss of soil organic matter because less organic in crop yields by an exponential model (Lobe et al., 2001).
matter is added. Hence, the risks increase the enhanced erosion
during the period without protective plant cover to stabilize the
soil. 2.4. Stepwise C replacement model
Surface samples (0–20 cm) were taken from five subsites
on each of the native grassland and arable plots. All samples The calculation of the real carbon replacement to correct
were air-dried and sieved to !2 mm. A particle-size the d13C values for the maize (C4) inputs requires a specific
model that describes the decline of the C stocks and the d13C
fractionation was carried out on material !2 mm with 2–
values. At each year, the C contents in our soils reflect the C
6 replicates depending on the silt content. As suggested by
stock at the former year, S(tK1), plus the net C input by the
Amelung and Zech (1999) for minimizing artefacts, 30 g of
crops during the growing season, I(t), minus the C losses
soil was dispersed ultrasonically in 150 ml of water (using
during that year, O(t)
60 J mlK1; Heat Systems, Model W 185 F). The ultrasonic
energy output was maintained according to Amelung and SðtÞ Z Sðt K 1Þ C IðtÞ K OðtÞ (2)
Zech (1999). The coarse sand (O250 mm) was then isolated
by wet sieving, and the remaining suspension (300 ml) with The actual stocks of C, S(t), were available from the C
contents (Lobe et al., 2001) and the bulk densities of the top
a soil-to-water ratio of 1:10 was treated ultrasonically (using
20 cm. The output was calculated for each agro-ecosystem.
440 J mlK1) for additional dispersion. Thereafter the clay
As the yields were rather similar in the three agro-
fraction was recovered in the supernatant after centrifuging,
ecosystems and the yields were not available for all years
and the silt (2–20 mm) and fine sand (20–250 mm) fractions
at all sites, net-C input I(t) was estimated from the average
were separated by wet sieving. The silt and sand fractions
yields. In order not to bias the results by the yield of 1 year
were dried at 40 8C, whereas the clay fraction was freeze-
or one farmer we calculated an average yield for maize and
dried. Recovery of the material after the fractionation
wheat each, normalized on the first yield after about 2 years.
averaged 100G0.88% (standard error) of initial sample
The normalized yields were re-calculated into kg mK2 using
weight, 96.3G4.8% of organic C and 87.8G7.1% of
the average first yield as basis. From the yields (Fig. 1), we
total N. We pooled corresponding size separates of the calculated the C input according to Eq. (3)
uncultivated grassland subplots for each of the three agro-
ecosystems. IðtÞ Z YðtÞ !a !b !c !d (3)
I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909 1901

5 4.0
Maize Input
Wheat 3.5 Stocks
4 Output
Yield (t ha–1)


C (kg m–2)
2 1.5


0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Duration of cultivation (y) Duration of cultivation (y)

