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Thirty three years of my life have been filled with signs to "wonder" about,

several of them occurring in dreams. Before I was saved, I was demonized by a

spirit of divination. I used to dream as many as 10 dreams a night, remembering
MOST of them. Several dreams contained predictions that actually came to pass.
When I went into ministry in 1981, I had a looseleaf "dream book" where I had
journaled about 3,000 dreams. I'll never forget the day that the Lord asked me to
throw out the dream journal because "I was fit to be tied!". I complained, "Lord,
I have been maintaining this journal for years because I plan to write a book
about dreams." He responded: "Pam, you have some dreams that I sent to you in
your journal, but most of your dreams are from the devil. Throw it away. I'll
give you other books to write." I reluctantly put the dream book in an outside
garbage and went back 3 times to retrieve it, asking myself "was that REALLY God?"
Finally, I let the garbage truck take it. Thank God, I finally obeyed.True to His
word, I have been given more books to write. Therefore, with no intention to throw
dreaming and dream interpretation out with the bath water, years of experience
have armed me to know that as God sends signs, the devil sends "more signs."

Since prophetic dreaming played a significant role in my occult days, for the
rest of my life, I have to be particularly careful as a Christian to "try the
sprits" with every dream. My continued vulnerability to demonic deception has
been connected to my former lust for signs, miracles and supernatural power. A
zeal without knowledge, only until the last five or so years have I successfully
"tried the spirits" to see if they be of God. Actually, besides "Faces of the
Religious Demon," I could yet write another book on this subject alone.

Just to give you one outstanding example, in 1985, I had a supernatural sign---a
dream where a 7 foot,baldheaded, muscular being loudly and boldly declared, "I am
an angel sent from God to show you your future ministry."This "angel" showed me
a huge residential Christian rehabilitation center for ex-offenders and
recovering addicts. In the center of it was a huge chapel. The rehab center was
so large that I couldn't figure out if it was one peice of land with several
cottages and buildings on its grounds, or if the blueprint consisted of several
individual sites around the country.Since my secular background includes writing
proposals and obtaining large government grants in human services, I asked, " Do
I write a grant?" The "angel" bellowed loudly,"NOOOO!!!! This is God's project and
He shall fund it." Very religious, pious sounding, right? Well, it took me 20
years to find out that this being was a demon sent by the fake Jesus to derail me
and "set me up.".

The religious demon even poured into me the desire and the zeal to do this kind of
work---a desire that I took for granted came from God. As one example out of
many, I remember having a supernatural experience in the parking lot of a prison,
with travail and groanings that knocked me to the ground. Periodically over the
years, I spent hours on my face, weeping and travailing for the salvation of
prisoners. I actually preached and taught in prison every week for 8 years.
Nevertheless, once the spotlight of truth hit me in the face, ---that I was NOT
called to a prison/substance abuse ministry,---- the wisdom received was not at
all painful. I just said to myself "oh well.. I'm in the Lord's hands. He will
guide my next steps."

Instantly I understood how and why the religious had been successful at deceiving
me on this and other significant issues for so long. Simply put, the Lord knew
that the deception would be good for me since "I have been in training for 30
years." The truth is that the best way to learn Satan's strategies is to be
deceived,and then to watch the Holy Ghost unveil and expose the deception. Since I
am a frontline warrior, it was necessary for me to go down the trail of deception
myself, so that I could yell back to those behind me, " Hey, yall, go back!!! You
don't need to follow this path, I've seen what is ahead so turn around and start

Let me point out that not only was I deceived by my own dreams, I also received
several prophetic "confirming signs" from others. More than one Christian woman
with a prophecy or a vision uplifted prison ministry and substance abuse as
paramount to my calling. One word of faith woman uttered a prophecy that I
assumed was from God--a prophecy that I called "the 7 walls" where alcohol and
drug addiction were at the top of a list of 7. In fact, the first members of
Healing Waters were all ex-offenders, men in recovery from alcohol and drug
addiction. Practically all of them in the sheepfold have prospered in the world,
staying clean through the rooms of AA and NA.

