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Friday, April 24, 2009

Sam Sewell: AKA Obama Fans, All Together Now, Say OMG!!

by Aristotle the Hun

Somehow, you know it’s coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can
feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will
spill the beans.

“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that
shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17

It isn’t hard to imagine the gnawing anxiety that AKA OBAMA (Also Known As: an
acronym used to describe suspicious persons who use more than one name) lives
with, day in and day out. Much has been written about AKA OBAMA’s behavior that
reminds mental health experts and others of NPD (Narcissistic Personality
Disorder.) A frequent manifestation of such a disorder is The Narcissist, as Liar
and Con-man.

This disorder is frequently misunderstood as “self-love.” A more accurate

understanding is love of a reflection of one’s self. Abused, abandoned and
neglected children will compensate for damaged egos by creating an ideal
reflection of themselves that they then embellish and vigorously defend. A person
with NPD is quite capable of a mind twisting position like, “I have nothing to
hide but I am hiding things anyway.” AKA OBAMA certainly fits the model of having
such a childhood. While I am not in the position to deliver an official In
Absentia diagnosis of a full strength NPD case, many of the indicators are

If AKA OBAMA were not in a position of public trust, most of us would probably
overlook such deception and secrecy. For those of us who care about our
Constitution and the rule of law, the issue becomes clear in this article that
appeared in on-line Pravda by international columnist, Mark S. McGrew The
Mysterious Shadow: Code Name Obama.

Most Americans do not want their president to be secretive about his past.
However, if one is living a lie to preserve the ego compensating, idealized
reflection of self, one will go to great lengths to hide things that most would
routinely reveal.

For the person who has NPD tendencies, the lies used to create the reflection
become so numerous that eventually the man in the mirror cracks, and so does the
real human being hiding behind the reflection.A useful tool in evaluating things
that are not known with certainty is Occam’s razor. When multiple competing
hypotheses are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the
hypothesis that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest
entities. It is in this sense that Occam's razor is usually understood. I condense
this to the simple question; what is most likely? In our discussion of the
documents which AKA has hidden, most of this article is an examination of which
explanation is most likely.

For example; which is most likely;

(a) AKA OBAMA is hiding documents that are innocuous?
(b) AKA OBAMA is hiding documents that are damaging?

What we know with certainty is that AKA OBAMA is not practicing the virtue of full
disclosure. “ The biggest question, and the biggest reason for asking more
questions, is the fact Obama has enlisted law firms across the nation to battle
every attempt to access, among other documents, his birth, schooling, immigration
or passport records.” New Jersey attorney Mario Apuzzo

There are so many potential sources that can end AKA OBAMA’s Presidency that it is
impossible to keep them all quiet. It’s just a matter of time. As columnist Davvy
think of all the lawyers and support staff involved in keeping the birth
certificate issue quiet. Isn’t it likely that some of them know what they are
hiding? Isn’t it likely that several people at the Hawaiian Department of Public
Health know what is, or is not, on the original birth certificate that AKA OBAMA
refuses to release? Did you know that there is a one million dollar reward offered
for AKA OBAMA’s Hawaiian birth certificate?

Please get this straight: Hawaiian officials have not validated AKA OBAMA’s place
of birth. What they have said is that they “have the original document” on file.
They haven’t offered a clue as to what information is in that document. They can
not legally validate what is on that document without a court order or permission
from “our” Chicago con-man. Laws of the Territory of Hawaii ACT 96 To Provide For
The Issuance Of Certificates Of Hawaiian Birth was in effect from 1911 until 1972
and allowed someone who was born outside the Hawaiian Islands to be registered as
though he were born in Hawaii. Under that law, someone simply would have presented
herself to the Hawaiian authorities and declared that the child was born in
Hawaii. The person could have sworn under oath and presented witnesses and other
evidence. If the authorities accepted it, that was the end of it. The only way to
know where AKA OBAMA was actually born is to view AKA OBAMA's original birth
certificate from 1961 to see what kind of birth certificate it is, and to examine
what corroborating evidence supports what its says about AKA OBAMA's alleged place
of birth. If the birth was in a hospital, as AKA OBAMA has maintained, such
evidence would be the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the
doctor that delivered him.

The Certification of Live Birth that was published on AKA OBAMA’s campaign web
site is not a Birth Certificate. It is easy to tell the difference between the two
types of documents. It is very likely that the COLB used by AKA OBAMA’s campaign
is a fraudulent document. Several forensic document examiners have carefully
scrutinized the COLB and declared it suspicious or an obvious forgery. The best
evidence presented so far is from the Ron Polarik, PhD.