Fig. 1. Yields of maize and wheat as affected by duration of cropping, Fig. 2. Modelled C input, stocks and output with increasing duration of
shown as means of the three agro-ecosystems. Horizontal bars representing cropping, shown as means of the three agro-ecosystems.
the span of cultivation period between the three agro-ecosystems, vertical
bars the standard error. 1.43 Mg haK1 yearK1 (SE 0.42 Mg haK1 yearK1, nZ3),
which fits well into the range reported by Van der Merwe
with Y(t) is the yield as a function of cropping time; a, the et al. (1990). With the decreasing C content of the silt
measured average C content of the crops (41.2% for maize particles (Lobe et al., 2001), caused by the cultivation, we
and 39.4% for wheat, nZ3); b, average ratio of net can estimate the annual C loss due to erosion of the silt
production to grain yield (3.9 for maize and 5.5 for wheat, fraction which decreases from 42.1 to 18.1 kg C
Buyanovsky and Wagner, 1986); c, proportion of plant haK1 yearK1. Compared with the C stocks and the in-
residues returned to the soil (74% for maize and 82% for and output, the effect of the estimated erosion was quite
wheat, Buyanovsky and Wagner, 1986); d, proportion of the small (Fig. 2) and therefore only the decomposition of crop
residues that are found in the top 20 cm (90% according to residues and SOM were used in the calculations.
Buyanovsky and Wagner, 1986). For sunflower, we The rate of decomposition losses of the crop residues
assumed a similar input as for maize. As the inputs of was estimated from available reports in the literature. We
maize and wheat showed no significant difference (P!0.05, used a conservative assumption for our calculations that
nZ24, paired differences test; Hartung, 1989), we could after 1 year 20% of the root and shoot residues remain as
simplify the estimation of the C inputs by using the mean of Barber (1979) reported that the soils receive annually
the maize and wheat inputs. For sites where the crop (or 18% of root carbon and 10% of stem carbon as input to
stubble) was still on the field, we estimated that half of the the SOM. At a subtropical site with comparable
input was returned to the soil by root exudates, root litter, precipitation, Schomberg et al. (1994) found in a
and above-ground litter, as the C input of roots and root litterbag experiment that about 15–20% of the wheat
exudates is assumed to be equal (Barber, 1979; Plénet et al.,
residues were incorporated into the soil, after 1 year.
1993) and the ratio of the shoots to roots can be assumed as
This is consistent with findings from incubation studies
2 (Buyanovsky and Wagner, 1986).
that about 80% of the organic inputs were lost within the
The C output O(t) from our system, calculated from
first year (Broder and Wagner, 1988).
Eq. (2), comprises: (a) C losses via erosion, E(t); (b)
To extend the decomposition losses of the fresh residues
decomposition of old SOM, D(t); and (c) decomposition of
also to the losses of the old SOM we assumed that in the
the fresh residues added during the growing season, R(t):
long-term 1% of the C input remained in the soil. There are
OðtÞ Z EðtÞ C DðtÞ C RðtÞ (4) no long-term studies which report the proportion of plant-
derived C, which remains for the long-term in the soil, but
Van der Merwe et al. (1990) found losses of soil by with assuming 1% C input remaining in the soil the model
wind-erosion of 1–5 Mg haK1 yearK1 depending on the reached the C stocks after one century and resulted in good
management practices around Bloemfontein. If our sites estimates of the d13C value of the well-documented young
solely lost soil as silt, as the predominantly lost particle sites in the model. However, this simplifying assumption
size (Hennessy et al., 1986; Stahr and Herrmann, 1996; can be used only for decades but not for centuries or
Lobe et al., 2001), a reduction of the silt content from 10 to thousands of years.
5.4% within 92 years is, in a rough estimation, equivalent We used the same decomposition loss rates for wheat and
to a minimum soil loss of 4.6% (SE 1.6%, nZ3) from maize since Broder and Wagner (1988) stated that the rather
the top 20 cm. At given bulk density of 1.43 g cmK3, similar behaviour of maize and wheat during decomposition
this soil loss corresponds to an erosion of silt of is unlikely to cause different isotopic processes. Knowing
1902 I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909

the rate of decomposition losses and the input we were able continuous grassland to a wheat–maize-crop rotation
to calculate the amount of C3 and C4 carbon for each year 32 years ago, 40 years ago, 60 years ago or 90 years ago.
by summarizing the remains of each input at each year. The data requirements are given in Table 2. No farmyard
According to these calculations, the annual d13C value of manure was added to the soils. The parameterization for the
the soil organic matter, d13C(t), is given by Eq. (5) calculation of the C dynamics was done as follows:

d13 CðtÞ Z fd13 CGrassland !½SðtÞ K C3ðtÞ K C4ðtÞ (a) The amount of inert organic C of the soil from the
continuous grassland was estimated with the equation
C C3ðtÞ !d13 CC3 C C4ðtÞ !d13 CC4 g=SðtÞ (5) given by Falloon et al. (1998)
with d13CGrassland is the d13C value of the grassland soil; CI Z 0:049CT1:139 ; (7)
C3(t), amount of C3 carbon; C4(t), amount of C4 carbon;
d13CC3, d13C value of the C3 crop inputs; d13CC4, d13C value where CI is the amount of inert organic C, in t haK1, and
of the C4 crop inputs. We used the d13C value of wheat and CT is the total organic C in the soil. The amount of inert
sunflower for that of the C3 crop inputs, calculated for each C was 0.26 kg C mK2.
field from their proportion due to cropping history. (b) Then, we used the model to calculate the average annual C
input from the grass to match the measured values of soil
organic carbon of 3.23 kg C mK2 in the depth from 0 to
2.5. Modelled C dynamics using the Rothamsted
20 cm at Tweespruit by assuming that a steady state was
Carbon Model
reached. We obtained a value of 0.089 kg C mK2 yearK1.
(c) Then the C inputs by maize and wheat were estimated to
We used the Rothamsted Carbon Model (ROTHC26-3)
reach a C storage of 1.24 kg C mK2 after 90 years of a
(Jenkinson and Rayner, 1977; Coleman and Jenkinson,
continuous crop rotation. As an approximation we
1999) to model the C dynamics in the Tweespruit agro-
assumed that the C inputs were the same for wheat and
ecosystem, as required input data for the model was readily
for maize. We obtained annual inputs of 0.036 kg C mK2
available. The model includes the pools decomposable plant
for wheat and an input of 0.036 kg C mK2 for maize in 2
material (DPM), resistant plant material (RPM), Cmic,
years. In the first year of each cycle, the soil was bare from
HUM and inert organic matter. This version had been tested
January to November and maize was present in
by Smith et al. (1997). The decay of the pools DPM, RPM,
December, in the second year maize was present from
Cmic and HUM follows first-order kinetics
January to June and the soil was bare until December
Yt Z Y0 f1 K expðKabcktÞg; (6) (Table 2).

