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THE NODES AND NULLS OF EARTH "The Missing Piece" Moscow, Russia, May, 2013 This is really different!

You won't find this profound information on the audio site, or even in one stand-alone kryon channelling, like the others below. Instead, it has been compiled from a number of sources, to give you a complete picture of brand new information only available this year (2013). There are 12 polarized energy time capsules of the earth. Kryon now reveals why they are here, the energies of them, and where they are. Interested? http://www.kryon.com/CHAN%202013/Nodes%20and%20Nulls2.html

Kryon Channelling THE NODES AND NULLS OF EARTH FROM LEE CARROLL What are nodes and nulls? Why do we care? What is this all about? This page is the explanation, and gives the newly channelled information from KRYON: The 2012 Kundalini Tour was one of the most spectacular Kryon excursions I have ever done. If you want to see it for yourself, check out this nine-minute video: HERE We started in October 2012, and created an amazing adventure that lasted more than 30 days. We were in cars, buses, boats and airplanes (and some vehicles we didn't recognize). We crossed the Andes and visited four countries, travelling to the most amazing spiritual places on the Earth. We felt the new energy, profoundly. We were met by the guardians of the canyons and the mountains, who spoke to us through Kryon. We realized the Pleiadian connection was alive and well, and we "heard through a multitude of Kryon channellings, about the kinds of energies that the Pleadians had imprinted and created on planet Earth. This included the careful placement of time capsules that would release energy and information, should the planet ever reach a certain vibration. We are now at that vibration! We sat on top of the Island of the Sun at Lake Titicaca at an altitude of 4,000

meters (13,123 ft), and felt the incredible serenity of the lake and surrounding mountains while Kryon channelled about the energy we were feeling ... nodes and nulls. I felt the whisper of the ancients and the gentle love of GAIA as I began to channel within a field of grass at the base of the highest mountain in the Andes (Mt. Aconcagua), where Kryon identified a null. I stood and channelled on a ledge overlooking Machu Picchu, where KRYON talked about the Awakening of The Puma and the node we were sitting in. Twenty eight channellings were given on that tour, but in all that, there was never a complete explanation of nodes and nulls ... what they were, why, or especially where they were. Now that has changed. ----------------In the last few months of 2013, in channellings that were mostly overseas (countries outside of America), Kryon has given detailed information in many pieces and parts. Some of the channellings were given in Dr. Todd Ovokaity's workshops, some in regular events, and some were given in response to direct questions from an up-coming book. The majority of this information is not found on the audio page of this site or the channelling page you are looking at. So, with the help of a new author and her future book, I wish to fill in the gap. (I'll explain in a moment). Even after you read all this, the information is still incomplete. That's how new it is. Nodes and Nulls represent different attributes of energies on the planet. There are numerous nodes and nulls all over the planet. The "Pleiadians" are our spiritual parents who seeded this planet with divine DNA. This is the creation story of many of the indigenous of the planet, and also represents the teachings of KRYON. It's also responsible for our "fused DNA" issue, giving us twenty three instead of the normal twenty four pairs of Chromosomes that other animals have. It "yells" to biologists that "we didn't come from here." At the same time that the Pleiadians seeded humanity they also placed "time capsules within our DNA, GAIA and the cetaceans (whales and dolphins). Kryon has revealed that amongst the many time capsules on GAIA, there are 12 major ones. These twelve time capsules are represented by twenty four geographic locations. The reason is because each time capsules comprises a polarized pair of a node and null. The information about nodes and nulls is brand new and complex, and it's not all found in one place. In fact, it is so well hidden it's almost like Kryon wanted

