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ARAHAN KEPADA CALON: 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 3 Bahagian ( A,B & C) Section A: Soalan Objektif. Pilih satu jawapan yang tepat. Section B: Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul. Section C: Pilih dan gabungkan perkataan di dalam kotak dengan perkataan di dalam kurungan. Tuliskan jawapannya. Jawab semua soalan. 2. 3. 4. Semua soalan bahagian A hendaklah dijawab menggunakan kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan. Semua soalan bahagian B, isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang tepat. Semua soalan bahagian C, pilih dan isikan jawapan yang tepat di tempat kosong yang disediakan.

KERTAS SOALAN INI MENGANDUNGI 14 MUKA SURAT BERCETAK TERMASUK MUKA HADAPAN SECTION A (Multiple-Choice Questions) Answer all questions. Choose the best option for each of the questions below. 1. How does your attitude contribute to your success? A. A good attitude makes you more popular. B. Your attitude determines what grades your teachers think you deserve. C. Your attitude helps you be persistent in achieving college goals. D. A good attitude helps you finish work very fast. 2. Which of the following obstacles did the author experience in his freshman year of college? A. Self-doubt about ability to do the work B. Doubt about career goals C. Isolation D. All of the above 3. What, in the author's opinion, is the single most important factor for college survival and success? A. High IQ B. Plenty of money C. Easy balance between school, work and family life D. Commitment to do the work 4. What can you do to deal with a challenging semester or doubts that you should be in school? A. Make a firm decision to do the work B. Talk to someone about any doubts or fears you have about school. C. If it is that hard, you could just drop out for a semester. D. A and B 5. Which of the following things helped one student make the commitment to stay in school, despite initial disinterest and personal difficulties? A. A sociology class inspired her to start asking questions. B. The student discovered that she had a talent for writing C. The student decided to quit school and get a job D. A and B. 6. Another student describes some insights gained after a disappointing semester. Which of the following statements would summarize the feelings of the student who felt as if he or she needed to stop chasing rainbows?

A. "I need to stop dreaming and start doing." B. "I need to put aside my fears of failure and give school my best effort." C. "I need to work to achieve my dreams." D. All of the above. 7. Which of the following common avoidance tactics are you most likely to use this semester? A. "I'm too busy." B. "I'm too tired." C. "I'll do it later." D. All of the above 8. Which statement most accurately fits your current attitude about college work? Be honest; accurate self-assessment is the first step in learning about your level of commitment. A. "I'm here, and that's what counts." B. "I intend to do whatever it takes to meet my goals in school." C. "I'm currently trying to decide if school is the right place for me to be." D. All of the above 9. An inner commitment to doing the work that college demands A. is impossible when your life is confusing and difficult B. is the most important factor in doing well in school. C. will help solve your personal and family problems D. guarantees that you will get A and B grades 10. Career-oriented courses should be A. the only courses you take. B. geared toward an area with promising employment opportunities C. entertaining, not boring D. studied in specialized, vocational-type schools 11. According to Jean Colemans recommendation, a student with a forty-hour-a-week job should take A. four courses B. no courses C. two courses D. one course 12. Withdrawing from college A. never helps. B. shows a weak character.

C. is sometimes the best response D. will solve your personal problems 13. Which of the following is not one of the avoidance tactics described in the section about students' attitudes? A. "I'll do it later." B. "I'm too disorganized." C. "I can't do it." D. "I'm bored with the subject." 14. In the word eminence, the first e is pronounced like the e in A. heat B. pet. C. trace. D. item. 15. In the word empirical, the a is pronounced like A. long a. B. short a. C. schwa D. short e. (Questions 16 24). Read each of the following sentences carefully. Choose the best option which has closest in meaning to the word in italic type. 16. Because of the brusque manner of the waitress, I decided to leave no tip. A. Slow B. Courteous C. Rude D. Passive 17. We kept our plans tentative, so we could quickly change them in case there were new developments A. Fixed B. Indefinite C. Superficial D. Honest 18. I could not tolerate an austere apartment like the one she lives in; I need plants, pictures, and plenty of furnishings. A. Bare B. Lavish

