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The following writing test is developed based upon a theory developed by Lloyd Davis and Susan McKay (1996) in their book entitled Structures and Strategies. In Introduction to Academic Writing. According to them, a descriptive text is defined as the representation of sensory experiences in language. It is generally indicated with seven operational indicators, namely: (1) title, (2) topic sentence, (3) perspective (personal or impersonal), (4) selection (focus), (5) order (beginning, middle and end), (6) grammar (vocabulary and structure), and (7) mechanics (punctuation and capitalization). While, a narrative text is defined as the representation of time relationships in language. It is generally indicated with eight operational indicators, namely: (1) title, (2) topic sentence, (3) viewpoint, (4) tempo (chronology), (4) character, (5) action, (7) grammar (vocabulary and structure), and (8) mechanics (punctuation and capitalization). Blue Print The writing competency tests are developed following the theory as advocated by Davis and McKay (1996) mentioned above. No 1 Text Types Descriptive Indicators a. Title b. Topic sentence c. Perspective d. Selection e. Order f. Grammar g. Mechanics a. Title b. Topic sentence c. Viewpoint d. Tempo e. Character f. Action g. Grammar h. Mechanics Item Numbers 1a,2a,3a 1b,2b,3b 1c,2c,3c 1d,2d,3d 1e,2e,3e 1f,2f,3f 1g,2g,3g 4a,5a,6a 4b,5b,6b 4c,5c,6c 4d,5d,6d 4e,5e,6e 4f,5f,6f 4g,4g,4g 4h,5h,6h





Please write a descriptive text, describing about a person you know well as clearly, completely and objectively as possible. Note that your description should consider the following characteristics of a good description.
a. Title b. Topic sentence c.

Perspective (personal or impersonal)

d. Selection (focus) e. Order (beginning, middle and end) f.

Grammar (vocabulary and structure)

g. Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization)



Please write a descriptive text, describing about a thing you know well as clearly, completely and objectively as possible. Note that your description should consider the following characteristics of a good description.

a. Title b. Topic sentence c.

Perspective (personal or impersonal)

d. Selection (focus) e. Order (beginning, middle and end) f.

Grammar (vocabulary and structure)

g. Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization)



Please write a descriptive text, describing about an animal you know well as clearly, completely and objectively as possible. Note that your description should consider the following characteristics of a good description.
a. Title b. Topic sentence


Perspective (personal or impersonal)

d. Selection (focus) e. Order (beginning, middle and end) f.

Grammar (vocabulary and structure) Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization)


WRITING COMPETENCY POST TEST 4 Please write a narrative text, narrating about your past experience that you could tell as clearly, systematically and objectively as possible. Note that your narration should consider the following characteristics of a good narration. a. Title b. Topic sentence c. Viewpoint d. Tempo (chronology) e. Character f. Action g. Grammar (vocabulary and structure) h. Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization).


WRITING COMPETENCY POST TEST 5 Please write a narrative text, narrating about your past experience that you could tell as clearly, systematically and objectively as possible. Note that your narration should consider the following characteristics of a good narration. a. Title b. Topic sentence c. Viewpoint d. Tempo (chronology) e. Character f. Action g. Grammar (vocabulary and structure) h. Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization)

INSTRUMENT 6 WRITING COMPETENCY POST TEST 6 Please write a narrative text, narrating about what you did yesterday from morning to evening as clearly, systematically and objectively as possible. Note that your narration should consider the following characteristics of a good narration. a. Title b. Topic sentence c. Viewpoint

d. Tempo (chronology) e. Character f. Action g. Grammar (vocabulary and structure) h. Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization)

WRITING COMPETENCY POST TEST 6 Please write a narrative text, narrating about what you did yesterday from morning to evening as clearly, systematically and objectively as possible. Note that your narration should consider the following characteristics of a good narration. a. Title b. Topic sentence c. Viewpoint d. Tempo (chronology) e. Character f. Action

g. Grammar (vocabulary and structure) h. Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization)


NO 1


Topic sentence

DESCRIPTION a. The title is written in a word or a phrase covering the prospective descriptive content b. The title is not written in a word or phrase but covering the prospective descriptive content c. The title is not written in a word or phrase and not covering the prospective descriptive content a. The topic sentence is written in a simple, declarative and positive sentence possibly to be described into paragraphs b. The topic sentence is not written in a simple, declarative and positive sentence but possibly to be described into paragraphs c. The topic sentence is not written in a simple, declarative, positive sentence and possibly not to be described into paragraphs

