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. H The .Blood of Jeau. C,hrist HUI Son '" FrOm AU Sin. ..

L'os Angeles, California, June 18, 1908 . ..,.
: . .. - t "b
; ' No . 51
. .

Bresee's Address at:_the New York Assembly . . ....
AST year when I was here I tried to m(v, "The sun God is in this thfng from the and He
never goes dowri in the morning." I knew that the is raising up men and putting "them into it, and the people
- . sun that was'Jus.tbeh]nd the horizon was. not a setting su.ri, . are rising up and place
and tonight when I bring you greeting again, I can say of this kinq." There are more poors for this work
the Lord:has been "doing things,'.' at least as fast as we than we can in anywise enter or <>ccupy. The great South
can keep up. I. did pray at one time for the Lord to hurry is our our -field. There are 150 churches
up-. "the eternal years Thine but not mine." I said, . coming in from that great section. .
-'.'BJease, Lord, hurry up;" and He set me running so fast - . Then the Lord has been raising U..P churches else-
I don'tpray the Lord to hurry up any more, for He is Jlur.:. where. My Brother Reynolds and I have organized
rying up and doing things as fast as we can take care of three ih the last few da'ys, but they are spring- .
them. What we need more than anything else, is the ing up on all sides. The great .question is whether we.
mighty Spirit of God. I have been down in the Southland, are worthy of the responsibility God has put upon us .
. I to telryou, bEHoved; this great movement God - . --We want pastors-who-can- look men -face fifty-
put usinis everywhere. In the first place, God is putting . two time a year. . We want men whom we cannot discour-.
it on men antl womep. that nothing el'se will do but an age, men>who know how to deal with human life, men
organized Church. The work that has done by the who know how to comfort the afflicted, men who can make
Holiness people is a blessed work, a marvelous work, for things go! I 'hear that down- here'f-ri this country you have
which we are grateful, but it has been just a sort of John- . a few nien that as soon as it gets to be "hard sliding"
the-Baptist. It has prepared the way for the Pentecostal they and go." I guess niy time is up 'here. I guess
Church of the Nazarene. I was down in Indiana the other I will go into the evangelistic work . . We must have men

for three years. They have done heroic work. They told job ever given to men, and we must do it. You remember
-me that nearly have,-been at their-altars, .but- that Frtmchman's-reply-when-his- officer-!!aid, !!.What you
there. is no more strength for holiness in Indiana than 1 require is impossible," He turned on him and said,
there was in their earliest work. That. proved to them "Never you say that blockhead of a word again!" We
.that organized holiness was a necessity, so much so that want men who will go into homes . . You have a great
sixty or seventy of them have eome together and organ- many men who want to go out into the wor.k. We want
- ized- a- Fentecostal-Chu.r,ch- of- the- Nazar,ene.- In- these- men-who- will-Yo-out- and-find-the-.poor.that nobody- else-
three years -they ought. to have been 500 strong and to for.
have shaken that State. That same feeling of necessity is . . . I tell you, friends, we have rea.ched the time when
everywhere. folks don't -go-to church unless you go after them. If yo'u
I wa:s down down in Peniel, Texas,. some time ago, and were to advertise the greate!?t man in the co\mtry to
they arranged to have a ti'niversity. They said it would you wouldget a few folks that belong to the tribe of "God."
be tindenominational: "W.e will come together and hold I give you fair notice, if you get a crowd you will have to
meetings in the . university chapel." Just- before I left go after.them. You will have to put your message on
home I received a letter from the president of the univer- two legs and goafter th'em and let them know you care
sity to.visit them with a viewj;o organizing. I met that for. them . . Now, if you caimotdo that as
prec:;ident and people, and our Brother, Bud Robinson, ers, you had better quit. Oh, you will get a few .. of' your .
wh.<;>m we call ''Bud;'' Brother Bud told them"he been folks out; but:rH you don't get anybody else you: are a faii;;
,a Nazarene fi)r five .years . . He said he. had been long ure: I . get from . preacherS riearly . every . day.
enough without a church home. He said, "Brethren, I Among them are the very best men. They are coming.
don't have to live in Peniel." He indicated that he would Now, ,brothers and sister!':!, we have to. provide money .
not live in a place where he could nothavea church home. We are poor-yes, and Itrustj; the Lord .Wffii{eep us poor.
So they came to .the conclusion that they were tired of Anybody who can make money and get rich is n_oj; fit to
.being a. "no thing." They asked me to organize a Pente- "'be. a Pentecostal Nazare{l.e . . If a man is worthy of the
costal Church of the Nazarene. So I told them, "All that cause ' he . will pour. his money -We ll)ti'st inake our
.. want to unite come and stand around the platform," and papers the best in the world. I will give ali that I have
... they .came, president, faculty :and all, .: andT . .'organized and then trust God for. the . rest. Tbis is work, _It: .
them because they felt it must be. is not my work, and I am not around to- dtln the devil for
. I did not proselye them: never asked a m11n to join money for it. Brothers and sisters, we will bring what
the movement, and I .never will. They wanted to come we have, and will J.ay it at the feet of our Christ. ate
and they

good . on.- God is- leading US- on. ,'H_e .is leading.:.us
.. .,. " .:
18, 1oos ..
clearly as He ever anything on. It is in the air. t God . many of . you whe have . not ptayed t.h.at it .. might come
is living, and we shall have to hureyto keep up. Just do- down on you. The Lord help"' you to get it yourself. I
what is in y'Qu-todo, and don't worry over it. In .Isaiah it want it myself. Shall we 'it? We will ask-God for
says, "He that-is willing willnot'fuss." it. .
What we want here 'is the "glory." We shall get it on . .. The altar was filled with people, The glory of God
-us. this week until vie caimotholdany more, andthen we was in our midst, and such praying. I have not -heard in
will shake the country. I have an idea that .there are many a day! . ,
Contributed Articles
. .
0 . God, my heart doth long for Thee;
Let me die!
Now set my soul at liberty;
Let me die! .
Die to 'the trifling thi)Jgs of e_arth,
They're now to me of little worth;
My Savior calls-l'rn going forth;
Let me die!
Thy slaying power in me display;
Let me die!
I must be dead from day to day!
Let me die!
Dead to the-world and its applause,
To !lll the cus toms, fashions, laws,
Of those who hate the humbling cross,
_ Let nie die! .
My friends may say I'll ruined be,
If I die, -
If: J leave all and follow
But I'll die!' .
Their arguments- will .never weigh,
Nor stand the trying Judgment day;
'Help me to cast them all away-
Let me die!
0, i must die to .scoffs and sneers;
Let me die! .
I must be freed from slavish fears;
Let me die!
So dead that no desire :will rise,
To- appear good,-or great, or wise,
In any put my Savior's eyes;
Let me die!
If Cnrlst would live ana-reign in me,
. I must die;
Like Him I crucified must be;
I must die.
Lord, drive the nails, nor heed the groans,
My flel!h may writhe and make its moans,
But this the way, and this aloiie-

Begin at on<;.e-to drive the nail;
- .. Let .me die! .
0, suffer not my heart to fail;
Let me die!
"J'_esus, I look to Thee for power,
"T' enable me t' endure the hour,
When crucified by sovereign power,
I shall d1e.
action. Ftar is one of the most
potent forees- in G()d's'" great plan;
love and righteousness ma;rbe scoffed
at and living exa.mples held up to
ridicule, and . mercy often leads to
presumption, but fear can only be
. denied or suppressed, wherever it
comes to the front- it brings things to
That fear is a great deterrent, the
heart an.d slowly but surely convert-
ing into cinders and slag the rebellious
.and disobedient.
If we walk uprightly, and work
righteousness,. if we keep under the
blood, with the fifteenth Psalin as our
experiencei- the lSush will glow with
the fire, but -the bush will not be con-
sumed, but . woe unto him who is fuel
for the fire.
pe-nalties provided .. by 'law for the pun-
ishment of offenders is sufficient rec-
ognition, . and our present-probationary
system is proof . of the fact that
-udgment hanging over one's head is "Herein is our love made perfect, that we
may have_ boldness in the day of Judgment,
highly conducive to good morals. . because is, so are we in. this world.''
If fear of punishment. brings con- in the context it is made manifest
forinity to human law, . how much : that the purpose of perfect -love, or
more should a proper appreciation of "our love :r:nade perfect, "is t}uit of
danger bring about obedience to God. at the i;>resent -time: anti-
!'The,fear of the Lord is .the begin- christs are spoken-of; also of knowing
ning oi wisdom., We may not . be Christ and confessing Him, i. e.' we
able to clearly define it; but fear in have bold.ness to testify that we kriow
some form or. other had a large _part Him, and to confess "'that . He
. to do with the bringing of most if not is the Son of God: and in the verse
all Of us to God. _- --- . - quoted, '-tas He . is" tense-
We may not have had a clear com- "so are well in this world.;' We can
prehension-of a fear of h-ell;-but tne therefore but conclude tnanh-e-day of
fear of judgment . and retribution in Judgment here does not refer to the
the present, in the near future, c;>r as "Judgment seat -of Christ," where all
a final reward for our misdoings has must appear, boldness.or no boldness.
led us to seek new paths for our feet. No cowatd can escape, nor sinner, "
- Fear? Yes, fear of the final judg- however. bold, as many will be, saying,
ment, fear of the loss of self-control "Have we not cast out devils?" etc.
through habit, fear of the physical But . that boldness is needed Iiow.
and mental suffering that sin and How little bearding the lion of Roman-
vice brings, fear of the immediate ism, the great anti-Christ; the P.ope of
consequences of the breaking of God's Rome sitting as God. on his throne,
law. The judgments of God fill the Roman ism honeycombing our cities!

