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The Islamic University of Gaza High Studies Deanery Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Design and Rehabilitation

of Structures

Properties of Concrete Mixes with Waste Glass

Submitted by: Abdullah A. Siam (2007/634)

Supervised by: Dr. Mamoun Al-Qedra Dr. Mohammed Arafa

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering Rehabilitation and Design of Structures 2011 - 1432

The quantities of waste glass in Gaza Strip have been increasing significantly without being recycled increasing the risk to public health due to the scarcity of land area. This growing problem of waste glass in the Gaza Strip can be alleviated if new disposal options other than landfill can be found. The main goal is to investigate the possibility to improve the compressive strength over a range of glass percentages. Waste glass is the least expensive of all the concrete constituents and is much less expensive than natural aggregates and sand, thus the idea is to replace as much of the natural aggregates and sand as possible to save money and to reduce the amount of disposable wastes, as well, but care has to be taken in order not to weaken the concrete by adding too much glass.

Therefore, samples of the most common waste glass materials in Gaza Strip were collected and crushed to be included in concrete as a partial occupant in the concrete mix replacing fine and coarse aggregates, and then a standard series of: 72 slump tests, 144 mass density tests, 144 compressive strength tests, 18 pull-out tests, 18 flexural tests, and 18 splitting tensile tests were conducted.

The output results obtained from this laboratory program showed reliable data points and promising further research horizons. For concrete mixed with coarse waste glass as a partial occupant instead of coarse aggregates, the optimum value of coarse waste glass to be used within the concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.4 was determined as about 0.265, and the corresponding expected 28-days hardened concrete compressive strength was about 385 kg/cm2 compared with 300 kg/cm2. For concrete mixed with fine waste glass as a partial occupant instead of fine aggregates, the optimum value of fine waste glass to be used within the concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.4 was estimated as almost 0.195, and the corresponding expected 28-days hardened concrete compressive strength was almost 400 kg/cm2.

Finally, for concrete mixes containing the optimal portion of coarse or fine waste glass, it was concluded that there was negligible effects on the poll-out strength, considerable enhancement of the flexural strength, and slight reduction of the splitting tensile strength of the mix.


. . . 72 : 144 144 18 18 18 .

() 0.4 0.265 28 385/ 2 300/.2

() 0.4 0.195 28 400/.2

: .


This research study is humbly dedicated to my beloved family: my parents, my wife, my son, Abdulaziz, and my daughter, Raghad



The author would like to express his deepest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Mamoun Alqedra and Dr. Mohamed Arafa, for their unconditional guidance, patience, and encouragement throughout the phases of this research study. In addition, the author would like to extend his sincere gratitude and appreciation to Eng. Ahmad Alkurd and Mr. Tahseen Shehada within the staff of the soil and materials testing laboratory at the Islamic University in Gaza for their outstanding efforts during the experimental phase of this research study.


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ 2 1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ 3 1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLGY .......................................................................... 4 1.5 THESIS LAYOUT.............................................................................................. 4 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 5 2.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 5 2.2 CONCRETE COMPOSITE MATERIALS ........................................................ 5 2.2.1 Water ........................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2 Cement ......................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Aggregates ................................................................................................... 7 2.3 WASTE GLASS ................................................................................................. 8 2.4 PREVIOUS STUDIES...................................................................................... 11 2.5 CONCLDING REMARKS ..................................................................................... 19 CHAPTER THREE: EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM .................................................. 02 3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 02 3.2 PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES ................................................................. 01 3.3 WASTE GLASS ............................................................................................... 04 3.4 TESTING PROGRAM ..................................................................................... 08 3.4.1 Pull Out Strength ....................................................................................... 08 3.4.2 Flextural Stength ....................................................................................... 09 3.4.3 Splitting Strength ....................................................................................... 09 3.5 CONCRETE JOB MIXES ................................................................................ 09 CHAPTER FOUR: LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSES .......................................................................................................... 43 4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 34 4.2 TESTING PROGRAM RESULTS ................................................................... 34 4.3 EFFECT OF REPLACING WASTE GLASS ON CONCRETE DENSITY .... 38 4.3.1 CORSE Waste Glass ................................................................................ 38 4.3.2 FINE Waste Glass ..................................................................................... 40 4.4 EFFECT OF REPLACING WASTE GLASS ON CONCRETE WORKABILITY .............................................................................. 41 4.4.1 CORSE Waste Glass ................................................................................ 41 4.4.2 FINE Waste Glass ..................................................................................... 41 4.5 EFFECT OF REPLACING WASTE GLASS ON CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH......................................................... 44 4.5.1 CORSE Waste Glass ................................................................................ 47 4.5.2 FINE Waste Glass ..................................................................................... 47 4.6 OPTIMAL WASTE GLASS CONTENT IN CONCRETE MIXES ................. 48 4.7 EFFECT OF WASTE GLASS ON PULL OUT STRENGTH .......................... 50 4.7.1 CORSE Waste Glass ................................................................................ 52 4.7.2 FINE Waste Glass ..................................................................................... 55

EFFECT OF WASTE GLASS ON FLEXURAL STRENGTH ........................ 55 4.8.1 CORSE Waste Glass ................................................................................ 57 4.8.2 FINE Waste Glass ..................................................................................... 57 4.9 EFFECT OF WASTE GLASS ON SPLITTING STRENGTH ......................... 57 4.9.1 CORSE Waste Glass ................................................................................ 60 4.9.2 FINE Waste Glass ..................................................................................... 60 CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................ 20 5.1 SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 60 5.2 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................. 60 5.2.1 CORSE Waste Glass ................................................................................ 62 5.2.2 FINE Waste Glass ..................................................................................... 63 5.3 FUTURE STUDY ............................................................................................ 64 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX A .......................................................................................................... 67 4.8


Figure 3.1: Sample of the natural coarse aggregate for concrete mix ............................ 21 Figure 3.2: Samples of the natural medium and fine aggregate for concrete mix. ......... 21 Figure 3.3: Grain size distribution curve of coarse aggregates ....................................... 23 Figure 3.4: Grain size distribution curve of fine aggregates ........................................... 04 Figure 3.5: Waste glass materials as collected before crushing and sieving .................. 05 Figure 3.6: Crushing of waste glass to coarse and fine sizes ......................................... 25 Figure 3.7: Grain size distribution of coarse waste glass................................................ 06 Figure 3.8: Grain size distribution of fine waste glass.................................................... 07 Figure 4.1: Concrete density of coarse waste glass in the mix ....................................... 39 Figure 4.2: Concrete density vs. water cement ratio ....................................................... 39 Figure 4.3: Relation of concrete density with fine W.G percentage of several w/c raio 40 Figure 4.4: Concrete mass density vs. water cement ratio. ............................................. 41 Figure 4.5: Slump test results vs. portion of coarse waste glass in the fresh mix .......... 40 Figure 4.6: Slump test results vs. water cement ratio ..................................................... 40 Figure 4.7 Slump test results vs. portion of fine waste glass in the fresh mix ................ 43 Figure 4.8: Slump test results vs. water cement ratio ..................................................... 43 Figure 4.9: Typical testing cube after fauilure for determining concrete compressive strength ...................................................................................................... 44 Figure 4.10: 7-Days concrete compressive strength vs. portion of coarse waste glass in the mix ....................................................................................................... 45 Figure 4.11: 28-Days concrete compressive strength vs. portion of coarse waste glass in the mix ....................................................................................................... 46 Figure 4.12: Concrete compressive strength vs. portion of coarse waste glass in mix... 46 Figure 4.13: 7-Days concrete compressive strength vs. portion of fine waste glass in the mix ............................................................................................................. 47 Figure 4.14: 28-Days concrete compressive strength vs. portion of fine waste glass in the mix ....................................................................................................... 48 Figure 4.15: Concrete compressive strength vs. portion of fine waste glass in the mix . 49 Figure 4.16: Preparation of pull-out testing specimens .................................................. 52 Figure 4.17: Hardened poll-out testing specimens ......................................................... 53 Figure 4.18: Poll-out testing apparatus and procedure ................................................... 53 Figure 4.19: Illustration of poll-out testing specimen after failure ................................. 54 Figure 4.20: Flexural strength testing apparatus ............................................................. 56 Figure 4.21: Illustration of flexural strength testing specimen after failure ................... 56 Figure 4.22: Hardened splitting strength testing specimens ........................................... 58 Figure 4.23: Splitting strength-testing apparatus ............................................................ 59 Figure 4.24: Illustration of splitting strength-testing specimens after failure ................. 59


Table 2.1: Approximate compositions and the corresponding uses of various common forms of glass ................................................................................................... 9 Table 3.1: Summary of sieve analysis data for coarse aggregates .................................. 22 Table 3.2: Summary of sieve analysis data for fine aggregates ...................................... 23 Table 3.3: Summary of sieve analysis data for coarse waste glass. ................................ 26 Table 3.4: Summary of sieve analysis data for fine waste glass ..................................... 27 Table 3.5: Experimental testing program of concrete with coarse waste glass .............. 30 Table 3.6: Experimental testing program of concrete with fine waste glass .................. 30 Table 3.7: Specific Gravities of Concrete Mix Raw Components for B 300 ................. 31 Table 3.8: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = zero ........... 31 Table 3.9: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = zero ........... 32 Table 3.10: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = zero ......... 32 Table 4.1: Mass density and workability values with several coarse waste glass content ........................................................................................................................ 35 Table 4.2: Compressive strength of concrete with several coarse waste glass content...36 Table 4.3: Mass density and workability values with several fine waste glass content . 37 Table 4.4: Compressive strength of concrete with several fine waste glass content ..... 38 Table 4.5: Summary of the 7-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of coarse waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4 ...... 49 Table 4.6: Summary of the 28-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of coarse waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4 ...... 50 Table 4.7: Summary of the 7-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of fine waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4 .......... 50 Table 4.8: Summary of the 28-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of fine waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4 .......... 51 Table 4.9: Summary of the pull-out strength results with coarse waste glass content ... 54 Table 4.10: Summary of the pull-out strength results with fine waste glass content ..... 55 Table 4.11: Summary of the flexural strength results with coarse waste glass content.. 57 Table 4.12: Summary of the flexural strength results with fine waste glass content...... 58 Table 4.13: Summary of the splitting strength results with coarse waste glass content 60 Table 4.14: Summary of the splitting strength results with fine waste glass content .... 61



1.1 Background
Solid wastes are substances and masses resulted by the various human activities that have to be dumped. Solid waste materials usually include industrial waste, medical waste, and domestic waste. In particular, construction waste is the output result of construction and destruction, rehabilitation, repair, removal of existing structures, and installations. This waste is composed of sand, stone, gravel, tiles, ceramic, marble, glass, aluminum, wood, plastic, paper, paints, plumbing pipes, electric parts and asbestos, and other materials.

