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Simple Strategies Keys to Combat
Simple strategies promoting
health can delay Alzheimer's disease
by many years.
A healthy lifestyle including exer-
cise, eating right and controlling
stress reduces not only the risk of a
heart attack and stroke but also the
risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative
disorder of the brain associated with
relentless and insidiously progres-
sive damage to brain cells. Abnor-
malities are present in the brain 20
years before symptoms develop. Ini-
tially, an abnormal protein called
beta amyloid precursor protein accu-
mulates in and around brain cells.
The protein causes a subtle inflam-
mation that damages and destroys
the cells. When destruction of the
brain becomes severe enough, symp-
toms develop.
Alzheimer's disease initially affects
that part of the brain responsible for
short-term memory. Thus, the earli-
est symptoms include forgetting ap-
pointments, repeating yourself and
having difficulties remembering re-
cent events.
Abnormalities characteristic of
Alzheimer's can be found in well
over 50 percent of brains examined
at autopsy, even though many die
with no memory problems. When
symptoms initially develop is de-
pendent not only on the severity of
the degeneration but also on the
health of the unaffected brain. High
blood pressure, cholesterol deposits
in arteries, major or multiple minor
strokes, diabetes and a host of other
problems all impair brain function.
This decline in function reduces the
ability of the brain to compensate for
the degeneration caused by
Alzheimer's, resulting in the devel-
opment of symptoms at an earlier
It is not surprising, therefore, that
compelling research shows that
strategies to reduce the risk of heart
disease are more effective at slowing
the rate of progression of
Alzheimer's than any of the current
medications used to treat the disease.
Furthermore, if heart disease is not
present, the brain is likely to be
healthier and more able to adapt to
changes in the brain caused by
Alzheimer's. Only if this person lives
well past age 90 would memory loss
If Alzheimer's pathology is present
in the brain, nothing is more impor-
tant than delaying the time at which
memory loss occurs and the rate at
which it progresses. This will assure
additional years of independent life,
delaying the need for caregiving and
This of-
fers the potential of substantial re-
ductions in the emotional and
financial burdens of the disease
while improving the quality of life of
The vast majority of baby boomers
will reach the age of 85, at which
time half will have memory prob-
lems severe enough to prevent them
from living alone without assistance.
At middle age and beyond, the best
strategy to maintain a robust mem-
ory throughout life is to eat right, ex-
ercise and prevent high blood
pressure, elevated cholesterol and di-
abetes. And for those with heart dis-
ease, treatment with medications that
include aspirin, statins to lower cho-
lesterol, beta-blockers and the an-
inhibitors better known as ACE in-
hibitors (drugs used to treat high
blood pressure) not only prevent
worsening heart problems but also
reduce the risk of memory loss.
Research indicates that the more ac-
tive the brain, the lower risk of
Alzheimer's. Studies of twins have
shown that the person with the
higher degree and a history of life-
long learning is far less likely to de-
velop memory loss than his identical
twin who is less educated.
Continues on page 5
By Dr. David Lipschitz
Medical/Ostomy Supply, Inc.
Hablamos Espaol!
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1815 Montana Ave.
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Fax: 915-351-1970
Monday thru Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Bath Safety
Patient Care
How Seniors Can Stay Safe In
The Summer Heat And Sun
Sunny days uplift spirits. But seniors need
to take special precautions to make sure their en-
joyment of summer is not eclipsed by the pain of
sunburn or the harmful effects of dehydration and
heat illness.
Physical changes that come with aging make older
adults more vulnerable to summers heat and hu-
midity. The American Geriatrics Societys Foun-
dation for Health in Aging (FHIA) reports that
most of the 200 Americans who die each summer
of heat-related complications are over 50.
Seniors become less sensitive to heat and the feel-
ing of thirst as they age. And on top of that, cer-
tain medical conditions, such as heart disease, and
medications commonly taken by seniorswater
pills, allergy and sinus medications, and antide-
pressantsfurther increase the risk.
FHIA warns that temperatures in the low 90s can
be very dangerous to seniors and offers seniors
and their caregivers a wide variety of hot weather
safety tips.