I:.ord, Thee earth. His judgments. may seem to . . Yet we say, ''In God we trust.'' Or
My time, my strength, my ALL to - be. delayed, but retribution follows Mormonism with its. great temples in
Will I give. b h
I'll work with Thee, my blessed Lord; fast on the track of every sinner and . Utah; .and working toboneyconi t e
I'll be obedient to ,Thy wqrd; ' the way of the soon . entire country. Or Eddyism, to which
ru the gospel sword, becomes hard. the and . .half starved church
.....:.Mrs. Jeanette Parmiter. Not only is the fear of the Lord the members are drifting all over the land,
.JC "" "" beginning of wis'dom, but after we an ism by by a M-rs.
FEAR.. have. become wise unto . Baker.;Grover- Patterson Eddy, hav-
E. D. HINCHMAN. after We have the immovable . fng Eddy-fices in all OUr.cities because
Fear is becoming largely discoul}- kingdom in-our hearts (Heb. 12: 2&- of a lack of to cry,... out
teminced as a means of grace, and 29), we are to have grace. a-gainst tliese .. anti-Christs of our day.
any reference to the judgment or . "whereby we may serve God accept- Paul's perfect love, casting out fear,
. 1:"c4ttibution .. is.spoken of slightingly .. as _ ably with reverence and godly fear," mi.used him .to cry out against E;lymas,
an effort.to .. scare.people into religion . . .. and.the.reason_giyeil.tbat.,. "our God-iff saying, full
Inaeed. so manifest is this fact as to a consuming nre." . . . of all sub_tilety, how lang wilt 'thou .
lead us to conclude that it is All through the great universe of . pervert the way of righteousness?
in the military tactics of the God thfs fire burns with fierce relent- Thou shalt be blind . for a season."
.of':_souls to keep fear out. of less intertsity, purifying 'the 'willing , Methodism in her said to .
1908] 8
her preacherSj>''Drive out error,,; and the .. the love of the saints not only commendable. from a literary
they did irr her early history; . ' . .. and casting out fear, -provided the - p<)int of view; but they were of a high
The boldness spoken of cannot mean power . to overcome the w.orld, the flesh moral character, most of them deeply
the future Judgment, because of two and the-_devil. Hallelujah! spiritual. Inhis closing remarks,'the
facts: (1) .. John. is speaking o{ the .11 President said that .the character of ..
present, "As He is, so are. :we . " (2) " the programs had been such _that an
"We must.; appear" at the . Correspondence- wouJd frequently have been .
ment seat, Man will theti, have passed in keeping with what was being
the boundary line .. of his will power; COMMENCEMENT AT TEXAS. .. music was excellent. As Bud
the inevitable all appear" so J?id you. ever try 'to dQ . anything- Robinson put it, "It WaS the beSt I
fixes it. . . . when you felt . be.iote beginning you ever did hear." Beside the -piano
_ . In the. first chapter of Joshua .. God could not do it? We feel . just that . selections, there _was large orches-,.
him to be sttorig and <)f a > ,way when we think of describing the ... of twenty:e!ght .
. good courage. Four times is, he'thus. Commencement exercises of the Te:XaS .. o m Club of P_Ieces, .a , . .
in one Wedonotknow Juartette, a stnng trio, a clanonet .
mg, "As I wtth Moses, so W)ll I . that we can _do better than to say, uet, a cornet duet, and a vocal solo,.
be with-thee. " - We_;find the-prophets--"lt \Vas glorious,' 'lirulstop witntli:at-, __
in all boldness laying do:wntheir lives but this_ would not satisfy the reader rendered a sacred classic of
r their word of testimony facing - "II century. excellent rendition of
, so we w1 say more. d"ffi It b h d
death continually and the _cruel In all, there were .thirty-one 'grad-
cu . Y t e stu ents
ents of their enemies Paul said "I t Of th. . . f. th. spoke . for the -thoroughness of the
_ . . . . , ua es. _ _ese were rom e - h h d
. die daily 4., ... John . the_ Baptist . had Academy-, twelve from the Shorter . ey : a .. :.:ecetved. .
boldness to declare to the king B - k k d Sh rt sweet Chrls.tJan humthty a_p.d
. . . . ourse 1n oo - eepmg an o - h" h h
abulterous life. Jesus our Saviou h d _. th .f . .t,_ .. T. h . ness w tc_ IS c of ths
.. . . an , ree rom .ue eac ers D rt . t t bl
had boldness in the day of judgment .Course in .music, . and six received t epta )Stha verhy lnlo. lCeaf _e _ Clem- ..
to declare that lie was the Son of God:_ degrees. One received _the of , ... r.as -. e s _ a ow, . ous
.. ''I- am He." Let- another B., two !>h. B., _ two 13. c. S., ana music stu-
suffice. John 7: 24-26, "Judge not one Mus. B. -:. dents m
according to appearance. but judge : The Co'mmencement exercises began The Alumm meetmg was Wed-
righteous judgment." They sat in - with the Baccalaureate sermon by afternoon at
30 clock.
udgment on Him regarding His Mes- p Ell S d t .

About one hundred were present. It
. . . res. yson un ay a . a .. m. d h
and said, "B.uilo, !Ie _speak- T.he large Auditoriu;m was well filled gran ome-commg to
eth boldly," and in the judgment hall with earnest listeners to the sermon . former students._ The fellowship of
H_e gave.up apostles on "The Meaning_ Qf. the <:allege days deep.hold upon the
facing the judgment . of a wicked Th t t R
. hves of and bmds them--fo -
. . . e ex was om. or am ever to the Alma M t
love-boldness not-ashamed -tile goSJ)el of _ Ghr" . .- W aker.", _. .
- Ia1<I down tneu hves Peter and f t th f G d t
-.L- e tstlan or ers Convention-
. ... or 1 1s e poJVer o o _un o sa va- h" h h ld h
John were Judged unrighteously "t , F.. t It th
- f w 1c was e m . connection w1t
.. . . , .. 1on. trs , -Is e gospe o a th C t d
. in prison over night, let go tl_le person; second, it is . the - gospel of e ommencemen a gran sue-
. ?ext, daY.. J10t to it is. the gospel of salva- . cess,_ so much so that It was voted to
m t1ie n:ame of Jesus but they bololy t" It - t d" . . have another one next year. A fuller
. . . . . " . ton. was an earnes _m rePQrt of this may be given later.
and wisely-said,- _Whether 1t be best defense of the- supernatural - T-h . - -.-
or not you be the JUdges "and boldly t - .. . d th . "t e prospects for the next year of
_, , . 1an expenence, an e super10r1 y h
11 t W h k
went on their to their own com- . --of Christianity over all other _oo are exce . en . e are t. -
any who prayed "Grant that Thy f
. . - h"l. h. At 1h mg the Lord for the .. past and lookmg
. , . . . o re 1g10ns or p 1 osop y. , t e th f h f h 'H 1
. servants may with : 1 th th" t. d t h mto e uture Wlt _ att e P us,
. . c ose, . e 1r y-one, gra ua es, w o - lease b
Thy word." So that the writer is had been seated on the' front se'ats P ' Y Y ur P yers.
fully persuaded in his own min_d that arose and he exhorted them to stand .111 .. ..
the day of judgment in which bold- true to the d<>ctrines this school has COLORADO CONVF..NTION .
ness is needed is now. The need of . taught them and the. experi- The Spring_ Convention of the 'Colo-
God's saints on. earth in this "goodly . ence the -FaGulty had so earnestly rado a glori-
land" is they be strong andcour- endeavored to lead th,{3m into; to go ous"season of refreshing in salvation
a:geous, WlSe'ly_so, :y-etunflinching, not .. out irito- the world-and''show they are blessings. Bro. M. L. :uane.v_-. was
compromising and thus. popularizing not .ashamed of the and its never so dearly loved by of
holin.ess. REAL holiness never can be power urito salvation;-- . Denver, as he is now, and his long life.
PO_Pular. The judgment of a . Monday . night . wa.s- the Academy of dewut serv_:ice salvation of
Wicked world. and the Garnal forces Graduation, Tuesday .l)ight the Music . mankind . never .. more thoroughly
. _ _ Coos.ervawr.:Y .. GiaduatiQ.P, .. aPP-reciated. God gave hiin special
holiness." . .- neschiy night College GraduatiQn. unction . in the word, to
_.,. Lastly, "Perfect love out. On Monday and. Tuesday afternoons, the. delight of the saints. We regret-
fear," so that the purpose. so defined _ music recitals given. ted that he was obliged tO 'leave us in _
, by. the_ beloved John is-that we may . '-The:orations.andessayswere spark- -the--midstof bilt-he.had:.