where Yt is the amount of carbon that decomposes in a

particular time t, Y0 is the initial amount of pool Y, a is the rate-
modifying factor for temperature, b is the rate-modifying 3. Results
factor for moisture, c is the soil cover rate-modifying factor,
and k is the decomposition rate constant for that compartment. 3.1. d13C values in bulk soil
The decomposition rate constants (in yearK1) were set to 10.0
(DPM), 0.3 (RPM), 0.66 (Cmic) and 0.02 (HUM) as suggested The d13C values of the grassland soil in the three agro-
by Coleman and Jenkinson (1999). ecosystems ranged from K13.4 to K16.1‰ (Table 3).
The model was run exemplarily for the 0–20 cm horizon Cultivation of the grassland (dominated by C4 vegetation)
at Tweespruit for the sites which were converted from a as arable land did result in a consistent decrease of the d13C
Table 2
Data requirements for the Rothamsted Carbon Model of the agro-ecosystem at Tweespruit

Variable (mean) Actual data used in the modelling

Monthly air temperature (8C)a 22.5 (J), 22.0 (F), 20.0 (M), 16.0 (A), 12.0 (M), 8.5 (J), 8.5 (J), 12.0 (A), 16.0 (S), 18.0 (O), 20.0 (N), 22.0 (D)
Monthly precipitation (mm)a 85 (J), 65 (F), 80 (M), 45 (A), 15 (M), 5 (J), 5 (J), 6 (A), 15 (S), 45 (O), 70 (N), 80 (D)
Monthly evaporation (mm)a 250 (J), 200 (F), 180 (M), 125 (A), 110 (M), 85 (J), 100 (J), 140 (A), 190 (S), 220 (O), 230 (N), 260 (D)
Soil depth (cm) 20
Soil clay content (%) 13.1
DPM/RPM ratio for wheat and maizeb 1.44
Soil cover Wheat crop production (first year): covered from May till November. Maize crop production (second and third
year): bare from January till November, covered from December till June
Monthly input of plant residues Unknown, obtained as described in the modelling section
Amount of inert organic matter Unknown, obtained as described in the modelling section
The weather data were taken from a nearby station.
The value suggested by Coleman and Jenkinson (1999) was used.
Table 3
d13C values in fine earth (!2 mm) and particle-size fractions of the surface soils (0–20 cm), d13C values of the bulk soil of the model and d13C values of the bulk soil corrected for the maize input by the model,
the minimum proportion of C3 carbon in bulk soil and particle-size fractions, and the potential proportion of new crop-derived carbon in the bulk soil of the three agro-ecosystems

Cultivation d13C (‰) Cropping Last crop Minimum proportion of C3–C (F; Eq. (1)) (%) Crop-derived
period with C3, last Ca model,
(years) Bulk soil Coarse Silt Clay Model, Model, crop- 15 yearsb (%) Bulk soil Coarse Silt Clay bulk soil
sand bulk soil derived Ca sand
0 K13.4 K14.7 K12.6 K12.2
3.5 K16.1 K20.7 K14.5 K13.7 K15.6 K15.6 100 C3 24 60 16 12 20