Recommendations include:
Turn on the air conditioner or go to an air
conditioned placesenior center, mall, movie
theater, or library, for example. Fans are not
Stay indoors during excessive heat, and
when outside, avoid the sun as much as pos-
sible, wear hats and sunglasses, and use
SPF 30 or higher sunscreen
Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting
Avoid strenuous activity
Take cool showers, baths, or sponge baths
FHIA also recommends that family members or
friends check on seniors at least twice a day dur-
ing a heat wave Family and professional care-
givers can make a special effort to help seniors get
enough to drink, as the need for water and nonal-
coholic and decaffeinated beverages rises with the
temperature. This includes keeping a good variety
of beverages on hand and encouraging frequent
drinking of smaller quantities as opposed to less
frequent drinking of larger quantities.
Use the urine test to confirm whether you or a
loved one is drinking enough. Light yellow urine
is usually a sign that liquid consumption is ade-
quate, while darker urine may signal that more
liquid is needed.

Beware of Heat Illnesses
Overexposure to the heat can lead to a variety of
serious health problems.
Heat exhaustion is a warning that your body
cannot cool itself. Symptoms include thirst, dizzi-
ness, weakness, poor coordination, nausea and
sweating. Body temperature stays normal, but the
skin feels cold and clammy and pulse can be nor-
mal or raised. If this is the case, rest in a cool
place, drink plenty of fluids and take a cool
shower or sponge bath. This condition can turn
into heatstroke, so if you do not feel better
quickly, seek medical care right away.
Continues on page 5 P




SocIal SecuRIty column
By Ray Vigil Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in El Paso, Texas
This Fathers Day, you may be in-
clined to spend some quality time
with Dad, maybe take him out camp-
ing or fishing. But try to make sure
that nobody else tries to phish
with you or your father.
These days, all people (including fa-
thers and sons) need to be cautious
of scams Internet, mail, and even
phone scams which can damage
your credit score and wallet. Scam
artists have become shrewd. Any
time someone asks for your personal
information, you should be wary.
Particularly cruel are swindlers who
target Social Security beneficiaries.
As a rule of thumb, Social Security
will not call or email you for your
personal information such as your
Social Security number or banking
information. If someone contacts
you and asks for this kind of infor-
mation and claims to be from Social
Security, do not give out your per-
sonal information without first con-
tacting Social Security to verify the
validity of the person contacting
you. It could be an identity thief on
the other end phishing for your per-
sonal information. Just call the local
Social Security office, or Social Se-
curitys toll-free number at 1-800-
772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).
If you receive a suspicious call,
please report it to the Fraud Hotline.
Reports may be made online at
ing/form.htm or by telephone at
1-800-269-0271 from 10:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Please include the following details:
The alleged suspect(s) and
victim(s) names, addresses,
phone numbers, dates of birth,
Social Security numbers;
Description of the fraud and
the location where the fraud
took place;
When and how the fraud was
Why the person committed
the fraud (if known); and
Who else has knowledge of
the potential violation.
Identity theft is one of the fastest-
growing crimes in America. If you,
your father, or anyone you know has
been the victim of an identity thief,
the place to contact is the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC) at
www.idtheft.gov. Or, call 1-877-
IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338);
TTY 1-866-653-4261.
Some people who receive Social Se-
curity and Supplemental Security In-
come (SSI) benefits are victimized
by misleading advertisers. Such
companies offer Social Security
services for a fee, even though the
same services are available directly
from Social Security free of charge.
Especially upsetting are such ads
that make it appear as though the ad
has come directly from Social Secu-
rity. By law, such advertisements
must indicate that the company is
not affiliated with Social Security.
If you or your dad see what you be-
lieve is misleading advertising for
Social Security services from a com-
pany that does not admit it is not af-
filiated with Social Security, send
the complete mailing, including the
envelope, to: Office of the Inspector
General, Fraud Hotline, Social Secu-
rity Administration, P.O. Box 17768,
Baltimore, MD 21235. Also, advise
your State's attorney general or con-
sumer affairs office and the Better
Business Bureau. You can visit the
Office of the Inspector General on-
line at http://oig.ssa.gov and select
the Fraud, Waste, or Abuse link.
Learn more about identity theft at
4.html. Read about misleading ad-
vertising at
Continues on page 6
Continued from page 3
Beware of Heat
Heat stroke is life threatening and
requires emergency medical help.