SCORE 3 2 1

3 2 1





a. The description is written with impersonal perspective or objectively b. The description is written with personal perspective or subjectively a. The description is written with a clear focus b. The description is written with an unclear focus a. The description is written with clear beginning, middle and end b. The description is written with unclear beginning, middle and end a. The description is written with no grammatical mistake and good usage of words or sentences b. The description is written with some

4 2 5 2 5 2 3 2

grammatical mistake and good usage of words or sentences c. The description is written with many grammatical mistake and good usage of words or sentences 7 Mechanics a. The description is written with no punctuation error and good usage of capitalization b. The description is written with some punctuation and capitalization errors c. The description is written with many punctuation and capitalization errors Total raw score Adapted from Davis and McKay (1996)

1 3 2 1 50


NO 1

ASPECT Title a. b. c.

Topic sentence

a. b. c.


a. b.


a. b.

DESCRIPTION The title is written in a word or a phrase covering the prospective narrative content The title is not written in a word or phrase but covering the prospective narrative content The title is not written in a word or phrase and not covering the prospective narrative content The topic sentence is written in a simple, declarative and positive sentence possibly to be narrated into paragraphs The topic sentence is not written in a simple, declarative and positive sentence but possibly to be narrated into paragraphs The topic sentence is not written in a simple, declarative, positive sentence and possibly not to be narrated into paragraphs The narration is written with impersonal viewpoint or objectively The narration is written with personal viewpoint or subjectively The narration is written with a chronological order The narration is not written in chronological order

SCORE 3 2 1

3 2 1 5 3 5 3

a. The narration is written with real and true characters b. The narration is written with no real and true character 6 Action a. The narration is written with full actions b. The narration ois written with partial action c. The narration is written with no action at all 7 Grammar a. The narration is written with no grammatical mistake and good usage of words or sentences b. The narration is written with some grammatical mistake and good usage of words or sentences c. The narration is written with many grammatical mistake and good usage of words or sentences 8 Mechanics a. The narration is written with no punctuation error and good usage of capitalization b. The description is written with some punctuation and capitalization errors c. The description is written with many punctuation and capitalization errors Total raw score Adapted from Davis and McKay (1996)


3 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 50

VALIDATION SHEET Direction Please validate the above instruments based on the afore-mentioned test blue prints as to whether each item for the respective tests appropriate/relevant/suitable for measuring the intended text type indicators. Use the following validation sheet by crossing (X) the suitable boxes according to your expert judgement. Please write a general comments or remarks after crossing the intended boxes in the space provided. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Item number 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 2g 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 4g 4h 5a 5b 5c 5d

Appropriate/ Relevant/

In-appropriate/ Irrelevant/Not Suitable


34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

5e 5f 5g 5h 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g 6h Name of Judge I/II.. Signature. Date




The following intrinsic and extrinsic motivation scale is developed based upon a theory developed by . (2001) in their book entitled ... According to . (2001:88-102), an intrinsic motivation is defined as ... It is generally indicated with a free choice/interest/push/self gratification and the likes. While, an extrinsic motivation is defined as a push where the motivators are derived from outside sources. It is generally indicated with others choice/interest/other gratification and the likes. Blue Print The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation scale is developed following the theory as advocated by ..(2001) mentioned above. No 1 Motivation category Intrinsic Motivation Indicators a. A free choice in writing descriptive texts in English b. A free choice in finding sources for writing good descriptive text in English c. A free choice in exercising to writing a descriptive text in English d. A free choice in writing a suitable title for a descriptive text in English e. A free choice in writing a good topic sentence for a descriptive text in English f. A free choice in writing a descriptive text in English with good perspectives g. A free choice in writing a precise selection or focus for a descriptive text in English h. A free choice in writing a organized order for a descriptive text in English Order i. A free choice in writing a descriptive text in English with correct grammar and appropriate words or sentences j. A free choice in writing a descriptive text in English with correct punctuation and capitalization Item Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Extrinsic Motivation

a. An others choice in writing narrative texts in English b. An others choice in exercising to writing a narrative text in English c. An others choice in writing a suitable title for a narrative text in English d. An others choice in writing a good topic sentence for a narrative text in English e. An others choice in writing a narrative text in English with good view point f. An others choice in writing a narrative text in English with good characters g. An others choice in writing a narrative text in English with correct tempo h. An others choice in writing a narrative text in English with an action i. An others choice in writing a narrative text in English with correct grammar and appropriate words or sentences j. An others in writing a narrative text in English with correct punctuation and capitalization