us to start a compilation and ask custom questions, so that specific answers would be given. That's exactly what happened. In the next months in 2013, there will be another KRYON book, but it will not deal with this issue. Instead, a new author has combined her passion for the environment with the spiritual knowledge of Kryon. I would like to introduce you to the first Kryon related book that isn't one of mine! The Gaia Effect The Remarkable System of Collaboration Between Gaia and Humanity, is planned for a 2013 release. (Ariane Publishing). This book, by Australian author and naturalist Monika Muranyi, is a compilation of everything that Kryon has ever channelled about Gaia! It is something I never would have had time for, and it includes new channellings from Kryon that have never been published. So it also includes (you guessed it), questions about nodes and nulls and time capsules. Ms Muranyi's book represents an amazing job of research that includes listening to Kryon channellings, reading the Kryon books, plus reviewing all the questions and answers on-line. Add to that, she posed over thirty new questions, answered by Kryon in her book answers that have never been seen before. Furthermore, there is even more information available through fairly obscure KRYON channellings, only recorded by others, about the places where these time capsules are located. So thanks to her, we now have a far better picture of what the nodes and nulls are and the role of the time capsules. What follows, is her research on the subject. Some of the information will be featured in her book and some will not, because Kryon only revealed it recently. Following the new information that Kryon has slowly been revealing, she has created a map over the last three months which shows the locations of these energies (see below). Don't write me letters to ask why your favorite portal didn't make it to the list. It's not about portals on the planet. It's about twelve major time capsules represented by twenty four paired locations of nodes and nulls. Some of these have attracted Humans by the thousands, and some are so remote that Humans can't go there easily. So don't be disappointed if the place you had your epiphany, isn't there. There are many time capsules on the planet, but only twelve major ones. Kryon has yet to reveal the exact pairing of the nodes and nulls. Remember: The twelve major time capsules are polarized pairs. Only one paired node

and null has been revealed during the recent trip to Moscow, Russia. This pair is the time capsule contained within the node of Maui, Hawaii and the null of the Tibetsi Mountains, Chad (Africa). It was the first time capsule pair to be stimulated by the Lemurian Choir on December 21, 2012. Kryon gave the metaphor of this event, as putting a key in a lock to open access to all the other time capsules. What are we supposed to do with this information? Many things. But one of them is right in front of us, for the time capsule pairs respond to "designed compassionate action." In the Lemurian Choir experience in Maui, KRYON told us to repeat the choir experience using other tone combinations to change the planet. This then, is the first immediate action we know about ... large groups of people giving intent and singing specific tones, can release some of the energy (held within the time capsules) that the Pleiadians knew we would need... right about NOW. Lee Carroll NODES AND NULLS
Information gathered by Monika Muranyi for her new book:

The Gaia Effect The Remarkable System of Collaboration Between Gaia and Humanity (A compendium of KRYON channelled information)
Also (below)... unpublished KYRON channelling 2013

WHAT ARE THEY? Here are the specific definitions as given by Kryon: NODES: There are three kinds of nodes: portal, vortex and vortal. A portal is a node that overlaps and amplifies Gaia. A vortex is when energies collide and the energy is constantly moving. To some, being in a vortex may feel good for a while but it's hard to live there. A vortal is half portal and half vortex. There is no symmetry with these lines and they occur beneath the Earth as well as on the Earth. So it becomes more complex than what you think. All of these lines are created by The Crystalline Grid, and The Crystalline Grid is created by Human consciousness. --KRYON (paraphrased)-Part of a Kryon answer to a question in Monika's Gaia book Nodes are exactly what has been stated: They are places of immense

intensity where The Crystalline Grid can store the time capsules of the creation template, as placed there by the Pleiadians. So nodes can also be ascended land, and feel very good. However, as mentioned before, nodes are often in places that are less accessible or desirable for normal Human habitation due to the intense energy. But Humans are very attracted to them anyway, and the indigenous of the Earth often built their temples there. These time capsules need to be on the planet as a guide or blueprint for the starting creative energy of Gaia. We have told you that as they are slowly released, they modify The Crystalline Grid to help Human consciousness shift, and eventually create an ascended planet. The templates are not just information. They are quantum portals of Pleiadian life. This is difficult to explain, but consider for a moment that quantum energy can exist in two places at the same time. This is an attribute even of your own quantum physics, so it can't be that odd to you. So consider for a moment that even life can have these attributes (existing in multiple places). Therefore know that your seed creators have always been here in a certain quantum way, and are in the time capsules. When you feel these energies in 3D, you tend to linearize them all. Therefore those who are sensitive will see "a city" or feel entities that might even talk to you. But the reality is that these feelings are only the attributes of looking at profound quantum energy while in 3D. Mt. Shasta is one of these time capsules. The mountain is ready for activation, and the release of the time capsule there has already begun. But now, with the passing of 2012, the Pleiadians can take a more active role. You will know what this means in a later time. --KRYON--

