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Insert A/ AN or THE where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. ______ T/tennis is _____ popular sport in some countries. Lets take ____ taxi.

_____ car is being fixed at the moment. _____ London lies on _____ Thames. There is _____ girl in _____ photograph. _____ girl is wearing _____ uniform. 5. _______ Taj Mahal is in ______ India. 6. His sister is ________ doctor. 7. ____ Grays are having _______ lunch. 8. ______ S/sugar is sweet. 9. ______ M/milk we bought yesterday was fresh. 10. My cousin plays ________ violin. 11. Is _______ London in _____ south ? 12. Give me ______ apple, please. 13. ______ London is ______ capital of _____ UK. 14. ______ January is _______ first month of ______ year. 15. Phillip lives in _______ New York on _______ 52. street. 16. ______ Danube is ______ longest river in Serbia. 17. _______ D/dinner we had at _____ Majestic was fine. 18. Some pupils go to school on ______ foot, and others get there by ______ bus. 19. Oscar likes _______ winter. 20. Would you like _____ cup of tea? _____ T/tea she makes is very good. 21. _____ man we saw in the street is her brother. 22. _____ sun is hidden by ___ clouds. 23. There are _____ clouds in ______ sky. 24. ____ sun rises early. 25. Put it in ______ refrigerator. 26. ____ postman brought this telegram for you. 27. He crossed ____ Europe on _____ foot. 28. What ____ pretty girl! 29. Such _____ long queue! 30. Such _____ nice weather! 31. ____ Smiths are such ______ nice people. 32. I have _____ sister and two brothers. 33. ____ S/stitch in time saves nine. 34. ____ C/child needs love. 35. They live in _____ house. _____ H/house is in _____ Park Street.

36. Sarah has ______ dog. 37. Her mother is _____ lawyer. 38. A: What ____ beautiful painting! B: Its _____ Rembrandt. 39. I go swimming three times ____ week. 40. _____ Mr Johnson called while you were out. 41. Whats the matter with you? I have ___ headache. 42. ____ G/gold is expensive. 43. It was already getting late and we had ______ little time to talk about. 44. Have you eaten all the cheese? No, there is still ____ little left. 45. I cant believe that Johanna is so arrogant! Thats why she has _____ few friends. 46. I need ____ few more minutes to read the whole story. 47. He was elected _____ president in 1964. 48. They made him ______ king. 49. He used to be _____ teacher till he turned _____ waiter. 50. She became ______ queen in 1517. 51. He was appointed ______ Prime Minister two years ago. 52. ______ P/president Bush was Vice President to Reagan. 53. ______ President is _____ head of the state in ____ US. 54. How is your sister doing? Not well, Im afraid. Shes down with _____ flu. 55. John is in ______ kitchen. 56. Please, pass me _____ salt. 57. Hes _____ best writer of them all. 58. She sings _____ best of all of us. 59. ____ whale is in danger of becoming extinct. 60. _____ combine has made life easier for farmers. 61. ____ O/old blame everything on _____ young. 62. We must help ______ poor. 63. He took her by _____ arm. 64. She hit him on ____ head. 65. She usually goes jogging in _____ morning. 66. He likes to get up at _____ dawn and watch ___ sun rise. 67. Have you heard of ____ poet Byron? 68. Have you seen _____ play King Lear? 69. Do you know Brown, _____ general manager? 70. He is _____ Sultan of Brunei. 71. I dont like using _____ computer. 72. They sailed on _____ Queen Mary. 73. They stayed at ____ Ritz Hotel. 74. He works as ___ secretary in _____ Bank of England.

75. Will you go with me to ___ National Theatre? There is ____ excellent play tonight. 76. It is said that ____ Great Wall of China can be seen from ____ Moon. 77. They visited ____ Tower of London. 78. ____ London bridge is falling down.... 79. ____ FBI is ____ police department in ___ US that is controlled by ___ national government. 80. She can dance to ____ rumba. 81. Hurry up or youll miss ____ train! 82. After _____ Russian Revolution many Russians emigrated to other European countries. 83. ____ Beatles were very popular all over ____ world. 84. He reads _____ Times. 85. The photo of her appeared on the front cover of ____ Vogue. 86. If you are in _____ France, you must visit _____ Louvre and see _____ Mona Lisa. 87. Can I speak to Mr Smith, please? We have two Mr Smiths. Which do you want? I want ____ Mr Smith who works in the office on ____ first floor. 88. She is from ______ Netherlands. 89. They crossed _____ English Channel. 90. Have you ever seen _____ Suez Canal? 91. _____ Sahara is in ______ Africa. 92. They went to ______ Bahamas on their honeymoon. 93. _____ Balkan is _____ peninsula. 94. She joined ____ UN and went to help _______ starved in ____ South Africa. 95. ____ M/more I learn, _____ less I know. 96. ____ L/life is hard. 97. ____ L/life they live is hard. 98. ____ C/cheese is made from ____ milk. 99. ____C/cheese I bought yesterday was awful. 100. ____ B/books are his best friends. 101. ____ B/books on the table arent mine. 102. Lets have _____ dinner. 103. Are you coming to ____ dinner given by the Ambassador? 104. She lives in ____ Fifth Avenue. 105. When youre in Britain, do visit _____ London Zoo. 106. They walked down ____ Hyde Park, discussing the weather. 107. He studies law at _______ Oxford University, and his father studied medicine at _____ University of Cambridge. 108. Her favourite sport club is ______ Manchester United. 109. Meet me at ____ Victoria Station/ _____ Gatwick airport.