After calling 911, get the individual
to a cool place. Signs of heat stroke
include fainting, body temperature
above 104 F, confusion, irritable-
ness, staggering, dry, flushed skin,
strong, rapid pulse or slow, weak
pulse, not sweating, acting delirious
or being in a coma.
Protecting against Sun-
Seniors particularly need to avoid
sun exposure if they take certain
medications that increase sensitivity
to the sun, such as water pills, antibi-
otics, some antidepressants and non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
used to treat arthritis pain and in-
The Mayo Clinic offers the follow-
ing guidance for treating sunburn:
Take a cool bath or apply cold
compresses to the affected skin
Apply over-the-counter hydro-
cortisone cream, aloe or a mois-
Do not break blisters. Break-
ing them will slow the healing
process and increase risk of in-
fection. Cover blisters with light,
non-stick gauze, if needed.
Take an over-the-counter pain
reliever until redness and sore-
ness subside.
Continue using moisturizing
cream while the skin peels.
However, see a doctor if severe
sunburn covers a large area with
blisters, is accompanied by high
fever or severe pain and does
not improve in a few days.
Stay Safe In The Summer Heat...
Continued from page 2...Keeping
your mind keen and active helps
maintain a healthy brain. These in-
dividuals are far better able to com-
pensate for Alzheimer's-induced
brain damage.
However, keeping the mind active
does not prevent the relentless pro-
gression of Alzheimer's so that
when the disease finally manifests it
is more advanced and appears to
progress more rapidly.
While age is the most important
risk factor for Alzheimer's, the
second most important is family
history. If more than one close
family member has been diag-
nosed with the disease, the risk
in younger family members is
50 percent higher. For these in-
dividuals, some experts believe
that in addition to a healthy
lifestyle, beginning at an age
that is 20 years younger than
symptoms developed in their af-
fected relative, they should be
treated as if they have had a
heart attack. This includes low-
ering the bad or LDL cholesterol
to below 70, aggressively main-
taining normal blood pressure
and being treated with a low
dose of an ACE inhibitor.
We must all hope that in the near fu-
ture there will be a cure for
Alzheimer's. The size of the coming
epidemic makes it ever more impor-
tant to emphasize strategies to im-
prove both heart and brain health.
Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of
the book "Breaking the Rules of
Aging." More information is avail-
able at: www.drdavidhealth.com
By Sandi Smith, CSA
President Comfort Keepers in El Paso &
Las Cruces
The Great Outdoors
Container Gardening and Senior Health
Fresh air and a bit of sunshine are perhaps
two things we all take for granted, not real-
izing the impact both can have on our
health. The benefits of spending time in
the great outdoors are bountiful - sharper
mental states, happier moods, overall im-
proved physical health and a sense of well-
being. For these reasons, alone, it is
important for seniors to be encouraged to
enjoy a bit of time every day outside when
A brisk walk around the neighborhood
may be sufficient for many seniors. But,
consider another outdoor activity which
can also boost levels of health and wellbe-
ing: gardening. Gardening has long been
declared by healthcare professionals as an
activity that can lower blood pressure, re-
duce stress and alleviate depression. The
physical aspects of gardening promote
greater mobility as well as fine motor co-
ordination, which is important for seniors
as they grow older.
Many people think of gardens in terms of
large, dirt-filled plots of land, which may
be inappropriate for most seniors. How-
ever, over the past decade, gardening in
containers of various shapes and sizes has
become quite the trend. People of all ages
grow shrubs, flowers, trees and even herbs
and vegetables in containers rather than
planting them in the ground. Container
gardens are more manageable for those
who have limited time and space, but who
enjoy the aspects of gardening. Container
gardening is perfect for seniors, as it re-
quires less strenuous work, while offering
the health benefits of spending time out-
side as well as
the visual color-
ful fruits of ones
When helping
seniors shop for
container garden-
ing supplies it is
important to
choose items
conducive to the
seniors outdoor
space and appropriate for their physical
abilities. Be sure to choose plants that re-
quire low light for shady spaces, or if the
spot is sunny, pick plants appropriate for
full-sun. Choose a watering can that is
easy for the senior to manage when filled.