One of the main environmental concerns regarding the landfills in the Gaza Strip area is the very limited area available in both their current and future count number and their individual capacity and efficiency of usage. This concern was considerably increased and extremely highlighted especially after the comprehensive aggression on Gaza Strip in December 2008 that lasted for 23 days and resulted in numerous masses of industrial and constructional wastes. [1]

The quantities of waste glass in the Gaza Strip have been increasing significantly without being recycled increasing the risk to public health due to the scarcity of land area. This growing problem of waste glass in the Gaza Strip can be alleviated if new disposal options other than landfill can be found. [2]

It was estimated during the year 2005 by Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) that the total average daily solid waste produced in the Gaza Strip is 1,006 ton/day. Waste production was 0.7-1.0 kg/c/d, waste density at collection points was 0.4 kg/l, and growing at an estimated rate of 4.0% per year. In 2008, the PCBS revealed from the data analysis that the paper and cartons were ranked first among the separated solid waste components, with 22.2% of the economic and domestic establishments in the Palestinian Territory, followed by medical waste, including sharp, radioactive, and infected wastes with 21.7%, and Glass and Metal with 17.9% [2].

Solid waste in Gaza Strip mainly consists of household wastes, building debris, agricultural wastes, industrial wastes, medical wastes, workshops wastes, and other waste materials. Out of the solid waste, it is estimated that 79.81%, of the household solid waste consist of organic material, sand 7.21%, plastic and rubber 5.02%, cloth 1,9%, Glass 0.85%, Metals 2.22% and Carton 2.02% [2].

1.2 Problem Statement

Many studies have been emerging worldwide highlighting the reuse of waste glass in construction technology, such as [3-9]. The idea is that the glass can be used as an aggregate in the concrete mix by replacing some of the natural aggregates such as gravel and sand. Thus, the possible benefits are as follows: less glass is thrown away saving landfill space, the use of fewer natural aggregates (which are the components of concrete) saving our natural resources and less labor is used by not shipping raw materials from distant places to where glass is available saving time and money. The unfavorable properties of concrete include a relatively weak tensile strength as compared to it compressive strength and the ability to form cracks in unpredictable areas.

Along with steel bars as internal reinforcement, the cracks can be controlled to some degree, and unlike other building materials like steel and plastic, concrete is not a uniform material due to the fact that it contains a ratio of gravel and sand, thus failure mode or location of the failure is unpredictable. In general, clear, green or brown bottles including juice, soft drink and sauce bottles, glass jars and other containers are among the sources of waste glass materials in many areas all over the world.

In the Gaza Strip the main component of waste glass is clear pure glass originating from reconstruction and rehabilitation processes. Other types of waste glass such as ceramic plates, light globes, mirrors, medical or laboratory glass, and grocery glasses are not within the concern of this research study, and the clear spread glass is used as a waste glass material.

There has been an increasing significant interest in the development of concrete mixes with waste glass, besides, recycling waste glass as an aggregate is effective for environmental

conservation and economical advantage. Therefore, samples of the most common waste glass materials in the Gaza Strip were collected and crushed to be included in concrete as a partial occupant in the concrete mix replacing fine and coarse aggregates, and a basic experimental study on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete containing waste glass was carried out [2].

1.3 Aim and Objectives

This research focuses on studying the effect of waste glass on the properties of concrete mixtures as a partial replacement of fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates. The successful use of waste glass will aid in reducing the environmental and health problems related to the disposal of waste glass and the scarcity of land area needed for disposal.

Within the scope of this study, the main goal is to investigate the possibility to improve the compressive strength over a range of glass percentages. Waste glass is the least expensive of all concrete constituents and is much less expensive than natural aggregates and sand, thus the idea is to replace as much of the natural aggregates and sand as possible to save money and to reduce the amount of disposable wastes, as well, but care has to be taken in order not to weaken the concrete by adding too much glass.

The main objective of this research is to study the effect of waste glass on the properties of concrete mixes as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. This objective can be achieved through the following objectives:

Identify the effects of adding waste glass on the fresh properties of concrete mixes such as workability by slump measures. Study the influence of waste glass on hardened properties of concrete mixes such as: density and compressive strength, pull out strength, flexural strength and splitting resistance.

Determine the optimum waste glass content to be added as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate.

1.4 Research Methodology

The following tasks are to be carried out in order to achieve the research objectives: Collecting the required information and documents related to the waste glass . Visiting the Gaza City Glaziers to obtain related information and collect samples. Undertaking a comprehensive literature review on relevant subjects focused on the usage of waste glass in construction field. Developing an adequate experimental program to study the use of waste glass in concrete mixtures as explained in section 3.1. Analyzing the experimental output test results to draw conclusions.

1.5 Thesis Layout

Following this introduction, Chapter 2 presents a general literature overview for studying the use of waste glass materials as fine and coarse aggregates in engineering practice. These research studies highlighted the properties of the waste glass itself and the behavior of concrete mixes contacting different portions of waste glass.

Chapter 3 demonstrates the employed descriptive variables in the experimental testing program considering the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. These descriptive variables start with the different raw components of concrete, then the sieve analyses, the concrete job mix, the test results for fresh concrete, the density and the compressive strength of hardened concrete mixes. This chapter ends with a detailed list of the different portions of fine and coarse waste glass used in the concrete mixes.

Chapter 4 aims to clarify the essentials of concrete compressive strength analysis and the methodology followed to highlight the usefulness of considering waste glass materials as a main component within the concrete mix. Proper treatment of uncertainties within the data analysis process required understanding the sources of errors for the targeted end point. Finally, a comprehensive summary of this research study, its major conclusions, and recommendations for future areas of study are presented in Chapter 5.


2.1 Introduction
Glass is one of the oldest man-made materials. It is produced in many forms such as packaging or container glass, flat glass, and bulb glass, all of which have a limited life in their manufactured forms and therefore need to be recycled so as to be reusable in order to avoid environmental problems that would be created if they were to be stockpiled or sent to landfills. The construction industry has shown great gains in the recycling of industrial byproducts and waste, including waste glass materials.

Quantities of waste glass have been rising rapidly during the recent decades due to the high increase in industrialization and the considerable improvement in the standards of living, but unfortunately, the majority of these waste quantities are not being recycled but rather abandoned causing certain serious problems such as the waste of natural resources and environmental pollution [2].

Recycling of this waste by converting it to aggregate components could save landfill space and also reduce the demand for extraction of natural raw material for construction activities. Herein is a quick review for some of the previous research studies concerned with the waste glass as an aggregate material, but from different points of view and perspectives.

2.2 Concrete Composite Materials

This section summarizes the properties of all the components used in the various concrete mixes. Concrete is a structural material that contains some simple elements but when mixed with water would form a rock like material. Concrete mix is comprised of coarse aggregates usually gravel, fine aggregates usually sand, cement, water, and any necessary additives. Concrete possesses many favorable properties as a structural material, among which are its high compressive strength and its property as a fire-resistant element to a considerable extent.

The unfavorable properties include a relatively weak tensile strength as compared to its compressive strength and the ability to form cracks in unpredictable areas. With steel bars as internal reinforcement, the cracks can be controlled to some degree. Unlike other building materials such as steel and plastic, concrete is not a uniform material due to the fact that it contains a ratio of gravel and sand, thus failure mode or location of the failure is unpredictable.

Due the nature of concrete, concrete has an ability to have its recipe changed or altered to meet situational needs. Thus, if a job calls for high strength, lightweight or weather resistant concrete, its recipe is available or a custom one can be devised. Concrete has three main components when it's freshly mixed and they are water, cement and aggregates. Water is needed to begin the hydration process for the concrete and after four weeks of curing until full potential strength of the concrete can be achieved [10].

2.2.1 Water
Water is one of the most important elements in concrete production. Water is needed to begin the hydration process by reacting with the cement to produce concrete. There has to be a sufficient amount of water available so that the reaction can take its full course but if too much water is added, this will in fact decrease the strength of the concrete. The water-cement ratio is an important concept because other than the recipe for the concrete mix, the amount of water used would also determine its finial strength [18].

In more details, if too little water were added, there would not be enough water available to finish the reaction, thus some of the cement would harden and bond with other dry cement shorting the hydration process. On the other hand, if too much water were added then while the cement is undergoing hydration the cement would be in a slurry solution, and the probability of cement bonding with aggregates would decrease. And as a result, when the hydration process is completed, the cement content would still be in a slurry solution and with no strength.

The type of water that can be used to mix concrete must be potable which is essentially has neither noticeable taste nor odor. Basically, water containing less than 2000 ppm of total

dissolved solids can be used. Thus the type of water that was used to mix concrete throughout the testing program was normal tap water with attention paid for not including impurities.

2.2.2 Cement
There are currently more than eight types of cement that are used under specific conditions. Cement is a very important part of the concrete because it is the cement, which gives the concrete its strengths. Because of the importance of cement, the ASTM has set guide lines to follow for the make-up of cement. For experimental program of this research study, normal Portland Cements Type I was used.