J:>oldriess this present. evil ling and the way they to. rnove . op to the cainP-meeting at
world, who will hate you because its handled their subjects diQ each. Oskaloosa, Iowa:
'\yorks are evil." . God has thus, thro' or reade.r credit. They were . . . Bro. I .. G. Martin swung the --
. . . 1-, , .. -- , ____ , _- - .- : -- -'-.,_ . __
. Nazarene
lJqne -18, 1908
sledge with- great force, and hearts . great company -of-holiness people here . Blood to cleanse from tzll : sin._ .. The
were broken to contrition by the and a good many holy people. Dr. Superintendent preached once on
truth. The Lord _-gave him wisdom Fowler is richly -anointed with the "The Second Coming . of our Lord"
and tact, so that his searching, Holy-Ghost.and his ministry is full of . and had two other services, one of
messages produced deep - conviction blessing.,_ ile is-a great leader. Dr._ which, the Jubilee meeting on Satur-
for sin and heart-hungerings for holi- . Carradine and Bro. Huff are giving day night, resulted in 'the conversion
ness. we witnessed precious scenes some sermons> A great o:( _Lfourtee'n souls. - --
- . of bright conversions and sanctifica- treat to my soul and a feast to my Sunday was a great-
. tions, and.no one will ever forget the mind to hear these great preachers._ more souls saved-some two hundred
wonderful outp
u:dngs of the Spirit .A good many seekers at the altar and or more marched from Belen,-i''ifhe
of God upon the Christians, when we -many Amen! I . find many place-of the Convention, to the Plaza.
rejoiced, shouted and wept for:joy. .. enquid:rig concerning the greater com- Our _ preacher-boy Valentine
--_ Theh Dr. P. F. 'Bresee irig . spiritual Church this world unction and power fresh from the
F. Reynolds-joined us for the closiJ)g has ever seen-" The Pentecostal skies struck right .and left, every
and Sunday-a great iinpe- Church-of the Nazarei:.le/' Could have word sharp as an arrow from the
tus to the rising tide of revival; . - . . sold more Manu'als if I' had had them; . quiver penetrating hearts of. St9ne ..
- a great . day; . In :the- most every week frorn good Abou_t forty - followed back-to the -
morning Bro. Reynoids gave a able preachers wanting work in church. . -
strong lesson ario exhortation. The the Pentecostal Church of the Naza- . Bro. Alberto Mejia had also pis Part
meeting closed with a pr..ecious sacra:.. rene. Io_wa is soon to have many- on the program, and gave forth the
mental" service. In the afternoon the open doors for organized holiness. -- word with no uncertain sound. He .
hall was erovy'ded, many standing at There must be no conflict between was elected 'secreta_ry of the corning
. the entrance. Dr. Bresee, from the _the "Holiness Association" and the convention (1909) to be held in San
text, "A glorious . church, n_ot . Church of the Nazarene. Diego. Our doubie male -quartette
having spot or wrinkle," delivered an God has called us to open doors. made-the holiness songs ring, singing
inspiring, unctuous address, and the . Where such men . as C. J. Fowler, .J:>y "I'm over the Jordan's_.-
altar was crowded with seekers. Carradine, Huff, and all such .men Tide,''. in Spanish, the_ f;econd thne.
The evening service was- a blessed can get to thepeople with thefrburn..,_ our children's partin.the __
climax to the . reviyal._ . Crowded hall, ing message of full salvation. We rally was in charge of Bro.
rousing song serviCe, searching mes- . must keep "open door" and take Avella. Altogether we are moving
sage by Bro. Martin, the altar. care of the "lambs" and feed the forward. We have had for sometime
crowded with seekers; and then pro- s heep. The Pentecostal Church of the names of eight _ or ten . n-ew
clamations of victory from 'tl10s-e.who ._.the is becoming more and verts to present for membership iri
were.either 'saved or sanctified. . . more. a necessity-to take care of this our church and . mission.
ALPIN M. BowEs, Sec'y. work of holiness. Many are seeing I married a couple last -week who
____ .,. __ _ their need and God is -moving. We had been living together for ,nearly
FROM DIST. suPE-RINTENDENT AGNEW. must llold steady and keep a level- two years, having procured th-elicense
. I have been sllent a good while, but . head. We must have good men, in August, 1906. The woman was
.glad to . report am feeling better arid good preachers, good sane leadership; dying with . consumption and wanted
getting able for the work again. At _and victory is sure. I hope to be a clear record. The dearLord forgave
a number of places in the district the able to do the work is coming her and afterward answered her heart
work is going good. . Chicago First into my hands. Amen and Amen. cry for cleansing-. - She died. triumph- ..
Church seems to be having continued T. H. AGNEW. antly, joining with us in singing
victory . .. Bro. Cornell is a strong and ,.,._ ""' praises to Him who redeemed us. We
aggressive leader. ile has some of SP,ANISH MISSION. buried her on Thursday, -June 11.
the best folks this side of the skies in The days of the last month have - MRs. M. Supt.-
that church, and the fire of the Holy been so _ full and the duties have .,. .J1 ""'
Ghost fills every service. Oh that pressed so hard that we have-not had MALDEN, MO.
God would give us fifty such churches time to send our report _THE MEs- Rev. Jesse .E. Linza and I have just
and pastors in Iliinois. They would_ SENGER but God has been blessing us. held a fairly .successful meeting
. -shake the w:hole State and open. hun- The Mexican convention h eld in Los my congregation at Hickman, Ky.
' dreds of other places in the spiritual' Angeles June 11 to 14 closed Sun- Rain, fires and other things bin-
wilderness .. It was my delight to day p. m., - and was considered to deredsomewhat, but under favorable
preach to them :rviay 24, twice; four- be a great beginning of la:r:ger capa- we had a-good crowd
teen or fifteen professions that day. bilitles, a broader sense of our privil- and .fine interest. Some r_eal
How easy to preach to such a people. eges' and responsibilities, a deeper wark was accomplished, a few being
At Stockton, May .,?1; our , pastor . . bond of unity -among workers, a saved and sanctified. Meeting ran a
here, _ Sister Bailey, is doing good --gr.eater sense.' of-our- utter. dependence.___=clittle over-two, weeks.-. __
work. The class -here is small, but a o:ri God. for the salvation- !)f 'this peo- We beganat Campbell, Mo., in the
nne class of people. - T)ley hav.e ple. The spidi of love and harmony opera last night, expecting
quality. Bless- God, how delightful prevailed, there was !1 large attend- great thmgs. Jos. N. _SPEAKES.
. - ""' .JI . .,.
_-to-preach to them. They have a tent . ance, the Word was given -- power,
meeting soon and they are: in good <our mission was well represented, the. . IT _is stated that North Carolina:has
spiritual trim to push the battle. . testimonies of our members ringing gone dry by 50,000_ majority. Well,
. _ Came to . . . Tuesday. A? clear and definite to power of the the Lord. '-.
June. 18, 1908]
-. -- 5: _
Deets Pacific Bible College
641 E . 28th St., Lo. A1111ela, Cal.
Theae three buildi111111 are the prelent home of the College.
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. . -
... .
(tom men cement lWleelt.
. JUNE 28-JULY 2.
. .
--'- Bac_ialaureate._Sermol!_ _ ._ 11:@ a . .!!1.
. Rev. P. F. Bresee, D. D. , Pres . .
Isalah Reid, A:B., Vice-Pres. College Platform Meeting . . 3:00 p. m.
Annual Sermon . 7:30p.m. -.. Rev. A. L .. whitcomb, M.S.
Song Service
Freshman Services
7:3o J>. ffi.
The College Students
. ..
Senior .Services 2:30p. m. Experience and Testimony
Junior Services . 7:30p.m .. . Sermonettes-Four Juniors
Annual Meeting of Trustees 1:30 p.m. Rev. P. F. Bresee, D.D, , Presiding
. . -
Student's Missionary Meeting --7:30 p: m. . Leora Maris, Prine.,
. O' CLOCK A. M .
. Baptism of Grace Delight Johnson
.. _ _ (Infant of
by Rev. P . . F. Bresee, D. D . .
. Sermon to College -Students Rev. Isaiah Reid, A. B., .Vice:.Pres.
7:30. P. M.
<.tommencement Exercises.
. . '
. I
,. .----
:.All are Cordially In'ited. .
. .......
Tuesdaywas-wonderful. The glory.
was on the young people as 'they
preached, visitors and students
fell at the altar.
One visitor stayed thirty hours
to pray. About noon crossed the
''River and landed shouting
on the bank. For a half hour it was
glorious; Near 4 o'clock anoijler
heard the Holy-Ghost "witriess.!'ind-
again we. all shouted And
later- "suddenly" -and -about s
o'clock, . another sprang shouting
from their knees, and went up and
down the hall rejoicing and praising
God. It was . glorious, glorious; and
when we at last sat down to.
worship began spontaneously, before
we couldeat. : Hallelujah
God, fot "Oh! it is wonder-
ful;" $25 and $1 for the t.imt-,-$32.05
now given. "Don't stop praying,
He'll give you all." .
Pray, PRAY, .PRAY.
Dear Sister $1; . Sister ...