NULLS: When The Crystalline Grid overlaps with the Gaia grid in a way that cancels each other out in energy, you get a null. A null is therefore a place where there is an absence of The Crystalline Grid, and so what you get is pure Gaia energy only. --KRYON (paraphrased)-Part of a Kryon answer to a question in Monika's Gaia book A null, or void land may feel wonderful, but it's too overwhelming to be in for

long time periods. It represents pure creative energy. It's far harder to live in, and the places on Earth where it exists are often uninhabited for that reason (some are in the ocean as well). It also has odd magnetic field characteristics, making it difficult for life force and balanced brain synapse (which requires a magnetic field balance of what you are used to). Unbalance and confusion are the result. --KRYON--

Further information about the time capsules Kryon has said that as the Compassion Choir sings specific paired tones to the time capsules, the time capsules are being quantumly stimulated. There is not an opening or closing such as imagined in a linear fashion. For instance, in the case of Maui in 2012 you stimulated the Lemurian one and it's polarity partner. The TWO of them sent a signal.

If you were to return to Maui and you did it again, it would be just as profound with new attributes of time capsules being released. So the capsules are tuned to respond to the consciousness of the day. --KRYON May 22, 2013 Moscow, Russia-The complete pairs are not known yet, however Kryon has given one of them. Maui is paired with the Tibetsi Mountains in Chad (Africa) and this was one of the twelve time capsules that was stimulated during the Lemurian Choir event on Dec 21, 2012. Research has shown that this area has some geological similarities with Maui, in that it is also volcanic. It is also appears to be on the exact opposite side of the earth from Maui. The next event will be the Compassion Choir which will be performed in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. This pairing is not yet known, nor is the exact purpose and intent yet realized. But as the tones are developed, it will be given to Dr. Todd by KRYON when appropriate. But the instructions are clear... do it! Finally, here is an excerpt from a channelling given in Moscow, Russia May 26, 2013 following Dr. Todd's toning workshop. (It's typical that these smaller channellings do not get posted on the Kryon website).

NEW: This information is not available on the audio site, and the transcription is presented here for the first time! From the Kryon channel in Moscow, Russia May 26, 2013 Following Dr Todd Ovokaitys' toning workshop: "THE MISSING PIECE" Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much to discuss and so much to try to explain. Each time we sit in front of those who would come to a meeting like this, we're openly able to release a small portion of the bigger picture. But let us today speak of the whole picture a little differently. There is something that has just happened in the evolution of the tones. We're starting to discuss what they are really for. The first set was revealed and also performed at the place formerly called Lemuria. The reason it was done there is actually a bit disguised and now has been revealed. So stay with me, for my partner [Lee] is going to try to explain some things that are very complex. The place where the choir performed in Hawaii is actually one of two polarities, and actually represents two places on the planet. We have revealed to Dr Todd Ovokaitys that there are a number of what we would call Pleiadian "time capsules" on the planet. They represent twenty four places, but for simplicity we'll say that twelve of them are charged in one way and that twelve of them are charged in another. So really, they all have a polarity that creates twelve complete pairs of time capsules. When you touch one, the other one is affected. These profound time capsules have been waiting for this energy on the planet. The end of 2012 was a time when the key was put into the lock, which opened the access for all of them. So part of the tone-sets that were sung there [Maui] created a way of opening potential access to all of these on the planet. Now, that's fairly simple for you to understand, but now it gets harder. As many times as we try to explain this, there are many who don't understand. So I'm going to step out of physics for a moment and step into the metaphor that most of you will understand. I would like to tell you about something you are very familiar with in order to