Water is the element that is used to begin the hydration reaction where cement reacts with the water to produce a rock like substance. The reaction is also exothermic, where heat is released in the chemical reactions. This is an important fact because in very large structure like concrete dams, the heat released can pose a potential problem.

When the chemical reaction has reached the end, the initial cement past is transformed into a substance, which has tremendous strength. But using too much cement in concrete is expensive, and thus aggregates would take the place of cement without reducing its strength and reduce the cost. In the engineering practice in Palestine, the dominating range of watercement ratios in the concrete mix process is between 0.4 up to 0.6. For this research, three different categories for water-cement ratios were used during testing phase: 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6.

2.2.3 Aggregates
Aggregates are broken down into two main categories, which are coarse and fine aggregates. Coarse aggregates in general are larger than 2 mm in diameter and fine aggregates are defined to be smaller than 2 mm. Aggregates that are used in concrete have to pass the standards set in ASTM. The economics part of concrete is to use as little cement as possible and still obtain the required strength. Thus, when concrete is formed, the coarse aggregates with its large volume would make up a large portion of the concrete. The fine aggregates would fill in the voids created form the coarse aggregate and reduce the amount of cement required.

If only coarse aggregates are used then there would be voids between the particles and the voids created would be filled with cement paste. Thus fine aggregates are used to fill those voids. In essence, the goal is to produce a concrete mixture that has the least amount of void spaces thus using less cement paste to fill the voids between the particles. When fresh aggregates are used to mix concrete, the aggregates themselves also contain some moisture either from water condensing on the particles or the aggregates was washed in some way with water. Accordingly, there are four distinct states that the aggregates can be in [14].

Oven dry aggregates would absorb water to fill its own internal voids and in doing so would reduce the water cement ratio. If this occurs, then the hydration process is not permitted to continue and the strength of the concrete mix would be reduced by a considerable amount. Air dry aggregates would absorb some water but not to an extraneous degree like the oven dry aggregates. The surface would appear dry and thus some water is absorbed and reduces the water cement ratio. Thus the strength of the concrete is reduced by a small amount. Saturated dry surface aggregates have their internal voids fill with water and thus cannot absorb any more water. These aggregates would keep the water cement ratio constant and the concrete would retain its full strength.

Aggregates have their internal voids and surface area saturated with water. Instead of absorbing water, the aggregates would add water to the mixture and in doing so; the water cement ratio is increased, decreasing the strength of the concrete. For this research the water content for the aggregates was prepared under the saturated surface dried (SSD) condition in order to avoid any possible over or under estimation of water content due to moisture absorption by the mixed aggregates, and also to guarantee the true efficiency of the different water-cement ratios used for preparing the concrete mix.

2.3 Waste Glass

Theoretically, glass is a fully recyclable material; it can be recycled without any loss of quality. There are many examples of successful recycling of waste glass: as a cullet in glass production, as raw material for the production of abrasives, in sand-blasting, as a pozzolanic additive, in road beds, pavement and parking lots, as raw materials to produce glass pellets or

beads used in reflective paint for highways, to produce fiberglass, and as fractionators for lighting matches and firing ammunition [10]. Waste glass can also be produced from empty glass bottles and pots, and come in several distinct colors containing common liquids and other substances. This waste glass is usually crushed into small pieces that resemble the sizes of gravels and sands. Therefore - as an alternative - there is a potential to partially replace the concrete mix aggregate with waste glass due to the lack of natural recourses in Gaza Strip.

In its original form, glass comes as a balanced combination from three main raw natural materials: sand, silica, and limestone, in addition to a certain percentage of recycled waste glass utilized in the manufacturing process. The glass recycling process produces a crushed glass product called "cullet", which is often mixed with virgin glass materials to produce new end products. Table 2.1 lists some of approximate compositions and the corresponding uses of various common forms of glass. [11]

Table 2.1: Approximate compositions and the corresponding uses of various common forms of glass

Type of Glass

Composition (by weight) 73% Silica 14% Soda 9% Lime 3.7% Magnesia 0.3% Alumina 81% Silica 12% Boron Oxide 4% Soda 3% Alumina 57% Silica 31% Lead Oxide 12% Potassium Oxide 64.5% Silica 24.5% Alumina 10.5% Magnesia 0.5% Soda



Glass Widows Bottles Jars


Pyrex Cookware Laboratory Glassware

Lead (Crystal)

Lead Crystal Tableware


Fiberglass Insulation Halogen Bulbs

Despite the fact that glass materials can be recycled forever and the same glass can be recycled so many times over to produce various products, but, in order to keep producing the best end product the recycled materials must be of a high quality. Therefore, continuous

residual amounts of waste glass resulting from construction deteriorations, domestic and medical disposals, and industrial output junk materials are still cumulating and hence need to be land filled or reused in concrete mixes as a partial substitute for coarse aggregates and/or fine aggregates. [12]

Technically, glasses are usually manufactured in the form of tubes, rods, hollow vessels and a variety of special shapes, as well as flat glass and granulate for use mainly in chemistry, laboratory technology, pharmaceuticals, optoelectronics, various domestic uses, and household appliance technology. For the purposes of classification, the multitude of technical glasses can be roughly arranged in four main groups, according to their oxide composition (in weight percent).

Borosilicate glasses is the first main category with the presence of substantial amounts of silica (SiO2) and boric oxide (B2O3 > 8%) as glass network formers. The amount of boric oxide affects the glass properties in a particular way. Apart from the highly resistant varieties (B2O3 13%) there are others that due to the different way in which the boric oxide is incorporated into the structural network have only low chemical resistance (B2O3 > 15%). Secondly, the Alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses are free of alkali oxides and contain 15 25% Al2O3, 52 60% SiO2, and about 15% alkaline earths. Very high transformation temperatures and softening points are typical features. Main fields of application are glass bulbs for halogen lamps, display glasses, high-temperature thermometers, thermally and electrically highly loadable film resistors and combustion tubes.

Alkali-lead silicate glasses are the third main category and such glasses typically contain over 10% lead oxide (PbO). Lead glasses containing 2030% PbO, 5458% SiO2 and about 14% alkalis are highly insulating and therefore of great importance in electrical engineering. They are used in lamp stems and lead oxide is also of great importance as an X-ray protective component (radiation shielding glass and cathode ray tube components).

The last category is the oldest glass type and nominally the Alkali alkaline-earth silicate glasses (soda-lime glasses). It comprises flat glasses (window glass) and container glasses, which are produced in large batches. Such glasses contain about 15% alkali (usually Na2O), 13 16% alkaline earths (CaO+MgO), 02% Al2O3 and about 71% SiO2. Variants of the

basic composition can also contain significant amounts of BaO with reduced alkali and alkaline-earth content [13].

2.4 Previous Studies

Meyer et al. [4] discussed the various steps that need to be taken by recyclers to collect the glass, separate it from the other materials, clean it and crush it to obtain the appropriate grading to meet the specifications for specific applications as aggregate in concrete, either in commodity products, with the only objective being to utilize as much glass as possible, or in value-added products that make full use of the physical and esthetic properties of color-sorted crushed glass.

The potential applications are basically limitless, and it is expected that commercial production of specialty glass concrete products will have a major impact on the economics of glass recycling throughout the United States.

Zainab and Enas [7] investigated the properties of concretes containing waste glass as fine aggregate. The strength properties and the alkali silica reaction (ASR) expansion were analyzed in terms of waste glass content. An overall quantity of 80 kg of crushed waste glass was partially replacing sand at 10%, 15%, and 20% within a 900 kg of concrete mixes. The results proved 80% pozzolanic strength activity given by waste glass after 28 days.

The flexural strength and compressive strength of specimens with 20% waste glass content were 10.99% and 4.23%, respectively, higher than the ordinary control specimen results at 28 days. The mortar bar tests showed that the fine crushed waste glass helped reduce expansion of concrete by 66% as compared with the ordinary control mix.

Topu and Canbaz [5] considered waste glass as coarse aggregates in the concrete mix. The effects of waste glass on workability and strength of the concrete with fresh and hardened concrete tests were analyzed. As a result of the study conducted, waste glass was determined not to have a significant effect upon the workability of the concrete and only slightly in the reduction of its strength.


Waste glass cannot be used as aggregate without taking into account its ASR properties. As for cost analysis, it was determined to lower the cost of concrete productions. This study considered the fact that waste glass could be used in the concrete as coarse aggregates without the need for a high cost or rigorous energy.

Topu et al. [6] stated in their study that the use of waste glass or glass cullet (GC) as concrete aggregate is becoming more widespread each day because of the increase in resource efficiency. Recycling of wastes is very important for sustainable development. When glass is used as aggregate in concrete or mortar, expansions and internal stresses occur due to an ASR. Furthermore, rapid loss in durability is generally observed due to extreme crack formation and an increase in permeability.

It is necessary to use some kind of chemical or mineral admixture to reduce crack formation. In their study, mortar bars were produced by using three different colors of glass in four different quantities as fine aggregate by weight, and the effects of these glass aggregates on ASR were investigated, corresponding to ASTM C-1260. Additionally, in order to reduce the expansions of mortars, 10% and 20% fly ash (FA) as mineral admixture and 1% and 2% Li2CO3 as chemical admixture were incorporated by weight in the cement and their effects on expansion are examined. It was observed that among white (WG), green (GG) and brown glass (BG) aggregates, WG aggregate causes the greatest expansion.

In addition, it was recorded that concrete mix expansion increases with an increase in amount of glass. According to the test results, it was seen that over 20% FA and 2% Li2CO3 replacements are required to produce mortars which have expansion values below the 0.2% critical value when exposed to ASR. However, usages of these admixtures reduce expansions occurring because of ASR.

Kou and Poon [8] investigated the effects of recycled glass cullet on fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete. Recycled glass was used to replace river sand (in proportions of 10%, 20% and 30%), and 10 mm granite (5%, 10% and 15%) in making the self-compacting concrete mixes.