Plastic pots may be easier to relocate dur-
ing winter months, but glazed terra cotta
pots can add a burst of color if desired. A
good pair of pruners and a pair of garden-
ing gloves are essential in maintaining any
Container gardening is a perfect activity
for family members or caregivers of sen-
iors to become involved in doing. The re-
sponsibility of caring for something gives
seniors a sense of purpose. The interaction
while gardening together can cultivate a
greater sense of self-worth for the senior
and reduces the sense of isolation many
seniors experience. The rewards can be
two-fold providing the satisfaction of
caring for and watching your gardens grow
and a sense of togetherness which grows in
Sandi Smith
Continued from page 4
And finally, while youre enjoying the right kind of fishing with
Dad this Fathers day, you may want to tell him about Extra
Help with Medicare prescription drug costs. If your father is
covered by Medicare and has limited income and resources, he
may be eligible for Extra Help available through Social Se-
curity to pay part of his monthly premiums, annual de-
ductibles, and prescription co-payments.
We estimate that the Extra Help is worth about $4,000 per year.
That kind of savings buys a lot of bait and tackle. Learn more at
SocIal SecuRIty column...
Dancing in the City
Starts this Saturday in Arts Festival Plaza
Run Dates: June 1 July 27
Dancing in the City is an outdoor dance concert series in Arts
Festival Plaza presented in collaboration with the Convention
and Visitors Bureau. The event takes place every Saturday
from June 1 July 27, 2013 from 7:00pm-10:00pm (with the
exception of the June 29th weekend to accommodate the
Downtown Street Festival). The event offers attendees a live
dance lesson taught by professional dancers one hour prior to
the live music performance. Both local and touring musical
talents are invited to apply.
2013 Music Line-up
June 1- Sobredosis Del Sabor- Merengue (El Paso, Texas)
*June 8- The Big Easy Band - Funk (El Paso, Texas) *
June 15- Azucar- Salsa (El Paso, Texas)
June 22- Texas Gypsies- Swing (Allen, Texas)
June 29- Blackout
July 6- Sorry About Your Sister- Rockabilly (El Paso, Texas)
July 13-Yarn- Country (Brooklyn, NY)
July 20- Samba Society- Samba (Los Angeles, California)
July 27- Ivon Ulibarri & Caf Mocha- Salsa (Albuquerque,
New Mexico)
*Performance lineup change. Alan Evans Trio has been can-
For questions please contact: Kaycee Dougherty, Downtown
Arts District Coordinator/MCAD PIO (915) 541-4280 office,
Doppler" Dave Speelman is the chief meteorologist at KVIA-TV in El Paso. You can
watch his forecasts at 4, 5, 6 and 10 pm on ABC-7 (channel 6 cable). If you would like
Doppler Dave to address (explain) any weather issues you can email him at
I talked to Elephant Butte
local fishing guide Frank
Vilorio. Hes been a fishing
guide there for 19 years. He
says the fishing continues to
be very good despite the
drought and water levels
being very low.
The New Mexico Game
and Fish Department period-
ically stock the lake with
strippers, walleyes and large
mouth bass. Vilorio says the
lake was stocked with
750,000 striper frys (young
fish about 1 inch long) last
year. New Mexico fish biol-
ogists claim thirty-six thou-
sand will make it to 5-8 lbs
in about five years. The aver-
age striper caught in the lake
is around 8-12 lbs. Trophies
(the largest) range from 30-
40 lbs.
If youre wondering what
kind of fish swim
the lake, Vilorio
says there are quite
a few. You can expect
catching anything from
Stripers, Walleye, Small-
mouth and Largemouth
Bass, Crappies, Perch,
Bream, Catfish, White Drum
and occasionally Rainbow
Trout if they can make it
down river. Just a month or
so ago a 30 Northern Pike
was caught Vilorio says
that hasnt happened
in a very long time.
Vilorio says that de-
termining when the
fish bite the best is based on
a lot of different aspects. He
says some of these factors
include water temperature,
moon cycle, barometric pres-
sure (affected by frontal
weather systems), wind and
the direction its coming
from, lake boat
angle of
the sun and water clarity.
Vilorio says fish seem to bite
the best when water temper-
atures are on the rise such as
winter to spring and spring
to summer. The bite slows
down mid-summer, so we
fish at night with lights.
Weather frontal systems that
come in with wind blowing
from the north affects the
fishing the most. Vilorio
says the fish seem to get lock
jaw and go deeper in the
water and fishing seems to
be less productive. Most
fishermen agree that before
the approach of a cold front
fishing can be good.