I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909

8 K14.3 K19.3 K13.4 K13.0 K15.0 K15.3 42 C3 9 46 7 7 17
10 K14.0 K15.0 K14.2 K12.5 K13.7 K15.3 60 C4 6 3 14 3 17
20 K16.1 K20.8 K14.9 K13.6 K15.4 K15.4 100 C3 24 60 19 11 18
30 K14.6 K18.1 K14.1 K12.5 K13.6 K15.0 41 C4c 11 34 13 3 15
45 K15.3 ND K15.1 K13.6 K15.3 K16.1 50 (C3) 17 ND 21 11 24
68 K15.1 K16.3 K15.1 K13.0 K14.1 K17.0 41 C4 15 16 21 7 32
90 K17.7 K22.9 K18.1 K15.2 K17.7 K18.0 75 C3 38 82 45 24 41
0 K14.4 K16.2 K13.1 K12.9
2.5 K14.7 K17.4 K13.9 K13.1 K14.6 K18.7 55 C4 2 15 7 2 42
7.5 K17.0 K18.4 K15.6 K14.2 K15.4 K18.0 75 C4d 22 22 19 10 30
12 K14.5 K19.0 K13.8 K13.4 K14.6 K18.3 50 C4 1 34 6 5 39
20 K16.3 K23.4 K16.2 K14.1 K16.1 K18.5 50 (C3) 15 87 27 11 40
30 K16.2 K19.2 K17.4 K14.4 K15.6 K19.7 80 C4 15 30 33 12 45
40 K17.2 K25.9 K17.6 K15.2 K18.0 K20.6 18 C3 23 93 33 17 50
57 K17.9 K18.8 K19.5 K17.4 K16.8 K21.9 80 C4 28 25 47 33 61
98 K15.5 K19.3 K16.4 K14.3 K15.6 K25.4 50 C4c 9 30 25 10 89
0 K16.1 K17.4 K15.4 K12.8
2 K16.2 K20.5 K15.6 K12.8 K18.6 K18.6 100 C3 1 32 1 0 22
8.5 K16.1 K20.6 K15.4 K12.0 K16.1 K18.6 78 C4 0 32 0 K6 21
12 K18.6 K22.5 K19.1 K15.8 K18.6 K18.7 92 C3 21 50 30 20 23
22 K17.0 K25.4 K17.9 K13.7 K16.3 K19.2 69 C3 8 79 20 6 27
32 K17.4 K18.4 K17.3 K15.3 K17.2 K19.2 50 C4c 12 10 15 17 27
40 K17.1 K18.5 K17.7 K14.4 K16.6 K20.2 50 (C4) 9 11 19 11 37
60 K15.5 K17.0 K17.2 K12.8 K15.8 K21.3 50 (C4) K6 K4 15 0 46
90 K16.3 K17.5 K15.9 K13.9 K16.7 K23.3 50 (C4) 2 1 4 7 65

The on of the data was 0.1‰.

Input of maize-C4 mathematically treated as C3 input.
Length of cropping when site was !15 years under cultivation.
Crop still on field.
Stubble on field.

1904 I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909

values with increasing length of cultivation (Fig. 5). This

was caused by the input of the C3 crops wheat and sunflower 0.8 0.8

Crop-derived C (kg m–2)

Crop-derived C / total C
with more negative d13C values than the grassland
vegetation. However, the irregular input of maize (C4) 0.6 0.6
increased the d13C values with increasing duration of
cultivation. Larger proportions of C4 crops during the last 0.4 0.4
15 years increased the d13C values, in comparison with the
average course of the decreasing d13C values (e.g. 8-, 30-,
and 68-year-old Harrismith site; Table 3), while larger 0.2 Crop-derived C / total C
proportions of C3 crops decreased the d13C values (e.g. 7.5- Crop-derived C

year-old Kroonstad site, and 12-year-old Tweespruit site; 0.0 0.0

Table 3). In addition, the last crop at the sites had a strong 0 20 40 60 80 100
influence on the d13C values, e.g. 3.5-, 20-, and 90-year-old Duration of cultivation (y)
Harrismith site, 40-year-old Kroonstad, and 22-year-old Fig. 3. Proportion of crop-derived C in total C in the bulk soil, as well as the
Tweespruit (Table 3). total amount of crop-derived C as affected by duration of cropping. Shown
as the mean of the three agro-ecosystems with horizontal bars representing
3.2. Estimations of C3 crop-derived organic matter the span of the cultivation period and vertical bars the standard error.
and turnover rates
C with the duration of cultivation (Fig. 3). Both the absolute
At our sites, the original vegetation was dominated by C4
plants. Disregarding the effect of maize inputs gives amount as well as the relative proportions of newly
therefore a first estimation of the minimum amount of C3 incorporated crop-derived C increased rapidly within
organic matter that has replaced C4 organic material. The the first 2–3 years of arable land-use. After this initial
minimum proportion of the newly formed C3-derived period, about one-third of the crop-derived C was lost again,
organic matter (Eq. (1)) accounted for up to 21–38% of however, after 20 years of cropping, the proportions of crop-
the total C in the three different agro-ecosystems (Table 3). derived C escalated again. To reach the level of the 2–3-
The largest proportion of C3-derived organic matter was year-old fields about 60 years were necessary after the
found in the 90-year-old field at Harrismith that was grown conversion of grassland to arable land.
for most of the cultivation period with wheat. The modelling of the C dynamics with the Rothamsted
With increasing duration of cultivation the yields Carbon Model found that this model described the stock of C
declined exponentially (Fig. 1). The results revealed that in the surface soil (0–20 cm) well after 90 years of the
due to the declining yields, the annual C input rates also wheat/maize crop rotation (Fig. 4). The same was true for
declined rapidly after conversion of the grassland to the 60-year old site, whereas 32 and 40 years after conversion
cropland, resulting in rapid annual C output rates that the measured values were much lower than predicted (Fig. 4).
approached steady-state equilibrium after ca. 20 years of
cropping (Fig. 2). Further decline in C stocks after this time
3.3. d13C values in particle-size separates
reflects continuous C output at low input rates as the output
was still slightly higher than the input.
The d13C values of the grassland increased from coarse
The calculated C stocks of the stepwise C replacement
sand to clay (Fig. 5). With increasing duration of cultivation,
model describe the measured values very well. We found
the d13C values of the particle-size fractions declined in
differences between measured and modelled values of 0.1–
6.9 Mg C haK1 and on average 0.2G2.2 (SD) Mg C haK1 accordance with the bulk soil. This decrease in the d13C
(nZ24). Running the model with the data of the cropping values during cultivation was more expressed in the order
history resulted in differences between measured and clay!silt!coarse sand indicating that more new C3
modelled (Eq. (5)) values of 0.0–2.5‰ and on average material was incorporated in the coarse sand than in the
0.21G0.75‰ (SD, nZ24) (Table 3). The value of the clay-size separates (Fig. 5). The proportion of the new C3
2-year-old site in Tweespruit, which was 2.5‰ too positive, organic matter increases therefore from the clay to the
might be due to the irrigation of this site resulting in coarse sand fraction (Table 3).
increased d13C values (Boutton, 1996). In the grassland, the d13C values in the silt fraction
When we replace all C4 maize inputs mathematically by showed an enrichment of 13C relative to the d13C value in
C3 inputs, we receive the proportion of the newly formed the bulk soil showing the higher decomposition stage of the
soil organic matter. After 90 years of cropping, 41–89% of organic matter in that fraction. With increasing duration of
the total C in the three different agro-ecosystems was cultivation, however, the d13C values became more negative
derived from the new crop-derived organic matter (Table 3). in comparison with the bulk soil, indicating a higher
The results of our stepwise C replacement model proportion of younger C3 organic matter in the silt fraction
revealed no linear increase of the amount of crop-derived after prolonged cultivation.
I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909 1905

