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BroadWorks System Administration

Module 10: Call Detail Server Release 12 Version 1

May 2005


Module 10 Objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Identify the Call Detail Server features Configure the Call Detail Server


2005 BroadSoft, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential; Do Not Copy, Duplicate, or Distribute


Call Detail Server

Application Server

Call Detail Server



2005 BroadSoft, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential; Do Not Copy, Duplicate, or Distribute

Call Detail Server

Functions The CDS receives the call log information in real time over the RADIUS Accounting protocol, and processes SOAP requests to return all the call logs of a given user. Logs CDS runs a daily task to remove call logs that are too old, or in excess of the maximum logs allowed for a user, given the limits specified at the Service Provider (SP) level, and applicable to all users belonging to that SP. Radius CDS listens on port 1813, and accepts RADIUS accounting stop requests provided that the IP addresses or FQDNs of all Application Servers sending those requests are configured in the file /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf, together with the appropriate respective shared secret. No RADIUS accounting start and interim requests should normally be sent to the CDS. SOAP CDS accepts requests for call logs and for service provider configuration.


Call Detail Server Features

Enhanced Call Logs
Stores call logs of BroadWorks users Service provider has a maximum count of logs per user and a maximum number of storage days per user Daily log file clean-up Supports the load of one Application Server cluster


2005 BroadSoft, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential; Do Not Copy, Duplicate, or Distribute


Call Detail Server Configuration Steps

Client Access List
For each Application Server that sends call logs to the Call Detail Server, an entry must be added in the /usr/local/freeradius/freeradius_base/etc/raddb/clients.conf FreeRadius file The format is:
client { secret = testing123 shortname = AS01 }


2005 BroadSoft, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential; Do Not Copy, Duplicate, or Distribute

Client Access List

This is the only element that requires a manual change after a fresh installation of the Call Detail Server.


Optional Configuration Steps

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Clean up task start time Debugging configuration Link to SQL configuration file Service provider limits Database user and password SOAP response time thresholds Maximum number of SOAP requests Listening port MySQL configuration


2005 BroadSoft, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential; Do Not Copy, Duplicate, or Distribute

Optional Configuration Steps

Step 1 Clean up task at start time The Calldetailserver.properties file is stored under the /usr/local/broadworks/bw_base/conf/ directory. The format is: # Format for cds.start.purge.time is hh:mm (00:00 to 23:59) cds.start.purge.time=2:40 A restart of the purging process is required for a change to this value to take effect. Step 2 Debugging configuration The debugging configuration is also specified in calldetailserver.properties file. The format is: cds.debug.config.file=/usr/local/broadworks/bw_base/conf/CDSPurgeDebugConfig.xml soap.debug.config.file=/usr/local/broadworks/bw_base/conf/CDSSOAPDebugConfig.xml A Call Detail Server restart is required for changes to the above values to take effect. Note that debugging information for FreeRadius can be found in the file: /usr/local/freeradius/freeradius_base/var/log/radius/radius.log Step 3 Link to SQLconfiguration file The Call Detail Server must locate the FreeRadius sql.conf file. The format is: cds.sql.conf.file=/usr/local/freeradius/freeradius_base/etc/raddb/sql.conf If this property is not set, the Call Detail Server defaults to: /usr/local/freeradius/freeradius_base/etc/raddb/sql.conf


Optional Configuration Steps (Contd)

Step 4 Service provider limits Each user of a given service provider is subject to a maximum number of call logs and a maximum number of storage days for a call log entry. These limits are set via the SOAP interface. A restart of the Call Detail Server is not required for service provider limit changes to take effect. The files used to store this information are read every time a given service provider is to be cleaned up. Step 5 Database user and password This should not normally be modified, but it is nevertheless possible to configure the user and password used by the clean up process and the SOAP interface to communicate with the MySQL database. This can be configured in calldetailserver.properties, as follows: # MySQL user and password cds.mysql.user=bworks cds.mysql.password=bworks Both values default to bworks. Step 6 SOAP response time thresholds It is possible to adjust SOAP response time thresholds, causing logs to be issued if the response time exceeds the thresholds. Three values can be configured: Long threshold: This value, specified in milliseconds, is the response time past which a request is considered having been processed too long. The default is 5000 ms. Yellow threshold: This is a percentage of long requests (among all the recent requests) past which a NOTICE level log is issued. The default is 5 %. Red threshold: This is a percentage of long requests (among all the recent requests) past which a WARNING level log (and eventually an alarm) is issued. The default is 10%. NOTE: The yellow and red thresholds are computed using the last 1000 requests. The values can be configured in calldetailserver.properties, as follows: cds.response.time.long.threshold=5000 cds.response.time.yellow.threshold=5 cds.response.time.red.threshold=10 Step 7 Maximum number of SOAP requests The Call Detail Server limits the number of simultaneous SOAP requests it will handle. The default value for this parameter is 25. It should be lowered if requests take too long to handle and raised if requests are rejected while response time is still good. This is controlled by the following entry in calldetailserver.properties: # Maximum number of simultaneous SOAP requests allowed cds.max.requests=25 Step 8 Listening port By default, the Radius process listens on the standard Radius accounting port, 1813. The listening port can be changed, by modifying the following lines in the file /etc/services: radius-acct 1813/tcp RADIUS Accounting radius-acct 1813/udp RADIUS Accounting


Optional Configuration Steps (Contd)

Step 9 MySQL configuration The MySQL configuration parameters can be set by modifying the /usr/local/mysql/mysql_base/var/my.cnf configuration file. Here is an example my.cnf file: [mysqld] user=bwadmin key_buffer_size=1G delayed_queue_size=50000 The key_buffer_size controls the amount of memory reserved to cache the database indexes. This variable should be set to at least 5% of the total database size. Do not allocate more than about 50% of the total system memory to this parameter The delayed_queue_size parameter controls how many logs can be buffered in memory before being permanently written to the database. For each buffered, log 500 bytes of memory are consumed. A restart is not required for these values to be changed. Modifying /usr/local/mysql/mysql_base/var/my.cnf is for the next time MySQL is started, but the values can be changed with the mysql client interface and take effect immediately. The MySQL client interface can be started with the following command: mysql ubworks pbworks radius The u option specifies the MySQL userid, -p specifies the password, and the final parameter (radius in our case) is the database name.


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