Anna Borden, $2; and Bro .. and Sister
King, the $15 for the student spoken
of last week. . . . __:_ :.._ - l
"We never shall cease to
. GREAT NEJ;:D; ..
Please help us pray for the $.100
necessary to . print .. our . . new College .
. . etc.
believe God will send the money to
pay for them. He knows
loguea are .a 'real-necessity. ' :
6 - :rJune ts, ioos .
-Nazarene Messenger
P. F. Bresee; -- Editor
R. Pierce, - ORice Editor
C. J. Kinrr,e, - ABBt. Editor and BUll. Mgr.
E. A. Girr>ln P. G. Ll,..._r>er C. E. Comell
J. P. Col- J. B. Crei11lllon Ialall &ld
H. D. Brown J . W. Good111ln W. C. Wluon
seekip.g. Surely to. the American peo- hitendEmt, they , hope to soo;n' reach
ple, Diana of Amuse:rpents." , country. There ha; been a
It seemed 'like not very constant advance in the work in
time 'for our District Assembly, but . every way during the last year, the
we remembered that "all things work older churches have generally been
together for good to them that love strengthened and new places .have
God. '' We. met at' the depot by been occupied. , Doors are opening on
Rev. H. D -Brown of Seattle, and . e:very and efficient agencies are
co.nducted to the church, where ,w,e being raised up to enter and occupy
J;..d:' at_ Los . found that the pastorS, preachers and them, .
Published Every Thursday. _----_ --- _:__delegates were already .. Rev. H. p .:.:..Brow.n .was:.: re; elected.'
TERMS- $1 a year in advance: to 75 cents; that the church to give District . Superintendent and '

and state them hearty wetcome and royal enter- entJt.usiasticaUy welcomed to the

..=_n sent. and and sta_te. tainment. office_ for another year. This District.
. The meeting had 'beeh well adver- is-intensely loyal to "
It will be DISCONTINUED at . - tise'd and' the churches were well rep- interests-of cthe. Ghureh-,--such- aa---its
SPJ:CIAL NOTICE--Address all business communications d . 500 1 "b bJ' h' d t J d '
to c. J. KINNE, Business .Manager. Never write business resente. , some commg mi es to e pu IS Ing, e uca IOna . an miSSIOn-
matters on same postal or sheet with any other matterS. ' . W d' d h. h . t '. ts 11 f h h th 'th
It always causes trouble and delay, and may cause present. e nes ay nig t t ere was ary In eres , a 0 W IC ey en Uj!l-
receiving the paper without having an enthusiastic preparatory meeting, 'iastically endorse . and SUpport. A
subscribed for it wm know 'that it has presented . . .d d b D B h n 'tt t d
to them by some friend and there will be no'-bill . presi e over y r. rown, t e. IS- miSSIOnary COmmi ee WaS -appOin e
In case of any irreirularity or failure to receive your. S d d dd d d hi h '11 } )
papet, notify the- Publis her by mail at once. .- triCL upennten ent, an a ressed an organize , W C WI . OVmg Y
H W TO Re' IT Rem' t b .M Ord Bank - . --- - - ---- - - --- --- ---
nr.J't, payable:! - I , Y oney er or by 'Revs. Henricks, 'Reynolds and Bre- and do its The per-
. NAZARENE PUBLISHING co. . see. CoJ!siderable time was given to sonelle of the DiStrict is eJ:ecellent,
780 'SAN PEDRO ST. LOS ANGELES, CAL. prayer, and the blessing of God WaS being COnStantly -reinforced by. the
Tel. BroadU>au
Ho.- F.z
upon the people. Thursday at 9a.m. strong men who are being_ added to
the Assembly was called to order, and its ranks. A spirit of enthusiastic
. E 1J IT 0 R I A'L . . the f{)renoons . were given.'largely to optimism p;revai!s. The leading arid
though it was .: i16ihing .. guid8;rice;()f the Divine Hand has 'been
EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE; strange-for. the triumphs of reported so manifest, that allrejoice that God
PORTLAND, OREGON. victory to break through into shouts is leading on. _ P. F. B.
After a meeting of great blessings and songs Of praise .. : 'l'he afternoons .II .JI
at Denver, and arrangements had been and evenings were usually given to THE ECHO.
made to hold. in the neat _ future a preaching and . evangelistic services, -Who has not heard language, clea:r;:, .
meeting for the purpose of the organ- except Saturday, when it was neces- beautiful and true, fitting into every
ization in that city of a Pentecostal sary to give the afternoon toa busi- joint of his thihking so smoothly that
Church ofthe Nazarene, at 7-- o'clock ness session, and in the evening a - one is_te.mpt_e_d to belie_ye_it_w_as forged_ _
Monday morning we were on the train great Missionary Anniversary was fresh from a heart aflame, and yet it.
en route for Portland, Ore. In fifty held; at which- Sister Eaton and the was only an echo of "a long-passed
hours we had crossed the wide desert General Superintendents spoke. The experience which has left a clear intel-:
and prairie stretches and passed over services of the Sabbath began with lectual outline of its expr.ession. The
the mountaip.s, arrivirig_ Wednesday an,old-time Love Feast .. sou.f-9ttering it wishes it were reality,.
morning at this beautiful c1ty. The led by Bro. 'Davis of Spokane, which in experience,' as well as in truth. It
last fifty miles down the Columbia swept on and was with difficulty closed .. is but a well-outlined memory, and he
river is equal if not superior in seen- at 11 o'clock for the 'preaching ser- . who hears the atterance, . though riot
ery to any place l have priv- . .:,.vice. Generah Superintendent Rey- questioning the truthfulness of it, and
ilege of looking upon. Words cannot nolds preached with great power, and glad of it as true,--.feels it comes from
describe the beauty and grandeur of all the people waited to pray with the region of .moral coldnessinstead
the views as the great river makes its five definite seekers at the altar. At of a place of hallowed fire. It is the
way through the. mountain gorges, 2.30 p. m. two brethren were ordained truth echoed. To the uninitiated who
with . the --lofty peaks and mammoth and P . . F . . Bref?ee.preached, and sev- hunger for truth as the ground of ex-
rocks, and"' intervening beautifully eral seel5;ers were at the altar. At perience, it is clear;-- convirtcing, true;
varlegeted hill-sides with evergreen . Evangelist Guy F. Ph.elps-who but it only leaves. the -mind thinking,
. and islands like jewels amid . . was to conduct . tl1e succeeding H.ome . and . does not awaken a passion of
t}le waters. None .need hope to find ,_ Camp meeting-preached earnest desire for of the truth. _
along the Rhine or among the Alps " sermon and the altar was crowded Whep. such speak the t,ruth, their
:;;uch scenery as this-, and it far with seekers. work is done; no passionate desire
exceeds the Hudson or the views from This Northwestern District is vast. moves them' to plead, draw a;nd win
the _Catskills . .. . :' in extent and full of . . The men to the experience of the truth.
We.arrived at Portland to find it work of superintendency, is somewhat They a:re content that the truth should
alive with .enthusiasm divided out so that pastors 'in leading lodge' in the 'mind, not become im
over its welcome of the Navy and its centers are to be Assistant Superln- experience of -t-he ::heart. Words to
Rose Carnival. Great multitudes of tendents wa:tching over,' and pushing - have power must be backed by
peopleJtad c()me and were' coming to the work in theit immediate: vie,W,ities, feel theirreality.
see: the Shows. . The streets_ were fult and 1;hus in connection and. . : How' in holiness meet-
of' people and pleasure- er_ation the _District or anywhere. else, is the talk that
June .18, 1908]
Nazaren_e MeiJsenger-
. . . . .
s mere. eeho, a- voice f;rom long. ago. Notes and PersonalS
It is the essence of patience to sifand.
7 --
P . .. G.:
!Let as many_. as can make arrange- .
ments to attend . ; . . . ' . c . .
listen to it. The deep .tone, the sober .
spirit, tlie glowing eye, the . pathos, DR. BRESEE is expected home today A . succESSFUL . tent i;s
. are all has notset in be- (Thursday), andwill the pul- being held at Syraeuse, N.Y., .
cause it is embalmed; but the right to
pit of First Church, L9s AngelE!s; on : the auspices of the .
speak. is gone. Oh how sad. to. hear Sunday morning next. Lefthere be -eosta:l Church of the
the truth from one who would m.ake ._a erowded house; Seth C. Rees, Mrs. Abb1e Lawrence,
you believe, the heart reP<>rt of ... w .. -Dis- Rev. 'John and_
l!e 1S a . :trict arriyed too :fori . .. __
not say; ( lhave. t?e he this week's issue. It will . . be pub- ;t'Jl1a-urthe Chureh .!ecently organ1Ud .
wishes he had;- he1s no.topposm_g any- lished next week. wh1ch Bro.. .
thing or anybody; he hkes to the 1s the energetic Thmgs wt11
truth spoken with .... his OWJl FoR the infonnation of those who go, sure.
- knows it istrue, what he. says true, to. correspond with . Bro. J. A.'.
but .also-it--is-only-anecho .. . . -- _bean, -is .. -Banmet.
Two -classes reveal this personality. street, V1ctona, :a. C . .
