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This edition of the Crock is directed at a specific person. One that I have known for some time reads my blogs of which I have verified through IP address lookups and confirmed with individuals that are extremely close to you. I have learned that you have read many of my blogs and fully understand that I am going to expose you for what you are.A fraud. Even though I believe it is you that has sent people here to harm me, I will not retaliate in the same manner. I will channel my efforts to have you exposed and perhaps indicted using the proper methods. My guess is that the last guy you sent here wants no part of me after our last event. He may not ever see out of that eye again. Of course, I am referencing none other than Judge Stephen George himself. Although it is no longer against judicial code for you to research or investigate anything about me, I find it interesting that you find me a credible threat to your political career. Since you are reading my blogs, I thought I might take a minute to jot down some things that you should remember. First, with the positive reputation you have as a judge and being surrounded by family members that I respect immensely and believe to have an incredible amount of integrity, I can see why my case may keep you up at night. If you have or once had integrity, you compromised it by allowing your friend, Louis Waterman and affiliate Scott Karem to manipulate your rulings. I am guessing the conversation went something like this; Dont worry Stephen, this guy is a nobody. He wont mind having you take his kids from him. He is a little prick that makes a bunch of money and deserves to have his wife cheat on him and get pregnant with another douchbag. That about right? Are those the things Waterman said to you when he illegally entered your chambers on November 13, 2008, before I filed for divorce? Or were these said on February 13, 2009 when Scott Karem came to visit your chambers alone with me or my counsel? I would also guess that if you only knew what kind of a fight this squeaky clean father of 3 was going to put up, you would have re-thought your position long ago. You would have done the right thing and granted me equal time with my children, even though the opposition was scum. Thats all I asked. Instead, you have placed yourself into a disgraceful situation. To have a divorce case lay claim to the most litigated court case in Kentucky history and to have attempted to influence 9 other judges that may actually have integrity, causing a total of 11

disqualifications, another national record, should be embarrassing to you. No capital crime, no national debate issues, just a plain ole simple divorce action. On July 15, 2010, I looked you in the eye while on the witness stand and said: Judge, if you think youre going to take my kids from me, you had better pack a lunch. I meant it and now you know I meant it. I made a promise to my children that I would NEVER give up on them. Well Judge, never aint here yet. I will not stop until I accomplish that and until you are exposed and disbarred, impeached or beaten in the 2014 election. You sir, should not be a judge. Just so you know, I have one more federal action coming your way. Its a big one. I get to take my chance of getting you on a witness stand. I would have hired an attorney for the next federal suit but I would not have had the opportunity to question you under oath. I want you to know how it feels to be powerless, concerned over the outcome and stressed by the pressure. I challenge you to thwart the truth in a federal court. If you lie, I will expose it and seek action as a result. This ordeal is bigger than you, despite your position in the legal community. Judges in the federal courts do not give a shit about you nor do the hard working secretaries and clerks you have employed that I intend on calling as witnesses to testify against you. They know the difference between right and wrong and the effect it has on children. You have either forgotten that or dont care. Last thought..Since you are in frequent communication with your buddy Waterman, let him know that I know what the contents of the Crumbo emails are. Let him know that subornation of perjury is a serious crime and one that is actionable in civil suits. I am close to getting the emails. One of these rat bastards that went along with this is going to roll on you and turn as a federal witness. You may have won the battles up to this point but as a promise to my children, I cannot and will not let you win the war. So buckle up, grab the lunch pail, its gonna be a long one.

John D. Lee One GREAT Dad!

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