Dr. Polarik writes: “There are laws on the books in Hawaii and the Federal
Statutes that clearly spell out exactly what constitutes forgery, and in both
Hawaii State Law and the Federal Statutes, the act of altering an official
government document -- even if it is just a facsimile of that document --
constitutes forgery. The bogus COLB that Obama created is also considered to be a
"false identification document, a felony forgery.” Dr. Polarik’s evidence is
preserved online. There is also a YouTube video summary of the evidence.

Forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines, a Former Federal Examiner with a
long history of expert testimony in state and federal courts, has testified in an
affidavit that states, in part:

After reviewing Dr. Polarik’s analysis, Sandra Lines says, “I can state with
certainty that the COLB presented on the internet by the various groups, which
include the “Daily Kos,” the Obama Campaign, “Factcheck.org” and others cannot be
relied upon as genuine. Mr. Polarik raises issues concerning the COLB that I can
affirm. Software such as Adobe Photoshop can produce complete images or alter
images that appear to be genuine; therefore, any image offered on the internet
cannot be relied upon as being a copy of the authentic document.” Sandra Ramsey
Lines summary is posted at U. S. Law Blog.
As long as we are on the subject of falsified documents, it seems that AKA OBAMA
never registered for the draft, as required by Selective Service laws. When his
career began to be noticed by the public, suddenly draft registration records
appeared. Unfortunately for AKA OBAMA these documents have also been exposed as

Another piece of information that many fail to realize is that in the birth
certificate cases, all that is needed is for the case to be heard. This case will
be over in the “Discovery” phase. Before a trial starts both sides are required by
the court to put all their cards on the table to avoid “trial by ambush.” The
judge orders all evidence to be presented by both sides. Since this case is about
discovering documents that are hidden, the case will be decided by court-ordered
presentation of all relevant records. Lawyers in birth certificate cases don’t
need to win a trial; they only need to get a trial.

Enough on the hidden birth certificate and forged documents.

For those of you who think ridicule and name calling are effective debate tactics,
I refer your kool-aid drenched, tin foil protected brains (a dose of your own
medicine) to this article from American Thinker; Why the Barack Obama Birth
Certificate Issue Is Legitimate. What about the legal team that is keeping AKA
OBAMA’s college records hidden? Several people probably know what they are hiding.
The best guess as to what is so secret isn’t likely to be bad grades. More likely
his admission papers will say he was a foreign student, or that he was receiving
financial aid as a foreign student. How many people do you estimate already know
what is on AKA OBAMA’s college documents? Those records were handled routinely for
more than 20 years. How many personnel in the registrar’s offices of Occidental
College, Columbia University, and Harvard University have seen AKA OBAMA’s records
and know what is in them? How many of those people would be willing to talk about
it, or maybe even “leak” just one sheet of paper that would put even more cracks
in AKA OBAMA’s mirror? Is that number likely to be zero?

Do you think that AKA OBAMA worries about how many people know something that
could destroy his career? Fear of being “found out” is an obsession for NPD
types.So far we have only talked about the original birth certificate, supposedly
locked up in Hawaii, and AKA OBAMA’s draft and college records. Already the
potential sources for leaks are numerous. And you can bet that AKA OBAMA and his
lawyers are concerned about many more possible leaks than these.
There is a long list of vulnerability points for leaks, and there is a story
behind every one of them:

* Soetoro adoption records –

* Punahou (Indonesia) School records –
* Passports records –
* Any INS (Immigration & Naturalization Services) or port of entry
documentation which may have been generated in his infancy or childhood –
* Selective Service Registration (Released, but is possibly an altered
document) –
* Harvard Law Review articles (None, maybe 1, not signed) –
* University of Chicago scholarly articles (None) –
* Law practice client list –
* Illinois State Senate records (locked up to prohibit public view) –
* llinois State Senate schedule (Lost. All other Illinois State Senators'
records are intact) –
* Baptism certificate –Medical records -

International columnist Mark S. McGrew* sums it up succinctly: “With all of

Obama’s different names, with his documented long term relations to convicted
criminals, with his active efforts to prohibit us from knowing where he was born,
with his active efforts to keep us from seeing his credentials, with his
documented registration to practice law, professing to have only one name, with
his being an ex-attorney not authorized to practice law, but representing himself
as such, with his non-existent “Office of The President Elect,” with the dozen or
so lawsuits against him to determine his citizenship status, with the various
promises he made to voters and on which he has since reneged, with his documented
lack of respect to America, with his refusal to salute the American flag with
others on stage or even to stand at attention, and his other disrespectful
actions, with his many millions of dollars in campaign funds suspected to be from
foreign sources, with campaign donations accepted from possible terrorists groups,
. . . Obama has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he can not in any way,
shape or form be trusted.”
* Mark S. McGrew frequently writes for Pravda and other foreign media outlets,
because of the lack of free press in the United States.