give you a scenario that makes sense to you. I hope that you will leave this place not in confusion, but with an "A-Ha! Now I get it!"experience. One of the grand inventions that you have right now is what you would call high definition television. It represents those enormous screens that carry some of the most beautiful pictures anyone has ever seen on TV. What an invention! You can see pieces and parts of the grandness of the earth, right on the screen in front of you. It often takes your breath away, how real it is. Now, if you don't even know basic science, many of you know the secret of how television works. It's simple. Your science discovered long ago that all of those beautiful colors you see can be presented to you in what they would call an "additive color system." It's based on something called tri-chromatic human sight. Quite simply, it means that the most beautiful pictures on earth, can all be presented by using combinations of only three colors! They are red, green and blue. It's all you need. When combined correctly, these colors create almost every possible color that Humans have the ability to see. Three colors. Now, as you watch any television, you're not aware of the three colors. Instead, you're aware of millions of colors hitting your eyes, put together by only three basic colors. This is the secret of color television. It simplifies the transmission of sending you millions of colors. So when the transmission occurs, the system sends "information" to the TV on how to combine the three colors that the TV device creates. It then gives you something that you recognize - the full color spectrum of sight, and the "big picture." So now let us apply this knowledge to what's going on in an area you really are not familiar with. I can apply this metaphor of the TV in several ways: Let's talk about physics first. You are in 3D. So let's pretend that you are a "quantum" TV receiver, as a Human on earth. Let's say that your 3D reality corresponds only to all the red color pixels (millions of spots of information on your TV screen). Let us say that as I come and speak to you, I would be talking to only the red pixels of a much larger system. In 3D, you only get a "partial" download of what is actually happening. Now, let's further tell you that the red pixels have no idea about the blue ones or the green ones. In this metaphor, you might believe they exist, but you've never seen the big picture - all you understand is red. Your reality is like that. As long as you remain in 3D survival, no quantum or multi-dimensional energy is viewable to you. In fact, you walk around with all the pixel colors available,

but red is all you get in 3D. Let's say I now go to a physicists convention. Here will be the smartest brains on the planet, and I start talking about red and blue pixels. I get their attention! They have a far better idea that the blue ones exist... but without ever seeing them together, even they don't have the HD picture, and the green ones haven't even occurred to them yet. No picture can be transmitted, since there is no true way to combine all three colors. So there's no beautiful picture to look at, and all Humans know about are the pieces "without a reference to the big picture." There's no one on the planet who really has all three colors of physics (using the metaphor). Oh, you're close! But that means there is actually no one on the planet who can see the big picture, which is constantly being broadcast to you. You only have two of the colors of three that are necessary to see what is really happening. Without the information on how to combine the colors, and without the final color, it's just a "chaos of pixels"... pieces that often don't make sense. So let us apply this same principle to the tones that are being sung and learned in this workshop. There are twelve time capsules, which have been placed on the planet. If you have been paying attention to the "physics of Kryon," you know that everything in physics comes in pairs. Even the 3D laws of physics you now have come in pairs. So the idea that even quantum laws are also polarized, should not be difficult for you. So you should know that the twelve time capsules of the planet also come in pairs - three dimensional pairs represented as locations on the planet. The tones: One tone, sung against (with) another, also represents polarity. Now you know why there are two. For they "talk" to the polarity of the time capsules they are sung to activate. Now, this is far more complex and so we're not going to get into it now. But know that the tones are also polarized, and when sung together they create a third energy. Remember that for now. The time capsules represent places on the planet where something is happening energetically, but still you're only looking at two... nodes and nulls. So let us call these pairs, the red and blue time capsules of the planet. So let's say (for the TV metaphor) that you have a red tone and a blue tone. You're singing them together. Where is the third color? In the time capsules, there are only two parts - the positive and the negative (the node and the null). There is no triad in physics that you are seeing, and as described, everything