The experimental results showed that the slump flow, blocking ratio, air content of the recycled glass self-compacting concrete mixes increased with increasing recycled glass

content. The results revealed that the compressive strength, tensile splitting strength and static modulus of elasticity of the recycled glass self-compacting concrete mixes were decreased with an increase in recycled glass aggregate content. Moreover, the drying shrinkage of the recycled glass self-compacting concrete mixes decreased when the recycled glass content increased.

Saccani and Bignozzi [9] studied the ASR expanding behavior of different types of glass which was derived from cullet with different chemical composition. The glass reactivity was determined in different alkaline solutions based on sodium and/or calcium hydroxide to simulate concrete environment. The expansion of mortar containing different amounts of the investigated glass as fine aggregate has been carried out in different conditions.

An attempt to link the behavior to the solubility and chemical reactivity of the glass was proposed along with the hereafter conclusions. The main conclusions from their experimental research study carried out can be as follows: i) glass chemical composition strongly influences the expansion behavior of mortar samples containing cullet as aggregate.

In view of glass recycle broadening, expanding compositions should be determined and selective procedures introduced for the treatment of post-consumer glass; ii) the investigated experimental conditions highlight that the lead-silicate glass (CR) always leads to critical expanding conditions for the relevant mortar samples; iii) a direct correlation between glass solubility and mortar expansion has been underlined and a buffering effect of Ca2+ towards glass solubility has been confirmed.

The solubility process involves homogeneous network dissolution in the CR glass, whereas detaching layers are formed in all the other glass types. The solubility of borosilicate glass (BS-A) is strongly influenced by the presence of Fe, Ba and Ti oxides; and iv) ASR gel compositions, as determined by the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), depend on chemical composition of the original glass used as aggregate. The electrical charge and dimension of the ions in the gel are important parameters in determining its characteristics, such as the swelling capacity.

Federico and Chidiac [14] investigated the incorporation of waste bottle glass into concrete mixes as a supplementary cementing material and concluded that the pozzolanic properties of

waste glass as an ASR are related to particle size and percent addition. In addition, lithium additives control ASR expansion; however, the mechanism of this control has yet to be defined.

Idir et al. [15] stated that the demand for recycled glass has considerably decreased in recent years, particularly for mixed glass. Glass is cheaper to store than to recycle, as conditioners require expenses for the recycling process. In order to provide a sustainable solution to glass storage, a potential and incentive way would be to reuse this type of glass in concretes.

Depending on the size of the glass particles used in concrete, two antagonistic behaviors can be observed: alkalisilica reaction, which involves negative effects, and pozzolanic reaction, improving the properties of concrete. Their work dealt with the use of fine particles of glass and glass aggregates in mortars, either separately or combined.

Two parameters based on standardized tests were studied: pozzolanic assessment by mechanical tests on mortar samples and alkali-reactive aggregate characteristics and fines inhibitor evaluations by monitoring of dimensional changes. It is shown that there is no need to use glass in the form of fines since no swelling due to alkalisilica reaction is recorded when the diameter of the glass grains is less than 1 mm. Fine glass powders having specific surface areas within the range from (180 to 540) m 2/kg reduced the expansions of mortars subjected to ASR, especially when glass aggregates of diameters larger than 1 mm are used. This study aimed to evaluate the preventive role of pozzolanic glass fines in counteracting the deleterious effect of alkali-reactive glass aggregates. It has been shown that in his study that the use of both types of glass particles is pertinent.

The main results were: i) only glass classes of more than 1 mm gave expansions related to ASR; ii) the use of glass fines led to the reduction of mortar expansion due to coarse particles; moreover, fines increased the compressive strength of mortars; and iii) no excessive crushing of glass fines was needed since the quantity of fines was the main parameter controlling the reduction of expansion due to coarse glass aggregates. It is thus preferable to use 40% of class C5 (D50 of 120 m) rather than 20% of class C8 (D50 of 8 m).


Caijun and Keren [16] reviewed the three possible uses of waste glasses in production of cement and concrete, where their results can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the use of waste glasses as concrete aggregates has a slight negative effect on the workability, strength and freezing-thawing resistance of cement concrete. However, the main concern is expansion and cracking of the concrete containing glass aggregates. It needs to control the pH of the system below 12 in order to prevent potential corrosion of glass aggregates and expansion of the concrete, which may be achieved by the replacement of Portland cement with pozzolanic materials such as fly ash, silica fume and meta-kaolin,

Secondly, waste glasses cans be used as raw materials for cement production as siliceous sources. However, it will increase the liquid content in the clinker, results in the formation of some Na-compounds and increase in the alkali content in the cement. The effect will be dependent on the amount of waste glass used. If the percentage of waste glass used in the raw materials is low, the effects can be very minimal.

Finally, ground glass powders exhibit very good pozzolanic reactivity and can be used as cement replacement. As expected, its pozzolanic reactivity increases as its finesses increase. Alkalis in the glass powder can cause alkali-aggregate reaction and expansion if aggregates are alkali-reactive. Results from ASTM C-1260 testing indicate that the alkaliaggregate reaction expansion decreases as glass replacement increases, and will be under the deleterious limit if the glass replacement is 50% or more. The combined use of other supplementary cementing materials such as coal fly ash, ground blast furnace slag and meta-kaolin can also decrease the expansion from alkaliaggregate reaction. Lithium salt can be a very effective additive to prevent the alkaliaggregate reaction expansion of concrete containing glass powders.

Wang [17] studied the recycling of discarded liquid crystal display (LCD) glass into concrete (LCDGC) when replacing a portion of the usual river sand by sand prepared from discarded LCD glass. Three different mix designs were regulated by the ACI method and categorized as (fc28 = 21, 28, and 35 MPa) with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% LCD glass sand replacements investigated; their engineering properties were determined. Test results revealed that, when compared to the design slump of 15 cm, the 20% glass sand concrete for the three different mix designs kept good slump and slump flow.


In addition, a slump loss ranging from 7 to 11 cm was observed for specimens with 60% and 80% glass sand replacement for the design strengths of 28 and 35 MPa. The compressive strengths of the concrete with glass sand replacement were higher than the design strengths. Moreover, the durability of the concrete with 20% glass sand replacement was better than that of the control group.

Surface resistivity for specimens with different amounts of LCD glass sand replacement was also higher than that in the control group for mid to long curing ages. The sulfate attack in concrete with different amounts of glass sand replacement caused less weight loss than in the control group. Moderate chloride ion penetration was observed for glass sand concrete.

Furthermore, the measured ultrasonic pulse velocities for LCD glass sand concrete specimens were higher than 4100 m/s, which qualified these specimens as good concrete. OM and SEM indicate that the dense CSH gel hydrate was produced at the interface between the glass sand and cement paste. The test results indicate that the addition of 20% LCD glass sand to concrete satisfies the slump requirements and improves the strength and durability of concrete. This suggests that LCD glass sand can potentially be used as a recycled material in concrete applications.

Palmquist [18] made use of glass, in crushed or cullet form, as another type of recycled material, as an aggregate in concrete. This recycled material has been studied in concrete masonry blocks, and tests on concrete with glass aggregate, including workability, permeability, and shear strength, have been performed to determine the suitability of the material in construction. Glass aggregates in comparison to natural aggregates are stiff with high elastic moduli, but the smooth flat surfaces of the crushed glass cause the bond between the glass and the cement paste to be poor. As a result, the compressive strength of the concrete with glass aggregate is lower than the concrete with natural aggregate.

Another factor, which lowers compressive strength and causes excessive lateral expansion, is the strong reaction between alkali cement and the reactive silica in glass. However, the elastic modulus of concrete with glass aggregate is higher than the concrete with natural aggregate due to the high elastic modulus of the glass aggregate as compared to the modulus of the natural aggregate.


Davorin [19] experimental study highlighted the issue of constructing and recycling lightweight concrete (LWC) with aggregates containing expanded glass. The characteristics of recycling LWC such as density, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity are investigated, and compared with normal existing concrete from lightweight aggregates.

The results indicated that it is possible to recycle LWC construction waste, and the described method showed great possibilities for increasing the use of construction waste materials from LWC containing expanded glass, in order to benefit from better use of the available capacity from existing construction waste.

The engineering characteristics of density, compressive strength and thermal conductivity from the new recycled material were compared with normal existing concrete from lightweight aggregates, such as changes in dependency on the type and parts of waste as well as its new binding components. Thus, a new recycled material has been created with new characteristics of density, compressive strength and thermal conductivity, which is conform to the compressive strength class and rules on heat protection and energy efficiency use in buildings.

Laboratory density, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity tests results showed that LWC can be produced by the use of waste LWC with aggregates containing expanded glass. However, the use of waste LWC with aggregates containing expanded glass seems to be necessary for the production of cheaper and environmentally friendly LWC [19].

In the research of Lee et al. [20], waste glass and stone fragments from stone slab processing are recycled as raw materials for making artificial stone slabs using vibratory compaction in a vacuum environment. Waste glass powder (40%) and fine granite aggregates (60%) are mixed with unsaturated polymer resins (8%) as binder.

Under compaction pressure of 14.7 MPa, vibration frequency of 33.3 Hz and vacuum condition at 50 mm Hg, artificial stone slabs with high compressive strength of 148.8 MPa, water absorption below 0.02%, density of 2.445, and exural strength of 51.1 MPa are obtained after 2 min compaction. The artificial stone slabs fabricated in this study prove to be superior to natural construction slabs in terms of strength and water absorption.


Park [21] et al. reported that the quantities of waste glass have been on the rise in recent years due to an increase in industrialization and the rapid improvement in the standard of living. Unfortunately, the majority of waste glass is not being recycled but rather abandoned, and is therefore the cause of certain serious problems such as the waste of natural resources and environmental pollution.