3.5 12

C3 - derived 10
C4 - derived
3.0 Total 8

δ15N (o/oo)

Bulk soil
2 Clay
Soil C (kg C m–2)

2.0 Silt
Coarse sand
0 20 40 60 80 100
Duration of cultivation (y)
Fig. 6. Effect of duration of cropping on the d15N values of the bulk soil and
the clay, silt and coarse sand fractions, shown as means of the three agro-
ecosystems. Vertical bars represent the standard error between the three
1.0 agro-ecosystems.

the d13C values which decreased. With increasing duration

of cultivation, the d15N values of the clay fraction did
0.5 increase similar to those of the bulk soil, while the signature
of the silt fraction remained unchanged. In the coarse sand
fraction the d15N values decreased with prolonged cropping,
0.0 suggesting different N dynamics in the size separates.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Duration of cultivation (y)

Fig. 4. Modelled total, C3- and C4-derived soil C stocks using the Roth-C 4. Discussion
Model for Tweespruit agro-ecosystem.
4.1. d13C values in bulk soil
3.4. d15N values in bulk soil and soil separates
The d13C values of the grassland soil in the three agro-
The d N values of the grassland ranged from 7.6 to ecosystems ranged within 2.7‰ (Table 3). A slight
8.2‰ revealing a much lesser variation than the d13C difference in composition of the native vegetation (some
values. With increasing duration of cultivation the d15N minor contribution of C3 vegetation, e.g. C3 shrubs, to the
values increased logarithmically (Fig. 6), in contrast to C4 grasses) might have caused these differences. We do not
attribute this difference in d13C to increasing precipitation
from Tweespruit to Harrismith, resulting in a lower
–12 discrimination of 13C and therefore increasing d13C values
–14 (Boutton, 1996; Henderson et al., 1992), because the
d-values of the grasses were rather similar, as indicated by
δ13C (o/oo)

Table 4
–18 Average isotopic signature of the shoots and roots of the plants of the sites
(standard errors given in parentheses, nZ3)
Plants C (g kgK1) N (g kgK1) d13C (‰) d15N (‰)
–22 Bulk soil
Clay Shoots of
–24 Grass 433G7 9.0G1.5 K13.3G0.1 2.8G0.9
Coarse sand
Maize 435G1 6.6G1.6 K12.4G0.1 2.9G1.0
–26 Wheat 439G12 7.2G2.4 K25.4G1.0 4.3G1.3
0 20 40 60 80 100 Sunflower 444G6 4.6G0.4 K28.6G0.2 2.5G0.3
Duration of cultivation (y) Roots of
Grass 422G9 8.8G0.6 K13.3G0.2 4.7G1.8
Fig. 5. Effect of duration of cropping on the d13C values of the bulk soil and Maize 389G26 9.1G2.1 K12.4G0.2 0.6G1.5
the clay, silt and coarse sand fractions, shown as means of the three agro- Wheat 348G31 7.9G1.7 K26.2G1.1 5.9G0.2
ecosystems. Vertical bars represent the standard error between the three Sunflower 459G1 3.8G0.1 K28.1G0.8 1.9G0.2
1906 I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909