Those .who are spiritual "= BRo. W. C. WILSON, of Upland, has : ScoTi-Rev. F. T. Scott .was .hom .
."discern'.' the lack of personal power. been spending two Sabbaths with the in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, . April . 7
Yes, yes, it . js -all .true but is not Church at Long . Beach, and the 1847. In 1865 he was converted to
accompanied people have been greatly refreshed God and....: consectaWdbis life - to God
frequently it is accompanied with by his ministry, and Hjs serv'ice, . and at
nolse and personal de. monstration to Lo t 1886 he b. egan his w ork ./!or the
WHILE Dr. Bresee returns to .s . Ime, . , . . .
make it appear power-:-and this is Angeles, Bro. H. F. Reynolds gOfi!S on . J.:ord and in the work most.of the
detected by the unnatural to SpQkane and other. places in Wash- time up to his . .
' . they to one another;' The ington, and then stops . on his way at He .was marned t(). Adahne
noise and. demonstration and the truth -Salem and-Ashland, Oregon; and then iii 186. 9._ . E. Ieven .. chii.dren "!'ere _ -
. ar .. e . not llarmQ. nioualy related . . The . t th H f d ed F b
p on to San Francisco. o Is umon. Is WI e 1 e ru-
spiritual see this and feel the jar of . IN a personal note Dr. Bresee says, ary_ 19, . On _.May __ 19, 1904. he .
the dt"scord on their Irio ___ rally-sensit _ ize.d ed to Mrs Maud
"It . I . t t b aw a"u-- - was agam marn ,'-- .
. f tl th seems a ong Ime o e .T . bo
natures. ore requen Y ey are . but has greatly .' blessed. Our Walker . . . were rn
detected by contrast. A k .. . ..
d b H. to them. Bro. Scott d1ed May 30,
tically sung according tO the prinCi- wor Is gomg on, Impe e Y IS own 1908 H 1 f t. 1 h
mighty . hand. There ; are . many . .e eav.es a wt e, wde

pies of music may be_ faulUess accorfi- . d. . b t G d th -cto-ry dren and thirteen gran -c 1 ren,
t b t th a versanes. u . o gives ev1 . . . . . . . d
ing to some crt Ics,. u ano er smgs . t . :
f , besides a host of friends . . Five gran -
' t th 1 T d to the rinct.ples as soon as
Is we or us. h.ld ded. h. to th I
1 wi equa regar . P _________ --. _ _ _ _ ._ c
ren prece .. Im- e - g ory
of musiC,- but witli a passion for tlie FlJNDS were raised at the. New . world. His funeral was held at his
patriotismexpressed-andthecontrast England District Assembly for a sec-. late residence at Fairview, May S1,
establishes the lack. The one is an ond tent to cover New. England terri- . 1909. Bro. Pontius; a minister of the
echo of the reality:;; tory. Why not many such tents to Menonite faith, an intimate friend
When will leaders stop the hollow open up needy fields't .A,melJ.. and- acquaintance- of- his from
echo with a lovhig demand for the for -the second tent for Southern Nebraka preached his
reality? when will the aacred fire . California District. He nad only lived in N. a
bum SQ warmly that the cold ec 0 can-. . . ' little over a. year, moving here from
THE Fiu;t Annual camp-meeting
not trust itself amid holy e usiasm of the Southern California Pente- Neb.; March 8, 1907, but be
-when will the honow ut and the had . made many friends. He had
costal Association wm be held at
trickster demonstration give way Carter's Camp, Sierra Madre, Cal., the . Nazarene pulpit a little
.' 'joy unspeakable" of ines- from June
to JulyS. Informat\on over three monttis of the tinte . Bis
timable pOssession, and the manifesta.:.. sermons were a great help. to many,
tion O:f the truth to every man's may be had from Rev. F. H. Ross, and being dead he yet his.
. conscience . ... It may be a good way off.
Eagle street, Los Angeles. life and example and advice will live
Ev.en .s_o,. we will calmly wait for the .. RussELL SAGE has given to and be the means 'of . many
reality, opt in the sunlight,' and not be the American Bible Society more . souls, added .. to the ones .. that
infatuated -by the echo coming from on conditiQri that a similar amount be hav-e-heeded his warnings: He. died
the co}d, damp ca.verns of the past rnised_by pubiic subscription by Jan- . a triumphant He left his tes-
where the soul who utters it is sitting uary 1, 1909, tJ1e whole amount to be timony that the. future looked bright
in the gloorn of a lost power, though .invested and the interest only use9 and that he . was to die, and
t 1 h- Id. 'th f d. . for .-the work of the-society. as he bade his dear ones he
enac10us Y
tng on WI a a mg . , . -requested them to meet hun in glory.
memory. G. w; w. THE.Second Annual Camp-meetirrg .. He enlisted as' a private in Company
.. ;,. of the San Francisco District opens ,. H, 141st ' Regiment Qhio National
TilE San Francisco .District Assem- July 1 and continues to July 12.- . "Dr. ' Guard Infantry, and bemg an old (101-
. . H F R ld w c sold1er, the old comrades took charge
: bly will be. held July 8-10 at Beulah Br:esee, Revs. . . eyno . . s._ . of the services grave. W
Park, Oakland, Cal.,. under the presi- Wilson and Curry will be the buried in Tahoma Cemetery_.to aw&lt
dericypf S_uperinten.dents P. .special -workers. A profitable season the. resurrection -at ihu last . .
F. H. r.- __ . _ . . under the lead of District . . Mas: W-. F.
Los Angeles and Vicinity
light Qf solemn facts was neede(i at .the San Luis Qbjsp6
wiCked' . . . . As our brother .gave. the Hot Springs, Cal. . .. . .
THE TABERNACLE altar call after .thiS- searching .dis- .-Sister .Armour _ in _the
. Every Sabbath. is a great da; at the course fifteen or twenty seekers came. tp a 'large congregati.o:o. on .
. Tabe_rnacle, and every one of. the to the altar, where God. graciously the vital life of.. a Spirit-fj.lled Christ- .
. m.any services during the qay are revealed His power in. saving some ian, "Prayet:." soul :was ....
filled with earnest 'work for God and and sanctifying others.. ; ' . clearly. '. sanctffi.ed . and.' I;OOQ.l. re-
Souls. .:,. . , E . meeting was one of clajmed., - . . ...
At . the eleven o'clock . service Bro. great victory and salvaiion . .. Sister At of Company E meet-
Wiiitconib ," preached a 'strong sermon . the message from ing .several spoke Qf :the great ble.ss-
Neh; 2:i5 . . He ' o:f might . ing aJ.ld.-uplift they :ha!i . . received.
mfa.h his .position .. and. his soul' remain in you, that your joy might be - . The Btotherhood, .of- .St. Stephen
_to rebuild the walls Jerusa- full." Andj rs she told how. God. had - room wa!:!;crpw.ded and a very profita-
lem . . He then described Nehemiah's so. recently blessed her own soul, con- ble hour .. was. spent 'studying :the
midnight ride through the broken viction came" on many .hearts; and Prayer." .
walls of the city, and stated that the when the altar call was given there At 7:30 our ,bi:-m.onthly.Love:-fea.st, ..
Church of t6day had Yfs "midnight were six seekers, several of whom led by.Sister. Armou.r, .was li_ke heaven
scenes'' and brea.ches in its walls. were blessed. Praise. God for a real to. be there; . 'fhe liberty., freedom
these he .. said were Sabb.ath Desecra- Pentecostal revival among our young and frpm ; on-high. too.k' ppsses-
tion, Evil . ' Speaking, Indiscreet people. The bit tie is on, and we have sion of the .. c.hurch as . a body, and
Apparel, : Domestic Infidelity . and victory on our banner. . every backslider and unsaved one felt
lntemperarice, dealing with these .,c vic ted that God was in this
in plain and definite.langu- .. ,; One woman was conve(L
agle. He alsQ. spoke of the -breach in STRJoJET MEETING. v; J. J.
the temple wans; arid stated that one The old story. holds att(lntion and "' . $ .
of . . the most grievous of today was really infatuates the poor wanderer THE GRAND AVE. CHURCH.
_ ,disleyalty . to sacred. vows. As the when out on the street. The great Sabbath was another . good . in
gat'es.Pf the city unhinged and heart-sob comes creeping up 'into the the Grand Avenue Church. New
said in many cases face and the whole .: human natilre scholars at the Sabbath Schooi and
the. Golden Gate of Prayer, the Zion inwardly cries out for the peace which good audiences at. all services. Bro.
Gate of M.editation, the' Fish Gate of God . alone can give. Oh, pray the LaFontaine . preached at 11 a. m.,
Personal Work, and the King's Gate God of the harvest for th1s crop, for fJ;om Matt. 16, "'Whom do men say
of Divine Fellowship had been neg- yielding on the part of the hearer. that I, the Son ef Man .am?" . Bro . .
lected. -- After ' giving a beautiful It is not enough just for the ecstasy B. N. Conoway gave the message at
d'escription of midnight scenes and of the saints to appear in shouting and tile afternoon service to the edifica-
. the!r influences the speaker dealt with yet our Lord commands and tion of . an; taking for his theme,
the character of builders needed and expects and merits all that. Our ''The Prophet Daniel,'' and giving a
of the conditions of successful build- hearts go out for the abundant splendid talk on haying a definite
ing. There were two seekers at the returns of the crop on hand. Our purpose in salvation and the things
altar, where the saints gathered to Lord wants this of us. Some are of God. Mrs. A.' W. Wood lead the
have a blessed season of coming. Praises to God! Come Young People's meeting at 6:30, and
. brethren let UR fill up heaven with the. Lord=-was- gl'aciously, present . .