Most fishermen
I talked to over the
years put a lot of ef-
fort into fishing the
cycle of the moon. Vilorio
believes the new moon cycle
(no moon) is best especially
a few days before or a few
days after. It seems that on
full moon periods fish tend
to bite less often, especially
during the daytime.
If you would like to sched-
ule a fishing trip with Frank
Vilorio, you can reach him at
m or call 575-744-4346.
By: Doppler Dave Speelman
Hows Fishing at elephant Butte?
State record fish from Elephant Butte:
(Courtesy of fishing guide Frank Vilorio)
Striped Bass: 54 lbs, 8 ounces
Flathead Catfish: 78 pounds
Smallmouth Bass: 6 lbs, 7 ounces
Green Sunfish: 1 lb 6 ounces
If you want your upcoming event listed in SPOTLIGHTS Out & About section, please send all your relevant data by e-mail to: editorial@spotlightepnews.com
Out & About Calendar of upcoming events for El Paso/ Southern New Mexico are from May 30th - June 22nd 2013
El Paso Diablos Baseball - The
American Association minor league
teams 2013 season runs May 16-
Aug. 25 at Cohen Stadium in North-
east El Paso. Information, ticket
prices and season packages: 755-
2000 or diablos.com. May 31-June
2: Gary Southshore Railcats
And Then There Were None
El Paso Playhouse, 2501 Mon-
tana, presents the classic Agatha
Christie mystery May 24-June 15.
Directed by Rachel Mullins. Show-
times are 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday
and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: $10 ($8
seniors, $7 military/students with
ID; $5 students under 18). Informa-
tion: 532-1317,
Crossland Gallery The El
Paso Art Associations gallery is at
500 W. Paisano (in the Art Junction
of El Paso). Hours are 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. Tuesday through Friday, 11
a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays. Admission
is free. Information: 534-7377 or of-
Showing May 31-June 22: Some-
thing New Under the El Paso
Sun. Works by Samuel Garcia, Ed-
uardo Saucedo and their YISD stu-
Opening reception is 5 to 8 p.m.
Friday, May 31.
Brain Injury Support Group
5K The groups 2nd annual
fundraising 5K and 1-mile fun walk
is 7 a.m. Sunday, June 2, at Ascarate
Park, 6900 Delta. Cost: $20 ($1
entry fee for all vehicle entering
park). Online registration at racead-
Beach Day Volleyball Tourna-
ment City of El Paso Parks and
Recreation Department will host the
inaugural Beach Day Co-Ed 4 on 4
Volleyball Tournament beginning 9
a.m. on Saturday, June 1, at Pavo
Real Recreation Center, 9301
Alameda. Each participating team
must compete on three different
courts for the tourney, consisting of
grass, mud, and water. Each team
will start on the grass then move to
the mud pit court area, concluding at
Pavo Real Aquatic Center, with the
water court in the four-foot depth
area. Entry fee (by May 31): $12 per
person (teams limited to 6-person
roster). Deadline for all entries is
Friday, May 31, at any city Recre-
ation Center. Information: 533-1611
or 858-1929.
The event is part of the Bragging
Rights Car Show 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in the center parking lot.
Guardian Angel Kermess
The annual bazaar is 11 a.m. to mid-
night Saturday and 11 a.m. to 11
p.m. Sunday, June 1-2, at Guardian
Angel Church, 3021 Frutas. Food
and game booths. Sangre Gitana and
Ambicion perform Saturday; Con-
junto Majeztad and Bando Orgullo
de Durango perform Sunday. Admis-
sion is free. Information: 533-2077.
Bragging Rights Car Show
City of El Paso Parks and Recre-
ation Department hosts the custom
car show 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Satur-
day, June 1, in the Pavo Real Recre-
ation Center parking lot, 9301
Alameda. Judging based on finish,
detail, and presentation with awards
for first, second and third place and
the overall Bragging Rights Tro-
phy. Fee to enter vehicle is $25;
vendor booths available for $45. Par-
ticipants can register at Pavo Real
Recreation Center or online at elpa-
sotexas.gov/parks. Information: 544-
Burges Spring Dance Recital
The Burges High School Dance
Department presents its annual
recital, at 7 p.m. Friday and Satur-
day, May 31-June 1, at the
Chamizal National Memorial, 800 S.