For these reasons, this study has been conducted through basic experimental research in order to analyze the possibilities of recycling waste glasses (crushed waste glasses from Korea such as amber, emerald green, flint, and mixed glass) as fine aggregates for concrete. Test results of fresh concrete show that both slump and compacting factors are decreased due to angular grain shape and that air content is increased due to the involvement of numerous small-sized particles that are found in waste glasses.

In addition the compressive, tensile and flexural strengths of concrete have been shown to decrease when the content of waste glass is increased. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that emerald green waste glass when used below 30% in mixing concrete is practical along with usage of 10% SBR latex. In addition, the content of waste glasses below 30% is practical along with usage of a pertinent admixture that is necessary to obtain workability and air content.

Hong [22] et al. investigated and stated that the increasing awareness of glass recycling speeds up inspections on the use of waste glass with different forms in various fields. One of its significant contributions is to the construction field where the waste glass was reused for value-added concrete production. Literature survey indicates that the use of waste glass as aggregates in concrete was first reported over 50 years ago.

The concomitant ASR by using glass in concrete and its unique aesthetic properties have been investigated since then. However, no complete solution to ASR has been found and the application of glass in architectural concrete still needs improving.

Laboratory experiments were conducted in the University of Sheffield to further explore the use of waste glass as coarse and fine aggregates for both ASR alleviation as well as the decorative purpose in concrete. Their research presented mainly the latter aspect, in which study, both fresh and hardened properties of architectural concrete were tested.

Results demonstrated that the use of waste glass as aggregate facilitates the development of concrete towards a high architectural level besides its high performances, thereafter, the increasing market in industry.

2.5 Concluding Remarks

The previous studies showed that lot of efforts have been done for investigating the effect of using waste glass materials as a component in the concrete mix, but all of them are trying to conform the situation and the relevant specifications in their local areas. This research aims to implement a similar task but with applying the available locally used materials.



3.1 Introduction
The experimental program for this research study is primarily concerned with investigating the potential usefulness of using waste glass in the concrete mixes. Currently, the waste glass generated in Gaza Strip is treated like any other solid waste material and thrown away into the dump areas. Waste glass usually is produced from empty glass containers and different construction and reconstruction remains and waste materials. The waste glass is to be crushed into small pieces that resemble the size of gravel and sand. Then the crushed glass is mixed into fresh concrete and then observing the effect of recycled crushed glass on the compressive properties of concrete.

The idea is that the glass can be used as an aggregate in the concrete mix by replacing some of the natural aggregates such as gravel and sand. Thus, the possible benefits are as follows: less glass is thrown away saving landfill space, besides the use of fewer natural aggregates as main components of concrete mixes would save time and money. The experimental program of the current research was carried out to explore the effect of using crushed waste glass as an aggregate component in the fresh concrete mixes on the compressive properties of hardened concrete following the testing procedure specifications from The American Standard of Testing Materials (ASTM).

All materials used in this study are locally available. Portland cement is to be used in this investigation with the fine aggregate as desert originated natural sand of 4.75 mm maximum particle diameter, with 20%, 40%, and 60% of fine crushed waste glass as a partial replacement for fine aggregate. In addition to the natural crushed stone aggregate with a maximum size of 20 mm, coarse crushed waste glass is to be used in this work as a portion of 20%, 40%, and 60% for the coarse aggregates. The concrete mixes are to be cured for 7 days and 28 days testing.


3.2 Properties of Aggregates

Figures 3.1 and 3.2 show samples of various types of coarse and fine natural aggregates that were used for composing the concrete mixes throughout the experimental testing program for this research study.

Figure 3.1: Sample of the natural coarse aggregate for concrete mix

Figure 3.2: Samples of the natural medium and fine aggregate for concrete mix


Sieve analyses of representative samples for the naturally originated aggregates to be used in the concrete mix are governed by the ASTM standards and the sieves used were the standard U.S. sieves. Tables 3.1 and 3.2 present results of the sieve analysis of the two samples of coarse and fine aggregates, respectively, and the grain size distribution curves for the two tests are also shown in Figures 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. The aggregate materials showed Sshaped curves indicating well graded materials.
Table 3.1: Summary of sieve analysis data for coarse aggregates.

Sieve Size Mm 76 50 37.5 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075 Coarse 100 100 100 97.6 29.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

% Passing Medium 100 100 100 100 99.3 88.2 17.2 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Fine 100 100 100 100 100 100 98.8 11.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1


Figure 3.3: Grain size distribution curve of coarse aggregates

Table 3.2: Summary of sieve analysis data for fine aggregates.

Sieve Size Mm 76 50 37.5 25 19 12.5 9.5

% Passing 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Sieve Size Mm 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075

% Passing 100 100 99 92 51 8 3


Figure 3.4: Grain size distribution curve of fine aggregates

3.3 Waste Glass

The waste glass materials used throughout this experimental study were gathered from the disposals of reconstruction and building demolishing projects in Gaza Strip. These materials were primarily originated from pure and clear glass windows. The whole quantity was cleaned out of the dirt materials and impurities, and then crushed in crushing machines into different particles sizes, as illustrated in Figures 3.5 and 3.6.

Then the same standard procedure was then applied to conduct another sieve analysis representative samples of waste glass and according to the ASTM specifications, the samples were grouped under coarse and fine sized glass, and the results of sieving the two samples are listed in Tables 3.3 and 3.4, and the grain size distribution curves for the two tests are shown in Figures 3.7 and 3.8, respectively. Waste glass materials showed S-shaped curves indicating well graded materials.

The sieve analyses revealed that most of the coarse waste glass material was within the range between 1 mm to 7 mm in particle size diameter with a fairly good gradation pattern, and the


Figure 3.5: Waste glass materials as collected before crushing and sieving

Figure 3.6: Crushing of waste glass to coarse and fine sizes 25

nominal maximum particle size diameter was 9.5 mm. While for fine waste glass materials, the analyses showed that most of the coarse waste glass material was within the range between 0.2 mm to 2.5 mm in particle size diameter with a very good gradation pattern, and the nominal maximum particle size diameter was 4.75 mm.

Table 3.3: Summary of sieve analysis data for coarse waste glass

Sieve Size Mm 76 50 37.5 25 19 12.5 9.5

% Passing 100 100 100 100 100 99 95

Sieve Size Mm 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075

% Passing 72 30 12 5 2 1 0

Figure 3.7: Grain size distribution of coarse waste glass


Table 3.4: Summary of sieve analysis data for fine waste glass

Sieve Size Mm 76 50 37.5 25 19 12.5 9.5

% Passing 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Sieve Size mm 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075

% Passing 97 80 49 30 15 5 2

Figure 3.8: Grain size distribution of fine waste glass


3.4 Testing Program

For the testing program, a series of 144 standard compressive tests were conducted with variable controlling factors: water-cement ratio, coarse waste glass content, and fine waste glass content. The reference testing samples for comparison purposes were the B300 Portland Cement Type I mix with no waste glass content, and all the tests were done for 7-days compressive strength and 28-days compressive strength accompanied by a slump flow test for each case sample. Tables 3.5 and 3.6 summarize the entire testing plan conducted within this research, and note that each group in this list comprises of 3 samples for conducting the compressive strength and the slump tests.

The main idea behind subdividing each testing group into 3 samples is to ensure the optimum level of credibility for the output data points, and to create a real margin of excluding extremely odd data points so as to reach a higher level of representative data base for the analysis phase. Some of the test results were rejected for being highly abnormal, and the tests were repeated for these samples under the categorized parameters.

A total number of 198 testing data points was used after controlling the compiled testing cases from data quality and completeness points of views, Reasons lying for filtering out some of the data points were as: i) samples with improper treating and/or testing procedures, and ii) tests with very abnormal outcomes.

Then, the testing program will continue but with focusing only on the two mixes with optimal output results. An extra series of 54 tests will be conducted for determining the pull out strength, the flexural strength, and the splitting resistance for the two optimal concrete mixes.

3.4.1 Pull-out strength

This test method follows the ASTM C-900-06 procedure and covers the determination of the pullout strength of hardened concrete by measuring the force required to pull an embedded 12 mm diameter corrugated steel bar inserted into fresh concrete mix specimen. This test method does not provide statistical procedures to estimate other strength properties.


3.4.2 Flexural strength

The flexural test measures the force required to bend a beam under three point loading conditions. The data is often used to select materials for parts that will support loads without flexing. Flexural modulus is used as an indication of a materials stiffness when flexed. This test method follows the ASTM D-790 procedure where the 101050 cm3 hardened concrete specimen lies on two 40 cm apart supporting spans and the load is applied to the center by the loading nose producing three points bending at a specified rate till failure.

3.4.3 Splitting strength

The splitting tensile strength test is used in the design of structural concrete members to evaluate the shear resistance provided by concrete and to determine the development length of the steel reinforcement. This test method follows the ASTM C-496 procedure where the cylindrical hardened concrete specimens with 15 cm diameter and 30 cm length are loaded longitudinally till failure.

3.5 Concrete Job Mixes

Throughout the laboratory program of this research, the standard B300 concrete mix was used as a reference for testing the glass-free concrete mixes, and then for determining the various job mixes listed in Table 3.5 and Table 3.6 with varying the contents of coarse and fine waste glass, respectively. Table 3.7 lists the specific gravities of all the raw components of the concrete mixes for this testing program. This is an important starting step for determining the mass of fine and coarse waste glass to be included in the concrete mix according to the assigned portion of waste glass for each testing trial.

Then Tables 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 respectively summarize the mix properties of the standard B300 concrete job mix without any waste glass content for three various water/cement ratios. These ratios are meant to cover the most widely applicable in the engineering practice in Gaza Strip, which is from 0.4 up to 0.6. It should be mentioned that these job mixes were as per the approved standards and specifications of ASTM C136 and ASTM C 33-03.