. The afternoon Holiness .meeting th t . 1 h d 1 d b . Brother LaFontaine pr eached a t 7 .80.
\vas led.by Dl'. Chapman, and another on y . P. m., on "Zaccheus" ' and was won- .
of prayer and testimony 'drously blessed in' .'giving the mes-
_enjoyed. . .JC _,. _,.
sage. Two persons united with the
. At the 7.30 service Bro. COMPTON AVE. Church during tpe day. The work' is
preached, . and spoke OQ . Sabbath Day demonstrated to us . th.e moving on. : .
Rich Man and Lazarus" from Luke great blessing the "Cradle Roll De- The next All-D_ay .Meeting.will be ..
.He gave a helpful expos.ition pa,rtment" of our Church is in bring- ):1eldon 'Thursday, Jtine 25: Rev; L.
of. the natrativ.e; and the lessons ing the parents to. the house of God; H. Humphrey will preach at i0:30 a.
therein, showing that things are not where they get under conviction and m. Rev; F. C. Edwards and. wife
always what . they seem, : for. Dives find salvation. -This was illustrafed are expected to be present and lead
rich when . he was poor, and yesterd.ay .when .a mother brought her the singing and Bro: will
LazarQs seemed poor: w.hen he was little babe to be received andrwas-being preach at 2.30 p. m., and Rev-.: F. H.
ricJl. . He said that the narrative' also welcomed Primary Department Ross of the Eucliq Ave; .M. E . . Church
-that De.ath. does no. t end all, will preach at 7.:,30 J_
waving their little handkerchiefs and _ _ _
but that the soul was conscious after singing "Jesus loves you, this I know, UPLAND, CAL.
death; .and that there was a place for the Bible tells you so,'' moth- Sabb.ath was a day of victory here.
hell as distinct from. the graye: er's eyes filled with tears and she felt . God is ' blessing the efforts of .Bro .
.An(;)ther lesson was 'that th.e soul :the voice .. 9f God c1lling her to a-better and Sister. Cagle. in .. the salvation of
eniers .. at once upon a conscious- .. life. Thanks be Ullto o'ur God forever souls ... During the .past week a :num-
of bUss , or tprmen( and that 'death ' and ever.: Sister Etta Best. is. our her have prayed through to victory.
fixes destiny; that destiny is eternal, . Cradle Roll Superintendent, and God God is putting . conviction. on hearts
, indifference graciously uses her toget the babies. and"we are praying and believing
crimiria,l; and that procrastination in This week she leaves. for. a two-weeks' great things. B. Mi WILSON.
Jutie 18; toosr
-l-'t' '4 .
Our meetings were well attended
yesterday, and we enjoyed a preciou_s
day in the Lord. Five united .wH;h
the church amid the .rejoicings of the
peoul_e,.' and are
enco.urage!i _go 9n
ies; We are now planning to erect a
new.c.hurch bqilqing,
needed' t'o. carnron our 'work: in-this
.. have
already our new location and
expect-to go right on with the build-
ing in the near . future. Pray for the
work. _ J. W. GOQ:PWIN.
,.,. "' -?"
. Have you ever used a Wall Roll? Try jt .
will find it a great .blessing to have a
helpf ul text on . the wall to keep your
thoughts heavenward 'as you go about your
daily work . The Favorite Text Wall Roll is
t he finest iri print. . Get it . .
. Prefe.,:,.ed Ac{vertrsements
, .. . . WANTED . .
One thousand good families to col-
onize lOO,oOO acres of.rocceedingly rich .
. land in a very healthflii'.arid l;lttraCtive
location in Mexico, State of Jalisco.
- -on the Pacific Ocean, the finest deep
water port on -the coast. The climate
is semi-tropical, varying very little in
t einperatn:re, and c:u_r_es catarrh and, .
some forms of lung trouble. Hunting
artd fishing unexcelled in any other
part of the country. .
No -profane or dishonest people
live in the thir-
Rainfall is from 40 to 50 inches each
year. The climate is delightful all
the year round. It is one of the most
fav_ored spots in Mexico; and can be
rriade one of the most attractive. .
The-first colonists will leave about
the middle of December. Those-who
go first naturally get t}:le most desir-
able locations, . as .well . as the most
favorable prices and terms.
For further information, _call or
address, . DR. G. W . . CHAPMAN,
619 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal.
'\> '
FoR SALE. - A good $100 organ,
nearly . new. Will sell very reasona-
bly to a new church in need of an
organ. Address Mrs. T. A. Jones,
(Via 'Sausa_lito) Ft. Cal.
Science Hall, . GirlS' Home.
Five-Room Modem Cottage, ' on Boyie
Heights, three blocks two car _lines;
good location and Fine yard,
shrubbery-lotsof fnut . Housenewly.-tinted
and vamtshed. Big
hot water; no gas; wtll furnish good
stove. -Its a snap. $16.25 . Calt up Broa4-
:W':'Y _4831 .. : .
Two essentials to good health. :are.
-_fresh and pure water. Both
furnished with lots purchased' -in
_Melrose :Hm Tract and' ' adjacent .
prop_ei:ties . :--:: : ., .-.
Information . by A. N.
Clark at his residence. on .Graham
A v:e., M;elrose Hill. . Take W
Ave. car. P. 0. address: Melrose
Hill. R. F. D. 11, Los Angeles,
- - - .
. . - ! . . .
Main Buildin&':
Largest Pentecostal Church of the .Nazarene i n th e South.
Texas Holiness university, PENIEL, TExAs --
Literary, Theological, Normal, Commercial, Music and Primary
Depart ments. A safe for both Boys and Girls.
Send fo.r Cata logue:-
What Is It?
. t eenth chapter 'of First Corinthians
preferred,. but we invite every one to ..
go with us who will keep the Golden .
Rule. . We expect to inake this land a
gr_eat missionary headquar-ters. A
-- You can have all ' the land you want
very cheap and on easy terms. A
government patent is the foundation
of each title. No stocks, no_ bonds,
no corporations to dictate or direct.
great many persons ask, concerning the WALL ROLL, "WHAT IS IT?"
It that a large percentage of . our Christian friends have never
enjoyed the use of a WALL ROLL. For the benefit 'of such we would
say, "THE FAVORITE TEXT WALL ROLL" is a roll14x_21 inches,
containing 32 pages and a handsome cover page. . It is so:arranged. tqat
by turning a leaf each morning you may have. beforeyoii a helpful text
of Scripture in_ type large enough to be read across an ordinary room.
In this par_ticular WALL ROLL the texts were selected by well-kl}own
-ministers and evangelists, and are accompanied some helpful
The leading products of great com- -
mercia! value are: Bananas, pine-
apples, oranges, . lemons, . melons,
melon zapotes; 'rtiarigoes, guavas, figs,
aguacates, and many other :varieties --
of tropical and semi:..tropical fruits.
The principal field erops are: Sugar
. cane, cotton, potatoes, -rice,
fiber plants and alfalfa. The raising
of cattle and sheep is very -profitable.
All garden vegetables grow to per-
f ection during the year, can l;>e
. produced to mature from November 1
- to April 30, at a time when vegetables
bring highest prices, there bein_g _--
no competition. -
Crops yield usually twice a year,
which can be made certain by ir.riga-
- t ion. The profits run from $100.00 to
$300.00 per acre. Shipments can be
made by seato all ports of the world.
Rivers run through the land, affording
very . . . .
from them. .. .. . . .
Thus, in addition to ' 'The Word," yo:u have a messageJrom one of MeS-
: sengers. The ROLL may be used year after. year. Some homes have
the same ROLL, which has been in use for 10 9r 15 years. You cannot
invest the few cents required in anything that will bring as much help
-for so long a time as this. .
Send in Your Orders Once for
The .Favorite Text Wall Rqll
SIZE: -14X21 .INCHES; neatly Sent, post-paid. the .
remarkably_ low price of -60c, -with:=:-plain stick; - 75C witlt silk-
. cord and wood turned stick.
Nazarene Publishing Company
The work of God moves on to vic:-
. tory in. t}}is place. Tuesday evening
we were favored with a visit from our .
General Superintendents, Drs. Bresee
anc:L Reynolds. They spoke to a full
house, while the glory of a full salva-
tion flowed our way. Bro. Reynolds
spoke of the extent of the work and
was followed by .Dr. Bresee with a
. br-ief John 1:7, full of .
- unction atid power. Two souis con- .
.fessed to being blessed with the glory
of a pure hearf and the incoming of"'
the Holy Ghost. . The saints were
' greatly rejoiced and refreshe!l. We
ask an biterest in your prayer.