San Marcial, celebrating the music
of the Beatles. Admission: $5. Infor-
mation: 309-1090.
Concert 4 Autism Concerts
benefiting local austism charities are
planned in at 5 p.m. Sunday, June 2
and 23 at Kickstandz, 113355 Mont-
wood. Tickets per show are $10 at
the door. Information: (Kickstandz)
The June 2 headliner is metal band
Red Lamb, led by former Anthrax
guitarist and father of autistic identi-
cal twins, Dan Spitz. Opening bands
include Abnik, Epitaph Romance,
Something Wicked, Texas Roadkill
and Crash.
Quintessential Brass The en-
semble hosts a free outdoor concert
7:30 to 9 p.m. Sunday, June 2, at
Madeline Park in Kern Place, spon-
sored by Robert H. Cameron and
Kern Place Association. The brass
quintet, under the leadership of
Steve Haddad, presents an eclectic
variety of music from Bach to the
Beatles and more. Families are in-
vited to bring a blanket and picnic.
Information: 532-5074.
Juanes The Colombian rock
singer and guitarist returns to the
border with his Loud & Un-
plugged Tour at 8 p.m. Saturday,
June 1, at El Paso County Coliseum.
Tickets: $37 and $87. (Ticketmas-
Juanes is the winner of 12 Latin
Grammy Awards from 2001 to 2005,
and was chosen one of Time Maga-
zines 100 Most Influential People
in 2005. He also established the Mi
Sangre Foundation, aiding victims of
anti-personnel mines.
Hits include Fijate Bien, A Dios
Le Pido, Es Por Ti, Un Dia Nor-
mal, and La Paga, which featured
the Black Eyed Peas. His 2006 hit
Te Busque featured Nelly Furtado.
1 Cassette player in-
5 Bldg. custodians
11 Bro, for one
14 ___ fix
15 Stuck
16 2001 computer
17 Capital of Oz
19 Latin I word
20 Demonstrate, in a
21 Sicilian spouter
22 Market Wrap
cable sta.
23 Wobble
25 Keep selfishly
26 ___ Marner
28 Golf layout
31 Litter's littlest
34 Acquire lines,
35 More cordlike
36 Sorbonne summer
37 Increases
39 Meadow
40 Gadget
42 French friend
43 Exhausts
44 Bellini creations
45 Hale and hearty
47 Was in charge of
48 Eastman or West-
51 Pottery furnace
53 Powell, of the
'60s-'70s Orioles
56 Detroit eleven
58 Healthy-horse
59 Where the hobbits
61 Countdown starter
62 Torsos
63 Fiddling emperor
64 Z, to a Briton
65 Maintain
66 Snick-or- ___
1 Overtime causes
2 Let in or let on
3 Calvin, of the PGA
4 Most spooky
5 Part of RSVP
6 Not 21, in some
7 Agreement
8 Moran, of Happy
9 Actress Lee, of
TV's Pantomime
10 Hog heaven?
11Hilton's Tibetan
12 Two-syllable foot
13 Alliance
18 Not supporting
22 Clever
24 Overjoys
25 Hula ___
27 Floral
28 Vacation
29 Ooze
30 Historic
31 Change
the wallpaper, e.g.
32 Western Athletic
Conf. team
33 Peter Pan's home
37 Examine in detail
38 Customs concern
41 Azerbaijan neigh-
43 Damascus resi-
46 "My mama done
___ me "
49 Noted bridge ex-
50 ___ nous
51 TV cartoon psy-
chiatrist Dr. ___
52 Of course!
53 Short personal
54 Casino calcula-
55 Jon Arbuckle's
57 Oxford, for one
59 Exec's degree
60 Superlative suffix
Imaginary Places
El Paso Summer Music Festival - The
festivals 2013 concert and live taping of NPRs
From The Top featuring guest artists and the
winner of the 2013 Young Musicians Competi-
tion is 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 1, in the Plaza
Theatre. Tickets: $15, $25 and $35 ($10 sen-
iors/military; $5 students); available at the door
or through the festival at 449-0719 or
Featured guests include 13-year-old clarinetist
Andrew Moses of Culver City, Calif. who plays
in the Glendale Youth Orchestra; and 17-year-
old organist David von Behren of Falls City,
Neb. Both performers are recipients of From the
Tops Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award.