is in pairs. So what's up with this? Well, dear ones, that's not the way real "universal physics" works. This is what I want to tell you today. The third color in this metaphor is "quantum compassionate consciousness". It's a third energy that is a catalyst to the other two to create the green pixel and give you the whole picture! You might even say it's the "information" needed to put everything together. But until it is stirred into the other two, the big picture will never be seen. In addition, the irony is this: Even when it is created, if you are simply sitting there as a red and a blue pixel, you won't ever see the picture. But others can! GAIA can; The Pleiadians can; and any civilization in the galaxy that has quantum sight, also can! They seeyour transmission. That's an irony isn't it? That you can generate the picture but you can't see it? Not yet, but soon. Meanwhile, you can still send pictures to those who can see them. So now you know a little more about what happens when you sing one tone against the other. It creates, through compassionate consciousness, a third energy the great green pixel. So you have the red pixel representing a tone in three dimensions, and the blue pixel representing another tone. But when humans sing them together, the divine consciousness of the intent of the event generates the missing green pixel, and the instructions for the picture. Doing that speaks to the pair of time capsules that are being energized on the planet. But listen: When the two polarized time capsules are energized, they also create a third energy the missing metaphoric green pixel, and they transmit a picture with millions and millions of energies and colors. Sometimes the picture is transmitted into the earth, alerting the earth of something that you are doing that never could be transmitted before, until you turned the key in the lock on December 21st. Sometimes the tones create another picture that is sent into the galaxy to let those who see the whole picture know what you're doing. So what is the "missing piece?" Listen dear ones: Physics is not complete without the divine consciousness of DNA which has the "seed core." Physics alone is only in pairs. But physics combined with the sacredness of compassion completes the triad... and the three of them soar into communication with the entire galaxy. Now here's where I want to honor the Human Being: You sit in a room like this [workshop in Moscow] and you're studying the red and blue, tone by tone. Yet

you are only trusting in a larger scenario. Let me give you an example of what that's like: Let's say you had one of the most complex auto engines on earth. Let us say it was a quantum race car with tens of thousands of parts, and you're here studying one nut or one bolt in that part. Let's say that the plans for the engine are not known to you, but you are putting the part together anyway. How could you possibly see the whole thing? Instead, you're trusting that the engine works. You're learning how to make one part, and match it to another, and put it where it belongs. You haven't even seen the race car! Then... when the race car is done you don't even know where it's going to take you! This is why we honor you today, because at some level you feel what you are doing. At some level, you are all steering the race car. You are studying the tones to create a third energy, and this very interest in the tones also begins to open time capsules within your own body, with the same big picture! You don't know where that's going to take you either. That's the definition of faith and trust, and - an old soul. Blessed is the Human Being who remembers a big picture that they cannot yet see. But they know it's coming from the Great Central Sun and their efforts continue to build the parts of the engine that someday will bring them to an ascended planet. In the process they will have a longer life, health and love, even without ever seeing it. They never see the HD picture. But now let me tell you something. There will come a day when you will, dear ones. It's the "City on the Hill," and it will take your breath away. And so it is. --KRYON Nodes and Nulls (listed alphabetically)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NODES Glastonbury, England Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca Bolivia Machu Picchu, Peru Maui, Hawaii, USA Mont Blanc, Swiss Alps France Mt Cook, New Zealand Mt Ida and Hot Springs, Arkansas USA

8 9 10 11 12

Mt Shasta, California, USA Rila Mountain, Bulgaria Table Mountain, South Africa Uluru, Australia Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

NULLS 1 Aneto, Pyrenees Spain 2 Gunnbjrn Fjeld, Greenland 3 Meili Snow Mountain China 4 Mt Aconcagua, Argentina 5 Mt Ararat, Turkey 6 Mt Fitz Roy, Patagonia Argentina 7 Mt Kailash, Tibet 8 Mt Kilimanjaro, Kenya, (Africa) 9 Mount Logan, Yukon Northern Territories, Canada 10 Tibetsi Mountains, Chad (Africa) 11 Ural Mountains, Russia 12 Victory Peak, Tien Shan Kazakhstan (Central Asia)

Within the below map, the nodes are pink. The nulls are blue.


LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING "THE TIME CAPSULES OF GAIA" This live channelling was Given on the Kryon Kundalini Tour February 9, 2013

The Time Capsules Here is what happened: Within that which you call Gaia, there is the Crystalline Grid. This is the memory of all things placed there by the Pleiadians. The Crystalline Grid was created for this purpose by the Pleiadians. When it's proper and when humanity's consciousness has reached a certain point, these ideas are released. It is a time capsule of invention and more. This does not happen from the great

central sun; it does not happen from outside the earth, but rather it happens from within. In the beginning of the 2000s, we sat in a place called Mount Shasta [California] and we told you of the Lemurians in the mountain. We told you of the time capsules there, and now you have the explanation. Those in the mountain are not going to come out and present themselves and shake hands. A time capsule is about information and ideas. The capsules are about quantum attributes of science and life that you're going to discover. It is about ideas you need to have to move into a new energy when the full moon crazies are over and they will be. So the time capsules seem to be alive by those who can sense them, and they "buzz" with activity to the esoteric "see-er." Did you ever put these things together? Did you ever ponder how long civilization has been on the planet? You sit in this country called the United States, but do you realize that the founding fathers of this nation put together something completely and totally unique that had never been thought of before? Out of their minds came ideas for government where the rights of the Human Being came first. Where do you think those ideas came from? I'll tell you right out of the ground! [The Crystalline Grid] How long should it have taken humanity to think of that? It was a system that would seem so obvious, put together clearly and succinctly, creating a country that was young and so far ahead of all the others that it set the standard for 100 years or more that was new and different. Why didn't that happen 1,000 years ago? You have to ask yourself, is this logical to you? Again, was humanity just unaware for thousands of years? Why were there no logical ideas for higher thinking and inventiveness? Tesla the Man There was a point in time when humanity almost stumbled, by the way. You were having a hard time with electricity. So a man came along who was way ahead of his time and was available and his name was Nikola Tesla. He gave you a principle that today you

call alternating current. Dear ones, I challenge you to understand this principle. Most of you can't, because it is not in 3D. The attributes are still considered "genius-level thinking" to this day. The whole idea of the kind of electricity you use today comes from this man's quantum mind. That was all he was allowed to do. Tesla himself was a kind of time capsule, delivered at the right time. He had more, but alternating current was all that was allowed to be given to the planet at that time. Oh, he tried to give you more. He knew there were other things, but nothing was able to be developed. If I told you what else he had discovered, you might not be aware of it at all, since it was never allowed to get out of the box. Earth was not ready for it. Tesla discovered massless objects. He could alter the mass of atomic structure using designer magnetics, but he never could control it. He had objects fly off his workbench and hit the ceiling, but he couldn't duplicate or control it. It just wasn't time yet. Do you know what else he was known for? It was seemingly the failure of the transmission of electricity. However, he didn't fail at all. There are pictures of his tower, but every time a Human Being sees a tower, there is a biased assumption that something is going to be broadcast through the air. But in the case of Tesla, he had figured out how to broadcast electricity through the ground. You need towers for that because they have to pick up the magnetics within the ground in a certain way to broadcast them and then collect them again from the nodes of the planet's magnetic grid system. We talked about this before. He was utilizing the grid of the planet that is in the earth itself! He was on the edge of showing that you could use the whole grid of the planet magnetically to broadcast electricity and pick it up where you need it, safely, with no wires. But the earth was not ready for it. Tesla died a broken man, filled with ideas that would have brought peace to planet Earth, but he was simply not allowed to give any of them to you. Now I'll tell you why he was stopped, dear ones, and it's the first