2102 Virginia St.
We-warit to give God the glory for -
wonderfui victory. . 'l'he Lord greatly
financially stranded. 0 how I wish
for the MESSENGER, as I have nothad
one to look at sirice I left home. I
could not go to Portland for financial
reasons. . . T.
. R. F. D. 2, Box t;3.
.JI "" ""
_ js
THE Text Wall Roll.is just
the daily inspirer you need in your
home. for t;o the
ing House.
We are again able to report victory . . . . . - .
in Ashland . . This last year has been .. Apples .of Gold;
the best year this church .has ever .
seen, Lord has . blessed_ us .. ... Or; -words.-Fitly Spoken...
both spiritually and financially and - ------------.-- --
Being a l.:onpilatiop of the brief Spiritual
precious souls have been born into the Heart Messf J'es which have appeare'd on the
kingdom . . Duting_the absence of our first page of the MEssENGER during tne past
pastor, Bro. Valjean, at the two years.
. Brother H; H. Stutsman, a holiness _BY REV. R. PIERCE.
worker.z,. preached for us la$t Sunday
morning and evening, and gave us
stirring and helpful sermons... We are
all out and out for God, witll' the fire
burning in out souls, and we rejoice
in the hope of the glory of God.
240 pages, paper. With portrait; and
Introduction by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25c, by'mail30c; in lotsof10$2.
- In cloth, .60 cents. .
Address "R. P.,"
honored R. Deyo, in his
preaching of the old-time religion -of
true repentance from sins, faith in .
the Lord Jesus and entire
sanctification of believers. .. The bat- .
tie waged fiercely for eighteen days, :
but our 'God brought us through tri-
. umphant. Fifty-thre-e. of the seekers
professed to get through to _God.
Thank God! Sunday evening eleven,
claiming to be sanctified wholly,
united with the class. Others have
said they wish to come in later. p,ray
for us, that the lambs may be fed and
nourished and the Word go. forth
730 San _Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal .
. . . . . .
. Gospel Stamps.
The Latest and Most Attractive
of their kind. Those who have
seen- them. are enthusiastic over
them. The only way you can ap-
preciate their value is to get a
with no uncertain sound. R.
f.ew lines to say. is
very preCious, and my all and in all,
keeping me cleansed and under the
divine anointing. The great fleet
excitemenCon the part of the people
generally, has caused me to bump up
a hal1! pr.oP.osition .,all aroqnd.
So I came out here where my brother-
in-law lives in this back woods -coun-
try, where there is no church; Sunday
School or prayermeeting. He is one
of the pioneers of this-settlement and
has been here twenty-five years. In
all that time only a very few sermons
have .. been preached in the
Sunday; June 7, I preached to a con-
gregatitm t>f some' forty persons, and .
only one of the congregation clafmed
to be Some claim to be
infidels, . etc. But thank . God, He
owned His word, and against great
.odds there vias convic'tio:ri and .
interest manifest. Pray for this needy
field. I may start this week for. Los
Angeles, but do not know, . as I am
sample book. .
120 Stamps in a Book.
(Sixty Varieties.)
lOc a Book; 3 Books, 25c
We want an Agent
in Every Locality.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
The Second Annual, Camp-Meeting
. . OF -THE .
Pentecostal Church of. the Nazarene_
will be held in Beulah Park, Oakland; Cal.,
. July 1 to 12, 1908.
. . .
. REV. P. :F. BRESEE, D. D., General Supt., Los Angeles, Cal.
. REY. H. F. REYNOLDS, General Supt., Haverhill,
REV. C. WILSON, .Upland,., Cal. .. -..
_ _ REV. MARTHA E. CURRY, : Stoneham, Mass.
will be held on the forenoons of July-S to -10.
. on Arra-ngements will be made for by
the mght or for the ent1re season at reasonable rates. Tents and furniture
can be rented for 'the se_ason . .. Order early. . . - .. _ .
Further information can be had by seeing or writing to .
. REV. H . . O. WILEY, See'y, 1816 Derby St., Berkeley,
or REV. P. G. LINAWEAVER, District Superintendent,
1016 Tenth Street, Oakland, Cal,
Our Young People .
THE ..
F tb:ou art sad, come here and find
Abalm to and.cheer thy mind.
. If tho\1 .art merry, here songs .
Meet to be sung by angel tong\les.
For whom the Lamb of God was slain.
If thOu art rich. with things of earth,
Learn here thy wealth is nothing worth.
If thou art poor, this precious mine
if t hou lackest wisdom look herein,
"A:n'tl thou shalt surely win.
Wisdom to guide thee on the road .
Which leads through faith in Christ to God.
. .JC .JC .JC l' .
OR living a pure life. .
. For doing your level best.
For 'Being kind to the poor;
For looking before leaping.
For hearing before judging.
For thinking_ before speaking.
For harboring clean thoughts.
For standing by your principles.
For stopping your ears to gossip.
For being as courteous as a duke.
For askin._g pardon when in error.
For bridling a slanderous' tongue.
For being generous to an enemy.
For being square in business deal-
ings. . . .
For giving an unfortunate fellow a
. For promptness in keeping your
For putting the best construction
on the acts of others;
You will never, never be sorry for
light to the .blind, knowledge
totheignorant, strengthto the weak, .
help to t;he struggling.,and-a- Saviour
to the heathen. -Selected.
.J& '$ .J&
- t C',J..,A' "
" My boy," said a . father to his
only son, "you are in bad
company. The boys with whom you
go indulge in bad habits. . They
smoke, drink, swear, play cards and
go to theatres. They are not safe
company for you, and I beg you. to
quit their society."
. _ "You nee.d not be afraid, father,"
replied the boy haughtily;: guess I
kn.ow_ ortwo; I know how far
to go to stoi>J 'Tile boy
left .his father's house- twirling his
cane in his fingers; and laughed at
- his father's notions.
A few years . later and that boy,
grown to-manhood, stood at the bar
.. of acourt, before a
jufy which has .
brought in a v_erdict of "guilty"
against him for crime. Before
:.. . Nazarene __ Me.s.s.enge".:.
was sentenced he addressed' the-court,
and among other things, he said:
"My-downward course began-when
I di,!:!obeyea my parehts .... - rtliought I
knew as much of the ;v.orld as my
father, and I spurned his advice; but
as soon as I . turned my_J>ack upon
my -home, tempta.tion came upon me
thick and fast and hurried _me to
ruin. ''-:-Selected.
verse 6 mean. The idea is that ''walking
in love
'' since God is love, is. imitating .
God, in having the love principle dom-
inant, and reg.nant . ..Dot. as nfere . principle

spiration. I mean a religion that ."loves
to,'' rather than one that '' bas to. ''
. "Let no man deceive you." We usually
allow ourselves the credit of thinking our-
selves (lxcusable . if we are deceived
the doing-of a wrong thing. Paul does not
so speak in this case. We ought to be
posted ourselves. Ignorance on our part
is ari open door for the devil. We may
remain in such ignorance of the drink evil,
.JC . .JC aiid' so jll advisl)d plans oi; ,
-- ''children of
The evangelistic spirit of the native ly vote with the old party <the. con
church' in KorelJ._iS remarkable. The tinuance of the wropg against which . we.
pray. We need the admonition, "Walk
additions to the native. Presbyterian circumspectly."
Church on confession of faith we.re ...."Partakers with them." We cannot help
3,421. This does not ta'ke into account in civil life being ''among?' them, but
can bel p being ''.of or on_e . of _them.
the large number of catechtiJ:hEms, or If we take part with them, we become
those who have renounced their hea- responsible with. them. Voting for the
rum party identifies me with their in-
thenism and professed Christ, and are terests .
receiving instruction preparatory to "Walk as children of the light." Cbi1-
being received into the church. This dren who see. !:{ave sight, opened eyes,
distinguish between lig)lt and darkness, or
large ingathering-is due almost wholly sin and righteousness,
to the zeal, earnestness and fervor of what the wi)l of the 'Lord is;" is light-
the soul-sight that comes with salvation.
the native Christians. . Walking'' is the symbol of action. Prac-
.$ ' .,a '" tieing the principles, obeying the com
mands, not ipdorsing and believing' only,
The Sunday .School Lesson. but being and doing. This kind of life
BY IsAIAH Rr:m. forbids and is inconsistent and out of bar-
June 28, 1908 ' mony with any "unfruitful (for good) .
TemJ)erance LesSon. works .of darkness,:'' or the paralyzed sleep
Eph. G:s-
of a practicing sinner.
Qommlt VerS!!Sl5, 16. "Walking in the light," is walking in
GOLDEN TEXT-Be not drurr.kwith wine, . the right.
wherein is excess; but be filled with the "Walking in the light, " is walking in
E h Clirist 's light.'
P 5:18. "Walking in the light., " is walking cir-
DAILY READINGS. cumspectly. . .
-Mon., June 22, Eph. 5:6:20. Tues., Gal. "Walking in the light," is walking in
5:16-26. Wed., Epb. 4:17-32. Thu., Psa. the will of God.
l. Fri., Col. 3:'8-17. Sat., Titus 2. Sun., "'Valking in the light," is walking in
1. P eter 4:1-11. righteousness and true holiness.
_ Suggestive Notes and Comments. ' 'Walking in the light,'' is a non-sinning
STATEMENT. condition. . . .