The preeminent showcase for young musicians
on NPR and PBS, From The Top, hosted by
acclaimed concert pianist Christopher ORiley,
returns to the festival to tape its radio program
heard on KTEP 88.5 FM.
El Paso Summer Music Festival is a non-profit
organization under the umbrella of the El Paso
Community Foundation.
Alfresco! Fridays La Explosin La-
gunera (cumbia) performs at the 11th season
of free outdoor weekly concerts at 6 p.m. Fri-
day, May 31, at Arts Festival Plaza (between El
Paso Museum of Art and Plaza Theatre). Pre-
sented by the El Paso Convention and Perform-
ing Arts Centers and the El Paso Convention
and Visitors Bureau. No outside food or bever-
ages, or pets allowed. Information: 534-0665 or
National Trails Day City of El Paso
Parks and Recreation Department and Franklin
Mountains State Park host a National Trails
Day volunteer event 8 a.m. to noon on Satur-
day, June 1, at the parks Thunderbird Trail-
head, north of Singing Hills on Thunderbird
Lane, across from Coronado Country Club Golf
Course. Information/signup: 541-4020 or
El Paso-Juarez Historical Museum
Curator and founder is historian Fred Morales,
who hosts historic exhibits, lectures and walk-
ing tours at various locations.CONT/P/11
Continued from page 10..
El Paso-Juarez Historical
Museum..Information: 255-9644,
fredmorales7@yahoo.com, or elpa-
A Historical Walking Tour of Kern
Place is 10 a.m. Saturday, June 1.
Meet at Madeline Park, intersection
of Baltimore and McKelligon. Cost:
$5 donation.
Tribal Caf Belly Dance Ex-
travaganza 2 The free
Women Empowering Women
dance event is 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday,
June 1, at El Paso Museum of His-
tory, 510 North Santa Fe Street, with
coffee, pastries and dances. The
Tribal Style Dancers will perform,
with co-hostess Snake Charmer and
the Belly Dancer and students plus
drums. Henna painting by Angie
available. Open for all ages. Admis-
sion is free. Information/RSVP: 351-
3588 or taylorsl@elpasotexas.gov.
III Bienal Ciudad Jurez/El
Paso Biennial 2013 The bi-
national exhibit presented by S-Mart,
Tijuana to Brownsville: Contempo-
rary Art Along the Border, runs
June 2-Aug. 18 at El Paso Museum
of Art, One Arts Festival Plaza in El
Paso. An Artist Open House for the
exhibit is 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 2.
Admission is free. Information: 532-
1707 or elpasoartmuseum.org.
Tchaikovsky, Mozart, music
and more The Ballet Centre
School of Classical Dance, directed
by David Alejandro Duran, presents
its 29th annual recital at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, June 2, at UTEPs Magoffin
Auditorium, with students ages 7-17
performing a variety of dances from
traditional ballet to contemporary.
Admission is free. Information: 544-
4348, 544-6206 or ballet-centre.com.
USTA Pro Circuit The Hunt
Communities $25K womens profes-
sional tennis tournament runs
through June 2, at Tennis West
Sports & Racquet Club, 1 Tennis
West Lane. Some of the top
womens professionals in the world
compete in this week-long event.
Community Day events/pro-ams and
other events scheduled. Matches
open to the public. Information: 581-
5471 or tennis-west.com.
The Best Little Whorehouse
in Texas The Las Cruces Com-
munity Theatre closes its season
with the hit musical by Larry L.
King, Peter Masterson and Carol
Hall May 31-June 16. Directed by
W. Dale Pawley. Performances are 8
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2
p.m. Sundays. Tickets: $10 ($9 sen-
iors, students, military; $8 per person
for groups of 10 or more; $7 children
under six). Information: (575) 523-
1200 or lcctnm.org.
This happy-go-lucky view of small-
town vice and statewide political
side-stepping recounts the good
times and the demise of the Chicken
Ranch, known since the 1850s as
one of the better pleasure palaces in
all of Texas. Governors, senators,
mayors, and even victorious college
football teams frequent Miss Monas
cozy bordello until that puritan
nemesis Watchdog focuses his tele-
vision cameras and his righteous in-
dignation on the institution.
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