C. Expensive D. Small 19. She is a tenacious person; even though she failed her first biology tests, she kept studying and eventually passed the course. A. Humorous B. Stingy C. Softhearted D. Persistent 20. His clothes are neat and tasteful, but his hair, incongruously, is unkempt and oily A. Boldly B. Inconsistently C. Apologetically D. Consistently 21. My English paper had many good details but lacked coherence; the instructor said I had a lot to learn about how to structure my ideas. A. Unity B. Support C. Sentence skills D. Organization 22. I used to be a three-letter athlete in school; now I enjoy sports in a vicarious way by watching them on television. A. Curious B. Dangerous C. Substitute D. Inexpensive 23. My progress in school was impeded by poor study habits and a poor attitude. A. Aided B. Increased C. Hindered D. Reinforced 24. The counselor listened in a perfunctory way as she doodled on her notepad; I felt she wasn't really interested in my problem. A. Indifferent B. Responsive C. Intense D. Apologetic

25. In order to locate a book called A Walk in the Woods, what kind of search should you do? A. Title search under A B. Title search under W for Walk C. Title search under W for Woods D. Subject search under W for Walk 26. Periodicals include A. books. B. card files C. magazines D. all of the above 27. A good way to use the Internet to find books on a topic is to A. visit an online bookstore and use its keyword search box. B. visit an online bookstore and use its "Browse Subjects" box. C. visit the Library of Congress website and use its search form. D. do all of the above 28. A research paper should be narrow and deep rather than broad and shallow. Which of the following topics would be most suited for a research paper of about ten pages? A. Crime B. Punishments C. The death penalty D. Economic benefits of the death penalty 29. To find articles on your topic, which of the following sources should you go to? A. Periodicals index in the library (such as Readers' Guide) B. CD-ROM database in the library (such as Magazine Index Plus) C. Internet search engine D. All of the above 30. The bottom of each summary note card should A. list the source and page number of the information on the card. B. contain the heading of the section where it will be used. C. contain the author's name D. be blank. 31. The first time you cite a source in a research paper, you must state A. the author's name and the title of the book or article.

B. the author's name, the title of the book or article, and the page number. C. the author's name and the page number D. just the author's name 32. The "Works Cited" section of a paper should A. have numbered entries B. include all books the author of the paper has read. C. not include any more than one book by the same author. D. include only the books and articles referred to in the paper 33. Which of the following shows the correct format for a "Works Cited" entry? A. Quindlen, Anna. A Short Guide to a Happy Life. New York: Random House, 2000. B. Anna Quindlen. A Short Guide to a Happy Life. New York: Random House, 2000. C. A Short Guide to a Happy Life. Anna Quindlen. New York: Random House, 2000. D. Quindlen, Anna. "A Short Guide to a Happy Life," Random House, 2000 34. Which of the following methods might an instructor use to signal the importance of an idea? A. Repetition of a point B. Emphasis signals C. Tone of voice D. All of the above 35. Often the most important single step you can take to perform well in a course is to A. sit where the instructor can see you and listen carefully B. write down definitions and examples. C. be there and take effective notes. D. not stop taking notes during discussion periods or at the end of a class. 36. The best way to avoid passive studying is to A. study right before bed. B. test yourself on the material to be learned. C. copy several times the material to be learned. D. review material in the morning 37. Over learning is A. unnecessary memorization. B. going over a lesson you already know. C. incompatible with learning. D. a way to "push out" old ideas so that you can learn new ones.

38. What aid to memory is illustrated by the fact that someone will always remember the name of a person who owes him or her money? A. Spacing memory work. B. Intending to learn. C. Using key words as hooks. D. Over learning 39. To gain the overall understanding you need in order to learn material effectively, you should A. attend class lectures regularly. B. read textbook assignments C. take classroom and textbook notes. D. do all of the above 40. What are the four steps of the PRWR textbook study method? A. Preview, read, write, recite B. Practice, review, wait, read C. Pray, run, whine, rally D. Practice random willpower recitals 41. What can you do while reading the chapter to help you with later steps? A. Read straight through without worrying about understanding every single thing. B. Read the chapter with pen in hand. C. Mark off points that you might want to return to for later readings. D. All of the above 42. What should you NOT write when creating study notes? A. Title of chapter B. Write down the headings as basic questions C. Definitions of key terms D. As much of the text as you can possibly write in the time you have 43. What is involved in the "recite" step of the study method? A. Using key words and phrases, you prove that you can recite definitions and examples from your notes. B. Recite the instructor's lecture quietly to yourself as you listen. C. Use recall words to ask questions about your notes. D. Use memory devices to remember all of the key phrases.