Only two men continued to relapse to either drugs or crime, while several others
have truly prospered in the world of work and career. Interestingly enough, the
two who continued to relapse were my third husband Rich and one member who had
been my right hand in ministry for 18 years, a man I'll refer to as "George." A
few years ago, the Holy Spirit transmitted words that I didn't want to hear. I was
warned with a sign that went like this. "Both George and Rich were sent to you
by the devil to destroy you and your ministry." Since I received this revelation
in the spirit, I continued to hope that "this was not a sign from the Lord."
Some have the notion that anything that sounds "negative" must be the devil and
everything that sounds positive MUST be God. Well, it ain't necessarily so.

So I continued to "pray, watch and wait." The first to be revealed as sent from
the devil was George. George was rather visible and well known in the
community. He could often be found drunk or zooted on crack, "preachin about Jesus
and drunkenly telling everybody that he was a member of Healing Waters and Pastor
Pam was his pastor." Among the street people, George was known as "Preacher Man."
Like my husband, George was also in and out of rehabs and could barely stay clean
and sober for more than a month at a time, yet he spoke in tongues fluently, sang
beautifully, with tears rolling down his face and the whole 9 yards. The truth is
that any serious visitor to our church who was struggling to recover from drugs
was in jeopardy to George. If I was not careful to protect them from him, at the
end of the service, George might sneak any one ofthem into an alley behind the
church, where he often hid to smoke crack or lift a pint to his head, of course.
still toting his bible.

I reasoned to myself, "not only George but Rich also has to be revealed if this
sign came from the Lord." In love and with great faith for my marriage, I held
on to a false hope as long as I could. Nevertheless,in 2005, it was clear. I knew.
It was done. It was proven to me that without a doubt, my ex Rich was sent by the
devil also. Then I reasoned again. Is it possible for a religious demon to send
me two confirmed signs? Yes, it is very possible. So I can hear your question.
"Pam, well, how did you know?" Jesus made it simple. You shall know them by
their fruit. With a form of godliness that denied the power of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, George and Rich had no fruit. Motivated by the religious demon, both
men stuck close by me for the sole purpose of being "thorns in my flesh.". Rich
was worst than George but since he was my husband, I blinded myself to him for
quite awhile. Both men could be super spiritual, having moments of apparently
deep conviction and devotion to Christ. I realize now that both of them were
worshipping the Fake Jesus. My ex even robbed our church and our home on several
occasions. The vile, out of wack acts that Rich committed could fill a book all
by themselves.

You see, there was one important catch to the religious demon's motivation.---a
method to this apparent madness. Iin order to sell me on a drug addict as my "Mr.
Right", the religious demon seduced me to believe that "the great man" I had been
waiting for was an ex-offender with substance abuse in his background---- a man
of great intelligence and "potential" who would "co-pastor" with me in a
substance abuse,ex-offender huge rehabilitation center, A person who would be
able to lead and oversee ex-offenders and recovering addicts in the sheepfold---
one who had "been there and done that" when I myself had no such background.

I bought it, hook, line and sinker.I don't blame George or Rich. They had no idea
what was going on. They were just pawns in a demonic chess game invisibly and
secretly played out with my ministerial life as the chessboard. So I take full
responsibility for being duped by the fake Jesus because clearly, the Lord never
assigned me to work in a substance abuse prison ministry. I DID NOT TRY THE
SPIRITS TO SEE IF THEY WERE OF GOD. Due to my impatience to "get things rolling"
in what I believed to be the Lord's work, I actually put myself into the devil's
hands because it suited my own purposes to believe a lie. I STRONGLY DESIRED THE

One day I looked up and the zeal for prison ministry and substance abuse
counseling was completely gone from my spirit. Vanished. With the zeal gone, I
immediately withdrew from prison ministry. Shortly thereafter, my spiritual eyes
were opened to the whole truth. I had been hooked by an intricate, demonic
setup. I now know the truth, and the truth has set me free to complete what God
has REALLY chosen me to do. So what is my divine assignment? Well,there are
several "signs" but I am rather satisfied to report that beside writing books,
counseling and training others, "I really don't know yet!"

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