Table 3.5: Experimental testing program of concrete with coarse waste glass

Group # GC4-0 GC4-2 GC4-4 GC4-6 GC5-0 GC5-2 GC5-4 GC5-6 GC6-0 GC6-2 GC6-4 GC6-6


Coarse Waste Glass 0.0


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6



Table 3.6: Experimental testing program of concrete with fine waste glass

Group # GF4-0 GF4-2 GF4-4 GF4-6 GF5-0 GF5-2 GF5-4 GF5-6 GF6-0 GF6-2 GF6-4 GF6-6


Fine Waste Glass 0.0


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6




Table 3.7: Specific Gravities of Concrete Mix Raw Components for B 300

Component Cement Coarse Aggregate Medium Aggregate Fine Aggregate Waste Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content

GS 3.15 2.67 2.62 2.63 2.50 2.62 1.00 1.20 0.00

Table 3.8: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = zero

Component Cement Coarse Agg.

Size Mm Type I 25

Condition Dry SSD

Weight kg/m3 320.00 640.00

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397

Remarks Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Med. Agg.





Fine Agg.





W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content

10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap Super Flow Air Total

SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

0.00 650.00 128.00 1.70 0.00 2349.70

0.0000 0.2481 0.1280 0.0014 0.0150 0.9661


Table 3.9: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = zero

Component Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content

Size mm Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap Super Flow Air Total

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

Weight kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 0.00 650.00 160.00 1.70 0.00 2381.70

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.0000 0.2481 0.1600 0.0014 0.0150 0.9981

Remarks Turkish Type I

Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass

Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Table 3.10: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = zero

Component Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content

Size mm Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap Super Flow Air Total

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

Weight kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 0.00 650.00 192.00 1.70 0.00 2413.70

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.0425 0.0000 0.2481 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 0.9357

Remarks Turkish Type I

Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass

Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air


After that in Appendix A, Tables A.1 through A.9 show various mix combinations for the same concrete mix but with several coarse waste glass contents for the previously assigned water/cement ratios. For each waste glass portion, the idea was to replace the stated portion as part of the coarse aggregates in the concrete mix, with maintaining the total volume of the coarse aggregates and the coarse waste glass in the mix as a constant amount.

Finally and also in Appendix A, Tables A.10 through A.18 show various mix combinations for the same concrete mix but this time with several fine waste glass contents, and also for the previously assigned water/cement ratios. For each fine glass portion, the stated portion was replaced as part of the fine aggregates in the concrete mix, but with maintaining the total volume of the fine aggregates including the fine waste glass in the mix as a constant amount.



4.1 Introduction
This main aim of this chapter is to obtain the fresh concrete workability and the hardened concrete compressive strength as the essentials for the analyses following the methodology targeting to highlight the usefulness of considering waste glass materials as a main component within the concrete mix. Proper treatment of uncertainties within the data analysis process required understanding the sources of errors for determining the final output results.

It is worthy to mention that for the sake of simplicity, some of the variables that may actually influence the hardened concrete compressive strength such as: various combinations of both coarse and fine waste glass within the concrete mix, the effect of different admixtures on concrete mixes containing waste glass, and the effect of waste glass material type and properties on the engineering properties of concrete, etc. are not considered within the scope of this research study, since those excluded variables may act as sources of errors for the resulting predictions and recommendations.

4.2 Testing program results

According to the experimental testing program set previously, the final output results for 24 different sample groups regarding slump values for fresh concrete and mass densities for hardened concrete are listed in Tables 4.1 and 4.3.

Moreover, the final output results for all the sample groups are listed in Tables 4.2 and 4.4 with 7-days compressive strengths for hardened concrete and 28-days compressive strengths for hardened concrete outcome results for each testing group. The following sections will analysis comprehensively all obtained results.


Table 4.1: Mass densities and workability values of concrete with several coarse waste glass contents

Group #

Density (kg/m3) 2387 2380 2365 2296 2387 2367 2312 2269 2395 2381 2353 2233

Slump (cm)

GC4-0 GC4-2 GC4-4 GC4-6 GC5-0 GC5-2 GC5-4 GC5-6 GC6-0 GC6-2 GC6-4 GC6-6

1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 9.5 6.5 5.0 2.0 23.5 22.0 18.5 15.0


Table 4.2: Compressive strength of concrete with several coarse waste glass contents

Compressive Strength (kg/cm2) Group # 7 - Days GC4-0 GC4-2 GC4-4 GC4-6 GC5-0 GC5-2 GC5-4 GC5-6 GC6-0 GC6-2 GC6-4 GC6-6 273 315 305 208 257 262 218 210 255 208 209 177 28 Days 321 382 370 280 323 338 311 260 320 278 260 228


Table 4.3: Mass densities and workability values of concrete with several fine waste glass contents

Group #

Density (kg/m3) 2387 2365 2340 2260 2387 2330 2322 2304 2395 2383 2352 2314

Slump (cm)

GF4-0 GF4-2 GF4-4 GF4-6 GF5-0 GF5-2 GF5-4 GF5-6 GF6-0 GF6-2 GF6-4 GF6-6

1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 9.5 9.0 8.0 3.0 24.0 23.5 22.0 21.0


Table 4.4: Compressive strength of concrete with several fine waste glass contents

Compressive Strength (kg/cm2) Group # 7 - Days GF4-0 GF4-2 GF4-4 GF4-6 GF5-0 GF5-2 GF5-4 GF5-6 GF6-0 GF6-2 GF6-4 GF6-6 273 301 241 190 257 241 233 228 255 205 212 193 28 - Days 321 399 319 304 323 318 302 300 320 275 265 232

4.3 Effect of replacing waste glass on concrete density

4.3.1 Coarse waste glass
Figures 4.1 and 4.2 illustrate the effect of coarse waste glass content into the concrete mix on the mass density of the hardened concrete for different water cements ratios. As a general outcome, it can be easily noticed that concrete mass density was inversely affected by the increase of water cement ratio. More specifically, for the concrete with water cement ratio of 0.6, the concrete mass density decreased when the portion of coarse waste glass exceeded 0.4.

Figure 4.1: Concrete density of coarse waste glass in the mix



Density (kg/m3)




2000 0.35







Water Cement Ratio

C. W. Glass = 0% C. W. Glass = 20% C. W. Glass = 40% "C. W. Glass = 60%"

Figure 4.2: Concrete density vs. water cement ratio


Figure 4.2 reveals that there is very small reduction in concrete density at 0.2 coarse waste glasses. This reduction in density is slightly increased at 0.4 and 0.6 content. The reduction in density reached 3.4% and 6.7% at 0.5 and 0.6 w/c ratios. Therefore it can be concluded that and at the tested w/c ratio, the effect of using waste glass on the mass density of concrete mix is considered as marginal.

The relation between mix density and w/c ratio at 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% coarse waste glass is presented in Figure 4.2. This figure shows that at 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 w/c ratio replacing the coarse aggregate by up to 40% of coarse waste glass does not affect the density of the mix significantly.

4.3.2 Fine waste glass

Figures 4.3 and 4.4 demonstrate the effect of fine waste glass content into the concrete mix on the mass density of the hardened concrete for different water cements ratios. As it can be easily noticed, the concrete mass density was inversely affected by the increase of water cement ratio. More specifically, for the concrete with water cement ratio of 0.4, the concrete mass density was adversely affected when the portion of fine waste glass exceeded 0.4.

Figure 4.3: Relation of concrete density with coarse waste glass percentage of several w/c ratio




Density (kg/m3)




2000 0.35







Water Cement Ratio

F. W. Glass = 0% F. W. Glass = 20% F. W. Glass = 40% F. W. Glass = 60%

Figure 4.4: Concrete mass density vs. water cement ratio

4.4 Effect of replacing waste glass on concrete workability

4.4.1 Coarse waste glass
Figures 4.5 and 4.6 illustrate the effect of coarse waste glass content respectively into the concrete mix on the workability of the fresh concrete mix expressed as the slump flow rate for different water-cement ratios. The data interpretation was done on two different bases: the waste glass content; and the mixing water cement ratio.

4.4.2 Fine waste glass

The effect of fine waste glass content into the concrete mix on the workability of the fresh concrete mix expressed as the slump flow rate for different water-cement ratios, as shown in Figures 4.7 and 4.8. The data interpretation was done on two different bases: the waste glass content, and the mixing water cement ratio. As it can be seen, the fresh concrete workability is inversely affected by the increase of water-cement ratio.


Figure 4.5: Slump test results vs. portion of coarse waste glass in the fresh mix



Slump (cm)



0 0.35







Water Cement Ratio

C. W. Glass = 0% C. W. Glass = 20% C. W. Glass = 40% "C. W. Glass = 60%"

Figure 4.6: Slump test results vs. water cement ratio


Figure 4.7: Slump test results vs. portion of fine waste glass in the fresh mix



Slump (cm)




0 0.35







Water Cement Ratio

F. W. Glass = 0% F. W. Glass = 20% F. W. Glass = 40% F. W. Glass = 60%

Figure 4.8: Slump test results vs. water cement ratio


4.5 Effect of replacing waste glass on concrete compressive strength

Figure 4.9 shows a typical hardened concrete sample after failure under the compressive loading test, which indicate that the failure mode is similar normal concrete failure.

Figure 4.9: Typical testing cube after failure for determining concrete compressive strength

4.5.1 Coarse waste glass

Figure 4.10 illustrates the effect of coarse waste glass content into the concrete mix on the 7days compressive strength of the hardened concrete for different water-cement ratios. It was observed that 7-days compressive strength is fairly improved at 0.4 w/c ratio with a portion of 0.3 coarse waste glass content, However 0.5 and 0.6 other than that, the concrete strength was adversely affected by using waste glass materials within the concrete mix with a reduction of concrete compressive strength.