44. Which of the following strategies will help you take more efficient notes? A. Sit in the front row during every class. B. Write down everything the teacher writes on the board. C. If the instructor uses an overhead, ask to borrow it after class and copy it down. D. All of the above. 45. How can you test yourself on material, using your notes? A. Turn recall words into questions. B. Read and reread all of the notes. C. Read all the notes out loud and try to memorize them. D. Memorize the page numbers that have the same information as your notes. 46. What are some ways you can be organized? A. Bring enough supplies to get through the first day of class. B. Buy textbooks as soon as possible. C. Set aside a special place to study and keep all school-related materials D. All of the above 47. What is a learning style? A. A particular method of learning that is best for you B. A way to listen to lectures C. A way to take notes in class D. A special method for reading textbooks 48. How is persistence important for college success? A. College is not always exciting; being persistent helps get through boring classes. B. It helps students deal with personal problems that interfere with school. C. It helps students keep doing the work even when it's difficult. D. All of the above 49. Which of the following is most important for you to work on this semester and throughout your college career? A. Be realistic B. Get organized C. Be persistent D. All of the above 50. How can a positive attitude impact your success in school? A. You will be more fun for your family and friends to be around. B. You will be more popular

C. Self-doubt will not be an excuse for not making an effort D. You won't care if you fail exams or do badly on class assignments 51. Which of the following can you do to start formulating a career goal? A. Visit the school's counseling center B. Talk with a faculty member in the department of your intended major C. Visit the job placement office D. All of the above 52. Which of the following is an example of a short-term goal? A. Graduate with a degree in accounting B. Retire at age 45 C. Earn straight A's in this semester's classes D. All of the above 53. What is an interest inventory? A. A questionnaire that helps you identify what you like and can do well B. An IQ test C. A list of courses you should take that you will be interested in D. A questionnaire that points you to careers that match your interests and abilities 54. 54. How can flash cards be good study aids for math and science classes? A. Flash cards can help you memorize and test yourself on terms and formulas. B. Flash cards are small enough that you can sneak them into class to use during exams. C. Flash cards enable you to study the material conveniently and discover what you do and don't know. D. A and C 55. What kind of precise note-taking might you have to do for a math or science class? A. You have to copy down formulas, problems, diagrams and definitions B. You have to copy down the instructor's explanations of formulas and processes C. You have to copy down information that helps you see connections between steps or the relationship of one fact to another. D. All of the above 56. What should you do when you come to a term in a science or math text that you don't understand? A. Look up the word in your regular dictionary B. Check the index in the back of the book to look for an earlier section in the book that might have defined the term. C. Look up the word in the glossary of the textbook. D. B and C


57. What are figures of speech? A. The overall idea that the author is advancing B. The manner or style of a piece C. Expressions in which words are used to mean something other than they usually D. The speaker who tells the story 58. What is tone? A. The overall idea that the author is advancing B. The manner or style of a piece C. Expressions in which words are used to mean something other than they usually do. D. The speaker who tells the story 59. What are transitions? A. The sentences that express the main point, or idea, of a paragraph B. Reasons, examples and other details to support the main point of the paragraph C. Signal words that increase the effectiveness of organizing support for each paragraph, using time order or listing order D. A series of sentences about one main idea, or point 60. Why is prewriting important? A. This helps you get a lot of information down on paper which can later be added to, shaped and edited to form the final paper. B. This helps to establish the main point of the paper. C. This helps you identify many supporting details that will help make your main point D. All of the above SECTION B (Signal Words) In the spaces provided, write the major signal words used in the following selections. The number and kinds of signal words that you should look for are shown at the start of each selection. Selection 1: Two contrast signals; one cause-and-effect signal; one addition signal. The elderly age segment is a growing market that presents many opportunities for marketers. Demand will continue to rise for health care and services, books, nursing homes, travel, retirement housing, and many leisure-time activities. But people in this age group do not like to be stereotyped, and marketers must be sensitive in communicating with them. Several years ago, the H. J. Heinz Company test-marketed a line of "Senior Foods"--lamb, beef, and chicken dishes in eight-ounce containers. The products were dropped six months later; the reason was that older people did not like to see their age reflected in the product's name. On the other hand, the marketing focus of Gerber Products Company does not inhibit older consumers from purchasing and consuming (for dietary reasons) an estimated 6 percent of its baby food. Also, a study conducted by


Dannon Yogurt found that 25 percent of the company's sales were made to people over age fifty-five. Clearly, the elderly have unique needs that marketers must try to satisfy. 61. ___________________________ 62. ___________________________ 63. ___________________________ 64. ___________________________