I would ask the reader to accept the premise that there are many potential leaks
from those things that are being kept hidden by a man who promised transparency in
But there are other problems from sources that are not hidden.

AKA OBAMA himself has made it known that his father was from Kenya.We know that
records indicate that AKA OBAMA’s biological father was Barack Obama Sr, a Kenyan
native, and a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British
Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.’s
offspring. We know that the geographical location of AKA OBAMA’s birth is not
considered by British law. Who the father was determines citizenship, not where
you are born. Had AKA OBAMA been born in Tokyo or Texas he would still be a
citizen of the United Kingdom under The British Nationality Act. A similar
practice governs who is considered a citizen in several countries. Judaism is
matrilineal, meaning that your mother’ lineage determines whether you are a Jew.
That is why Jews from all over the world can claim Israeli citizenship.

British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of
this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen
of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the
United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.

In other words, at the time of his birth, AKA OBAMA might have been a U.S. citizen
(by virtue of his allegedly being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United
Kingdom and Colonies (the UKC) by virtue of being born to a father who was a
citizen of the UKC.Obama’s British citizenship was short-lived. On Dec. 12, 1963,
Kenya formally gained its independence from the United Kingdom. Chapter VI,
Section 87 of the Kenyan Constitution specifies that:

1. Every person who, having been born in Kenya is, on 11th December, 1963 a
citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall
become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963…
2. Every person who, having been born outside Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963
a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall,
if his father becomes, or would but for his death have become, a citizen of Kenya
by virtue of subsection (1), becomes a citizen of Kenya on the 12th of December,

As a citizen of the UKC who was born in Kenya, Obama’s father automatically
received Kenyan citizenship via subsection (1). So given that Obama qualified for
citizen of the UKC status at birth and given that Obama’s father became a Kenyan
citizen via subsection (1), it follows that Obama did in fact have Kenyan
citizenship after 1963.

So we know for sure that, if OBAMA Sr is in fact his legal father, then AKA OBAMA
was a citizen of the United Kingdom and then Kenya. Given all the efforts to keep
his birth certificate hidden, it is reasonable to assume that he is not a citizen
of the United States, but even if he were born in downtown Denver he would still
have triple citizenship, and is thus ineligible to hold the office of President.

There is a similar problem with AKA OBAMA’s possible Indonesian citizenship.

School records have surfaced that clearly indicate AKA OBAMA being listed as a
"Muslim" with "Indonesian" citizenship.

So AKA OBAMA has been a citizen of the UK, Kenya, and there are inconclusive
documents indicating that he was also a citizen of Indonesia. The missing birth
certificate may be a false clue that leads away from the big crime. Even if Obama
were born in Hawaii* he would still be ineligible to serve as President because of
his dual (perhaps triple) citizenship. That is not likely, given the effort
expended to keep the information about his birth a secret. By AKA OBAMA's and Bob
Bauer, AKA OBAMA's Lead Lawyer's, own reports, AKA OBAMA has spent Six Hundred and
Eighty Eight Thousand Dollars ($688,000.00) on legal fees defending against
lawsuits claiming that he is not eligible. Why would AKA OBAMA spend that much
money to hide a $10 Birth Certificate?

Pay attention to this next quoted paragraph, "Don’t be distracted by the birth
certificate and Indonesian issues. They are irrelevant to Senator Obama’s
ineligibility to be President. Since Barack Obama’s father was a Citizen of Kenya,
and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of
Senator Obama’s birth, then Senator Obama was a British Citizen “at birth,” just
like the Framers of the Constitution, and therefore, even if he were to produce an
original birth certificate proving he were born on US soil, he still wouldn’t be
eligible to be President." -- Leo C. Donofrio

The facts are clear, and the law is clear. All it will take is for a judge to
issue a ruling. Do you think AKA OBAMA and his lawyers fret about this? They
certainly are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight this issue. So
far, no court or judge has issued a ruling on the merits of any legal case against
AKA OBAMA. Cases have been dismissed on legal technicalities, but no actual case
has yet been heard.There are other potential leaks that come from AKA OBAMA’s
international history. If Obama was born in Kenya, there should be a record of
that birth in UK records. There are probably people in England and Kenya who
already have information that would put cracks in AKA OBAMA’s distorted reflection
of himself, and there is other information that can be mined from archives. The
same is true for Indonesia.