the small standard error (SE, nZ3) in Table 4. The d13C Harrismith site, 7.5-year-old Kroonstad site, and 12-year-
changes in C4 plants in response to environmental factors is old Tweespruit site (Table 3). On the other hand, the last crop
generally low, ca. 1‰ (Boutton, 1996) and not high enough at the sites had a strong influence on the d13C values, e.g. 3.5-,
to explain the differences among the grassland of the three 20-, and 90-year-old Harrismith site, 40-year-old Kroonstad,
ecosystems. and 22-year-old Tweespruit (Table 3).
The cultivation of the grasslands (dominated by C4 Some of the sites have been ploughed to more than
vegetation) to arable land did result in a consistent decrease 20 cm. Taking into account that ploughing deeper than
of the d13C values with increasing length of cultivation 20 cm results in a dilution of the fresh organic matter in the
(Fig. 5). This was caused by the input of the C3 crops wheat upper 20 cm the measured values on these sites show higher
and sunflower with more negative d13C values than the d13C values and therefore smaller proportions of replaced
grassland vegetation. This exponential decrease of the d13C C4 organic matter. As a consequence, the values on these
signal can be attributed to one or more of the following sites represent the minimal input of C3 organic matter that
reasons: occurred on these fields with respect to the top 20 cm.
For the determination of the carbon dynamics the decline
(a) Advanced decomposition of the organic matter due to in the d13C values has to be corrected for the maize inputs;
the longer duration of C3 crop cultivation leading to otherwise, the loss rates of the savanna C will be
higher soil 13C values, which would reduce the underestimated.
‘observed’ change in soil 13C values of the SOM on
the longer cropped sites. However, usually less than 4.2. Estimations of C3 crop-derived organic matter
0.5‰ are attributed to the effect of decomposition in the and turnover rates
surface soil (O’Brien and Stout, 1978; Monson and
Hayes, 1982; Balesdent et al., 1990). At our sites, the original vegetation was dominated by C4
(b) Enhanced mineralization as a result of the breaking of plants. Hence, all effects changing the d13C values that are
aggregates after the cultivation of grassland and thus the not associated with the change of the vegetation, namely
access to formerly physically protected organic matter, decomposition, increase the d13C values. Disregarding the
derived from C4 plants, might also explain the higher effect of maize inputs gives therefore an estimation of the
decline in the d13C values in the beginning of minimum amount of C3 organic matter that has replaced C4
cultivation. organic material. At least 21–38% of the original organic
(c) Effects of the decrease of d13C values in the matter was replaced by wheat-derived C within 90 years of
atmospheric CO2, the so-called Suess-effect, was cultivation in this subtropical agro-ecosystem. The esti-
considered to account for 0.2 ‰ for cultivated mation of the whole newly formed soil organic matter
ecosystems in carbon cycle models (Fung et al., suggested that up to 41–89% of the total C in the three
1997). But in our case, this effect can be neglected as different agro-ecosystems was derived from the new crop-
we use the grassland as the reference for the initial C4 derived organic matter (Table 3). On average, 65% of the
soil organic matter. original organic matter was replaced by wheat and maize
(d) Irregular maize inputs (C4) besides C3 inputs of wheat crop debris within 90 years of cultivation in this subtropical
and sunflower should be the major reason for the non- agro-ecosystem. Compared with findings of Paul et al.
linear decrease of the d13C values. The maize inputs (1997) that 70% of the total C was prairie-derived after
comprise organic carbon that has even more positive 85 years of cultivation with wheat in the Great Plains,
d13C values (12.4‰) than the organic material derived whose texture is silt dominated, partly a larger amount of
from the grassland vegetation (13.3‰). As a result, SOM was substituted by crop-derived organic matter in the
these maize inputs blur the input of the C3 plants. sandy soils of the South African Highveld
(e) Furthermore, the shorter cultivated fields were grown to According to our stepwise C replacement model, the
a higher proportion with C3 crops than the longer amount of crop-derived C did not increase linearly with the
cultivated ones, resulting in a faster response to C3 duration of cultivation (Fig. 3). Within the first 2–3 years of
signature in the younger fields, and therefore a faster arable land-use, both the absolute amount as well as the
decline of the d13C values in the beginning of the relative proportions of newly incorporated crop-derived C
cultivation than later on (Table 3). increased rapidly, because high crop yields could still be
maintained (Fig. 2) while the loss of savanna C occurred
The irregular input of maize (C4) should have the largest rapidly from the labile C pools (Lobe et al., 2001). After this
impact on the increase of the d13C values with increasing initial period, about one-third of the crop-derived C was lost
duration of cultivation. This is supported by two obser- again, probably reflecting rapid decomposition of the newly
vations. On the one hand, d13C values, which were obviously formed humus as well as the decrease in crop yields as
higher or lower than the average exponential decrease, could cultivation was prolonged. After 20 years of cropping,
be well explained by the different proportions of C3 crops however, the proportions of crop-derived C escalated again.
during the last 15 years, e.g. 8-, 30-, and 68-year-old It took about 60 years after the conversion of grassland to
I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909 1907