110. ____ Queen lives in _____ Buckingham Palace. 111. _____ Palace refused to comment on the scandalous photos published in the Sun magazine. 112. They sailed smoothly across_____ Lake Ontario. 113. Do you know where ___ Lake of Ohrid is? 114. She speaks _____ Spanish. 115. Her sister studies _____ Chinese Language. 116. _____ A/autumn is ____ best time for reading. 117. We are going there at ____ Easter. 118. I go to ____ school every day. 119. My mother goes to _____ school when she has a meeting. 120. Hes very ill. Hes been in _____ hospital for two weeks. 121. Im going to ____ hospital to visit him. 122. He was freed after spending five months in _____ prison. 123. His parents never came to _____ prison to visit him. 124. She always goes to ____ church on Sundays. 125. She studies art and shes going to ____ church tomorrow to have a look at the stained-glass windows. 126. Sailors spend most of their time at _____ sea. 127. Im not going to _____ sea this summer. (=seaside) 128. Are you going to ____ theatre tonight? 129. _____ Trafalgar Square is in ______ London. 130. _____ Greece is in ____ south. 131. There are some beautiful towns in _____ north of Italy. 132. Does he drink _____ coffee for _____ breakfast. 133. _____ Etna is a mountain known for its volcano. 134. _____ Dublin is _____ capital of _____ Republic of Ireland. 135. _____ Cairo is on ____ Nile. 136. ____ Alps and ____ Pyrenees are in _____ Europe and ____ Himalayas are in ____ Asia. 137. Lets take ___ picnic lunch and spend ______ enjoyable afternoon in ____ country. 138. They go to _____ school by _____ bus. 139. He is _____ journalist. 140. ____ glass is made of _____ glass. 141. We write on ____ paper with ____pen or _____ pencil. 142. You must write the answers in ____ ink. 143. His father is _____ engineer and he works in ____ factory. 144. ___ E/eel lives in ____ water. 145. ____ S/spoon is made of _____metal or ____ wood. 146. Hes ___ Kennedy. 147. ____ Titanic sailed across ____ Atlantic. 148. What _____ good ice-cream! 149. _____ Germans and _____ Japanese work very hard.

150. 151. 152. 153. 154.

We often listen to _____ BBC. We are members of _____ UNESCO. ____ Life of Napoleon was very stormy. ____ T/teacher has not given us any homework. France celebrated _____ 200th anniversary of ____ French Revolution. 155. I could never afford to stay at hotels like ____ Browns or ____ Hilton. 156. John, ____ baker, lives in _______ Baker Street. 157. Ive been climbing ____ Alps, but never managed to get up ____ Mont Blanc. 158. Karl was born in _____ Bavaria and died in ____ Ohio. 159. I had a room overlooking ____ Lake Geneva. 160. I have seen _____ Queen Elisabeth and ____ President. 161. They are eagerly expecting a visit from ______ Pope. 162. _________ C/cocker spaniel has long ears. 163. Meet me at ________ Tate Gallery at noon. 164. Can you show me the way to ________ post office? 165. Have you actually met _________ Sandra Bullock? 166. Yes, my name is _____ Peter, but Im not ______ Peter you are looking for. 167. We should help _______ sick and ______ lonely. 168. Shes _______ M.A. 169. ______ Punch and ________ Time are famous magazines. 170. She was born in ______ city of New York. 171. _______ Artic and _______ Balkans are geographical areas. 172. ______ G/girl you spoke to is from ______ Lebanon. 173. Will you have ______ dinner with me tomorrow? 174. its a little island somewhere in _____ Pacific. 175. Her car does 60 miles ______ hour. 176. He ate _____ whole cake all by himself. 177. Hes a member of _______ Conservative Party, but his brother is _____ socialist. 178. The tourists are offered a visit to ______ St. Pauls Cathedral. 179. Jane plays _______ flute. 180. There was ______ small flute in the window of the shop. 181. _______ French eat in restaurants more than ______ English. 182. We took ______ trip around _____ London and saw ______ Tower Bridge. 183. She had to go to _______ X-ray. 184. He is ______ UNESCO worker. 185. She is ______ FBI agent. 186. Thats ______ friend of Bills. 187. Hes _____ colleague of mine. 188. The race is always held in ______ June.

189. 190. 191. 192.

We last saw John _____ June your mother was staying with us. Were returning after _______ Christmas. It was ______ Christmas to remember. I remember when Frank was last here. It was ______ Christmas I got my new bike. 193. _______ M/music played a very important part in his life. 194. I thought that ______ music used in the film was _______ best part. 195. She starts work on ______ Monday next week. 196. I saw her in town earlier in the year. It was _____ Monday, because thats when I go shopping, but I cant remember the exact date. 197. They phoned on _______ Monday before the accident. 198. Im hoping to visit ______Italy in _________ summer. 199. There was a long drought in _____ South Africa in _______ summer of 1993. 200. With the wedding and the new job, it was ______ summer she would always remember.

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