Selection 2: One emphasis signal; one cause-and-effect signal; two addition signals; two contrast signals. Speed-reading courses often claim that an increase in speed will mean an automatic increase in comprehension. But this claim is simply not true. With difficult material, understanding is likely to fall as rate rises. Speed-reading courses may increase the number of words your eyes take in and "read" per minute. In addition, comprehension may improve while you take such a course. The cause for this, however, is that you tend to concentrate more as you read faster. The best way to increase reading speed and comprehension is to develop reading comprehension skills. Speed will come as you learn how to identify main ideas and go quickly over lesser points and supporting details. Also, speed will come as you learn how to vary your reading rate according to the nature of the material and your purpose in reading. 65. ______________________ 66. ______________________ 67. ___________________ 68. ___________________ 69. ___________________ 70. ___________________

Selection 3: Locate the main-idea sentence in each selection that follows. Then, in the spaces provided, put the number of each sentence.

Violence surrounds us-not only in real life but in our entertainment. 2Films emphasize itas those who saw The Godfather and its sequels know. 3In fact, violence is big at the box office. 4A drive-in favorite was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which graphically portrayed a series of murders perpetrated by unemployed cattle butchers. 5Indeed, the realism with which film violence is staged is ever increasing. 6Improved techniques allow close-ups of realistically bruised and mutilated bodies. 7Television, in both its news


reports and its entertainment, provides a steady diet of violence. 8Riots, uprisings, wars, terrorists' raids-all are a part of our daily lives in the evening news. 9Even children's toys can encourage aggression. 71. _______

One of childhood's saddest figures is the child who is chosen last for every team, hangs around the fringes of every group, walks home alone after school, is not invited to any of the birthday parties, and sobs in despair, "Nobody wants to play with me." 2There are many reasons why this child and other children can be unpopular. 3Sometimes such children are withdrawn or rebellious. 4They are often the youngsters who walk around with a "chip on the shoulder," showing unprovoked aggression and hostility. 5Or they may act silly and babyish, "showing off" in immature ways. 6Or they may be anxious and uncertain, exuding such a pathetic lack of confidence that they repel other children, who don't find them any fun to be with. 7Extremely fat or unattractive children, children who behave in any way that seems strange to the others, and slow-learning youngsters are also outcasts. 72. _______

A bottle of cologne on a department store counter catches your eye. 2It is beautifully packaged in a handsome bottle and shiny box. 3You check the price tag, which reads "$37.50," and walk away wondering how two ounces of cologne can be so expensive. 4 After all, cologne is made from only a few pennies' worth of alcohol and essential oils mixed with a good amount of water. 5How can a department store charge so much for it? 6 The price on the cologne box reflects not only the cost of the raw materials but a variety of additional costs. 7The department store is paying the salary of the salesperson behind the counter and the cost of the space needed to store the cologne inventory. 8The department store also provides services such as charge accounts; the cost of each piece of merchandise is raised accordingly. 9The manufacturer of the cologne may have spent more on its fancy bottle and box than on the fragrance itself. 10The packaging caught your eye, as the manufacturer wanted, but you are going to pay for it. 11You'll also pay for the advertising done by the nationally known cosmetics company and the cost of the transportation used to ship the cologne to the store. 12And if the cologne was made in and shipped from France, the price goes up even more! 73. _______ Selection 4: In the spaces provided, write the number of the sentence in each selection that contains a definition. Then write the number of the sentence that provides the first example of the definition.

Admittedly a good deal of our social interaction is motivated by self-interest. 2You may offer to run an errand for a professor because you hope that he or she will take that help into account when awarding grades. 3Or you may offer to take care of the neighbors' dog while they are away on vacation because you want them to take care of your cat when you go on vacation. 4But if behavior that benefits others is not linked to personal gain, it is called altruistic behavior. 5For example, many people go to considerable trouble to help


a sick neighbor, take in a family left homeless by fire, or serve as hospital aides. 6 Charitable contributions are often directed at strangers and made anonymously. 74. Definition: _________ 75. Example: _________

SECTION C (Word Parts) Complete the italicized word in each sentence by adding the correct word part. Use the meaning of the word part and the sentence context to determine the correct answer in each case.

trans--across tract - draw

mis--badly inter--between


tact--touch post--after

76. The (. . . ition) ___________________ from prison to life on the "outside" can cause psychological problems. 77. To show his (. . . content) _________________ with the restaurant meal, Fred dumped his dinner onto the floor.

78. A blind person's (. . . ile) __________________ sense is highly developed; the fingertips transmit a wealth of information. 79. The (. . . er) ________________ was told to bring a mop and a pail to the lobby; a bottle of orange juice had smashed on the floor. 80. The (reable) _________________ ballpoint leaked red ink all over the inside of my purse.



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