arable land to reach the level of the 2–3-year-old fields. The The d13C values of the silt and the clay fraction were well
results emphasize the high contribution of fresh crop correlated with the d13C values of the bulk soil, i.e. when the
residues, entering the soil, to the SOM. The input of the d13C values were high in the bulk soil, due to a higher
new organic matter could not substitute the losses of SOM proportion of C4 inputs, the ones of the two fractions were
in the first 3–20 years, as newly formed crop-derived SOM higher, too, and vice versa. In contrast, the d13C values of
was not stable against decay. It seems reasonable to assume, the coarse sand did not reflect the course of the bulk soil
therefore, that without additional C input by interrupting the (e.g. 68-year-old Harrismith site, 12-year-old Kroonstad site
plough periods, a sustainable management for organic and 57-year-old Kroonstad site, 22-year-old Tweespruit
matter stocks and associated soil fertility will thus hardly be site, Table 3). This indicated that the 13C signature of the
possible. It has to be taken into consideration that our model coarse sand was predominantly determined by the crop that
was established to simulate the d13C values of the was grown in the last year. Nevertheless, the cropping
investigated agro-ecosystems and their duration of cultiva- history of the soil, i.e. the percentage of C3 crops, can also
tion. As the model lacks a term to take the slow decay of the be seen in the 13C signature of the coarse sand but to a minor
stable humus pool into account, it cannot be accurately used extent (especially in the first years with the same last crop,
for predicting longer cultivation periods. Table 3). When the crop was still on the field (in all cases
However, the data could be successfully described using maize), the d13C value of the coarse sand was lower than on
the Roth-C Model (Fig. 4); here it has to be noted that the other sites with maize as the last crop, thereby indicating the
modelled C inputs were unrealistically low compared with former C3 inputs, and that only root residues and root
those in Fig. 2, in order to match the measured C stocks exudates contributed to the new C4 input.
90 years after conversion. In Tweespruit, the straw was not With increasing duration of cultivation the d13C values in
removed from the fields and the grain yields were low, 1.5 t the silt fraction became more negative than in the bulk soil,
dry matter haK1 for wheat and 3 t dry matter haK1 for though in the grassland, the higher decomposition stage of
maize. But even when assuming a lower ratio of straw to the organic matter in the silt fraction resulted in higher d13C
grain of 1:1 and a lower ratio of under-ground/above-ground values relative to those in the bulk soil. This indicated a
biomass of 0.2, therefore resulting in a lower ratio of net higher proportion of younger C3 organic matter in the silt
production to grain yield like for the calculation of the input fraction after prolonged cultivation. In addition, the d13C
in Fig.2, the total C inputs into the soil are with about 0.1 values became more negative in the silt than in the clay
Kg C mK2 yearK1 much higher than the modelled C inputs. fraction with prolonged arable cropping in comparison with
The main reason for that underestimation of the C inputs the d13C values of the grassland. In contrast, Balesdent et al.
might be that the model may not work well under semi-arid (1998) found a similar change in the d13C values of the silt
conditions, because the evaporation is so high, the rate- and the clay fraction due to cultivation. Taking into account
modifying factor for moisture is always 0.2, so decompo- that arable cropping on the investigated sites resulted in
sition may be less in the model than it is in reality (K. linear losses of the silt fraction itself (Lobe et al., 2001), the
Coleman, pers. comm). Thus, model modifications of the more negative d13C values in the silt fraction may be
estimation of the rate-modifying factor might be required to explained by the relatively higher input of fresh C3-derived
obtain the same C stocks as shown in Fig. 4, but by using organic matter to a lower amount of the remaining silt. The
more realistic C inputs in the model. results of the d13C values therewith support the findings
from previous lignin analyses (Lobe et al., 2002), suggesting
that old SOM of the silt is rejuvenated upon silt losses.
4.3. d13C values in particle-size separates It was not possible to simulate the crop-derived C in the
particle-size fractions as no information was available as to
The d13C values of the grassland increased from coarse how much of the input was transferred to the different
sand to clay (Fig. 5). This is the result of the different stage particle-size pools. Therefore, our model was restricted to
of decomposition of SOM in the fractions. The more the C dynamics in the bulk soil.
decomposed the organic matter is in a particle-size fraction
the more enriched this fraction is in 13C. 4.4. d15N values in bulk soil and soil separates
With increasing duration of cultivation, the d13C values
of the particle-size fractions declined, reflecting the The logarithmic increase of the d15N values with
different velocity of the incorporation of the C3 inputs to increasing duration of cultivation (Fig. 6) can be explained
the particle-size fractions and their turnover. The more by two reasons:
expressed decrease in the d13C values during cultivation
from the clay to the coarse sand fraction indicated that more (a) Decomposition of plant residues increases the values of
new C3 material was incorporated in the coarse sand than in d15N (Turner et al., 1983; Nadelhoffer and Fry, 1988;
the clay-size separates (Fig. 5). Therefore, the proportion of Yoneyama, 1996). An increased mineralization of
the new C3 organic matter increased from the clay to the easily mineralizable organic N in the beginning of the
coarse sand fraction (Table 3). cultivation results therefore in a loss of 15N-depleted
1908 I. Lobe et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (2005) 1898–1909