Figure 4.10: 7-Days concrete compressive strength vs. portion of coarse waste glass in the mix

Figure 4.11 illustrates the effect of waste glass contents into the concrete mix on the 28-days compressive strength of concrete at different water-cement ratios. Resembling the behavior obtain for the 7-days compressive strength, it is clear that the hardened concrete 28-days compressive strength is fairly improved when using a water-cement ratio 0.4 at a content from zero up to 0.3 coarse waste glass. Other than that, the concrete strength was negatively affected by using waste glass materials within the mix for water cement ratio of 0.5 and 0.6. Finally, for comparison purposes, Figure 4.12combines the effect of different coarse waste glass contents into the concrete mix on both the 7-days and 28-days compressive strengths of the hardened concrete for different water-cement ratios. The age effect was as expected to enhance the level of concrete compressive strength for both cases of using waste glass materials within the mix.


Figure 4.11: 28-Days concrete compressive strength vs. portion of coarse waste glass in the mix


Compressive Strength


(kg/cm )



100 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Coarse Waste Glass Portion

w/c = 0.4 - 28 Days w/c = 0.4 - 7 Days w/c = 0.5 - 28 Days w/c = 0.5 - 7 Days w/c = 0.6 - 28 Days w/c = 0.6 - 7 Days

Figure 4.12: Concrete compressive strength vs. portion of coarse waste glass in the mix 46

4.5.2 Fine waste glass

Figure 4.13 shows the effect of fine waste glass content into the concrete mix on the 7-days compressive strength of the hardened concrete for different water-cement ratios. The output results interpretation was achieved on two different bases: the waste glass content; and the mixing water cement ratio. It was observed that the hardened concrete 7-days compressive strength is fairly improved at w/c ratio with a portion of 0.2 fine waste glass content. Other than that, the concrete strength was adversely affected by using waste glass materials within the concrete mix.

Figure 4.13: 7-Days concrete compressive strength vs. portion of fine waste glass in the mix

The effect of waste glass contents into the concrete mix on the 28-days compressive strength of concrete at different water-cement ratios, as shown in Figure 4.14. Resembling the behavior obtain for the 7-days compressive strength, it is clear that the hardened concrete 28days compressive strength is fairly improved when using a water-cement ratio 0.4 at a portion of 0.2 fine waste glass content. Other than that, the concrete strength was negatively affected by using waste glass materials within the mix.


Figure 4.14: 28-Days Concrete compressive strength vs. portion of fine waste glass in the mix

Finally, for comparison purposes, Figure 4.15 combines the effect of different fine waste glass contents into the concrete mix on both the 7-days and 28-days compressive strengths of the hardened concrete for different water-cement ratios. The age effect was as expected to enhance the level of concrete compressive strength for both cases of using waste glass materials within the mix.

4.6 Optimal waste glass contents in concrete mixes

The main goal of this research is to introduce the waste glass materials into the concrete mix for economic and environmental benefits, but with the improvement of the concrete compressive strength, or at least without losing the expected level of standard concrete mixes.

From the above mentioned output results and the corresponding illustrative figures, analyses using regression techniques and differentiation methods were performed focusing on the concrete mix samples with a water-cement ratio of 0.4.



Compressive Strength


(kg/cm )



100 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Fine Waste Glass Portion

w/c = 0.4 - 28 Days w/c = 0.4 - 7 Days w/c = 0.5 - 28 Days w/c = 0.5 - 7 Days w/c = 0.6 - 28 Days w/c = 0.6 - 7 Days

Figure 4.15: Concrete compressive strength vs. portion of fine waste glass in the mix

Table 4.5 summarizes the testing outcomes for the 7-days category for coarse waste glass, while Table 4.6 summarizes the testing outcomes for the 28-days category for coarse waste glass, respectively.

Table 4.5: Summary of the 7-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of coarse waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4

Group # 1 2 3 4

Coarse Waste Glass 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

7-Days Compressive Strength (kg/cm2) 273 315 305 208


Table 4.6: Summary of the 28-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of coarse waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4

Group # 1 2 3 4

Coarse Waste Glass 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

28-Days Compressive Strength (kg/cm2) 321 382 370 280

On the other hand, Table 4.7 summarizes the testing outcomes for the 7-days category for fine waste glass, while Table 4.8 summarizes the testing outcomes for the 28-days category for fine waste glass, respectively.

In engineering practice, the 7-days concrete compressive strength are considered as a preliminary indication for the expected final compressive strength of the concrete mix that would withstand the different actual loading conditions. Since the general behaviors, for the 7-days and 28-days compressive strengths and for both coarse and fine waste glass materials, are compatible to a considerable extent, then the analytical process will be emphasized on the final strength results, that are the 28-days compressive strength results.

Table 4.7: Summary of the 7-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of fine waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4

Group # 13 14 15 16

Fine Waste Glass 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

7-Days Compressive Strength (kg/cm2) 273 301 241 190


Table 4.8: Summary of the 28-days comprehensive strengths for concrete mix with different portions of fine waste glass and a water-cement ratio of 0.4

Group # 13 14 15 16

Fine Waste Glass 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

28-Days Compressive Strength (kg/cm2) 321 399 319 304

For concrete mixed with coarse waste glass as a partial occupant instead of coarse aggregates, and by referring to the data listed in Table 4.6, mathematical nonlinear regression and some numerical analysis methods were employed to conclude that the optimum value of coarse waste glass to be used within the concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.4 was determined as about 0.265, and the corresponding expected 28-days hardened concrete compressive strength was about 385 kg/cm2.

On the other hand, for concrete mixed with fine waste glass as a partial occupant instead of fine aggregates, and by referring to the data listed in Table 4.8, the same mathematical analytical procedure was followed to conclude that the optimum value of fine waste glass to be used within the concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.4 was estimated as almost 0.195, and the corresponding expected 28-days hardened concrete compressive strength was almost 400 kg/cm2.

The obtained optimum waste glass concrete proportion were used to implement the second phase of the testing program comprises testing waste glass concrete mix for pullout strength splitting strength, and flexural strength. The next sections focus only on the mixes with the two optimum value of waste and fine waste glass to be used, that were determine and discussed in the previous section. The behavior of these two optimal mixes is to be more highlighted by conducting pull-out tests, flexural tests, and splitting tests on three different groups of B-300 hardened concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.4: free of waste glass content, coarse waste glass content of 0.265, and fine waste glass content of 0.195.


4.7 Effect of waste glass on pull out strength

This test method follows the ASTM C-900-06 procedure and covers the determination of the pullout strength of hardened concrete by measuring the force required to pull an embedded 12 mm diameter corrugated steel bar inserted into fresh concrete mix specimen, as illustrated in Figures 4.16 through 4.20. This test method does not provide statistical procedures to estimate other strength properties.

4.7.1 Coarse waste glass

The test was conducted on 12 different samples, and the final output results are listed in Table 4.9. From the testing results, it can be concluded that the use of optimal coarse waste glass content in the concrete mix did not show significant effects on the pull-out strength.

Figure 4.16: Preparation of pull-out testing specimens


Figure 4.17: Hardened pull-out testing specimens

Figure 4.18: Pull-out testing apparatus and procedure


Figure 4.19: Illustration of pull-out testing specimen after failure

Table 4.9: Summary of the pull-out strength results with coarse waste glass content

Pull-out Strength (kN) Group # Sample # 7 - Days 1 2 G4-0 3 Average 1 2 GC4-0.265 3 Average 38.2 37.3 52.9 54.0 40.8 39.8 39.3 34.4 55.1 55.3 54.7 54.4 40.3 38.3 28 - Days 54.0 56.8


4.7.2 Fine waste glass

The test was conducted on 12 different samples, and the final output results are listed in Table 4.10. From the testing results, it can be concluded that the use of optimal fine waste glass content in the concrete mix did not show significant effects on the pull-out strength.

Table 4.10: Summary of the pull-out strength results with fine waste glass content

Pull-out Strength (kN) Group # Sample # 7 - Days 1 2 G4-0 3 Average 1 2 GF4-0.195 3 Average 33.1 35.2 57.6 56.6 40.8 39.8 37.2 35.3 55.1 55.3 55.4 56.8 40.3 38.3 28 - Days 54.0 56.8

4.8 Effect of waste glass on flexural strength

The flexural test measures the force required to bend a beam under three point loading conditions. The data is often used to select materials for parts that will support loads without flexing. Flexural modulus is used as an indication of a materials stiffness when flexed. This test method follows the ASTM D-790 procedure where the 101050 cm hardened concrete specimen lies on two 40 cm apart supporting spans and the load is applied to the center by the loading nose producing three points bending at a specified rate till failure, as illustrated in Figures 4.20 and 4.21.

Figure 4.20: Flexural strength testing apparatus

Figure 4.21: Illustration of flexural strength testing specimen after failure 56

4.8.1 Coarse waste glass

The test was conducted on 12 different samples, and the final output results are listed in Table 4.11. From the testing results, it can be concluded that the use of optimal coarse waste glass content in the concrete enhanced the flexural strength considerably.

Table 4.11: Summary of the flexural strength results with coarse waste glass content

Flexural Strength (kN/m2) Group # Sample # 7 - Days 1 2 3 Average 1 2 GC4-0.265 3 Average 1698.2 1658.1 1800.5 1817.4 1088.4 1034.4 1101.9 1074.9 1747.0 1529.1 28 - Days 1418.8 1461.9 1447.7 1442.8 1820.9 1830.8


4.8.2 Fine waste glass

The test was conducted on 12 different samples, and the final output results are listed in Table 4.12. From the testing results, it can be concluded that the use of optimal fine waste glass content in the concrete mix also enhanced the flexural strength considerably.

4.9 Effect of waste glass on splitting strength

The splitting tensile strength test is used in the design of structural concrete members to evaluate the shear resistance provided by concrete and to determine the development length

of the steel reinforcement. This test method follows the ASTM C-496 procedure where the cylindrical hardened concrete specimens with 15 cm diameter and 30 cm length are loaded longitudinally till failure, as illustrated in Figures 4.22 through Figure 4.24.