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




1. Berikanlah penilaian sejujur-jujurnya terhadap setiap pernyataan berikut ini sesuai dengan keadaanmu yang sebenarnya. 2. Penilaian ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan prestasi atau hukuman yang akan diberikan atau dikenakan kepadamu. 3. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada kolom yang sesuai dengan hasil penilaian dirimu dalam kegiatan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris di sekolah. 4. Contoh: Secara umum, saya terdorong untuk belajar menulis paragraf deskriptif tanpa ada dorongan atau paksaan dari pihak luar diri saya. ! Apabila kamu menilai bahwa selalu memiliki motivasi sendiri untuk belajar menulis, maka silanglah (X) kolom yang di atasnya berlabel SELALU. Demikian selanjutnya. 5. Selamat bekerja dan terima kasih.

No 1

Pernyataan Secara umum, saya terdorong untuk menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris tanpa ada paksaan atau tekanan dari pihak lain selain diri saya sendiri Secara umum,saya berusaha mencari sumber informasi tentang penulisan teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris tanpa bantuan orang lain selain diri saya sendiri Secara umum, saya berlatih menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris secara sungguh-sungguh tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak manapun Secara khusus, saya berusaha agar dapat membuat judul yang tepat untuk sebuah teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris tanpa ada dorongan dari pihak luar


Jarang Tidak pernah









Secara khusus, saya berusaha membuat topik yang tepat untuk teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris tanpa ada bantuan dari pihak luar Secara khusus, saya berusaha menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan perspektif yang benar tanpa ada bantuan dari pihak lain Secara khusus, saya berusaha menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan focus yang tepat tanpa ada bantuan dari pihak lain Secara khusus, saya berusaha menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan susunan yang teratur tanpa ada bantuan dari pihak lain Secara khusus, saya berusaha menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan gramatika dan kosa kata yang benar dan tepat tanpa ada bantuan dari pihak lain Secara khusus, saya berusaha menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan tanda baca dan huruf capital yang tepat dan benar tanpa ada bantuan dari pihak lain Secara umum, saya terdorong untuk menulis teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan banuan atau dorongan dari pihak luar diri saya Secara umum,saya berusaha mencari sumber informasi tentang penulisan teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan bantuan orang lain Secara khusus, saya berusaha agar dapat membuat judul yang tepat untuk sebuah teks narrative dalam bahasa Inggris atas dorongan dari pihak luar Secara khusus, saya berusaha membuat topik yang tepat untuk teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris atas dorongan dari pihak luar Secara khusus, saya berusaha membuat topik yang tepat untuk






teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan pandangan yang tepat dengan bantuan dari pihak luar Secara khusus, saya berusaha membuat topik yang tepat untuk teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan fokus yang tepat dengan bantuan pihak luar diri saya sendiri Secara khusus, saya berusaha membuat topik yang tepat untuk teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan karakters yang obyektif dengan bantuan pihak luardiri saya sendiri Secara khusus, saya berusaha membuat topik yang tepat untuk teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan tempo yang tepat dengan bantuan dari pihak luar diri saya sendiri Secara khusus, saya berusaha menulis teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan gramatika dan kosa kata yang benar dan tepat dengan bantuan dari pihak lain Secara khusus, saya berusaha menulis teks narratif dalam bahasa Inggris dengan tanda baca dan huruf capital yang tepat dan benar dengan bantuan dari pihak lain


VALIDATION SHEET Direction Please validate the above instrument based on the afore-mentioned measurement scale blue prints as to whether each item for the respective type of motivation is appropriate/relevant/suitable for measuring the specified indicators. Use the following validation sheet by crossing (X) the suitable boxes according to your expert judgement. Please write a general comments or remarks after crossing the intended boxes in the space provided. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Item number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Always Rarely Never Remarks

Name of Judge I/II Signature Date


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