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The Declaration of Independence Personal opinion

The Declaration of Independence is important because it contributed to the people of the American Colonies understanding of their values as a new nation. The introduction to the Declaration of Independence is one of the vital parts because it expresses the fundamental values of the new American government, and also appeals to other nations to accept the new nation. The document explains why the colonies overthrown their ruler and chosen to take their place as a separate nation in the world. It has become necessary for the 13 colonies to separate from Great Britain because the king was unworthy to rule,his tyrant-type reign being the primary cause of the peoples mischief.There have been many similar events around the world in the course of history(people facing a authoritative ruler),so I think that their act of wanting to overthrown him are just. The Declaration is based on certain well-known truths: all men are meant to be equal and to have certain unalienable rights,that the government should never take away.These rights include life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.The King of Great Britain had taken away these rights,but the people after suffering in silence finally said no!,so the writing of this text is also an act of courage.Furthermore,the phrase that all men are created equal along with the above-stated unalienable rights became one of the most inspiring phrases in American History,and not only.Every country and government in the world should draw inspiration from this phrase because all men are,indeed ,created equal by the Creator.Also,every hard working person has the right to overcome his/hers humble condition in order to live a more prosperous life(this without doing something bad to other people).These immortal words listed in the Declaration are so inspiring,that they became backgrounds for movies as well.Years ago,I have seen a movie entitled The Pursuit of Happiness. When a government fails to protect those rights, it is not only the right, but also the duty of the people to overthrow that government. In its place, the people should establish a government that is designed to protect those rights,a Government of the free people. Governments should not be overthrown for insignificant reasons. In this case, a long history of abuses has led the colonists to overthrow a tyrannical government. The colonies have suffered 27 at the hands of the King George III. Each of these abuses has been directed at the colonies for the purpose of establishing a tyrannical government in North America. So the time has come for the collonies to be heard by the nations of the world. Since the beginning of mankind(or a bit yearlier),people had suffered at the hands of despotic rulers.I do not fully understand why these emperors,kings or presidents(because of their hunger for power) had pleasure in making the people of their kingdoms or countries live miserable lifes.I dont get King George III as well.A true king should be a role model ,but instead,King George III messed up things.Its a shame that history remembers him as a despotic and unworthy king.

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