Table 4.12: Summary of the flexural strength results with fine waste glass content

Flexural Strength (kN/m2) Group # Sample # 7 - Days 1 2 G4-0 3 Average 1 2 GF4-0.195 3 Average 1594.0 1575.8 1821.1 1852.0 1101.9 1074.9 1588.4 1545.0 1447.7 1442.8 1888.3 1846.6 1088.4 1034.4 28 Days 1418.8 1461.9

Figure 4.22: Hardened splitting strength testing specimens


Figure 4.23: Splitting strength testing apparatus

Figure 4.24: Illustration of splitting strength testing specimens after failure


4.9.1 Coarse waste glass

The test was conducted on 12 different samples, and the final output results are listed in Table 4.13. From the testing results, it can be concluded that the use of optimal coarse waste glass content in the concrete mix reduced the splitting tensile strength of the mix slightly.

Table 4.13: Summary of the splitting strength results with coarse waste glass content

Splitting Strength (kN/m2) Group # Sample # 7 - Days 1 2 3 Average 1 2 GC4-0.265 3 Average 2840.8 2971.0 3299.5 3481.1 2941.1 3138.0 2867.5 2982.2 2901.6 3170.6 28 - Days 3953.3 3790.6 3821.7 3855.2 3411.7 3732.1


4.9.2 Fine waste glass

The test was conducted on 12 different samples, and the final output results are listed in Table 4.14. From the testing results, it can be concluded that the use of optimal fine waste glass content in the concrete mix reduced the splitting tensile strength of the mix slightly.


Table 4.14: Summary of the splitting strength results with fine waste glass content

Splitting Strength (kN/m2) Group # Sample # 7 - Days 1 2 G4-0 3 Average 1 2 GF4-0.195 3 Average 3057.0 2804.4 3255.5 3249.8 2867.5 2982.2 2726.3 2629.9 3821.7 3855.2 3309.2 3184.7 2941.1 3138.0 28 - Days 3953.3 3790.6



5.1 Summary
The primary objective of this research was to study the effect of waste glass content on the properties of concrete mixes when added as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. This objective was achieved through the following: 1) Identifying the effects of adding waste glass on the fresh properties of concrete mixes, 2) Studying the influence of waste glass on the hardened concrete properties. 3) Determining the optimum waste glass content to be included within the concrete mix as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. 4) Focusing on the concrete mixes with optimal waste glass contents by testing their pull out strength, flexural strength, and splitting resistance. These targets were reached by conducting a standard series of: slump, mass density,

compressive strength, pull out strength, flexural strength and splitting resistance tests. The output results obtained from this laboratory program showed reliable data points and promising further research horizons.

5.2 Conclusions
The following conclusions can be highlighted from the output of this research and can be summarized as follows:

5.2.1 Coarse waste glass

As a general outcome, it was noticed that the concrete mass density was decreased by the increase of water cement ratio. More specifically, for the concrete with water cement ratio of 0.6, the concrete mass density decreased when the portion of coarse waste glass exceeded 0.4.


The output results revealed that using coarse waste glass within the concrete mix lead to a considerable reduction in the mix workability for water cement ratios 0.5 and 0.6. Also, it was noticed that the coarse waste glass content almost did not affect the workability of the concrete mix at water cement ratio of 0.4.

For concrete mixed with coarse waste glass as a partial occupant instead of coarse aggregates, some numerical analysis methods were employed to conclude that the optimum value of coarse waste glass to be used within the concrete mix with a watercement ratio of 0.4 was determined as about 0.265, and the corresponding expected 28-days hardened concrete compressive strength was about 385 kg/cm2.

For concrete mixes containing the optimal portion of coarse waste glass content, it was concluded that there was negligible effects on the pull-out strength, considerable enhancement of the flexural strength, and slight reduction of the splitting tensile strength of the mix.

5.2.2 Fine waste glass

It was concluded that the concrete mass density was inversely affected by the increase of water cement ratio. In more specific manner, for the concrete with water cement ratio of 0.4, the concrete mass density was adversely affected when the portion of coarse waste glass exceeded 0.4.

The output results revealed that using fine waste glass within the concrete mix lead to a comparatively slight reduction in the mix workability for water cement ratios 0.5 and 0.6. Also, it was noticed that the coarse waste glass content almost did not affect the workability of the concrete mix at water cement ratio of 0.4.

For concrete mixed with fine waste glass as a partial occupant instead of fine aggregates, the same mathematical analytical procedure was followed to conclude that the optimum value of fine waste glass to be used within the concrete mix with a water-cement ratio of 0.4 was estimated as almost 0.195, and the corresponding expected 28-days hardened concrete compressive strength was almost 400 kg/cm2.

For concrete mixes containing the optimal portion of fine waste glass, it was concluded that there was negligible effects on the pull-out strength, considerable enhancement of the flexural strength, and slight reduction of the splitting tensile strength of the mix.

5.3 Future study

It is recommended for future studies for extending this research to a wider perspective in order to be able to consider more parameters and different combinations of parameters governing the effect on the behavior and engineering properties of fresh and hardened concrete containing different types and sizes of waste glass materials. This new research project is aiming to examine the results of this study, considering this phase as a threshold for exploring the facts in a more powerful and accurate manner.


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Appendix A


Table A.1: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = 0.2 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.4 0.2


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.0425 0.0944 0.2481 0.1280 0.0014 0.0150 0.9661 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air


320.00 640.00 250.00 111.78 236.00 650.00 128.00 1.70 0.00 2337.48

Air Total


Table A.2: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = 0.4 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.4 0.4


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0435 0.0000 0.1888 0.2481 0.1280 0.0014 0.0150 0.9661 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air


320.00 640.00 113.97 0.00 472.00 650.00 128.00 1.70 0.00 2325.67

Air Total


Table A.3: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = 0.6 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.4 0.6


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.1888 0.0000 0.0000 0.2832 0.2481 0.1280 0.0014 0.0150 0.9661 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 504.10 0.00 0.00 708.00 650.00 128.00 1.70 0.00 2311.80

Air Total


Table A.4: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = 0.2 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.5 0.2


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.0425 0.0944 0.2481 0.1600 0.0014 0.0150 0.9981 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 111.78 236.00 650.00 160.00 1.70 0.00 2369.48

Air Total


Table A.5: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = 0.4 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.5 0.4


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0435 0.0000 0.1888 0.2481 0.1600 0.0014 0.0150 0.9981 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 113.97 0.00 472.00 650.00 160.00 1.70 0.00 2357.67

Air Total


Table A.6: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = 0.6 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.5 0.6


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.1888 0.0000 0.0000 0.2832 0.2481 0.1600 0.0014 0.0150 0.9981 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 504.10 0.00 0.00 708.00 650.00 160.00 1.70 0.00 2343.80

Air Total


Table A.7: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = 0.2 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.6 0.2


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.0425 0.0944 0.2481 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 1.0301 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 111.78 236.00 650.00 192.00 1.70 0.00 2401.48

Air Total


Table A.8: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = 0.4 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.6 0.4


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0435 0.0000 0.1888 0.2481 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 1.0301 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 113.97 0.00 472.00 650.00 192.00 1.70 0.00 2389.67

Air Total


Table A.9: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = 0.6 - Coarse

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Coarse Waste Glass

0.6 0.6


Coarse Aggregate

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. W. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 10 to 25 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Volume m3 0.1016 0.1888 0.0000 0.0000 0.2832 0.2481 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 1.0301 Remarks
Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 504.10 0.00 0.00 708.00 650.00 192.00 1.70 0.00 2375.80

Air Total


Table A.10: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = 0.2 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.4 0.2

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.0496 0.1985 0.1280 0.0014 0.0150 0.9661

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 124.45 520.02 128.00 1.70 0.00 2344.17

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


Table A.11: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = 0.4 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.4 0.4

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.0992 0.1489 0.1280 0.0014 0.0150 0.9661

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air


Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 248.90 390.01 128.00 1.70 0.00 2338.61

Air Total


Table A.12: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.4 and Waste Glass = 0.6 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.4 0.6

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.1489 0.0992 0.1280 0.0014 0.0150 0.9661

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 373.34 260.01 128.00 1.70 0.00 2333.05

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


Table A.13: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = 0.2 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.5 0.2

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.0496 0.1985 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 1.0301

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 124.45 520.02 192.00 1.70 0.00 2408.17

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


Table A.14: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = 0.4 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.5 0.4

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.0992 0.1489 0.1600 0.0014 0.0150 0.9981

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 248.90 390.01 160.00 1.70 0.00 2370.61

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


Table A.15: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.5 and Waste Glass = 0.6 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.5 0.6

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.1489 0.0992 0.1600 0.0014 0.0150 0.9981

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 373.34 260.01 160.00 1.70 0.00 2365.05

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


Table A.16: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = 0.2 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.6 0.2

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.0496 0.1985 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 1.0301

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 124.45 520.02 192.00 1.70 0.00 2408.17

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


Table A.17: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = 0.4 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.6 0.4

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.0992 0.1489 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 1.0301

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 248.90 390.01 192.00 1.70 0.00 2402.61

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


Table A.18: Concrete Job Mix for B 300 with w/c = 0.6 and Waste Glass = 0.6 - Fine

Concrete Mix Design

B 300

w/c Fine Waste Glass

0.6 0.6

Weight Volume m3 0.1016 0.2397 0.0954 0.1369 0.1489 0.0992 0.1920 0.0014 0.0150 1.0301

Fine Sand

Size Component mm Cement Coarse Agg. Med. Agg. Fine Agg. FW. Glass Sand Water Additives Air Content Type I 25 20 10 0.1 to 0.6 0.1 to 0.6 Tap
Super Flow

Condition Dry SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Liquid Liquid Air

kg/m3 320.00 640.00 250.00 360.00 373.34 260.01 192.00 1.70 0.00 2397.05

Turkish Type I Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed Limestone Crushed W. Glass Gaza Dune Sand Factory Water Super Flow 3 Air

Air Total


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