In the unlikely outcome that none of the people talk, and none of the documents
surface, would AKA OBAMA than be free of obsessive fear of being found out? No,
even if none of his secrets are revealed and none of his lies are exposed, he will
continue to remain vulnerable.Because of the way AKA OBAMA ran his campaign;
donations from Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, donations from illegal foreign
sources, and ACORN’s crimes, etc, he is subject to criminal violations of the
Internal Revenue Code, federal campaign finance laws, and laws against voter
registration fraud, according to a memo by Cleta Mitchell, co-chairman of the
Republican National Lawyers Association.

You may have noticed that the usual role of the media in ferreting out high jinks
in high places has not been mentioned. There is no “All the President’s Men” movie
in the making. No one is being considered for a Pulitzer Prize for investigating
AKA OBAMA. Is journalism dead in America? Well no, not quite.Somebody, a major
news outlet executive, has done the Pulitzer research.

On his To The Point News website, Dr. Jack Wheeler said he will “Let the source of
the information reveal it, in his own time. "...the details of what he told me are
for him to reveal when he chooses, not me. I can tell you it is OMG wild."

So get ready folks. One of these days I will be asking all of you AKA Obama fans
to, “All together now, say OMG!”

My conclusion: Obama will be indicted and charged very soon. Keeping in mind that
the role of a grand jury is to determine if enough evidence exists to refer a case
to the courts for trial, can any objective person review information like that
presented above and reject the premise that this case needs to be referred to the
courts for prosecution?

It is very likely that the American Grand Jury effort will result in an indictment
by a conventionally impaneled Grand Jury.

The American Grand Jury was designed in a unique and very creative manner. Bob
Campbell, the Founder of American Grand Jury, wanted to find a way to impanel a
grand jury that was convenient, available free of charge to all citizens, and had
maximum impact. He came up with a brilliant plan!

From across the nation citizens can collectively examine and discuss the evidence,
make a decision whether to indict, and then act with the full power of the U.S.
Constitution to present the indictment to local, state and federal authorities.
American Grand Jury will also empower individual representatives to act on behalf
of American Grand Jury Members and make presentments of evidence to jurisdictions
anywhere in the United States. These representatives will be sworn in and subject
to an oath similar to the American Grand Jury Members, and will then be authorized
to make presentments to such authorities as Sheriffs, County, State and Federal
Prosecutors.Even if the American Grand Jury were ignored, and deemed legally
impotent, we can still expect a powerfully awakening increase in awareness and
outrage on the part of the citizens. There are many potencies beyond the legal

However, it is highly unlikely that not even one jurisdiction will take action on
the indictment. All we need is one jurisdiction to order “Discovery.” The case
against AKA OBAMA is unique because it will be over in the Discovery phase, as the
first step in a criminal complaint. The goal of the project is to discover what
AKA OBAMA doesn’t want us to know, and why he doesn’t want us to know it. Our goal
will be achieved without a trial.

Our goal is to present indictments in every jurisdiction of the union:

* 50 States
* 3,007 entities named “County”
* 16 Boroughs in Alaska11 Census Areas in Alaska (for areas not organized into
Boroughs by the State)
* 64 Parishes in Louisiana
* 42 Independent Cities (1 in Maryland, 1 in Missouri, 1 in Nevada, and the
remainder in Virginia)1 District - the Federal District or District of
Columbia.For a total of 3,191 opportunities to bring criminal charges against
offending politicians.

Even if an independently convened grand jury is mistakenly seen as merely people

assembling to exercise their Constitutional right to “redress their grievances,”
that is no small thing. Hundreds of people in such “assemblies” will be examining
evidence and presenting the results of their investigation to appropriate county,
state, and federal authorities, some of whom will almost certainly form more
conventional Grand Juries to indict AKA OBAMA. Can one honestly surmise that there
is not one prosecutor or judge in the entire nation who questions AKA OBAMA’s
eligibility to be President?

Once the American Grand Jury presentments are made, it is likely that many
prosecutors and judges will want a copy of the evidence.The American Grand Jury
organization with which I am affiliated is using recognized expert witnesses with
a long professional history of forensic testimony. The guiding principles for the
project are the usual protocols of epistemology, scientific methodology, and rules
of evidence. Any prosecutor or judge who ignores such evidence and testimony is at
risk of being seen as acquiescent.

An excellent article by international columnist Mark S. McGrew will help the

reader to understand the Grand Jury story.

press contact: Sam Sewell, National spokesman for AmericanGrandJury.org

email: writerpromo@comcast.net
fax (239) 591-1987
phone: clinic office -- (239) 591-4565 -- ask for Dr. Sam

Rev. Sewell, is an ordained Christian clergyman, a Pastoral Psychotherapist, a

member of Mensa, a U.S. Navy Veteran, and a Member of the Association For
Intelligence Officers. He is a frequent commentator on religious and political
























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