compounds and an enrichment of remaining 15N- (65% on average) of the remaining 1.3 kg mK2 soil C was
enriched compounds of the soil. crop-derived in the top 20 cm. By means of the 13C natural
(b) The air nitrogen (0‰) which is taken up by plants by abundance tracer technique it was shown that replacement
N2-fixation turns the d15N values of the vegetation rates of organic matter increased as particle-size increased;
towards 0‰ and as a consequence the ones of the soil the isotopic signature of the coarse sand fractions exhibited
(Yoneyama, 1996). A higher contribution of N2-fixation the most recent plant input.
of the grassland vegetation compared with the crops Using our newly developed stepwise C replacement
thus causes an increase of the d15N values with model, it was possible to correct soil d13C data for the
increasing duration of cultivation. irregular inputs of maize (C4) or wheat (C3) C inputs. Soil C
stocks after 90 years of the wheat/maize crop rotation were
The small differences in the soil pH that might affect N also accurately described with the Rothamsted Carbon
mineralization processes seem to have no influence on the Model, although the modelled C inputs to the soil were very
d15N values, as there is no correlation between the low.
oscillating soil pH and the d15N values (P!0.05). Furthermore, at least up to 33% of the carbon in the clay
In the particle-size fractions, the d15N signature differed fraction was formed by the crop inputs indicating that the
due to the stage of decomposition of the organic N material. old SOM reserves were used up due to decreasing yields and
As a consequence, the d15N values in the grassland enhanced mineralization. The d15N values were not related
increased from the coarse sand to the clay fraction. In the to the origin or the age of the N, as was the case for 13C.
coarse sand fraction, the d15N values were nearest to the However, it traced the origin of fertilizer N within the recent
values of the plants as a result of the highest content of plant debris, to the coarse sand fraction. We conclude that
particulate plant residues (Table 4). the natural abundance tracer technique is not restricted to
With increasing duration of cultivation, the d15N values soils with an ideal C4/C3 vegetation change, but it can be
of the clay fraction did increase similar to the bulk soil. This applied profitably to sites with mixed cropping history,
suggested that the effect of the faster mineralization during provided that land-use history and yields are well reported.
the initial cultivation stages mainly affected the clay
fraction, probably as the microbial N-products predomi-
nantly located there. Amelung et al. (2002) indicated that
the clay fraction contains the majority of the amino sugars Acknowledgements
representing microbial residues. Decreasing d15N values in
the coarse sand fraction with increasing duration of This study was financially supported by the German
cultivation could be attributed to lower d15N values in the Research Foundation. IGER is grant aided by the Biotech-
C3 crop plants than in the C4 grassland, especially of the nology and Biological Sciences Research Council. We
roots (Table 4). However, we should then expect to observe thank all the South African farmers who allowed us to
an exponential decrease of the d15N values as seen in the sample their fields, and gave us the important information
d13C values. Therefore, a second process seems to be about the cropping history of the sites, and De Villiers
responsible for or to contribute to the linear decline of the Bosman, David Fouche, Donny Holmes, Deon Maree, Leon
d15N values. The uptake of fertilizer-N, which has d15N Strachan, and Frikkie Swanepoel for organizing the contacts
values around 0G3‰ (Yoneyama, 1996), would lead to a with the farmers. We thank Prof. D. Jenkinson and Mr
decrease of the d15N values in the plants and consequently in K. Coleman for their help and discussion with regards to the
the coarse sand fraction, which mainly contains decompos- Roth-C Model.
ing plant debris. This effect is probably enhanced as, with
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