time we have ever told you because these inventions were too easy to weaponize. Humanity just isn't ready for it. You're not ready for massless objects, either, for the principles are too easy to weaponize. "So," you might say, "when will we be ready for it?" I think you already know the answer, don't you? At the time when Human consciousness reaches a point where that which is most important isunification and not separation, it will happen. A point where conquering and power are not desirable ideas or assets. A point where humanity will measure the strength of its population by how healthy they are and not by economic growth. A point where coming together with your neighbor is the main objective to social consciousness, and not conquering them or eliminating them. That's coming, dear ones. It's a ways away, but it's coming. Look around the planet at the moment. The old energy leaders are obvious, are they not? It's like they are relics in a world of thinking that is passing them by. The Opening of the Time Capsules There is a storehouse of future knowledge and ideas in these time capsules you call Gaia, placed there a long time ago by those who you would call the Pleiadians, and these time capsules will open with new ideas about unity and peace first before they open with inventions. Humanity must soften before the inventions will come your way, and you will see what I mean over the next period of 18 years. These are the time capsules beneath your feet in the form of the nodes of the Crystalline Grid, and how fast these things are released to you will depend completely and totally on what you do next. What To Do Next So let's discuss what to do next. I want you to take a vacation and learn to love yourself! That should be the primary work for 2013! Cast off the fears and the worries and put them in a metaphoric jar for awhile. You can take that jar out occasionally and worry with it, but don't let that be the focus. The focus should be who are you,

why did you come, what's next for the planet, and a total realization that you're not alone. For 23 years we have said, "You're not alone." You may walk from this place and get in your car. You can start it, put the heater on, but while you wait for it to warm up, I want you to look at the empty seat next to you and say, "Nice to have you along." This is an acknowledgment of the Higher-Self and the love of God that accompanies you wherever you go. Do you realize what you've got inside? You're going to need this entire engine of knowledge and the quantumness that is in you to start developing the divinity inside. It must become real to you, old soul, in order to go to the next step. The Personal Time Capsule Now, this is your personal time capsule, and it's what we really wanted to talk about. There are three kinds of time capsules. There's one kind that we won't speak of yet. There is another kind in the earth and there's still another kind in your DNA. It's the spiritual inheritance that you came in with that's ready to open up like a lotus. When it does, there will be new awareness. There will be peace in a countenance that is not necessarily peaceful. There will be patience in a countenance that is not necessarily patient. That's when you get to change you, for it releases ideas, emotions and a consciousness that has been within you always, but only now is beginning to show itself in this new energy. Expect the issues that will occur. Don't be shocked. Let humanity flail the way it does in a full moon. Let the crazies come out and do whatever they're going to do. Try to help the ones who are affected. Hold the hands of the ones who need their hands held. But understand that this is temporary, because you won the major battle, dear ones! There's a whole bunch of energy that doesn't believe in you or anything you represent. That's the truth. They can't see the light in you and only feel that something is now missing in them. We've been waiting a very long time to give you these messages.

Now is when the work begins. It must begin with you in ways that perhaps you're not really prepared for. It's not about doing, but rather about being. In these moments and these months, I want you to be aware of who you are, old soul. You came here for a reason. You're not fighting the system and you're not a victim of it. Instead, you are slowly becoming the system. Cast off these things that have bothered you. Deny them power in your mind and body. Tell them to get behind you. You've got work to do, and that's the truth this day. Time capsules, beautiful and ready, are being activated on this planet. You should see what's in them. Some of you will. And so it is.

from the Kryon site you can listen to the Time Capsule of Gaia http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/2013%20downloads/download_SLC_13.ht ml and The DNA time capsule http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/2013%20downloads/download_SAC_13.html and this also looks fascinating THE ASCENDED DOORS OF DNA http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/2013%20downloads/down load_atlanta_13.html

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