Inasmuch as some of the ancient man- ''Walking in the light,,' is ''Walking in
lovr.' ' - -
uscript copies of this letter to the Ephe " 'Valking in the light," is walking wor-
t sians ha\e a blank for the thy of our calling.
Ephesus,_ some have 1t was , 'Wherefore be ye not unwise. Here .
aily a Circular, or encycl.1cal letter, With is the need of knowle'dge and wisdom. God
.n';l'me o! the . place_ left for .the _ _has..no_blessing for ignoran.ce. He_may_use __
. to the wnter it sometimes, but he can never . ,., fill it
m1ght to send 1t. B1shop. has with the Holy. Spirit . ., Holy must
well sa1d, It to_ even. So the study to show: themselves approved. '
blank we may fill m _our church or One hindrance to our work is the wilful
name. At any rate, 1t !s. good a_ll ignorance of the people professing the
times _and such as. ours. 1s ?a1d blessing. For this cause they run after
t? have du:mg Paul s every fad error that comes along, like the
hfc, an? the section of 1t from where our so-called Fire Baptized Holiness, ' the
1!3 tak.en belongs not to. the doc- ' ' Tongues, ' etc. so also -we are to walk
tr1_nal of the foundation of our in wisdom. We need common sense with
o_f rather knowledge and out tremendous experience.
t? , apphed Cbnstlamty. It
full of So we are to ''walk'' in this Christ given
hfe s every-day The converts light, so . as to "redeem "-that is; buy
to w4om . the_ l etter 1s addressed seem to back the lost da)tS so far as possible, and
have m1xed among unsaved Gentiles, use to the highest advantage the passing
oppos1!l:g _J e ws !InC!. The ... hours.
less?n IS full of <hrcct10n, ad1!1omtton _and . "The time." A life thus walking has no
adv1ce .. as to how. to walk Ill the hght waste to kill.'' It is not only a
a mong eust?ms, and such people, and. str enuous .. life, but an all-occupied ' life; It
keep thmr salvatiOn. I'll deed, we may take has no time nor desire for the druiiken
y10.ught of _.,tJte , as bra\vls about.'it, full 'of the excess and r.ioi
Circumspectly. Temp?r of wine. drunkenness, which is- :a life
auce 1s nb"t theme, but spc_clal waster. It destr oys body and mind s9 that
place and, among :the it cannot be fully r edeemed in a)\ .. .
as to ho\\ to tra\ el the VICtonous r o,Hl. It has sowe<l to the flesh and must so r eap
to "Tl:!mpernnce, :: we have text .suffi- , More, it' is tmwisdom and folly. The
for hours on . tbeme alone, could is ,that drink ' is against wisdom. It hinders
the . . s. S. _half hour hayc. ;l.llY such ex- froJll "understanding what th.o will of tho
tcns10n. Lord is.' ' But more, the' wine. habit ex-
QOMM;ENTS. .eludes the '"psalm" life; the "hymn " . life.
"Walking circumspectly. " (1)-Is walk- the insinging heart "molody, " the "praise
ing in love. Vs. 15. (2) 'Valking in spirit," or the "God always fpr
light. Vs. 6-14. (3) Walking in .wis- all things in the name of our Lord J-esus
dom. vs. 15-21. We need to studv verses ' Christ," and the blessed Chtistia.n fellow- .

in . which is "in the of the Lord."

The gains in.the American We; the General Superintendents of S: B:
-tor 1907 are regaideu- as ' 'not salts-- .-- The- Pioneer Optician
factory. " According to the rene, hereby call the Southern Cali- .
ment statistics the gains were only : fornia District to _meet in Annual oF
two-thirds of w.hat they were in-1906 . . tpe First Church, Los . BROADWAY
The whole body of seventeen Meth- An.geles, .. corner.Wall aiid Sixth Establis.hed - 1895'
; made, in the United States, a streets, July 30, 1908, 9:30 a. m:
gain of 101,696. This . nieans that Let all interested take note that all The Beat Service
.. 6,660,.284 Metho!}ists . and'- 41,893 Pastors, Elders,_:_bicensed Preachers, Th Thpe Bthtt
....., 1 .. t. E 1' t S d . S h- _1 .S . e nces .. us a r e e er
pr'e1f<!uel'"s-were--emp oye -,or-an-en :v.ange 1s s,- un ay_ c o.o.L. _l.ip_en.Ik...:.:__ _ _____
year_ to secure this number of addi- tendents, and _properly- 353 S. Broadway
tions. In other words, jt requ_ired certified delegates are members, and LOs ANGELEs
about sixty-six members of the church, of the desirability of the presence of
including the . preachers, an entire all members\) the District Assembly-
year to add one to the church,_ 'from the beginning to the close of the
The M. E. . section of this body of sessions
- also--that there be much Co n t r a-c to r and B u i l de r
Christians does _some better. This prayer for a great outpouring of the
branch made a gain in the Holy Spirit all- its gatherings.
States of 52,"406, or one to fifty-eight. P. F. BRESEE,
Our that it-would not be H. F.
too much for one to expect from faith, General Superintendents.
Office_ 927-.. Bldg.
Cor. 6th and Main Sts. .
Phone F-1577 Los Angeles.
Res. 2416 S. Figueroa Tel. West 3891 Home23407
Laundry or. Bakery
for the preachers themselvPs to secure ..,c ..,c ..,c
this number of additions. There are . THE Annual Meeting of the Chicago WA G. 0 NS
17,.861 M. E. i!l the . . Central Di"ltrV;!t is announced to be
States . . .If these were instrumentally_ .. held on Oct." l, . .
tq save three each in a yeai;, it would
brjng the number up to more Professional Cards
.. 1,000 above what the whole church
got. _This would not seem to be an Dli PAUL BRESEE
extraordinary demand or expectatio:p:
To turn to a statement concerning '
one of the early saints, and one not
the most conspicuous for saving men,
Tel. llfain 1484 Ho.meF 1484
Hours 10 to 2. 1011- m. Sunday.
Residence 1126 Santee St. 'Oj!hones Broadway 4133
Los Angeles, Cal. . Home 2798
Barnabas (Acts 11: 24)' or turn to a GLASSEs FITTED.
Residence 633 S. St.
Home phone 41462 Boyle 1243
Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. 414-416 Sev.,rance Bldg.'
Home Phone F 1497 6th and Main Sts.
. Los Angeles. Cal.
statement concerning some of the
early churches (Acts 9: 31), and con-
ditions would be found which, if met ..
now, wouid mak-e the showing decid-
edly:different. . D. M. McDONALD.
Built to Order,
1413-17 S. MAIN ST.
7 he Pentecostal Era
----'-'-'e"'-judge that non.e, WOUld COntend 4TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW
. :NO.TARY-E.UBLIC, _______ _
that we could not be like. Barnabas, 823-824-825 H. w. Hellman Bldg.,
. - Washington, D. C.
a good man and full of the Holy Ghost N. E. Cor.
Los Angeles
and of "faith;" nor that churches - BUJiT CLARK
might not be like these mentioned "as
walking fear of the .. Lord, and
in the comfort of the Holy Ghost.;' Los ANGELEs
These conditions secured ''muchpeo- ___ ___:____:___::....._ _____
J}.le being added unto the Lord" and . KENDRICK, KNOTT & ARDIS.
.. the churches being "multiplied." .
There is an expenditu-re of power in
the gospel, and God. expects us to
dra:w upon it and bring things to
pass. - Witness. - .
. .,. .,. .,. .
Two New tracts.
Will practice In nil the.Stnte and Federal Courts.
Offices- Rooms 92-93 Temple Block. Los Angeies.
. . . SPECIAL . . .
Fresh Home Made Taffy.
" Peanut Taffy. .
:: Assorted Nut Candy
Buttercups . . . . . .
Wr apped Caramels . .
" Home Made Fruit and Nut Chocolates
ioc lb.
16c lb.
20c lb.
26e lb.
20c lb.
25c lb.
:Phone-Broadwav 4699- - 317W: 4th Street- .
Bud Pal?er,
uThe Pentecostal Advocate,,,
Is publjshed at PENIEL, TEXAS, the
. of the Texas Holiness University,
in wh"ich town has been. organized
the largest church in the South of the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene.
the "Advocate, '
_keep up with
th1s great movement' m the South-
west, be .delighted with Bro.
Robinson's weekly articles. "The
,. -Advocate''. is $1 per year.
Tq NewSubscribe.rs with the Nazarene
Messenger, $1.50 per .- . .
-w f G
latul SoncBook- 308 Sona:s
J. M. Harris, Edllor.
. 0 .
. "AZARENE PUB. co:; 730 Sin Pedro tt. Los Angeles, Cal .
Are Words in season to the justified.
Gan be had from the author, Rev. R.
--. Pierce, .." 730 San . Pedro _ Street, Los
Angeies, Cal. Price, 20c per doz. ; $1
Montgomery & Mullin Lumber Co.
per 100.
.,. .- .,.
. Mottos and Holiness Books can be .,
had at the Publishing House;
Cor. Fifth and San Pedro Sts. _
Price.s as low as the , lowest, with good gr;ades.
.. -- _.,.,;., ".

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